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Icon Title In-Game Description Objectives Description Enemies Events in this Dungeon Detailed Location Screenshots Video Related Quests General Reward Item Reward Gold XP Location Region Rarity/Type
Item icon
Akkhan's Grasp

Evil and blood seep through the tomb’s ruptured seals

Return the Bloodstone to the Portal (2) Travel to the Restless…

A deep, intense dungeon filled with vampires and their ilk, some…

"Warg" iconWarg Werewolves
"Vampire Bat" iconVampire Bat Vampires
Bloodvermin Vampires
Lycidas Pusblister Bosses
Putrid Remains Zombies
Lord Molok Bosses
Lord Tidus Bosses
"Blood Bishop" iconBlood Bishop Bosses

"Blighted Aspect" iconBlighted Aspect Hawezar Aspects

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Ancient Reservoir

A tainted wellspring runs under these ruins.

Slay all enemies in the Tainted Aqueduct Travel to Enduring…

The Ancient Reservoir is a relatively straightforward dungeon…

"Horror" iconHorror Skeletons
"Horror Corpse Bow" iconHorror Corpse Bow Skeletons
"Pit Lord" iconPit Lord Demons
"Horror Captain" iconHorror Captain Skeletons
"Horror Corpse Axe" iconHorror Corpse Axe Skeletons
"Horror Archer" iconHorror Archer Skeletons
"Warden" iconWarden Demons
"Tomb Lord" iconTomb Lord Bosses

"Aspect of Ancestral Echoes" iconAspect of Ancestral Echoes Hawezar Aspects

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Bastion of Faith

Lost and starving, the knights became beasts.

Collect Animus from the Animus Carriers Return the Mechanical…

The Bastion of Faith is a dungeon filled with Knight enemy types.…

"Cleric" iconCleric Knights
"Herald" iconHerald Knights
Knight Errant Knights
"Dreadknight" iconDreadknight Knights
"Khem Firestarter" iconKhem Firestarter Cannibals
"Kuldrauk Blightcall" iconKuldrauk Blightcall Cannibals
"Krandarr Shockweaver" iconKrandarr Shockweaver Cannibals
"Scolad Blightcall" iconScolad Blightcall Cannibals
"Dhalk Frostgrip" iconDhalk Frostgrip Cannibals
"Jafix Frostbite" iconJafix Frostbite Cannibals
"Flesh Crawler" iconFlesh Crawler Cannibals
"Flesh Ripper" iconFlesh Ripper Cannibals

Just north of Zarbinzet next to the Crusader’s Monument Stronghold.…

"Trickshot Aspect" iconTrickshot Aspect Hawezar Aspects

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Belfry Zakara

The Zakarum built this Cathedral. It honors the sea, now.

Destroy the Drowned Bell (2) Travel to the Salt Scarred Marbles…

It’s probably fair to say that this is one of the toughest dungeons…

Raider Drowned
Skulker Drowned
"Quartermaster" iconQuartermaster Drowned
"Bone Warrior" iconBone Warrior Skeletons
Bell Guard Bosses
"Drowned Seahag" iconDrowned Seahag Bosses
"Last Stand" iconLast Stand Event

"Aspect of the Ursine Horror" iconAspect of the Ursine Horror Hawezar Aspects

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Blind Burrows

The spiders here have acquired a taste for flesh.

Slay the Infested Villagers (3) Travel to Midnight Haven Defeat…

Blind Burrows is not the place to visit if you have arachnophobia.…

"Arachnid Horror" iconArachnid Horror Spiders
"Spider" iconSpider Spiders
"Toxic Lurker" iconToxic Lurker Spiders
"Plague Maggot" iconPlague Maggot Wildlife
Plagued Creeper Spiders
"Broodguard" iconBroodguard Bosses

"A Price to Pay" iconA Price to Pay Hawezar Side Quest

Gold, XP, +30 Hawazar Renown

"Aspect of the Tempest" iconAspect of the Tempest Hawezar Aspects

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Earthen Wound

The demons that dwelled here became a feast for cannibals.

Destroy the Corpse Gate (3) Travel to the Festering Ruins Collect…

Once you enter the dungeon your first task is to destroy the…

"Aspect of Singed Extremeties" iconAspect of Singed Extremeties Hawezar Aspects

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Endless Gates

Unholy creatures run amok between realms.

Collect Animus from Animus Carriers Deposit Animus into the…

This slightly confusing Hawezar dungeon introduces the concept…

"Fallen" iconFallen Fallen
"Warden" iconWarden Demons
"Bilefiend" iconBilefiend Demons
"Succubus" iconSuccubus Demons
"Pit Lord" iconPit Lord Demons
"Scourge of the Land" iconScourge of the Land Bosses

Umir Plateau

Gold, XP, +30 Hawezar Renown

"Aspect of Rampaging Werebeast" iconAspect of Rampaging Werebeast Hawezar Aspects
Item icon
Faceless Shrine

One of Hawezar’s less secretive cults. Sinners welcome.

Free the Prisoners (5) Travel to the Chamber of Purging Slay…

This dungeon is one of the cooler looking ones in Hawezar. As…

"Unyielding Commander's Aspect" iconUnyielding Commander's Aspect Hawezar Aspects

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Fetid Mausoleum

A forgotten tomb for the restless dead of Eridu.

Return the Bloodstone to the Pedestal (2) Travel to the Halls…

A grim place full of the dead, the Fetid Mausoleum contains treats…

Bloodvermin Vampires
"Vampire Bat" iconVampire Bat Vampires
Flesh Reaver Vampires
Stormblade Vampires
Viktor the Diseased Bosses
Putrid Remains Zombies
"Blood Bishop" iconBlood Bishop Bosses

Close by The Tree of Whispers Waypoint, just to the East.

Gold, XP +30 Hawezar Renown

"Snowguard's Aspect" iconSnowguard's Aspect Campaign Aspect

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Ghoa Ruins

Once a keep. The swamp reclaims all that mortal hands build.…

Destroy the Seaborn Goddess (3) Travel to the Vile Chamber Defeat…

Ghoa Ruins is another watery dungeon haunt of the Drowned. These…

Raider Drowned
Skulker Drowned
"Quartermaster" iconQuartermaster Drowned
Derwin Frostburn Bosses
Ondroth Doomspawn Bosses
"Drowned Seahag" iconDrowned Seahag Bosses

Gold, XP, +30 Hawezar Renown

"Enshrouding Aspect" iconEnshrouding Aspect Hawezar Aspects

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Haunted Refuge

The old church sinks into the delta, drowning slowly.

Return the Stone Carving to the Pedestal (2) Travel to the Befouled…

The Haunted Refuge is a strange dungeon in Hawezar in that there…

"Brawler's Aspect" iconBrawler's Aspect Hawezar Aspects

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Heathen's Keep

These Knights have sworn allegiance to a new leader.

Slay the High Inquisitors (3) Travel to the Inner Sanctum Defeat…

Heathen’s Keep will see you come up against two main types of…

Knight Errant Knights
"Dreadknight" iconDreadknight Knights
"Cleric" iconCleric Knights
"Herald" iconHerald Knights
High Inquisitor Bosses
"Flesh Ripper" iconFlesh Ripper Cannibals
"Vampire Bat" iconVampire Bat Vampires
"Blood Bishop" iconBlood Bishop Bosses

+30 Hawezar Renown

"Aspect of Numbing Wrath" iconAspect of Numbing Wrath Hawezar Aspects

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Iron Hold

A scourge stirs within the bowels of a decaying prison.

Slay the Malevolent Spector and collect the Jailer’s Key Travel…

One of three dungeons in close proximity to each other within…

"Fastblood Aspect" iconFastblood Aspect Hawezar Aspects

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Leviathan's Maw

Cultists lurk in these flooded ruins.

Return the Bloodstone to the Pedestal (2) Travel to the Flooded…

The Leviathan’s Maw dungeon has a sense of foreboding before…

Serpent Cultist Cultists
"Giant Bat" iconGiant Bat Vampires
"Putrid Wasp" iconPutrid Wasp Wildlife
"Thorn Beast" iconThorn Beast Wildlife

"Aspect of Siphoned Victuals" iconAspect of Siphoned Victuals Hawezar Aspects

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Light's Refuge

In a forgotten home lies a nest made of teeth and armor.

Return the Mechanical Box to the Pedestal (x2) Travel to Light’s…

"Swamp Walker" iconSwamp Walker Wildlife
Knight Errant Knights
Spike Fiend Wildlife
"Putrid Wasp" iconPutrid Wasp Wildlife
"Plague Swarm" iconPlague Swarm Wildlife
"Dreadknight" iconDreadknight Knights
"Herald" iconHerald Knights
"Cleric" iconCleric Knights
"Tusked Charger" iconTusked Charger Wildlife
"Aldara" iconAldara Knights
"Fiend Handler Clark" iconFiend Handler Clark Knights

Banished Lord’s Demesne, north of Wejinhani in Hawezar.

XP, Gold, +30 Hawezar Renown

"Aspect of Bul-Kathos" iconAspect of Bul-Kathos Hawezar Aspects

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Lost Keep

Yet another rotting keep abandoned by the Cathedral.

Slay Fractured Spirits (3) Travel to the Desecrated Chambers…

This old keep to the north of Zarbinzet Waypoint is packed full…

Knight Errant Knights
"Herald" iconHerald Knights
"Cleric" iconCleric Knights
"Dreadknight" iconDreadknight Knights
"Resurrected Malice" iconResurrected Malice Bosses

"Aspect of Deflecting Barrier" iconAspect of Deflecting Barrier Hawezar Aspects

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Maugan's Works

A rotting hall for criminals and deserters.

Free the Prisoners: 6 Slay the Warmaster and collect the Warmaster’s…

"Herald" iconHerald Knights
"Cleric" iconCleric Knights
Knight Errant Knights
"Clifflurker" iconClifflurker Bandits
"Dreadknight" iconDreadknight Knights
"Bloodletter" iconBloodletter Bandits
Outlaw Bandits
"The Warmaster" iconThe Warmaster Bosses
"Knight Council" iconKnight Council Bosses

"Remnants of Faith" iconRemnants of Faith Hawezar Side Quest

Earthstriker’s Aspect

"Earthstriker's Aspect" iconEarthstriker's Aspect Hawezar Aspects

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon

The demons of Eriman’s Pyre fled to this crumbling prison.

Slay all the enemies in the Passage of Enmity Travel to the…

Oblivion certainly feels like a Godforsaken place when you enter…

The nearest fast travel point is The Tree of Whispers Waypoint…

XP, Gold, +30 Hawezar Renown

"Aspect of Shared Misery" iconAspect of Shared Misery Hawezar Aspects
"Eriman's Pyre" iconEriman's Pyre Hawezar Strongholds

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Ruins of Eridu

A once-mighty fortress consumed by the swamp.

Slay all enemies in the Rotting Halls Travel to the Fallen Chambers…

This former fortress now houses a huge number of undead, and…

Gold, XP, +30 Hawazar Renown

"Sacrificial Aspect" iconSacrificial Aspect Hawezar Aspects

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Serpent's Lair

Once the seat of Mohlon’s throne. They want another queen.

Travel to the Hunting Grounds Collect Animus from Animus Carriers…

As you might expect in a dungeon called Serpent’s Lair, there…

"Aspect of Three Curses" iconAspect of Three Curses Campaign Aspect

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Shadowed Plunge

Snake Cultists sacrifice the innocent.

Free the Prisoners: 7 Travel to the Egg Incubation Chambers…

Note: Only becomes available after conquering the Vyeresz Stronghold.This…

Serpent Cult Magus Cultists
Serpent Cultist Cultists
"Nangari Longfang" iconNangari Longfang Snakes
"Nangari Oracle" iconNangari Oracle Snakes
Nangari Spitter Snakes
"Akxoazk Blightcall" iconAkxoazk Blightcall Snakes
"Ucaontizk Firebrand" iconUcaontizk Firebrand Snakes
"Uathru Blinkswift" iconUathru Blinkswift Snakes

Northeast of the village of Vyeresz in Hawezar, after conquering…

"Left Behind" iconLeft Behind Hawezar Side Quest

XP, Gold, +30 Hawezar Renown

"Aspect of Branching Volleys" iconAspect of Branching Volleys Hawezar Aspects

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Steadfast Barracks

A nest of savage fanatics, drawn to evil long-buried.

Destroy the Blood Obelisk (3) Travel to the Ravenous Hall Activate…

Another of three dungeons adjacent to each other at the Ruins…

"Vigorous Aspect" iconVigorous Aspect Hawezar Aspects

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon

Nangari cultists lure prey here with songs sung in dreams.

Free the Prisoners (4) Collect the Worn Key Use the Worn Key…

Witchwater is a key dungeon in post-campaign progression as it…

"Spider" iconSpider Spiders
"Spider Host" iconSpider Host Spiders
"Hatchling" iconHatchling Spiders
"Slither" iconSlither Bosses

XP, Gold, +30 Hawezar Renown

"Prodigy's Aspect" iconProdigy's Aspect Hawezar Aspects

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Forgotten Cave

Save Aneta from the villagers Slay the demons Speak with Aneta…

Part of the side quest The Heretic. The Forgotten Cave is more…

"Fallen" iconFallen Fallen
"Fallen Shaman" iconFallen Shaman Fallen

The Fallow Tillage, Hawezar

"The Heretic" iconThe Heretic Hawezar Side Quest

Gold, XP, Cache

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Hidden Glade

Enter the Hidden Glade Speak with Gulyas Fill the Blood Altar…

A small side dungeon that is part of the Poisoned Hearts side…

"Warg" iconWarg Werewolves
"Spider" iconSpider Spiders
"Putrid Wasp" iconPutrid Wasp Wildlife

Item icon
Foul Undercrypts

The Foul Undercrypts is a story dungeon that is part of the Entombed…

"Ancient Paladin" iconAncient Paladin Skeletons

Ruins of Rakhat Keep, Hawezar during the Entombed Hatred Campaign…

"Entombed Hatred" iconEntombed Hatred Hawezar Campaign Quest

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Hungering Swamp

A place of great occult power for the witches of Hawezar.

Collect Maggot Queen Ichor Collect a Yellow Lotus

This is a story dungeon that is only active during The Cage of…

"Swamp Spawn" iconSwamp Spawn Zombies
"Rotting Corpsefiend" iconRotting Corpsefiend Zombies
"Plague Maggot" iconPlague Maggot Wildlife
Putrid Remains Zombies
"Plague Maggot Young" iconPlague Maggot Young Wildlife
"Maggot Queen" iconMaggot Queen Wildlife

Crimson Spoil, Hawezar.

"The Cage of Grief" iconThe Cage of Grief Hawezar Campaign Quest

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Slithering Dark

The Slithering Dark is a dungeon that can only be accessed during…

"Plague Swarm" iconPlague Swarm Wildlife
Nangari Spitter Snakes
"Nangari Oracle" iconNangari Oracle Snakes
Serpent Cultist Cultists
Plagued Creeper Spiders
"Nangari Longfang" iconNangari Longfang Snakes
"Mohlon, Snake Queen" iconMohlon, Snake Queen Bosses

After opening the engraved stone door in Yngovani in Hawezar.…

"Cold Blood" iconCold Blood Hawezar Campaign Quest

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Temple of the Deathspeaker

Uncover Elias’ secret within the temple

This is a story dungeon that can only be accessed during the…

Putrid Remains Zombies
"Rotting Corpsefiend" iconRotting Corpsefiend Zombies
"Skeleton" iconSkeleton Skeletons
"Ghoul" iconGhoul Zombies
"Skeleton Archer" iconSkeleton Archer Skeletons
"Skeleton Captain" iconSkeleton Captain Skeletons

The Creaking Hulls, Rotspill Delta, Hawezar.

"Beneath the Wine-Dark Sea" iconBeneath the Wine-Dark Sea Hawezar Campaign Quest

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Secluded Clearing

Only Lyndon and the Drowned know of this hidden clearing.

This is a side quest dungeon only accessible during the Side…

Just west of Backwater.

"Bait the Trap" iconBait the Trap Hawezar Side Quest

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Quiet Clearing

A hidden clearing Lyndon uses to stash “the good stuff”.

Note: This is a side quest dungeon that is only accessible during…

Northwest of Backwater

"Bait the Trap" iconBait the Trap Hawezar Side Quest

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Isolated Shack

A remote, unassuming shack, perfect for discreet meetings.

Note: This is a side quest dungeon that is only accessible during…

"Bait the Trap" iconBait the Trap Hawezar Side Quest

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Backwater Storage Cellar

Note: This is a side dungeon that is only accessible during the…

Backwater, Hawezar.

"Dead to Rights" iconDead to Rights Hawezar Side Quest

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Eldritch Conclave

This is a side dungeon that is only accessible during the Side…

Tree of Whispers, Hawezar.

"Past Regrets" iconPast Regrets Hawezar Side Quest

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Defiled Halls

The Defiled Halls are a side quest dungeon accessible only during…

Found within the Ruins of Rakhat Keep during the quest Lost…

"Lost Legacy" iconLost Legacy Hawezar Side Quest

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Strange Refuge

Slay the wildlife Investigate the campsite Speak with the Groaning…

The Strange Refuge is a side quest dungeon that is only accessible…

"Warg" iconWarg Werewolves
Spike Fiend Wildlife

Found in the Corpsewail Deluge, northeast of the Dromir Riverbank.…

"At Any Cost" iconAt Any Cost Hawezar Side Quest

Gold, XP, Elixir Cache. +20 Hawezar Renown

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Halls of Dark Portent

The Halls of Dark Portent are a side quest dungeon that can only…

"Ghoul" iconGhoul Zombies
"Balrog" iconBalrog Demons
"Blood Echo" iconBlood Echo Bosses

Beneath The Accursed Ruins of Esret Chapel, Hawezar.

"By Three They Come" iconBy Three They Come Hawezar Side Quest

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

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