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Updated Title
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Published Title Publisher
Icon Title Objectives Description In-Game Description Drops From Rarity/Type Screenshots Video General Reward Item Reward Gold XP Location Quest NPC Region Quest Items
Item icon
A Chorus of Voices

Catch up to Lorath at the Tree of Whispers

Act V: Secrets Bartered, Fates SoldChapter: On the Precipice…

XP, Gold

"Crown of Whispers" iconCrown of Whispers Unique Helm
"Lorath" iconLorath Main Characters

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
A Cold and Lifeless Shore

Rejoin Lorath & Neyrelle on the way to the eastern shore Speak…

Note: You can start this quest after completing The Slow, Beating…

Act V: Secrets Bartered, Fates SoldChapter: Sunken Temple Quest…

XP, Gold

"Lorath" iconLorath Main Characters

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
A Heavy Burden

Search for Neyrelle at the Horadric Vault Inspect the Runed…

Epilogue: From the Wound SpilledChapter: Legacy of the Horadrim…

There was no sign of Neyrelle at the desert chapel. I should…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

Item icon
A Hero's Return

Return to Nevesk. Speak with Vani.

The broken tower held evil creatures and demonic magic. At least…



Item icon
A Hero's Reward

Slay the crazed villagers. Speak with Iosef. Loot the Chapel…

I awoke in a putrid barn lying on a filthy cart. Oswen was preparing…

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

Item icon
A Master's Touch

Meet Donan at the Cathedral of Light.

Act IV: A Gathering StormChapter: Prying the Eye • Quest 2/6…

Using the Sightless Eye, we learned of Lilith’s intentions. Lorath…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
A Meeting of the Minds

Meet with your allies at the Forsaken Chapel. Speak with Neyrelle.…

Act IV: A Gathering StormChapter: “Prying the Eye” iconPrying…

What are the next steps? I should meet with the others at the…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
A Moment to Collect

Speak with Lorath in Ked Bardu Join Lorath for the autopsy …

Act III: The Making of MonstersChapter: City of Blood and Dust…

I must return to Lorath with the news of what has happened in…

XP and Gold.

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
An Unforeseen Visit

Objective: Find Donan at Eldhaime Keep.Lorath has asked me to…

XP and Gold.

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
Anguish Incarnate

Defeat Andariel

Act IV: A Gathering StormChapter: “Prying the Eye” iconPrying…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Apex of Misery

This quest begins immediately after Harrowed Lament. Objective…

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon

Speak with Vigo Speak with Neyrelle Bring Vigo and Neyrelle…

We barely escaped the collapsing mines and now find outsleves…

Gold and XP

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

Item icon
Beneath the Mask

Speak with Meshif Find the entrance to the exalted Terrace with…

Act III: The Making of MonstersChapter: Elias’ Palace • Quest…

With Meshif’s assistance, we’ve found Elias’ palace beyond the…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Beneath the Wine-Dark Sea

Uncover Elias’ secret within the temple# Dispel the remaining…

Act V: Secrets Bartered, Fates SoldChapter: Sunken Temple Quest…

XP, Gold

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

"Temple of the Deathspeaker" iconTemple of the Deathspeaker Hawezar Dungeon
Item icon
Brought Low

Meet Lorath at the Hidden Overlook

Act III: The Making of MonstersChapter: City of Blood and Dust…

My investigations into Elias point towards the fallen city of…

XP and Gold.

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Cold Blood

Search the Slithering Dark Open the Incense Box - Keep going…

Note: Quest immediately begins after completing the Wrack and…

Act V: Secrets Bartered, Fates SoldChapter: Following Whispers…

XP, Gold

"Mohlon's Fang" iconMohlon's Fang Unique Weapons

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

"Slithering Dark" iconSlithering Dark Hawezar Dungeon
Item icon
Crossing Over

Act I: A Cold and Iron FaithChapter: Beyong the Black Lake •…



Item icon
Dark Omens

Objective: Investigate the disturbance at Firebreak ManorI learned…

XP and Gold.

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
Darkness Within

Enter Icehowl Ruins Search the depths of Icehowl Ruins Inspect…

I’ve agreed to search the ruins north of Nevesk and slay whatever…

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

"Icehowl Ruins" iconIcehowl Ruins Fractured Peaks Dungeon
Item icon

Enter the Necropolis of the Firstborn Pursue Lilith Destroy…

Act I: A Cold and Iron FaithChapter: Beyond the Black Lake •…

I pursue Lilith through the Necropolis of the Firstborn. Something…

XP & Gold Blest Prayer Beads

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

Item icon
Descent Into Flame

Enter the Temple of the Primes with Lorath Find the ritual location…

Act III: The Making of MonstersChapter: Volcano • Quest 2/3 …

We should enter the heart of Mt. Civo and find our way into the…

XP and Gold.

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Dirge of the Mire

Speak with Neyrelle Follow the serpent with your allies Find…

Note: This quest begins immediately after completing The Serpentine…

Act V: Secrets Bartered, Fates SoldChapter: Following Whispers…

XP, Gold

"Neyrelle" iconNeyrelle Main Characters

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Dusk on the Mountain

Find shelter in a nearby town. Find the source of the voices.…

Prologue: WanderingChapter: Dusk on the Mountain • Quest 1/7…

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

Item icon
Encroaching Shadows

Act II: The Knife Twists Again Objective 1: Search for evidence…

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
Encumbered Mind

Mix the Quicksilver with other liquids Turn the Wheel three…

Note: Begins immediately after completing the Witch of the Wastes…

Act V: Secrets Bartered, Fates SoldChapter: Mending the Stone…

XP, Gold

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Entombed Hatred

Enter the Foul Undercrypts Search the Foul Undercrypts Slay…

Note: Begins immediately after completing the Wrack and Ruin…

Act V: Secrets Bartered, Fates SoldChapter: Echo of Hatred 2/2…

XP, Gold

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

"Foul Undercrypts" iconFoul Undercrypts Hawezar Dungeon
Item icon
Essence of Hatred

Join your Horadrim allies in the Burning Hells Search for Inarius’…

Act VI: Dance of the MakersChapter: The Burning Hells • Quest…

We’ve entered the Gates of Hell, a vile place not for mortals…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Evil Stirs in Kehjistan

Meet with Horadrim in Parched Wanderer Inn in Tarsarak Speak…

Act VI: Dance of the MakersChapter: A Righteous Crusade • Quest…

Our goal lies in Kehjistan. I should meet with Doran, Lorath…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Exhumed Relics

Speak with Meshif Meet Lorath at the Forsaken Chapel

Act III: The Making of MonstersChapter: Elias’ Palace • Quest…

Though Elias was found to be immortal, we managed to escape his…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Exhuming the Forgotten

This quest begins immediately after Encroaching Darkness is complete.…

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
Eye of the Storm

Speak with Lorath. Speak with Lorath.

Act IV: A Gathering StormChapter: “Prying the Eye” iconPrying…

I should speak with the others before we depart for Hawezar.…

XP, Gold, and a Rare Amulet

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Feral Nature

Objective: Check with the knights of Tirmair about LilithAt Donan’s…

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
Fledgling Scholar

Enter the Horadric Vault Speak with Neyrelle Follow Neyrelle…

Act I: A Cold and Iron FaithChapter: Secrets of the Horadrim…

Neyrelle and I discovered the Darkened Holt to be a magical illusion…

Horadic Initiate’s Amulet Gold and XP

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

Item icon
Flesh from Bone

Meet Lorath and Meshif at the Forsaken Chapel Speak with Lorath…

Act III: The Making of MonstersChapter: Elias’ Palace • Quest…

Meshif is an odd character, but claims to know his way through…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Fragments of Mortality

Speak with Lorath Burn Elias’ Mummified Finger Speak with Neyrelle…

Act V: Secrets Bartered, Fates SoldChapter: Sunken Temple Quest…

XP, Gold

"Lorath" iconLorath Main Characters

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Harrowed Lament

This quest begins immediately after completion of the Exhuming…

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
Ill Tidings

Travel to the Cathedral of Light.I must seek out the Cathedral…



Item icon
In Desolation's Wake

Speak to Donan Escort your allies through the Realm of Hatred…

Act VI: Dance of the MakersChapter: The Burning Hells • Quest…

Prava said that Inarius followed Lilith into the spire. With…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
In Her Wake

Speak with Vigo Open the Gate of Kasama Speak with Grendan Inspect…

We’ve repaired the hoist, the way back, but we must go deeper…



"The Darkened Way" iconThe Darkened Way Fractured Peaks

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

Item icon
In Search of Answers

Find the hermit’s cabin. Enter the cabin. Search the cabin.…

Prologue: WanderingChapter: Dusk on the Mountain • Quest 6/7…

I told the monk of my vision. He was clearly unsettled by what…

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

Item icon
Judgement of the Swamp

Catch up to Lorath and Neyrelle Follow Lorath Slay the Nangari…

Note: This quest begins after finishing the Cold Blood Campaign…

Act V: Secrets Bartered, Fates SoldChapter: Following Whispers…

XP, Gold

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Knee-Deep in Filth

Catch up to Taissa Track Elias with Taissa through the Plaguemarsh…

Note: This quest begins immediately after completing On the Precipice…

Act V: Secrets Bartered, Fates SoldChapter: On the Precipice…

XP, Gold

"Foul Undercrypts" iconFoul Undercrypts Hawezar Dungeon

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Kor Valar

Speak with Revered Mother Prava in Kor Valar Travel to Kor Valar…

Act I: A Cold and Iron FaithChapter: Pilgrimage • Quest 1/1Next…

I must go to Kor Valar and speak with Reverend Mother Prava.…

Gold and XP

"Kyovashad" iconKyovashad Fractured Peaks
"Cathedral of Light" iconCathedral of Light Fractured Peaks

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

Item icon
Legacy of the Horadrim

Meet with Lorath at Firebreak Manor Speak with Lorath

Epilogue: From the Wound SpilledChapter: Legacy of the Horadrim…

I missed Neyrelle at the Horadric Vault, but she left a letter…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
Light Extinguished

Speak to Lorath Follow your allies to the Spire of Torment Investigate…

Act VI: Dance of the MakersChapter: The Burning Hells • Quest…

We’re making our way to the Spire of Torment. How much more of…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Light's Guidance

Speak with Revered Mother Prava at the Cathedral of Light Travel…

Act I: A Cold and Iron FaithChapter: Pilgrimage • Quest 1/1Next…

I must speak with Revered Mother Prava and convince her to provide…

Gold and XP

"Cathedral of Light" iconCathedral of Light Fractured Peaks
"Kyovashad" iconKyovashad Fractured Peaks

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

Item icon
Light's Judgement

Enter the Alabaster Monastery Climb the stairs of the Hall of…

Act I: A Cold and Iron FaithChapter: Pilgrimage • Quest 2/2Next…

Now that I have completed the pilgrimage, I must enter the Alabaster…

Gold and XP

"Shrine of the Pentinent" iconShrine of the Pentinent Fractured Peaks

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

Item icon
Light's Protection

Speak with Revered Mother Prava in Kor Valar Return to Reverend…

Act I: A Cold and Iron FaithChapter: Pilgrimage • Quest 1/1Next…

Inarius has judgement me, but what that means for my mission…

Gold and XP



Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

Item icon
Light's Resolve

Act I: A Cold and Iron FaithChapter: Beyond the Black Lake •…

Item icon
Loose Threads

Speak with the mysterious woman Speak with Lorath

Act III: The Making of MonstersChapter: Volcano • Quest 3/3 …

I must find Lorath and ensure that he and that woman made it…

XP and Gold.

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Lost Arts

Enter the Horadric Vault at Mistral Woods. Speak with Donan.…

Act IV: A Gathering StormChapter: Prying the Eye • Quest 3/6…

After delivering Lorath’s letter I’ve been asked to assist…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

Item icon
Missing Pieces

Meet Lorath in Kyovashad. Speak with the Merchant. Purchase…

Prologue: WanderingMissing PiecesChapter: Missing Pieces • Quest…

I must find Lorath in Kyovashad and together we will present…

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

"Lorath's Polearm" iconLorath's Polearm Area Item
"Strange Amulet" iconStrange Amulet Area Item
Item icon
Oasis of Memories

Act III: The Making of MonstersChapter: Elias’ Palace • Quest…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
On the Precipice

Rejoin your allies at the Zakarum Keep Speak with Donan Follow…

Act V: Secrets Bartered, Fates SoldChapter: On the Precipice…

XP, Gold

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
One Step Forward

Speak with Taissa Speak with Donan Mix the Quicksilver with…

Note: This quest can be started immediately after completing…

Act V: Secrets Bartered, Fates SoldChapter: Mending the Stone…

XP, Gold

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Picking Through the Bones

Search for the coffin beyond the wrecks with your allies Save…

Act V: Secrets Bartered, Fates SoldChapter: Sunken Temple Quest…

XP, Gold

"Lorath" iconLorath Main Characters

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Piercing the Veil

Enter the Exalted Terrace Find Elias within the Exalted Terrace…

Act III: The Making of MonstersChapter: Elias’ Palace • Quest…

The followers of Elias have taken refuge in his corrupted palace.…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

"The Exalted Terrace" iconThe Exalted Terrace Kehjistan Dungeon
Item icon

Complete the pilgrimage to the Shrine of the Penitent Speak…

Act I: A Cold and Iron FaithChapter: Pilgrimage • Quest 1/2 …

Reverend Mother Prava requires me to complete a pilgrimage and…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

Item icon
Prayers for Salvation

Prologue: WanderingChapter: Dusk of the Mountain • Quest 5/7…



Item icon

Meet Lorath and Neyrelle at the Forsaken Chapel Meet Neyrelle…

Epilogue: From the Wound SpilledChapter: Legacy of the Horadrim…

Lilith is defeated. Loarth and I make for the old desert chapel…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Prying the Eye

Speak to Taissa Bring the Sightless Eye to the pedestal Gaze…

Act IV: A Gathering StormChapter: Prying the Eye • Quest 1/6…

Lorath needs my help to use the Sightless Eye as a scrying device.…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Rite of Passage

Accompany Lorath to Kyovashad. Slay the Fallen. Speak with Lorath.…

Prologue: WanderingRite of PassageChapter: Dusk on the Mountain…

The hermit, a man named Lorath Nahr, claims the demon I saw in…

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

Item icon
Secrets of the Zakarum

Meet with Donan Find a way into the Zakarum keep Scale the damaged…

Begins after The Path Divided Campaign Quest.

Chapter: Echo of Hatred 1/2Donan has asked for my help attuning…

XP, Gold

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Shroud of the Horadrim

Act I: A Cold and Iron FaithChapter: Secrets of the Horadrim…

Item icon
Small Blessings

Speak with Oyuun Escort Oyuun to Zolaya Speak with Lorath …

Act III: The Making of MonstersChapter: City of Blood and Dust…

We have escaped the darkness of the prisons and emerged into…

XP and Gold.

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Storming the Gates

Enter the Cradle Pursue Lilith and Vhenard with Neyrelle Inspect…

Act I: A Cold and Iron FaithChapter III Tidings • Quest 3/4 …

Neyrelle and I pursue Lilith and Vhenard through the dark passages…

XP & Gold

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

"Cradle" iconCradle Fractured Peaks Dungeon
Item icon
Suffering Disquiet

Objective 1: Travel to Orbei Monastery to speak with the Abbot.…

Lorath has sent me to Orbei Monastery to speak with the Abbot.…

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Swamp Hospitality

Find Donan in Wejinhani Speak with Donan Accompany Donan to…

Note: Begins immediately after completing Entombed Hatred.

Act V: Secrets Bartered, Fates SoldChapter: Mending the Stone…

XP, Gold

"Wejinhani Waypoint" iconWejinhani Waypoint Hawezar Waypoint

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Tainted Flesh

Find Lorath and Neyrelle Speak with Lorath Search for Timue…

Begins immediately after completing The Path Divided Campaign…

Act V: Secrets Bartered, Fates SoldChapter: Following Whispers…

XP, Gold

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Tarnished Luster

Travel to Yelesna. Enter the Knights Garrison Speak with Captain…

I must seek out Knight Penitent Captain Vigo in Yelesna and investigate…

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

Item icon
The Blind Eye

Use the Sightless Eye Explore the nightmare Speak to the priest…

Act VI: Dance of the MakersChapter: The Burning Hells • Quest…

I have to find a way to stop Lilith. It means using the Sightless…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
The Cage of Grief

Accompany your allies to the Hungering Swamp Bring Taissa and…

Note: This quest begins immediately after completing Encumbered…

Act V: Secrets Bartered, Fates SoldChapter: Mending the Stone…

XP, Gold

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

"Hungering Swamp" iconHungering Swamp Hawezar Dungeon
Item icon
The City of Blood and Dust

Enter Guulrahn and search for Oyuun Find the Market Square Search…

Act III: The Making of MonstersChapter: City of Blood and Dust…

Oyuun is the only person who knows the secret entrance into the…

XP and Gold.

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
The Cost of Knowledge

Search for Vhenard and Lilith with Neyrelle Speak with Neyrelle…

Act I: A Cold and Iron FaithChapter III Tidings • Quest 4/4Next…

Our pursuit of Lilith and Vhenard led us to the mysterious Mourning…

Mother’s Knife (Special Weapon)Gold & XP

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

Item icon
The Jewel of the East

Join your allies in the search for Lilith in Caldeum Speak with…

Act VI: Dance of the MakersChapter: A Righteous Crusade • Quest…

We’re not the only ones searching for Lilith. Inarius amassed…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
The Knight and the Magpie

Go to the mining camp in Pine Hill Slay the ghouls. Go to the…

A demon woman has been sighted in Gale Valley. A Knight Penitent…

Gold and XPLingering Simple Staff

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

Item icon
The Path Divided

Speak with Taissa Speak with Donan

Act V: Secrets Bartered, Fates Sold (Lv 35)Chapter: Zarbinzet…

XP, Gold

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
The Scouring of Caldeum

Tell Prava you are ready Escort your allies through Caldeum…

Act VI: Dance of the MakersChapter: A Righteous Crusade • Quest…

To increase our chances against the demonic horde, we must join…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
The Serpentine Path

Follow Neyrelle Speak with Neyrelle Follow the serpent with…

Note: This quest begins immediately after completing The Judgement…

Act V: Secrets Bartered, Fates SoldChapter: Following Whispers…

XP, Gold

"Neyrelle" iconNeyrelle Main Characters

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
The Slow, Beating Heart

Speak with Neyrelle Follow the serpent with your allies Follow…

Note: This quest begins immediately after completing the Dirge…

Act V: Secrets Bartered, Fates SoldChapter: Following Whispers…

XP, Gold

"Neyrelle" iconNeyrelle Main Characters

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
The Spreading Darkness

Meet Lorath in Ked Bardu Speak with Daruuk Rouse Lorath from…

Act III: The Making of MonstersChapter: Ked-Bardu • Quest 1/1…

I should look for Lorath in Ked Bardu and see if he’s picked…

XP and Gold.

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
The Walls Shake

Find the way into the Imperial Palace Defeat Duriel

Act VI: Dance of the MakersChapter: A Righteous Crusade • Quest…

Ground tremors in Caldeum separated me from my allies, and now…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Through The Dark Glass

Find a way into the Temple of the Primes Bring Lorath to Baal’s…

Act III: The Making of MonstersChapter: Volcano • Quest 1/3 …

I must meet with Lorath at the base of Mt. Civo. Together we…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Turning the Tide

Search for your allies in the Imperial Palace Follow Neyrelle…

Act VI: Dance of the MakersChapter: A Righteous Crusade • Quest…

With Duriel defeated, I can now search for my allies in Caldeum’s…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon

Enter the Condemned Mines. Inspec the Door Pursue Lilith and…

With my new allies, Neyrelle and Vigo, I must venture into the…

Random Equipment

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

Item icon

Act I: A Cold and Iron FaithChapter: Secrets of the Horadrim…

Item icon
What Lies Ahead

Speak to Neyrelle Find Neyrelle Speak with Neyrelle in the Burning…

Act VI: Dance of the MakersChapter: The Burning Hells • Quest…

I escaped the nightmare and was able to join Lorath, Donan and…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Whispers from the Past

Speak to Lorath at the entrance of the Offal Pits Enter the…

Act III: The Making of MonstersChapter: City of Blood and Dust…

We must travel through caverns to find the old escape tunnel…

XP and Gold.

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Whittling Sanity

Meet Lorath in Abahru Canyon Search for Elias in Abahru Canyon…

Act III: The Making of MonstersChapter: Abahru Rift • Quest 1/1…

I learned at Ked Bardu that a pale man dressed in black has been…

XP and Gold.

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Witch of the Wastes

Find Valtha in the Cinder Wastes Search Valtha’s Hovel for Purified…

Act V: Secrets Bartered, Fates SoldChapter: Mending the Stone…

XP, Gold

"Ember Staff" iconEmber Staff Unique Weapons

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Wrack and Ruin

Find the town of Yngovani Find the temple in Yngovani Investigate…

Note: This quest begins immediately after completing Tainted…

Act V: Secrets Bartered, Fates SoldChapter: Following Whispers…

XP, Gold

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

"Serpent's Left Eye" iconSerpent's Left Eye Quest Items
"Serpent's Right Eye" iconSerpent's Right Eye Quest Items
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