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Item icon
Edurus Potion

A potion that enhances the drinker’s defenses by covering them…

300 Galleons

You will obtain this Recipe as part of Potions Class during…

"J. Pippin's Potions" iconJ. Pippin's Potions Hogsmeade
"Mongrel Fur" iconMongrel Fur Creature Materials
"Ashwinder Eggs" iconAshwinder Eggs Creature Materials
Item icon
Felix Felicis

Enhances the drinker’s chance of success in their endeavors –…

Already obtained as part of the PlayStation version of Hogwarts…

"Fluxweed Stem" iconFluxweed Stem Plant Materials
"Lacewing Flies" iconLacewing Flies Resources
Item icon
Focus Potion

A magical potion which will lower your cooldowns of your spell…

You can learn the recipe for the Focus potion via J Pippins Potions…

1–1× "J. Pippin's Potions" iconJ. Pippin's Potions Hogsmeade
"Dugbog Tongue" iconDugbog Tongue Creature Materials
"Fluxweed Stem" iconFluxweed Stem Plant Materials
Item icon
Invisibility Potion

The Invisibility Potion in Hogwarts Legacy is a potion that turns…

500 Galleons

You can also buy the Invisibility Recipe in Hogwarts Legacy from…

"J. Pippin's Potions" iconJ. Pippin's Potions Hogsmeade
"Knotgrass Sprigs" iconKnotgrass Sprigs Plant Materials
"Leaping Toadstool Caps" iconLeaping Toadstool Caps Plant Materials
"Troll Bogeys" iconTroll Bogeys Creature Materials
Item icon
Maxima Potion

The Maxima Potion is a battle item which will greatly increase…

300 Galleons

If you would rather brew the potion yourself, then you need to…

"Spider Fang" iconSpider Fang Creature Materials
"Leech Juice" iconLeech Juice Creature Materials
Item icon

The Thunderbrew potion in Hogwarts Legacy is a battle item, which…

1,000 Galleons

You can buy the Thunderbrew Recipe in Hogwarts Legacy in J. Pippin’s…

"J. Pippin's Potions" iconJ. Pippin's Potions Hogsmeade
"Leech Juice" iconLeech Juice Creature Materials
"Stench of the Dead" iconStench of the Dead Creature Materials
Item icon
Wiggenweld Potion

The primary source of healing during combat. Use one of these…

You can learn to craft with Wiggenweld Potion via the potion…

"Dittany Leaves" iconDittany Leaves Plant Materials
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