Gwendolyn Zhou Infamous Foes
Gwendolyn Zhou was a reluctant informer within the Ministry of Magic before she was found out and fired. Now, she leads this group of Ashwinders in order to protect her family.
The battle against her is a tough one as you’ll be up against all manner of Ashwinders. Look to keep in the corridor leading to the large room and try and deal with the regular Ashwinders before Gwendolyn.
Interactive Map Locations

1. Hogsmeade Map
X: 1998 Y: 3517
Gwendolyn Zhou is located in the Ashwinder Hideout Dungeon.
This Dungeon is not available until you’re on Natsai Onai’s “A Basis for Blackmail” Relationship Quest.
Gwendolyn is Level 30.
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