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The Acromantula is an incredible aggressive spider that will…

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Ailsa Travers

First head to the South of the castle outside the walls. You…


West Manor Cape Bandit Castle

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Alexandra's Troll

Alexandra’s Troll is an Infamous Foe that can only be encountered…

"Troll Bogeys" iconTroll Bogeys Creature Materials


Forest southeast of Brocburrow

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Armoured Troll

The troll’s forehand-backhand club swing pattern attacks will…

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Ashwinder Assassin

Some of the most evil witches alive, these secretive members…

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Ashwinder Duellist

Among the quicker of Rookwood’s agents, these witches will surprise…

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Ashwinder Executioner

These wizards have mastered the ability to create localised lightning…

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Ashwinder Ranger

These tricky customers tend to stick to long distance and will…

"Wiggenweld Potion" iconWiggenweld Potion Health Potions
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Ashwinder Scout

These unscrupulous wizards have not mastered Shield Charms, so…

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Ashwinder Soldier

These wizards are skilled at deflecting simple attacks, so their…

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Baby Spiders

Small spiders that can be found in most caverns in The Highlands.…

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Bardolph Beaumont's Corpse

The reanimated corpse that once was Bardolph Beaumont, brother…

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Bardolph Beaumont's Corpse

Infamous Foe that you exclusively fight as part of the Brother’s…

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Belgruff The Bludgeoner

!Belgruff the Blugeoner is an InFamous Foe goblin who is holed…


Locked inside the Babdit Castle in the Feldcroft region.

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Catrin Haggarty

Catrin Haggarty is an Infamous Foe that can be found during the…


West Hogwarts Valley

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Cottongrass Dugbog

Cottongrass Dugbog - These camouflaged beasts will often blend…

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Dark Mongrel

Keeping as much distance as possible from Dark Mongrels will…

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Death's Dark Mongrel

These hounds obey only the commands of Death, and are used to…

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Death's Shadow

Agents of death that attack in large groups, only found during…

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Death's Troll

These gargantuan Trolls are deadly foes conjured by Death, only…

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Dunstan Trinity

Pickpocket Dunstan Trinity can be found with lots of high-level…


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Fastidio's Monster

A rather violent combination of crates, barrels, and bits of…

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Fighter Troll

Watch out for the Fighter Troll’s forehand-backhand club swing…

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Forest Troll

The troll’s forehand-backhand club swing pattern attacks will…

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Fortified Troll

The troll’s forehand-backhand club swing pattern attacks will…

"Troll Bogeys" iconTroll Bogeys Creature Materials
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Great Spined Dugbog

These camouflaged beasts will often blend in with the environment…

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Grodbik is a Goblin Loyalist who quickly rised through the ranks…


The Coastal Mine in Marunweem Lake

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Gwendolyn Zhou

Gwendolyn Zhou was a reluctant informer within the Ministry of…


Ashwinder Hideout

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Though invulnerable to most types of damage, Inferi cannot abide…

"Stench of the Dead" iconStench of the Dead Creature Materials
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Iona Morgan

At Level 35 Iona Morgan will cause enough problems to keep you…


Bandit castle in Poidsear Coast

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Lord Of The Manor

First head to the South of the castle outside the walls. You…


West Manor Cape Bandit Castle

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Loyalist Assassin

These Ranrok Loyalists have manipulated corrupted ancient magic…

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Loyalist Commander

These goblins wield hammers with impressive skill, often attacking…

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Loyalist Ranger

These Ranrok Loyalists try to keep as far away from their targets…

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Loyalist Sentinel

Masters of both offensive and defensive magic, these Ranrok Loyalists…

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Loyalist Warrior

Though heavy goblin weaponry is quite dangerous, Expelliarmus…

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These mannequins have been possessed by poltergeist trickery…

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Mountain Troll

The troll’s forehand-backhand club swing pattern attacks will…

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Ogbert The Odd

Level 20 Ogbert is found deep inside the cavern. In himself he…


Inside the caverns connecting the northern and southern highlands.

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Pensieve Guardian

The ultimate test for those seeking the deepest secrets of Ancient…

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Pensieve Protector

Use Expelliarmus to disarm these Sentinels as they are more vulnerable…

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Pensieve Sentinel

Ancient Magic ensures that their weapon will always re-form in…

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Pensieve Sentry

Created to protect the secrets of Ancient Magic, these animated…

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Pergit is a goblin rebel who fights under Ranrok’s banner. He…


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Poacher Animagus

Some poachers in Rookwood’s organization have become Animagi…

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Poacher Duellist

Among the quicker agents of Rookwood, these witches will surprise…

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Poacher Executioner

These wizards have mastered the ability to conjure huge columns…

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Poacher Ranger

These witches have mastered the Levitation Spell as a means of…

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Poacher Stalker

These wizards are skilled at deflecting simple attacks, so their…

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Poacher Tracker

These unscrupulous wizards have not mastered Shield Charms, so…

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Quagmire Troll

This Level 31 Infamous Foe is a tough cookie to crack. He hides…


Northern South Sea Bog Floo Flame

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Rampant Dugbog

Unknown to the villagers who trapped it, this Dugbog had been…


East North Ford Bog

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River Troll

Distance will not protect against an angry troll, as it will…

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Silvanus Selwyn

Level 37 makes Silvanus the toughest of the tough. Plus he is…


The Bandit Camp at Clagmar Castle

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Stoneback Dugbog

These camouflaged beasts will often blend in with the environment…

"Dugbog Tongue" iconDugbog Tongue Creature Materials
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Tempeste Thorne

This Infamous Foe, Tempeste Thorne can be found at Falbarton…


Falbarton Castle

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The Absconder

A deadly Spider found in the depths of the Forbidden Forest.…


Forbidden Forest

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The Clutch Hatchlings

These are more of a nuisance than anything else. As a collective…

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The Grim

The Grim can be located with The White Wolf in a cave that also…

"Mongrel Fur" iconMongrel Fur Creature Materials


A Cave in Hogwarts Valley

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The Insatiable Spider

The Queen of the Spiders that have overtaken the cellar of Mary…


Mary Portman's Cellar

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The Riparian Troll

The Riparian Troll is a fearsome troll that dwells with the Dale…

"Troll Bogeys" iconTroll Bogeys Creature Materials


Dale Family Tomb

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The White Wolf

The White Wolf can be located with The Grim in a cave that also…

"Mongrel Fur" iconMongrel Fur Creature Materials


A Cave in Hogwarts Valley

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Thornback Ambusher

These spiders try to keep as far away as possible and shoot webs…

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Thornback Matriarch

This monstrosity rears up as it is about to strike its target…

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Thornback Scurriour

All types of magic spiders are quite vulnerable to fire, especially…

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Thornback Shooter

These spiders prefer to attack from a distance, spitting acidic…

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Venomous Ambusher

These spiders try to keep as far away as possible and shoot webs…

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Venomous Hatchling

These deal light damage, but that can add up quickly when a swarm…

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Venomous Matriarch

These massive spiders are far more aggressive than the lesser…

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Venomous Scurriour

When these spiders begin to burrow, Flipendo will rip them out…

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Venomous Shooter

Unlike other spiders, these spiders instead will keep their distance…

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