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Diablo IV

How to Clear the Cultist Refuge in Diablo 4

Nathan Garvin
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Dungeons are discrete concentrations of hostility in an already dangerous world. Marked on your map with gate icons, you’ll find dungeons scattered throughout Sanctuary, often appearing in the form of ruins or caves. Filled with monsters, you’ll often have to fight your way through these dens of evil while completing various objectives, usually culminating in a fight with some dungeon boss at the end. In addition to the loot you’ll gain from vanquishing foes and looting chests in dungeons, you’ll also gain a scaling amount of XP and gold for completing a dungeon run. Furthermore, the first time you clear a dungeon you’ll earn an aspect unique to said dungeon, which can be used to empower gear. This page covers the "Cultist Refuge" iconCultist Refuge dungeon in Diablo 4, including how to find this dungeon, complete its objectives, and defeat the dungeon boss at the end.

(1 of 2) The !Cultist Refuge dungeon can be found in !Nostrava,

The !Cultist Refuge dungeon can be found in !Nostrava, (left), but you must first conquer the aforementioned stronghold before you can find the cellar door leading down into the !Cultist Refuge. (right)

How to Find the Cultist Refuge in Diablo 4

One of the more obscure dungeons in the Fractured Peaks, this dungeon is actually located under the Stronghold Nostrava, which must be first cleared, conquered and pacified. You’ll find "Nostrava" iconNostrava to the east and somewhat south of "Kyovashad" iconKyovashad, nestled in between the Destolate Highlands (the same large region that houses Kyovashad) and The Pallid Glade, to the north. Once conquered, return to the smoldering ruins of the church along the eastern edge of Nostrava and search the northern end of the building to find a cellar door leading down to the Cultist Refuge.

Once inside the dungeon - which is remarkably intact considering it was housed under a burning church, we might add - you’ll be tasked with completing the following objectives:

  • Slay all enemies in the Halls of Assembly
  • Slay The Oversee and collect the Cultist Key
  • Use Cultist Key to open the Sanctum Door
  • Travel to the Inner Sanctum
  • Destroy the Construct
  • Slay the High Priests

(1 of 2) Clear the Halls of Assembly,

Clear the Halls of Assembly, (left), Then defeat Rakshashi The Overseer when he appears to stop the carnage. (right)

How to Clear the Cultist Refuge in Diablo 4

Despite the bother of actually reaching this dungeon, clearing it is a fairly straight-forward matter. It’s clogged with cultists and the demons they worship, and largely, they all need to be exterminated. Most of the objectives are just variations on this overall task.

First you’ll need to “Slay all enemies in the Halls of Assembly”, which just means you need to run around the starting part of the dungeon and kill every hostile you see. Once you’ve slaughtered your fair share of cultists, you’ll be confronted by Rakshasi The Overseer, who had the Teleporter, Terrifying and Shadow Enchanted traits when we encountered him. Defeat him and he’ll drop the Cultist Key, which will allow you to open the Sanctum Door.

(1 of 4) Use the Cultist Key to open the Sanctum Door,

Open the Sanctum Door and you’ll find yourself in a room littered with spike traps that randomly engage and retract. If you get hit by them, they’ll deal some damage and inflict the Vulnerable debuff, which is unfortunate considering the room will shortly be filled by enemies. Your goal here is to defeat a Bone Pile, listed as the objective Destroy the Construct, a task complicated by the aforementioned spike traps and enemies that will spawn. Try to find spare some attention for the Bone Pile, however, as your tormentors will persist until it is gone. Vanquish the Bone Pile and you’ll be able to proceed, climbing a ladder down into the Inner Sanctum.

(1 of 2) Kill the two high priests,

Kill the two high priests, (left), to clear the !Cultist Refuge and gain the Firewalkers Aspect. (right)

Down in the caverns that make up the Inner Sanctum, your final task is pretty straight-forward: defeat two High Priests, which serve as the bosses of this dungeon. Unfortunately these are pretty mundane enemies, being little more than elite cultists. For us, this consisted of Clouse (Poison Enchanted, "Plaguebearer" iconPlaguebearer, Waller) and Chesna (Mortar, Multishot, Vampiric), neither of which took any special tactics to defeat. While you hunt down these high priests, keep an eye out for Resplendent Chests - we found two of them lining the walls of this cavern, which constituted a considerable haul.

Kill the two high priests and you’ll complete this dungeon, earning Renown and access to the "Flamewalker's Aspect" iconFlamewalker’s Aspect.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Blizzard Entertainment
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, PS5, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    14 March 2023
  • Last Updated
    19 October 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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