Invisibility Potion Defense Potions
The Invisibility Potion in Hogwarts Legacy is a potion that turns the drinker invisible, causing enemies to immediately lose sight of them - the drinker is then imperceptible for a period of time. It is noticeably a better potion than casting the Disillusionment spell.
How to get Invisibility Potion in Hogwarts Legacy
There are two main ways to get the Invisibility Potion in Hogwarts Legacy. The two methods are:
- Buy the Potions
- Buy the Recipe and make it yourself
Buying the Potions are fairly easy. Simply head to J. Pippin’s Store in Hogsmeade, and buy the potions from him. You store is towards the northwest corner of the village. Each one will cost 500, and the store is typically restricted to 2 in his inventory.
500 Galleons
Recipe Location
You can also buy the Invisibility Recipe in Hogwarts Legacy from J. Pippins store as well. The cost for the recipe is 800. Once you have the recipe, return to a potion making stall, either the one in the potion classroom, or any you placed inside your Room of Requirement.
Purchased From

Required Ingredients & Materials

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