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Diablo IV

All Dungeons in Fractured Peaks in Diablo 4

Matt Chard
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Diablo 4 features a massive open world, and within it are dungeons some of which will reward an Aspect for completing it the first time. Not only are these a great source of loot, but they also reward you with Renown, which is used for map completion and has its own rewards. This page will list all the dungeons in the Fractured Peaks region including all the Aspects they reward.

Sarkova Pass

Sarkova Pass is the large sub-region northwest of Kyovashad. There are three dungeons in this area.

Dungeon 1 - Mercy’s Reach Location

This first dungeon is quite a trek from Kyovashad. If you have it, teleport to the Menested waypoint as that is nearer, if not, follow the path northwest from Kyovashad to reach the waypoint. From Menested, leave from the northwest exit, and follow the path as far northwest as you can. In this small area, are twisted paths that all lead to two locations, Dry Steppes, and the "Mercy's Reach" iconMercy’s Reach dungeon which is to the right of Dry Steppe’s entrance. Completing this dungeon for the first time will reward you with the "Blood Seeker’s Aspect" iconBlood Seeker’s Aspect.

(1 of 2) Head to this location on the map

Head to this location on the map (left), where you’ll find the Mercy’s Reach dungeon. (right)

Dungeon 2 - Forbidden City Location

Teleport back to Menested, and leave via the northwest exit again. This time, hug the right wall (ignore the first right at the intersection) and follow it until you can head east. This will lead to a small circular area with a path leading to the north. Take the northern path to find the "Forbidden City" iconForbidden City dungeon. Completing this dungeon for the first time will reward you with the "Nighthowler's Aspect" iconNighthowler’s Aspect.

(1 of 2) Head to this location on the map

Head to this location on the map (left), where you’ll find the Forbidden City dungeon. (right)

Dungeon 3 - Kor Dragan Barracks Location

Although this dungeon appears next to the "Kor Dragan" iconKor Dragan Stronghold, you don’t need to complete it to unlock the dungeon as it’s open from the start. From Menested, take the east exit, and head east/northeast until you can’t go that direction anymore, then head northeast to find the "Kor Dragan Barracks" iconKor Dragan Barracks Dungeon in the northeastern corner. Completing this dungeon for the first time will reward you with the "Aspect of Anemia" iconAspect of Anemia.

(1 of 2) Head to this location on the map

Head to this location on the map (left), where you’ll find the Kor Dragan Barracks dungeon. (right)

The Pallid Glade

The Pallid Glade is the sub-region to the west of Kyovashad.

Dungeon 4 - Caldera Gate Location

From Kyovashad, leave via the southwest exit and follow the path southwest until the path curves around to the northwest. Continue following the path west, northwest, and west again and the path will eventually lead south. Proceed following the path south a little until you can head west then follow the narrow path northwest to find the "Caldera Gate" iconCaldera Gate dungeon. Completing this dungeon for the first time will reward you with the "Eluding Aspect" iconEluding Aspect.

(1 of 2) Head to this location on the map

Head to this location on the map (left), where you’ll find the Caldera Gate dungeon. (right)

Dungeon 5 - Nostrava Deepwood Location

Starting at the Caldera Gate dungeon, follow the southern winding path down and head east on the fifth intersection. The "Nostrava Deepwood" iconNostrava Deepwood will be on the eastern path, in the center. Completing this dungeon for the first time will reward you with the "Flesh-Rending Aspect" iconFlesh-Rending Aspect.

(1 of 2) Head to this location on the map

Head to this location on the map (left), where you’ll find the Nostrava Deepwood dungeon. (right)

Dungeon 6 - Derelict Lodge Location

This dungeon is near the "Nostrava" iconNostrava Deepwood dungeon. From the previous dungeon, head west back onto the main path, and follow it south ignoring the first intersection. Continue south until you reach the second intersection, and take the east path there which will lead to the "Derelict Lodge" iconDerelict Lodge dungeon. Completing this dungeon for the first time will reward you with the "Aspect of Explosive Verve" iconAspect of Explosive Verve.

(1 of 2) Head to this location on the map

Head to this location on the map (left), where you’ll find the Derelict Lodge dungeon. (right)

Dungeon 7 - Cultist Refuge Location

Technically in the Nostrava sub-region, but we’ll include this in The Pallid Glade. This dungeon won’t unlock until you’ve completed the Nostrava Stronghold. This can be found to the west of Kyovashad, south of the Derelict Lodge dungeon. Once you’ve completed the Stronghold, head into the dilapidated building to the east of the town to find the "Cultist Refuge" iconCultist Refuge. Completing this dungeon for the first time will reward you with the "Flamewalker's Aspect" iconFlamewalker’s Aspect.

(1 of 2) Head to this location on the map

Head to this location on the map (left), where you’ll find the Cultist Refuge dungeon. (right)

Desolate Highlands

The Desolate Highlands sub-region is to the southwest of Kyovashad, south of Nostrava.

Dungeon 8 - Tormented Ruins Location

If you have the Nevesk waypoint, this makes your life easier, if not, you’ll need to explore the area to find it. From Nostrava, head out the western exit, and make your way south until you reach the Altar of Lilith. Now take the southeast path into the Desolate Highlands region, and follow the lower eastern path into Nevesk which will have a waypoint. From Nevesk, follow the way north to the top where you’ll find the "Tormented Ruins" iconTormented Ruins dungeon. Completing this dungeon for the first time will reward you with the "Aspect of the Unsatiated" iconAspect of the Unsatiated.

(1 of 2) Head to this location on the map

Head to this location on the map (left), where you’ll find the Tormented Ruin dungeon. (right)

Dungeon 9 - Lost Archives Location

From Nevesk, take the southwest exit and follow the western path until you reach a large open area. In that area, head southeast then east to find the "Lost Archives" iconLost Archives dungeon. Completing this dungeon for the first time will reward you with the "Aspect of the Protector" iconAspect of the Protector.

(1 of 2) Head to this location on the map

Head to this location on the map (left), where you’ll find the Lost Archives dungeon. (right)

Dungeon 10 - Defiled Catacomb Location

Once again, teleport back to Nevesk, and take the northeast exit. Follow this path southeast (ignoring the small area to the south) and hug the right wall until it heads south. The "Defiled Catacomb" iconDefiled Catacomb dungeon will be in the southwest corner of the area. Completing this dungeon for the first time will reward you with the "Aspect of Tempering Blows" iconAspect of Tempering Blows.

(1 of 2) Head to this location on the map

Head to this location on the map (left), where you’ll find the Defiled Catacomb dungeon. (right)

Dobrev Taiga

The Dobrev Taiga sub-region can be found south of Kyovashad, west of Yelesna.

Dungeon 11 - Light’s Watch Location

This dungeon can be found southwest of Kyovashad. Leave the town via the south exit, and follow the path southeast until you can start heading west. When you can, go west, follow it all the way west until you can’t head that direction anymore. The "Light's Watch" iconLight’s Watch dungeon will be along the western wall, nearer to the top of the area. Completing this dungeon for the first time will reward you with the "Aspect of Conflagration" iconAspect of Conflagration.

(1 of 2) Head to this location on the map

Head to this location on the map (left), where you’ll find the Light’s Watch dungeon. (right)

Dungeon 12 - Maulwood Location

The "Maulwood" iconMaulwood dungeon is to the east of the Margrave waypoint which is further south of the Light’s Watch dungeon. If you keep heading south, you’ll eventually find it. From the Margrave waypoint, take the southeastern exit and follow the path all the way east where you’ll find the Maulwood dungeon at the end of it. Completing this dungeon for the first time will reward you with the "Slaking Aspect" iconSlaking Aspect.

(1 of 2) Head to this location on the map

Head to this location on the map (left), where you’ll find the Maulwood dungeon. (right)

Gale Valley

The Gale Valley sub-region can be found to the southeast of Kyovashad where the Yelesna waypoint can be found.

Dungeon 13 - Dead Man’s Dredge Location

From the Yelesna waypoint, take the southeast exit, and head east. In the next area, you can go either north or south as they both can lead to the same place. For guide purposes, head north, and take the northeastern path at the first intersection. Follow this path until you can go down the southeastern path which will lead into a large area. In this area, take any of the eastern paths until you can head southeast. As soon as you take the southeastern path, the "Dead Man's Dredge" iconDead Man’s Dredge dungeon will be immediately to your north. Completing this dungeon for the first time will reward you with the "Aspect of Piercing Cold" iconAspect of Piercing Cold.

(1 of 2) Head to this location on the map

Head to this location on the map (left), where you’ll find the Dead Man’s Dredge dungeon. (right)

Frigid Expanse

The "Frigid Expanse" iconFrigid Expanse sub-region is the large area outside the eastern exit of Kyovashad.

Dungeon 14 - Immortal Emanation Location

From Kyovashad, exit via the east, and go across the area while heading southeast. This area is filled with many paths, but you want to take the southeastern path that leads into a smaller area. When you reach this area, head north and follow the wall east to find the "Immortal Emanation" iconImmortal Emanation dungeon. Completing this dungeon for the first time will reward you with the "Mangled Aspect" iconMangled Aspect.

(1 of 2) Head to this location on the map

Head to this location on the map (left), where you’ll find the Immortal Emanation dungeon. (right)

Dungeon 15 - Hallowed Ossuary Location

This dungeon is relatively near the dungeon, Immortal Emanation. From the previous dungeon, follow the northern wall to the northeast until you can head east. Take the eastern path until you reach the wall, then head north where you’ll find the "Hallowed Ossuary" iconHallowed Ossuary dungeon. Completing this dungeon for the first time will reward you with the "Aspect of Unrelenting Fury" iconAspect of Unrelenting Fury.

(1 of 2) Head to this location on the map

Head to this location on the map (left), where you’ll find the Hallowed Ossuary dungeon. (right)

Dungeon 16 - Black Asylum Location

Teleport back to Kyovashad, and take the eastern exit again. From here, you can take a relatively straight path northeast to reach the "Black Asylum" iconBlack Asylum dungeon. If you follow the actual path, it will take you towards it where it’ll eventually split at the intersection. Either head north which will take you off the path, or follow the path east, northeast then west. Completing this dungeon for the first time will reward you with the "Aspect of Torment" iconAspect of Torment.

(1 of 2) Head to this location on the map

Head to this location on the map (left), where you’ll find the Black Asylum dungeon. (right)

Dungeon 17 - Forsaken Quarry Location

Once again, teleport back to Kyovashad, and take the eastern exit. This time head north and follow it until you have to make a jump across. After the Jump, continue going north and then west to find the "Forsaken Quarry" iconForsaken Quarry dungeon. Completing this dungeon for the first time will reward you with the "Aspect of Encircling Blades" iconAspect of Encircling Blades.

(1 of 2) Head to this location on the map

Head to this location on the map (left), where you’ll find the Forsaken Quarry dungeon. (right)

Seat of the Heavens

The "Seat of the Heavens" iconSeat of the Heavens sub-region can be found to the far east/northeast of Kyovashad and has five dungeons to locate. You’ll need to unlock the "Bear" iconBear Tribe Refuge waypoint to make things easier to navigate.

Dungeon 18 - Hoarfrost Demise Location

From the Bear Tribe Refuge waypoint, head out the eastern exit and follow the path northeast until you can go north. Take the short northern path then head west, and continue along the path until you can head northeast. At the end of the path will be the "Hoarfrost Demise" iconHoarfrost Demise dungeon. Completing this dungeon for the first time will reward you with the "Blood-bathed Aspect" iconBlood-bathed Aspect.

(1 of 2) Head to this location on the map

Head to this location on the map (left), where you’ll find the Hoarfrost Demise dungeon. (right)

Dungeon 19 - Zenith Location

Go back to the Bear Tribe Refuge waypoint, and head out the eastern exit again. Follow the same northeastern path you just took for the previous dungeon, but instead of heading north at the intersection, continue northeast until you hit a wall. Follow that wall south ignoring the first path to the east, and continue south until the next eastern path. This will take you into a small area where you’ll find the "Zenith" iconZenith dungeon to your north. Completing this dungeon for the first time will reward you with the "Recharging Aspect" iconRecharging Aspect.

(1 of 2) Head to this location on the map

Head to this location on the map (left), where you’ll find the Zenith dungeon. (right)

Dungeon 20 - Sanguine Chapel Location

This requires you to progress the story to unlock this dungeon. It can be found in the far east of Fracture Peaks. From the Bear Tribe Refuge waypoint, head southeast across the expanse and take one of the two southeastern paths northeast then head east in the area to find the "Sanguine Chapel" iconSanguine Chapel dungeon. Completing this dungeon for the first time will reward you with the "Energizing Aspect" iconEnergizing Aspect.

(1 of 2) Head to this location on the map

Head to this location on the map (left), where you’ll find the Sanguine Chapel dungeon. (right)

Dungeon 21 - Anica’s Claim Location

This dungeon is technically located in the "Malnok" iconMalnok sub-region, but it’s in the general location of the Seat of the Heavens. You’ll need to complete the Malnok Stronghold to unlock both this, and the following dungeon to unlock them. Once you’ve unlocked the Stronghold head directly north from it, and you’ll find the "Anica's Claim" iconAnica’s Claim dungeon. Completing this dungeon for the first time will reward you with the "Stormclaw's Aspect" iconStormclaw’s Aspect.

(1 of 2) Head to this location on the map

Head to this location on the map (left), where you’ll find the Anica’s Claim dungeon. (right)

Dungeon 22 - Rimescar Cavern Location

As with Anica’s Claim, you’ll need to complete the Malnok Stronghold to unlock the dungeon. From the merchant area in Malnok take the top of the two eastern paths, and it’ll lead to a place you can interact with to take you to the area in the northeast. In the new area, follow the path east then north where you’ll find the "Rimescar" iconRimescar dungeon at the back of the area. Completing this dungeon for the first time will reward you with the "Aspect of Plunging Darkness" iconAspect of Plunging Darkness.

(1 of 2) Head to this location on the map

Head to this location on the map (left), where you’ll find the Rimescar Cavern dungeon. (right)

Dungeon 23 - Icehowl Ruins Location

This dungeon wasn’t available in the beta, but it appears to be part of the story which may also be tied to World Tier III, although we can’t confirm this.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Blizzard Entertainment
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, PS5, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    14 March 2023
  • Last Updated
    19 October 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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