Ancient Reservoir Hawezar Dungeon
In-Game Description
A tainted wellspring runs under these ruins.
- Slay all enemies in the Tainted Aqueduct
- Travel to Enduring Watch
- Return the Ancients Statue to the Pedestal (2)
- Activate the Monolith
- Defeat the
Tomb Lord
The Ancient Reservoir is a relatively straightforward dungeon compared to some. It’s also one of the shorter ones in Hawezar. Upon entering it you get a nice, simple first objective to simply slay all the enemies in the Tainted Aqueduct. So that is what we must do.
Move through the dungeon systematically killing everything in sight, and when you get to below 20 or so your objective will update to tell you how many enemies remain. Hunt them down to finish your first part.
Once complete you are told to travel to Enduring Watch, which is literally the next room, before being given your next objective - to find two Ancients Statues and return them to their pedestals.
You will quickly find the first on the path to your left but will have to hunt around a little further west for the second.
Watch out when you place a statue as it will spawn a bunch of enemies at your location near the door and the healing well.
Carry on past the Pedestals and follow the route around until you locate the second statue and bring it back to the empty Pedestal to unlock the door.
Pass through the door along the corridor into the room with the giant monolith. Activate it and it will morph into the Dungeon boss, the Tomb Lord. Beat him to complete the Ancient Reservoir dungeons

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