Thunderbrew Offensive Potions
The Thunderbrew potion in Hogwarts Legacy is a battle item, which you can use to stun and damage nearby enemies. It is an item that players can buy outright or learn to make using the recipe. It is also a quest item in the Professor Sharp Potion making assignment.
How to get Thunderbrew Potions in Hogwarts Legacy
There are many ways to get Thunderbrew Potions in Hogwarts Legacy. The main way is to grab them via the stores, such as J Pippins in Hogsmeade. The potion will typically cost 1000 each. Alternatively, you can get the recipe, and then craft it at Potion Stations, either in the Potion class, or in a potion station in the Room of Requirement. Crafting the potion yourself takes 1 min 30 to brew. After that time, you can collect the potion from the potion station.
1,000 Galleons
Recipe Location
You can buy the Thunderbrew Recipe in Hogwarts Legacy in J. Pippin’s Potions Store in Hogsmeade for 1200.
Purchased From

Required Ingredients & Materials

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