Grodbik Infamous Foes
Grodbik is a Goblin Loyalist who quickly rised through the ranks and became a trusted guard of Rangrok’s mines. When you reach the area where you can take the platform down using
Accio, go right instead and use lift to take you down to him.
The battle against him is a tough one due to all the other Goblins and the fearsome Troll. Grodbik himself will go down with two Ancient Magic casts, but it’s the Troll who will cause you the most trouble so thin the ranks of the regular Goblins before you focus on it.
Interactive Map Locations

1. Hogwarts Legacy World Map
Found inside The Coastal Cavern Dungeon. This Dungeon becomes available during a late game Main Quest, Lodgok’s Loyalty.
Once inside, proceed until you reach a room with Goblins where you can go down to the left (toward the objective), ignore this and instead go to the right and take the lift down to him.
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