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Our Slytherin friend Sebastian Sallow is having some trouble at home, with his family living in the shadow of the Estate that’s been taken over by Goblins and Ashwinders. "Feldcroft" iconFeldcroft has a dark history, but it’s benefitted from a peaceful existence in recent years. Unfortunately, more recent events have unfolded, causing Dark Wizards and Goblins to move into the estate nearby to start mining. They’ve also been terrorizing the locals, cursing Sebastian’s sister Anne.

There’s a constant struggle between Sebastian and his Uncle, with our Slytherin friend not resting until he finds a cure for Anne and his Uncle scolding him for playing with forces unknown. Our next Wizard and Witch adventure in Hogwarts Legacy takes us to Feldcroft to meet Sebastian, hoping another Hogwarts student will cheer up Anne a little.

In The Shadow Of The Estate

The level requirement is 15, so this should be a walk in the park for Witches and Wizards at this point. It’s always a good idea to fit in some side quests or go hunting for various foes to rack up some experience points, level up and spend talent points on honing ones magical abilities.

Situated south of West "Hogwarts Valley" iconHogwarts Valley, it’s worth visiting Sprintwitches in "Hogsmeade" iconHogsmeade to upgrade one’s broom. Of course, this would require Witches and Wizards to start the “Sweeping The Competition” side quest from shop owner Weekes beforehand. Regardless, it’s worth starting as soon as possible. Also, don’t forget to track the “In The Shadow Of The Estate” quest for an excellent golden marker with a distance counter to guide a Witches and Witches way.

(1 of 2) Find Sebastian on the North Fort overlooking his home hamlet.

Find Sebastian on the North Fort overlooking his home hamlet. (left), Don’t forget to activate quest markers to navigate the world map in Hogwarts Legacy easily. (right)

Sebastian will wait for Witches and Wizards at the North lookout tower as they approach Feldcroft. Given what happened to Anne, he explains that even his Uncle Solomon, a former Auror, refuses to stand up against the Ranrock loyalists. That aside, Sebastian is more concerned about lifting Anne’s spirits.

As Sebastian and our Witch/Wizard enter Uncle Solomon’s place, hostility ensues. The struggle between Sebastian and Soloman doesn’t seem to be letting up, further solidified by their exposition segments afterward and Anne’s words. Wondering when this quest is going to pick up? The fun begins as the Slytherin Fifth year takes us to the site where Anne was cursed.

"Loyalist Warrior" iconLoyalist Warriors appear as players walk up the hill and towards the estate ruins in Feldcroft. These can be made quick work of using fire Spells such as "Incendio" iconIncendio and the like. A handful of explosive red barrels will come in handy when the second wave of Loyalists rock up led by a Commander. The "Loyalist Commander" iconLoyalist Commander "Protego" iconProtego can be taken down by purple Spells such as "Accio" iconAccio and "Depulso" iconDepulso, so prioritize this if no barrels are available to throw.

(1 of 3) Sebastion and Solomon are two sides of the same Galleon regarding the cursed Anne.

After this confrontation, Sebastian takes us to the scene of Annas cursing alongside some background of what happened that night. She tried to save villagers when caught and cursed before Sebastian or Solomon could reach her. Our Witch or Wizard then starts to look around the ruined estate for clues about what kind of magic cursed Anne and why Ranrocks Loyalists are mining in the area. The quickest way to find every point of interest is to cast "Revelio" iconRevelio and check out all the blue highlights.

Sebastian then calls our protagonist into the Estate’s ruined building, eventually leading to the same cliff face we see in our Pensieve vision where The Keepers revitalize a ruined hamlet. That’s right, Feldcroft is the hamlet that Percy and Co. saved all those years ago. Soon Sebastian is introduced into the revelation that is "Ancient Magic" iconAncient Magic and The Keepers, alongside the Estate being the home of one, Professor Isidora Morganach.

As Sebastian and our protagonist explore the ruins further, they discover a small passage blocked by boulders that lead to a cellar. Here we find a couple of letters from Isidora on her internal moral struggle with finding a new kind of magic that removes pain from targets. There are seven total entries, all told, so keep an eye out for them as the story of Hogwarts Legacy unfolds.

Look to the East side of the cellar where the old paperwork and bookcase are. Launch a basic attack at it and continue into the cellar’s depths. On the right, a picture frame holds a portal to the Hogwarts Undercroft. Our Protagonist has encountered another “Whiper of Ancient Magic,” which work as windows to other parts of the Wizarding World.

Ranrock Loyalists have already visited the Undercroft via the portal. A painting cabinet on the wall reveals itself with the activation of the now familiar Ancient Magic sigil. The central artwork has been ripped out, with nothing but a piece of cloth left which seems to look like part of a map. More specifically, it contains runes similar to the ones used by The Keepers. After establishing our protagonist can’t see any Ancient Magic surrounding his sister, our Witch or Wizard look to triptych and the chance of a Slytherin Scriptorium for answers.

(1 of 4) Use Revelio to reveal points of interest marked in blue on the estate grounds.

More Hogwarts Legacy?

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Warner Bros Interactive Entertainment
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    31 January 2023
  • Last Updated
    9 August 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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