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Hogwarts Legacy

Professor Sharp's Assignment 1 Walkthrough

Nathan Garvin
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After completing the main quest [Jackdaw’s Rest] you’ll be finally transitioning from the tutorial into the more open midgame, and to ensure you’re prepared for the challenges that await you, you’ll need to start dabbling into potions more aggressively. To this end, your benevolent potions instructor will give you an assignment, Professor Sharp’s Assignment 1. This page will cover how to complete Professor Sharp’s Assignment 1 by creating "Focus Potion" iconFocus Potions, "Maxima Potion" iconMaxima Potions and "Edurus Potion" iconEdurus Potions, including how to find ingredients like "Lacewing Flies" iconLacewing Flies, Fluxseed Stems, "Dugbog Tongue" iconDugbog Tongues, "Ashwinder Eggs" iconAshwinder Eggs, "Mongrel Fur" iconMongrel Fur, Leech Life and "Spider Fang" iconSpider Fangs.

How to Start Professor Sharp’s Assignment 1 in Hogwarts Legacy

Assignments usually gate main quest progress by withholding essential spells you need to proceed. In this case, Professor Sharp will teach you the "Depulso" iconDepulso spell for completing this assignment, but in a bit of an unusual turn, you won’t actually require it to advance any imminently upcoming main quests. That being the case, you can afford to take your time with this assignment, which is a good thing, because you’ll need to spend some money to complete the goals he’s set for you.

Instead of doing all the work brewing your own potions, you can just buy them from !J. Pippin’s Potions.

Buying Focus, Edurus and Maxima Potions

By far the fastest and easiest way to complete this quest is to simply buy all three potions you need from "J. Pippin's Potions" iconJ. Pippin’s Potions. It’ll cost a combined 1,100Galleon.png for all three potions, but saves a lot of running around. If you do this, just skip on ahead to the quest’s solution, below. If you’d rather brew all three potions, it’ll cost even more money and take a lot longer, but once you’ve done all the work establishing your potion brewing capacity, you’ll be able to brew these potions as relatively little cost - it’s really a matter of short-term expedience versus long-term self sufficiency.

Potions Cost
"Focus Potion" iconFocus Potion 500Galleon.png
"Edurus Potion" iconEdurus Potion 300Galleon.png
"Maxima Potion" iconMaxima Potion 300Galleon.png

(1 of 2) You can buy the recipe for !Focus Potions from !J. Pippin’s Potions.

You can buy the recipe for !Focus Potions from !J. Pippin’s Potions. (left), To craft it, you’ll need !Lacewing Flies, a !Fluxweed Stem and a !Dugbog Tongue. (right)

How to Craft Focus Potions in Hogwarts Legacy

A useful potion that reduces your spell cooldowns, you must buy this recipe from J. Pippin’s Potions shop in Hogsemeade, which will set you back 1,200Galleon.png - a hefty sum, by any accounts. If you need some help raising funds, check out the How To Farm Gold Fast In Hogwarts Legacy page. Once you have the recipe, you’ll still need the following ingredients:

Where to Find Lacewing Flies in Hogwarts Legacy

A common ingredient, you can buy them from J. Pippin’s potion shop for 100Galleon.png each, or you can save yourself some money and search for them in the fields northeast of "Hogsmeade" iconHogsmeade. Just look out for yellowish bushes teeming with glowing motes of light. They often come in clusters, making them pretty easy to spot and scoring you several units of Lacewing Flies at a time. You can find some of these bushes right next to the East "Hogsmeade Valley" iconHogsmeade Valley Floo Flame.

(1 of 4) You can buy potting tables with large pots from the !Tomes and Scrolls shop.

Where to Find Fluxweed Stems in Hogwarts Legacy

Probably the most troublesome ingredient to get for this entire assignment, these plants can only be grown, not found out in the wild. Worse still, the pot you have access to at the Greenhouse in Hogwarts is not sufficient, you’ll need a herbology table with Large Pots. You can buy a conjuration scroll that’ll create such a table from the "Tomes and Scrolls" iconTomes and Scrolls shop in Hogsmeade, but it’ll set you back either 1,000Galleon.png or 3,000Galleon.png

Spellcraft Large Pots Cost
Potting Table with a Large Pot One Large Pot 1000Galleon.png
Potting Table with Two Large Pots Two Large Pots 3000Galleon.png

You must also complete the main quest The Room of Requirement to be able to actually conjure, and hence use, any herbology tables beyond the insufficient one in the Greenhouse. For more details on getting Large Pots, check out the aptly named page How to Get Large Pots in Hogwarts Legacy. Once all that is done, you have to actually get "Fluxweed Seed" iconFluxweed Seeds, which will set you back another 350Galleon.png. Plant them in your large pot(s) and wait 15 minutes (real time), and voila - Fluxweed Stems.

Or, instead of all that work… you can just buy !Fluxweed Stems from !J. Pippin’s Potions.

…or failing all that, you can buy Fluxweed Stems from J. Pippin’s potion shop for 150Galleon.png. Shame to waste money on such a thing, but considering the alternative, it’s far cheaper.

(1 of 2) Defeat Dugbogs,

Defeat Dugbogs, (left), and they’ll drop !Dugbog Tongues. (right)

Where to Find Dugbog Tongues in Hogwarts Legacy

Dugbogs are large frog-like creatures that unsurprisingly like to dwell near water. One can usually be found in the "Forbidden Forest" iconForbidden Forest - just fast travel there, cross the bridge to the north, then search the river to the left. Defeat a Dugbog and it should drop a Dugbog Tongue. You can also buy them from J. Pippin’s potion shop for 190Galleon.png.

To craft an !Edurus Potion, you’ll need !Ashwinder Eggs and !Mongrel Fur.

How to Craft Edurus Potions in Hogwarts Legacy

The easiest potion of this list to craft, you’ll automatically learn the recipe during the main quest Potions Class. You’ll need Ashwinder Eggs and Mongrel Fur, but you should have obtained - and used - them to craft an Edurus Potion in the aforementioned quest. Assuming you didn’t drink it, you should be good to go.

(1 of 2) You can find !Ashwinder Eggs in nests throughout the world.

You can find !Ashwinder Eggs in nests throughout the world. (left), In many cases, you don’t even have to look very far - nests can be found just outside of !Hogsmeade. (right)

Where to Find Ashwinder Eggs in Hogwarts Legacy

Aside from the freebie you get during Potions Class, Ashwinder Eggs can be found in nests located on or near rocky ledges throughout the map. They aren’t quite as obvious or numerous as the Lacewing bushes were, but they’re still not all that rare - look for them in the countryside south, east and north of Hogsmeade.

(1 of 2) Kill Mongrels,

Kill Mongrels, (left), and they’ll drop !Mongrel Fur. (right)

Where to Find Mongrel Fur in Hogwarts Legacy

Kill various types of Mongrels and they’ll drop Mongrel Fur. You can find Mongrels throughout the game, but there are a couple in the southern end of the Forbidden Forest, which should be easy enough to farm and flay.

You can find !Lacewing Flies flitting around yellowish bushes.

How to Craft Maxima Potions in Hogwarts Legacy

While easy enough to craft, you must first purchase the recipe from J. Pippin’s potion shop, which will set you back 500Galleon.png. Once done, you must then provide "Leech Juice" iconLeech Juice and Spider Fangs.

Leeches are small, but Revelio will make them easy enough to spot.

Where to Find Leech Juice in Hogwarts Legacy

Leeches dwell on the shores of pretty much every body of water in the game, and while small and not terribly easy to spot if you’re not looking for them, "Revelio" iconRevelio will highlight them clearly enough. Fast travel to the Forbidden Forest and search along the river - it shouldn’t be long before you find a group of leeches. Best not to think about how this stuff is extracted.

Where to Find Spider Fangs in Hogwarts Legacy

Spiders are a common pest that’ll pester you throughout the game, and ideally you’ll have enough of these following the main quest [Jackdaw’s Rest]. If not, you can find more spiders in the Forbidden Forest. From the Floo Flame, cross the bridge to the north and search a depression to the right. They also infest the forest south of "Lower Hogsfield" iconLower Hogsfield, itself south of Hogwarts. You’re not guaranteed a drop every time you kill a spider, but the bugs make up for it with sheer numbers.

How to Complete Professor Sharp’s Assignment 1 in Hogwarts Legacy

Once you have all the ingredients and recipes listed above, find any potions station - the one in the Potions Classroom will suffice - and mix all three potions up. Each one takes 30 - 60 seconds to brew, so in two minutes you should be good to go. Alternatively, if you just bought the potions outright, you didn’t need to do… well, pretty much anything mentioned above.

However you managed it, you have all three potions, drink them in quick succession (press/hold DualSense-L1 / Xbox-BumperLeft to bring up the consumables menu, select the desire potion, then press DualSense-L1 / Xbox-BumperLeft to consume it) and Professor Sharp’s assignment will have been met. All you need to do is return to him at Hogwarts and learn your new spell.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Warner Bros Interactive Entertainment
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    31 January 2023
  • Last Updated
    9 August 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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