Faceless Shrine Hawezar Dungeon
In-Game Description
One of Hawezar’s less secretive cults. Sinners welcome.
- Free the Prisoners (5)
- Travel to the Chamber of Purging
- Slay the Sentinel Guardian
- Destroy the Blood Obelisk (3)
- Travel to the Altar of the Faceless
- Defeat the
Mother’s Judgment
This dungeon is one of the cooler looking ones in Hawezar. As soon as you enter it it feels like an unholy shrine and you can expect to find enough cannobals in there to keep your bloodlust satisfied.
In fact, the enemies in this dungeon are exclusively cannibals, cultists and demons. Not a creepy-crawly in sight.
Almost immediately upon entering you will be into the fight and close by you will also find the first of the five bound prisoners you need to release. The rest are scattered around the initial areas, including one that is hiding in a small sanctum, but it should not take too long to find them all.
Once done you need to head to the Chamber of Purging, killing Venkalth Shivermaw (Sentinel Guardian) along the way. He has a Vampiric Affix and Damage Reduction which means he can stick around for a while. It is best to kill off the numerous Mother’s Disciples that will join the fight too and then concentrate all your power on Shivermaw.
With that win behind you, you now need to find and destroy three Blood Obelisks before moving on to the final dungeon boss.
Each Obelisk will spawn an Elite Ritual Leader when you reduce it’s health to about 80%.
Once all three have been destroyed you must proceed to the Altar of the Faceless where you will take on the boss, the Mother’s Judgment, to complete the Faceless Shrine.

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