Mongrel Fur Creature Materials
Tufts of fur gathered from fearsome mongrels. The ingredient is used as part of the Edurus Potion.
How to get Mongrel Fur in Hogwarts Legacy
The very first Mongrel Fur item you get in Hogwarts Legacy comes from the Professor Sharp classroom potion tutorial. You head into his room, and the Mongrel Fur skin is on his desk.
As for other sources, Mongrel Fur is an item that drops from the wolf like enemies in the world map. You can find these dens and areas littered throughout the overworld, such as in the Forbidden Forest, or near woods surrounding Towns and Hamlets. Be careful of the level range of areas, as some Mongrels are much stronger than others, depending on the area you find yourself in.
It is also possible to purchase them from vendors in Hamlets. Once such vendor is the one at Upper Hogsfield.
Used to Craft

Purchased From

50 Galleons
Dropped From

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