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Diablo IV

All Altar of Lilith Statue Locations in Hawezar

Nathan Garvin
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By the time you reach Hawezar, Lilith Statues should be a familiar sight. Find these statues strewn throughout the swamps of Hawezar and activate them to earn a variety of boons, usually a +2 bonus to a single attribute or a +5 bonus to the maximum number of Murmuring Obols you can carry. Some rare Lilith Statues yield a Paragon Level, but they all offer Renown, which, if accumulated, can give further rewards. Simply put, you’ve plenty of incentive to find these Lilith Statues, and this page will point out the locations of every Hawezar Altar of Lilith Statue location in Diablo 4.

Hawezar Altar of Lilith Statue Locations in Diablo 4

Here is a Hawezar Altar of Lilith Statue locations map.

The above screenshot is a map of all Hawezar Altar of Lilith Statue locations in Diablo 4, using our Gamer Guides D4 Interactive map as evidence of the locations. If you want to scan through all of the markers above, then feel free. We have also included some more general purpose locations below, letting you know about other details in case there are any that trouble you still. With no further ado, let’s take a look at the Hawezar Altar of Lilith Statue locations in Diablo 4.

All Lilith Statues in Hawezar - Dismal Foothills

You likely won’t bother heading to Hawezar until you reach Act 5 in the main questline, after the main quest "A Master's Touch" iconA Master’s Touch. You’ll Get a Horse at this point, and since you’ll be riding from "Kyovashad" iconKyovashad, the Dismal Foothills is likely the spot you’ll first enter Hawezar, so that’s where we’ll start logging these Lilith Statues.

(1 of 2) The location of the first Lilith Statue in the Dismal Foothills.

The location of the first Lilith Statue in the Dismal Foothills. (left), Jump over a stream to find a campsite - the Lilith Statue is near a cliff. (right)

Altar of Lilith Statue #1

From Wejinhani - the town in the center-west of the Dismal Foothills - head north along a cliff until you find a jump prompt. Jump over the water to reach a campsite, west of which you’ll find a Lilith Statue nestled along the cliffs.

(1 of 2) You can find this statue along the southern end of the Dismal Foothills,

You can find this statue along the southern end of the Dismal Foothills, (left), search behind an abandoned boat to find it. (right)

Altar of Lilith Statue #2

Make your way to the Ruins of Rakhat Keep (you’ll visit this location during the quest "On the Precipice" iconOn the Precipice, but you don’t need to make it to that quest to travel here). Exit via the northeastern exit and once you’re back in the Dismal Foothills, climb down a cliff to the east, then follow the cliffs north, then work your way west along the impassable edge of the wetlands until you find a boat to the south. Work your way around the boat to find this Lilith Statue.

(1 of 2) In the southeastern swamps of the Dismal Foothills, north of the easternmost exit to the Brightlands,

In the southeastern swamps of the Dismal Foothills, north of the easternmost exit to the Brightlands, (left), search for this well-hidden Lilith Statue in some brush behind and east of a tree. (right)

Altar of Lilith Statue #3

Seek out this Lilith Statue in the dank southeastern edge of the Dismal Foothills. From the easternmost exit to the Blightmarsh subregion, head due north until you reach an impassable area, with a large tree in front of a cliff. This Lilith Statue is well hidden in the brush to the east of the tree - the tree will obscure most of the statue.

(1 of 2) This Lilith Statue can be found along the northeastern edge of the Dismal Foothills.

This Lilith Statue can be found along the northeastern edge of the Dismal Foothills. (left), From the !Heathen’s Keep Dungeon, head uphill to the northeast, cross a stream, then locate the statue under some branches. (right)

Altar of Lilith Statue #4

You can find this Lilith Statue along the northeastern edge of the Dismal Foothills. Make your way northeast from the Iza Waypoint to find the "Heathen's Keep" iconHeathen’s Keep Dungeon, from which head uphill to the northeast, ultimately crossing a stream. Search under some obscuring branches to the east to find this Lilith Statue. These statues being hidden behind branches isn’t getting old any time soon, sadly.

(1 of 2) Make your way to the northern edge of the Ermion’s Pyre Stronghold,

Make your way to the northern edge of the Ermion’s Pyre Stronghold, (left), crawl under a wall northeast of the !Oblivion Dungeon to find this Lilith Statue. (right)

All Lilith Statues in Hawezar - Eriman’s Pyre

Altar of Lilith Statue #5

Northeast of the Dismal Foothills you’ll find the ruins of a village, "Eriman's Pyre" iconEriman’s Pyre. Now a Stronghold, you’ll need to fight your way to the northern edge of these ruins, past (northeast of) a Dungeon cheerfully called "Oblivion" iconOblivion. Duck under a ruined wall and turn northwest to find this statue, refreshingly unobscured.

All Lilith Statues in Hawezar - Umir Plateau

(1 of 2) Make your way to the west of !Zarbinzet,

Make your way to the west of !Zarbinzet, (left), to find a moss-covered Lilith Statue hidden in some bushes. (right)

Altar of Lilith Statue #6

From Zarbinzet, make your way west to the edge of the area, where you’ll find a moss-covered Lilith Statue hidden in some bushes.

(1 of 2) Make your way south and somewhat west from !Zarbinzet,

Make your way south and somewhat west from !Zarbinzet, (left), to find another Lilith Statue lurking behind some bushes, next to a cliff. (right)

Altar of Lilith Statue #7

Head south and somewhat west from Zarbinzet to reach the southern edge of the Umir Plateau, where you’ll find this statue lurking behind some bushes, near a cliff.

(1 of 2) Head east of !Zarbinzet,

Head east of !Zarbinzet, (left), and search between two waterfalls to find this statue. (right)

Altar of Lilith Statue #8

East of Zarbinzet, near the middle of three routes leading to the Fethis Wetlands you’ll find a pair of waterfalls. This Lilith Statue can be found between the two waterfalls.

(1 of 2) Seek out this Lilith Statue north of !Zarbinzet,

Seek out this Lilith Statue north of !Zarbinzet, (left), where you’ll find it behind some bushes near a shrine. (right)

Altar of Lilith Statue #9

North of Zarbinzet, near (southeast of) some ruins you’ll find a shrine. Search some bushes near of this shrine to find this Lilith Statue.

(1 of 2) Make your way to the northernmost end of the !Crusader’s Monument Stronghold,

Make your way to the northernmost end of the !Crusader’s Monument Stronghold, (left), and search under the branches of a tree to find this Lilith Statue. (right)

All Lilith Statues in Hawezar - Crusader’s Monument

Altar of Lilith Statue #10

Far north of Zarbinzet you’ll find the small ["Crusader's Monument" iconCrusader’s Monument] region, which is a Stronghold. You don’t have to clear this Stronghold to claim this Lilith Statue, but you will have to make your way to the northern edge of the Stronghold and go up some stairs. Once done, turn west to find a tree at the edge of the ruins. This tree obscures this Lilith Statue, which fairly well hidden by the tree’s branches.

(1 of 2) Search along the southwestern edge of Fethis Wetlands region,

Search along the southwestern edge of Fethis Wetlands region, (left), to find this Lilith Statue, surprisingly out in the open. (right)

All Lilith Statues in Hawezar - Fethis Wetlands

Altar of Lilith Statue #11

Search the cliffs along the southwestern edge of the Fethis Wetlands subregion to find this Lilith Statue near a tree.

(1 of 2) This Lilith Statue can be found south, southwest of the !Blind Burrows dungeon,

This Lilith Statue can be found south, southwest of the !Blind Burrows dungeon, (left), follow some roads from the Fields of Desecration and when you find some trees to the west of the road, search them. (right)

Altar of Lilith Statue #12

From where the Fields of Desecration and the Fethis Wetlands meet, follow a road east and when you reach a fork turn north, and at a second fork turn northeast. Just past this second fork, search the trees to the west of the road - this Lilith Statue is well hidden behind some trees.

(1 of 2) Cross a bridge southwest of the !Maugan’s Works dungeon,

Cross a bridge southwest of the !Maugan’s Works dungeon, (left), and from the southern edge of this bridge search under the branches of a tree to the west to find this Lilith Statue. (right)

Altar of Lilith Statue #13

Just east of center in the Fethis Wetlands subregion, east of the "Blind Burrows" iconBlind Burrows Dungeon and southwest of the "Maugan's Works" iconMaugan’s Works Dungeon you’ll find a rickety wooden bridge. From the southern end of this bridge head west to find a tree - like so many Lilith Statues in Hawezar, this statue is hiding behind the branches.

(1 of 2) Search for this Lilith Statue along the north-center of the Fethis Wetlands, south of the Ruins of Rakhat Keep

Search for this Lilith Statue along the north-center of the Fethis Wetlands, south of the Ruins of Rakhat Keep (left), Find a large, headless statue, then work your way north from it and search some brush to find a well-hidden Lilith Statue. (right)

Altar of Lilith Statue #14

Make your way to the Ruins of Rakhat Keep (you’ll visit this location during the quest On the Precipice, but you don’t need to make it to that quest to travel here). Exit via the southwestern exit to reach the northern edge of the Fethis Wetlands and follow the road south until you reach a fork, at which point turn southeast and follow the road as it winds south, then southwest. Continue until you find a large, headless statue to the east; this Lilith Statue is north of this larger, headless statue, you’ll need to work your way around some cliffs, down to a swamp, then search some heavy brush, which conceals this Lilith Statue remarkably well.

(1 of 2) You can find this Lilith Statue along the northern end of the Ruins of Rakhat Keep,

You can find this Lilith Statue along the northern end of the Ruins of Rakhat Keep, (left), climb, ascend some stairs and jump a gap to reach an isolated section of the ruins, inside of which this statue hides. (right)

All Lilith Statues in Hawezar - Ruins of Rakhat Keep

Altar of Lilith Statue #15

From the Ruins of Rakhat Keep Waypoint (an area you’ll explore during the quest On the Precipice) make your way northeast, then northwest and climb a wall, then head up three flights of stairs to the northeast, southwest and finally northwest. Smash some rubble, then jump a gap to the northwest and work your way around the ruins and into a building, where this statue hides.

(1 of 2) Search along the southwestern coast of the Toxic Fens,

Search along the southwestern coast of the Toxic Fens, (left), to find this Lilith Statue on a rock, facing the sea. (right)

All Lilith Statues in Hawezar - Toxic Fens

Altar of Lilith Statue #16

Search the southwestern coast forming the southern boundary of the Toxic Fens to find this statue. It’s out in the open, on a rock formation looking out at the sea.

(1 of 2) Exit !Vyeresz and work your way west,

Exit !Vyeresz and work your way west, (left), to find this Lilith Statue hiding in a thicket. (right)

Altar of Lilith Statue #17

Make your way to the western edge of "Vyeresz" iconVyeresz and at a fork, take the southern route to reach the Toxic Fens. Continue west until you find a nondescript thicket, within which this statue hides.

(1 of 2) Make your way northeast from the !Ghoa Ruins Dungeon,

Make your way northeast from the !Ghoa Ruins Dungeon, (left), to find this statue hiding in a thicket. (right)

Altar of Lilith Statue #18

In the eastern half of the Toxic Fens you’ll find the "Ghoa Ruins" iconGhoa Ruins Dungeon. Make your way northwest of this Dungeon to find a thicket within which this statue can be found.

(1 of 2) Search the midpoint between two exits to the Blightmarsh,

Search the midpoint between two exits to the Blightmarsh, (left), to find this Lilith Statue entangled in some tree roots. (right)

Altar of Lilith Statue #19

Along the eastern edge of the Toxic Fens you’ll find two exits leading northeast to the Blightmarsh subregion. Search the edge of the Toxic Fens in the midpoint between these two exits to find this Lilith Statue nestled among the roots of a large tree, which partially obscures said statue.

(1 of 2) You can find this statue on the eastern edge of !Vyeresz,

You can find this statue on the eastern edge of !Vyeresz, (left), jump a gap and search off the edge of the ruins to the southeast to locate the statue. (right)

All Lilith Statues in Hawezar - Vyeresz

Altar of Lilith Statue #20

Make your way to the eastern edge of Vyeresz, a Stronghold north of the Toxic Fens subregion. You’ll need to leap a gap to the southwest to find an isolated section of ruins with a Ritual Table you can examine to the south. This Lilith Statue can be found off in the swamp to the southeast, just off the ruins.

(1 of 2) Search northwest of the !Faceless Shrine Dungeon,

Search northwest of the !Faceless Shrine Dungeon, (left), to find this statue surprisingly unobscured in a thicket. (right)

All Lilith Statues in Hawezar - Forsaken Coast

Altar of Lilith Statue #21

In the southern half of the Forsaken Coast you’ll find the "Faceless Shrine" iconFaceless Shrine Dungeon. From this Dungeon make your way northwest to find this Lilith Statue nestled in a thicket, surprisingly visible between some trees.

(1 of 2) Make your way to the southern tip of the Forsaken Coast,

Make your way to the southern tip of the Forsaken Coast, (left), and search north of a statue near a shipwreck to find this Lilith Statue near what’s left of the ship’s rigging. (right)

Altar of Lilith Statue #22

Make your way to the southernmost edge of this subregion to find a shipwreck. From the large statue on the eastern end of this shipwreck, make your way north to find this Lilith Statue standing guiltily near what remains of the ship’s rigging.

(1 of 2) Far northwest of Backwater, in the northern reaches of the Forsaken Coast,

Far northwest of Backwater, in the northern reaches of the Forsaken Coast, (left), you can find this statue near some trees, behind a small boat. (right)

Altar of Lilith Statue #23

Far to the northwest of the Blackwater Waypoint, in the northern half of the map more or less due east of the midpoint between the two northern exits to Blightmarsh, you’ll find this Lilith Statue standing in front of some trees in the swamp beyond a small abandoned boat.

(1 of 2) You can find this statue along the southeastern corner of the Blightmarsh subregion,

You can find this statue along the southeastern corner of the Blightmarsh subregion, (left), just locate the Bleak Basement Dungeon and head east to find the statue behind two large trees - you’ll have to approach from the east to reach it. (right)

All Lilith Statues in Hawezar - Blightmarsh

Altar of Lilith Statue #24

Along the southeastern edge of the Blightmarsh subregion, look out for the Bleak Basement Cellar, which should appear when you get close enough. This Lilith Statue is hidden deep in some foliage between two trees just to the east of the aforementioned cellar. It’s fairly well hidden and you’ll have to work your way around from the east to reach it.

(1 of 2) Make your way east from the !Serpent’s Lair Dungeon,

Make your way east from the !Serpent’s Lair Dungeon, (left), to find this statue hidden in the ruins of a house. (right)

Altar of Lilith Statue #25

Near the center of the Blightmarsh you’ll find the "Serpent's Lair" iconSerpent’s Lair Dungeon. From this Dungeon, head east to find a dilapidated wooden house. This Lilith Statue is inside the house - you won’t see it until you near the eastern wall, which will cause the section of roof blocking the statue to vanish.

(1 of 2) Search a dead-end between two exits to the Dismal Foothills,

Search a dead-end between two exits to the Dismal Foothills, (left), to find this statue at the end, partially obscured by a conveniently obstructive branch. (right)

Altar of Lilith Statue #26

Along the northwestern edge of Blightmarsh are two routes connecting to the Dismal Foothills. You’ll find this Lilith Statue in a dead end between these two routes - a well-placed branch obstructs your view of the statue somewhat.

(1 of 2) Search for this statue along the northeastern corner of the Blightmarsh,

Search for this statue along the northeastern corner of the Blightmarsh, (left), and you’ll find it hidden in the depths of a thicket. (right)

Altar of Lilith Statue #27

Search the northeastern corner of the Blightmarsh area, just south of the eastern of two exits leading to The Writhing Mire. You’ll need to enter a thicket to spot this statue, which will be hidden until you get close enough to cause the obstructing branches to vanish.

(1 of 2) Make your way south from the !Haunted Refuge Dungeon,

Make your way south from the !Haunted Refuge Dungeon, (left), and search along the southern end of some ruins to find this Lilith Statue hidden behind some foliage. (right)

All Lilith Statues in Hawezar - Rotspill Delta

Altar of Lilith Statue #28

There are three routes connecting the Rotspill Delta to The Writhing Mire to the northeast. Just east of the westernmost of these routes is the "Haunted Refuge" iconHaunted Refuge Dungeon. From this Dungeon, make your way south to find some stone ruins; you’ll find this Lilith Statue along the southern edge of these ruins, partially covered by some trees.

(1 of 2) Search the eastern edge of the region, northeast of the !Belfry Zakara,

Search the eastern edge of the region, northeast of the !Belfry Zakara, (left), the Lilith Statue is leaning against a shipwreck, shrouded by some roots. (right)

Altar of Lilith Statue #29

Along the southern edge of the Rotspill Delta you’ll find the "Belfry Zakara" iconBelfry Zakara Dungeon. From the ruins of this Dungeon, head east to reach the eastern edge of the area, then follow it north past some ruined stone buildings to the east until you find a shipwreck. The large statue sticking out of the ship is a fine landmark, but the Lilith Statue you’re seeking is leaning against the shipwreck, behind some coiling roots.

(1 of 2) Search the coast along the northeastern edge of the area,

Search the coast along the northeastern edge of the area, (left), to find this statue just off the shore. (right)

Altar of Lilith Statue #30

Search the eastern coast along the northeastern corner of the area to find this Lilith Statue. It’s located just off the coast, in the water when the tide rolls in.

(1 of 2) You can find this Lilith Statue along the southern end of The Writhing Mire,

You can find this Lilith Statue along the southern end of The Writhing Mire, (left), once again, it’s well hidden within a thicket, partially obscured by a tree. (right)

All Lilith Statues in Hawezar - The Writhing Mire

Altar of Lilith Statue #31

From the Haunted Refuge Dungeon, make your way west, then turn north and head up to The Writhing Mire. When you reach a fork, turn north, and at the next fork continue northeast. At the third fork, turn west and search inside the thicket to the north to find this Lilith Statue, which is obscured by a large, bent tree.

(1 of 2) You can find this Lilith Statue south, southwest of The !Tree of Whispers Waypoint,

You can find this Lilith Statue south, southwest of The !Tree of Whispers Waypoint, (left), take a fork to the north to find some dry ground, where you’ll find this statue hiding behind a tree, near some ruins. (right)

Altar of Lilith Statue #32

From the Tree of Whispers Waypoint, head south until the path turns west, Ignore a fork to the south and continue west a short distance to find a path to the north, which leads onto (relatively) dry land, where you’ll find this statue behind some trees near some ruins. Note that you cannot obtain this Lilith Statue until you complete the main quest "The Slow, Beating Heart" iconThe Slow, Beating Heart.

(1 of 2) From the Fetid Mausoluem Dungeon, head south then follow some blue torches to the east,

From the Fetid Mausoluem Dungeon, head south then follow some blue torches to the east, (left), and at the third torch search east to fins this Lilith Statue hiding behind a tree. (right)

Altar of Lilith Statue #33

In the northwestern corner of The Writhing Mire you’ll find the "Fetid Mausoleum" iconFetid Mausoleum Dungeon. From this Dungeon head south and when you get a chance make your way east through the swamp. As you go, look out for blue torches, and just past the third one you’ll find this Lilith Statue hidden behind a tree. It’s almost complete obscured by a tree, so you’ll need to keen an eye out, or better yet, just look for the prompt to claim the statue as you explore the thicket east of the blue torch. Note that you cannot obtain this Lilith Statue until you complete the main quest The Slow, Beating Heart.

(1 of 2) This Lilith Statue can be found southwest of the !Fetid Mausoleum Dungeon.

This Lilith Statue can be found southwest of the !Fetid Mausoleum Dungeon. (left), Head south from the !Fetid Mausoleum Dungeon and turn west when you get your first opportunity. At a blue torch, head north and search in a thicket to find another obscured Lilith Statue. (right)

Altar of Lilith Statue #34

In the northwestern corner of The Writhing Mire you’ll find the Fetid Mausoleum Dungeon. From this Dungeon head south until you get an opportunity to turn west. When you spot a blue torch, make your way north to a thicket where you can find this statue mostly blocked by a tree branch, as per norm. Note that you cannot obtain this Lilith Statue until you complete the main quest The Slow, Beating Heart.

If you need help finding the rest of the Altars of Lilith for other regions, then we have pages for them too!

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  • Publisher
    Blizzard Entertainment
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, PS5, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    14 March 2023
  • Last Updated
    19 October 2024
    Version History
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