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Diablo IV

Best Diablo 4 Necromancer Leveling Builds For Season 1

Craig Robinson
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The Necromancer is a solid leveling class in Diablo 4, offering players opportunities to steamroll enemies with the hordes of undead, utilize magic schools to overpower everything, or destroy everything with Bone magic. No matter you’re preference, there’s some form of Diablo 4 Necromancer leveling build for Season 1 that is viable. Below you’ll find our suggestions, and the skill point leveling builds for each.

Summon hoards of the dead and have them steamroll everything using a Necromancer minion leveling build. Image via Blizzard Entertainment.

Diablo 4 Necromancer Leveling Builds

In terms of leveling builds for the Necromancer in Diablo 4, we recommended the following archetypes. Feel free to click the links as it will auto scroll you to the appropriate build you’re interested. If you want a synopsis of a build before you go forward, we have quick one paragraph summaries of each build. But, the sections on each build will have listed skill points, and recommended legendaries to get while leveling.

  1. Bone Spear Leveling Build
  2. Blood Nova Leveling Build
  3. Minion Leveling Build

The premise of the Bone Spear leveling build is that you are front loading your damage into the Bone Spear crit amplification, which will destroy packs and bosses very easily using Bone Spear’s sniping damage, as well as collision shatter for more single target and AOE damage DPS boosts. You also take skills like Bone Storm for defensive, damage and Crit Amp, alongside Corpse Tendrils, an explosion for more pack destruction. It’s got everything you need to gather, cc, and nuke foes while leveling, albeit its movement is on the lower end

The Blood Mage’s Blood Surge leveling build playstyle is all about AOE. The Necromancer’s Blood Surge skill will allow the player to get up close into packs, and nuke enemies around it and afar by siphoning life and causing blood explosions around the player. You also want to use "Reap" iconReap and Corpse Explosion to generate more damage tools and still filter resources while offering better single damage and corpse generation than "Hemorrhage" iconHemorrhage would. Group them together With Corpse Tendrils for clumping and Vuln, and its easy to apply your CE, Reap and Blood Surge echo radius’ damage to packs for very good clear speeds, and somewhat fine boss damage.

The Necromancer Minion leveling build uses minion and a mixture of shadow damage to overwhelm packs and bosses alike. The idea is to use Reap as a Corpse generator, while your Sever deals increased damage depending on your active minion count. You also want to gain an additional skeleton for that added minion count, shadow mages for more shadow bolts on attacks for better single target output, and the Healthy blood Golem option as that will be your tank, and offers better damage output versus something like the Iron Golem’s shockwave. If your Golem loses its Health, you can always re-summon it. You then want Corpse Tendrils and Corpse Explosion for the Vuln and Crit amp, while CE is used to mop up extra corpses for bonus damage.

Diablo 4 Necromancer Leveling Builds: Bone Spear

The Bone Spear leveling build is all about high burst and crit damage to annihilate packs and bosses alike. Image via Blizzard Entertainment.

The general idea of the Bone Spear build in Diablo 4 is to use the "Bone Splinters" iconBone Splinters and Bone Spear as your main resource builder and spender. You then want the core leveling kit of Corpse Tendrils and Corpse Explosion to group enemies together for that combo, while combining either snipes from your Bone Spear, or the impact shatter against bosses for as much DPS application as possible.

Your main leveling legendaries for this build are the "Splintering Aspect" iconSplintering Aspect, to assist with boss damage and Vulnerable enhancing damage for your Bone Spear, making it better for pack destruction and bossing alike. You also want "Aspect of Torment" iconAspect of Torment for Resource Generation, especially once you have unlocked Bone Storm’s crit amplification node, and "Wind Striker Aspect" iconWind Striker Aspect for added movement speed for when you do crit, which becomes fairly often, and its the only reliable way to get movement speed.

It also goes without saying you want to sacrifice your minions for this build, looking for more crit passives from the Skirmisher sacrifice, and Iron Golem sacrifice when you unlock Iron Golems, and then the Vuln sacrifice perk from Cold Mages.

  1. Bone Splinters
  2. "Enhanced Bone Splinters" iconEnhanced Bone Splinters
  3. Bone Spear (BS)
  4. Enhanced BS
  5. Paranormal BS
  6. "Acolyte's Bone Splinters" iconAcolyte’s Bone Splinters
  7. Corpse Explosion (CE)
  8. Enhanced Corpse Explosion
  9. Blighted Corpse Explosion
  10. Bones Spear x4
  11. Corpse Explosion x3
  12. Corpse Tendrils
  13. Enhanced Corpse Tendrils
  14. Plagued Corpse Tendrils
  15. Grim Harvest x3
  16. Hewed Flesh
  17. Bone Storm
  18. Prime Bone Storm
  19. Supreme Bone Storm
  20. Serration x3
  21. Compound Fracture x3
  22. Evulsion
  23. Capstone - Ossified Essence
  24. Evulsion x2
  25. Hewed Flesh x2
  26. Stand Alone
  27. Memento Mori x3
  28. Stand Alone x2
  29. Imperfectly Balanced x3
  30. The remaining points your choice, you can go for some more defensiveness, upgrade CE or get max resource increases since you now generate lots of resources via Corpses and our Basic Skill.

Diablo 4 Necromancer Leveling Builds: Blood Nova Build

Use the power of Blood to fortify and Overpower yourself and enemies in this Necromancer Blood focused AOE build. Image via Blizzard Entertainment.

The idea behind this build is to use Reap as a Corpse and Essence generator, followed by your Nova to deal AOE close range, and stack Overpowering damage, making you a unit in both AOE and single target bossing, especially with Blood Surge legendaries attached. You then want to use Blood Mist, and "Decrepify" iconDecrepify as defensive tools largely, since you’re going to face tank a lot of enemies, and reduce the overall Blood Orbs generation since you won’t use Hemmorage, as that lacks damage output to speed this leveling up.

Legendaries to use while leveling are "Aspect of Grasping Veins" iconAspect of Grasping Veins, for bonus crit with Corpse Tendrils activation, and "Blood-bathed Aspect" iconBlood-bathed Aspect, which you can get really early from Fractured Peaks. if you happen to get the new Gore Quills Aspect added in Season 1, then you may swap to Blood Lance, and essentially do the same thing with this build, albeit with lock on Blood Lances.

As for your minions, you want to sacrifice Skirmishers, Bone Mages, and the Blood or the Iron Golem, depending on your needs for more crit or more survivability.

  1. Reap
  2. "Enhanced Reap" iconEnhanced Reap
  3. Blood Surge
  4. "Acolyte's Reap" iconAcolyte’s Reap
  5. Enhanced Blood Surge
  6. Paranormal Blood Surge
  7. Corpse Explosion
  8. Enhanced CE
  9. Blighted CE
  10. Blood Mist
  11. Grim Harvest
  12. Decrepify
  13. "Enhanced Decrepify" iconEnhanced Decrepify
  14. Horrid Decripfiy - Acts as an AOE execute for enemies below 10% HP with either CE or Blood Surge
  15. Corpse Explosion x2
  16. Corpse Tendrils
  17. Enhanced Corpse Tendrils
  18. Plagued Corpse Tendrils (only source of Vuln in this build)
  19. Grim Harvest x2
  20. Hewed Flesh x3
  21. Enhanced Blood Mist - Lowers CD when you overpower, which you will via Surge’s modifier.
  22. Ghastly Blood Mist - Spawns corpses periodically while in Blood Mist - use to generate more corpses for that CE damage and resource generation from Grim Harvest.
  23. Fueled By Death x2
  24. Stand Alone
  25. Memento Mori x3
  26. Capstone - Rathma’s Vigor
  27. Stand Alone x2
  28. "Amplify Damage" iconAmplify Damage x3 - You can potentially place these where Hewed Flesh is if you want to.
  29. Unliving Energy x3
  30. Imperfectly Balanced x3
  31. The remaining talents you can use on upgrading Blood Surge and CE.

Diablo 4 Necromancer Leveling Builds: Minion Leveling Build

Summon shadowy mages and use shadow magic to bolster your minions and your own DPS in this Diablo 4 Necromancer Minion Build. Image via Blizzard Entertainment.

There are a few ways you can go about this build, using either blood to remain tanky on the front with your minions while casting Blood Surge. You can go Decompse + Blight into a Corpse Explosion minion Build, too. However, both of these are harder to setup due to legendary requirements, skill point usage, or nerfs in the case of the Blight minion build. So, we think using Reap and Sever as minion damage scaling builds is safer.

Your general playstyle here is to get Sever’s damage boost via your minion count, while Reap is there to generate corpses and resources. You need to use +1 extra skirmisher, and Shadow Mages +1 bolt every 5 attacks, which helps with DPS output and minion damage scalings. You also need the Blood Golem’s Healthy perk to be the main tank, since this build and your minions are squishy, especially with the minion nerfs. The other skills you want are Corpse Explosion and Corpse Tendrils for general DPS output, grouping into Sever and Vuln spreading.

As for leveling legendaries, your main legendaries you want are Reanimation Aspect, and Aspect of Grasping Veins. The main issue here is these legendaries unlock rather late into the campaign, so, if this is your first class, then this build takes slightly longer to get rolling, but, if it’s an alt, and you have the aspects already unlocked, it’s much better.

As for the leveling build, you want the skills as follows

  1. Reap
  2. Enhanced Reap
  3. Sever
  4. Acolyte’s Reap
  5. Enhanced Sever
  6. Supernatural Sever
  7. Corpse Explosion
  8. Enhanced Corpse Explosion
  9. Blighted Corpse Explosion
  10. Sever x4
  11. Grim Harvest x3
  12. Corpse Tendrils
  13. Enhanced CT
  14. Plagued CT
  15. Reaper’s Pursuit x3
  16. Gloom x3
  17. Terror X3
  18. Crippling Darkness x3
  19. Skeleton Mage Mastery x2
  20. Capstone - Shadowblight
  21. Skeleton Mage Mastery
  22. Corpse Explosion x 4
  23. Bonded in Essence x3
  24. Death’s Defense x3
  25. Inspiring Leader
  26. Hellbent Commander
  27. Hewed Flesh x3

If you opt for a blood build using minions, you will want to prio more points into Hellbent Commander, and change the shadow passive buffs around 17-19 to blood passives, and alter the capstone to Kalan’s Edict. If you use Blight and "Decompose" iconDecompose, you will use the same build, but change the prio order to Corpse Explosion over your core skill instead.

This concludes the Diablo 4 Necromancer Leveling Builds for Season 1. Hopefully, there’s a build of interest for you here to assist you with your leveling for Season 1!

Looking for more leveling builds? Check out other class’ leveling builds below:

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Blizzard Entertainment
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, PS5, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    14 March 2023
  • Last Updated
    19 October 2024
    Version History
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