Heathen's Keep Hawezar Dungeon
In-Game Description
These Knights have sworn allegiance to a new leader.
- Slay the High Inquisitors (3)
- Travel to the Inner Sanctum
- Defeat the
Blood Bishop
Heathen’s Keep will see you come up against two main types of enemy in this Hawezar dungeon. The first are knights of all the common denominators - Dreadknights,
Clerics and Knight Errants.
Something else is going on though, the Knights have been torturing vampires and are know addicted to the blood side of things, so the second half of the keep you will find more packed out by bloodsuckers, with the occasion knight thrown in for good measure.
First task is to find three High Inquisitors from the Cathedral and send them to their fate. They all appear in similar rooms where Clerics are ‘interrogating’ Revenants in torture cages. Of course, getting rid of the !cleric also means the !revenent gets out and attacks you as well. Even the undead that you save are ungrateful in Diablo.
The trick here is to clear the room and then concentrate on the Inquisitor and he shouldn’t cause you too many problems.
After you have killed all three you need to move on to the Inner Sanctum. You will face several battles en route, including one large one soon after setting off for the Sanctum, so be prepared.
After that the mission is pretty straightforward, fight your way to the Inner Sanctum, where you will come up against our old friend, the Blood Bishop, once more.

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