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Icon Color Key
Icon Title Lore Description Effects/Special Abilities Location / Where to Find Notes / Other Information Trivia Credits Notes Proficiencies Required Equipment Modifier Actions Spells Starting Equipment Class/NPC Used by Screenshots Videos Rarity Armour Type Armour Class Stealth Resistances Armour Enchantment Weight Gold
Item icon
Absolute's Protector

The Absolute’s power radiates from this shield, invisible waves…

Absolute’s Aegis: If the wielder bears the Absolute’s Brand,…

Drops from the names Abosultist guard at the front of Moonrise…

Pretty decent ten-turn thorn-type spell on a shield. If you want…

Rare Shield

Icon for <span>Shield</span> Shield

Icon for <span>+2</span> +2

2.70 kg

300 Gold

Item icon
Absolute's Warboard

Blood is smeared across the shield’s face, exalting wielders…

The Word of the Absolute

Uncommon Shield

Icon for <span>Shield</span> Shield

Icon for <span>+2</span> +2

Item icon
Abyss Beckoners

Demons will bite their masters, slaves, comrades, and, on occasion,…

Demonspirit Aura: The wearer’s summoned creature has resistance…

Inside a chest in the Zhentarim Basement at X:306 Y:-170. …

Very Rare

0.50 kg

450 Gold

Item icon
Adamantine Scale Mail

The adamantine scales hug your body like a second skin - a heavy,…

Magical Plate: All incoming damage is reduced by 1. Adamantine…

Location: The blueprint for the Adamantine Scale Mail Armor can…

Icon for AC bonus from Dexterity limited to +2. AC bonus from Dexterity limited to +2.
Very Rare Medium Armour

Icon for <span>Medium Armour</span> Medium Armour

Icon for <span>+16</span> +16

Icon for <span>Disadvantage on Stealth checks</span> Disadvantage on Stealth checks

12.00 kg

1,300 Gold

Item icon
Adamantine Shield

The dull shine of the adamantine promises this shield could take…

Adamantine Shield: When a melee attack misses you, the attacker…

On the corpse of a skeleton in the Dorms area, located right…

Rare Shield

Icon for <span>Shield</span> Shield

Icon for <span>+2</span> +2

2.70 kg

190 Gold

Item icon
Adamantine Splint Armour

The adamantine plates lock and slide together perfectly - offering…

The Adamantine Splint Armour is a forged item crafted within…

Magical Plate: All incoming damage is reduced by 2.Intense Adamantine…

Location: Grymforge, specifically during The Adamantine Forge…

Icon for No AC bonus from Dexterity No AC bonus from Dexterity
Very Rare Heavy Armour

Icon for <span>Heavy Armour</span> Heavy Armour

Icon for <span>+18</span> +18

Icon for <span>Disadvantage on Stealth checks</span> Disadvantage on Stealth checks

19.00 kg

3,800 Gold

Item icon
Amulet of Bhaal

A silver amulet depicting the symbol of Bhaal.

The Amulet of Bhaal is a rare quest item amulet in Baldur’s Gate…

First Blood: On a successful hit, the amulet allows the wearer…

The Amulet of Bhaal can be looted from Sarevok during Act Three.…

Quest Item

Icon for <span>Amulet</span> Amulet

0.10 kg

120 Gold

Item icon
Amulet of Greater Health

Worn by Lumi, a cleric beholden to twilight, who sheltered her…

Increases the wearer’s Constitution score to 23 Advantage on…

Inside the House of Hope’s Archive, on the southwestern end.…

Very Rare

Icon for <span>Amulet</span> Amulet

0.05 kg

210 Gold

Item icon
Amulet of The Devout

Otto, a member of the powerful arcana organisation the Circle…

High Spellcasting: You gain a +2 bonus to Spell Save DC.Godswill:…

Inside the Offering Chest located in the underground basement…

Likely The BiS Necklace for Clerics, unless you need them to…

Very Rare

Icon for <span>Amulet</span> Amulet

0.05 kg

65 Gold

Item icon
Amulet of the Harpers

Nobility can be found in suffering the slings and arrows of outrageous…

The Amulet of the Harpers is a Rare Amulet in Baldur’s Gate 3…

Advantage on Wisdom Saving Throws Checks.

Can be purchased for 238 Gold from Quartermaster Talli at Last…

"Shield" iconShield Abjuration
Rare Amulet

Icon for <span>Amulet</span> Amulet

0.05 kg

238 Gold

Item icon
Amulet of Windrider

Heavily embossed with filigree, this necklace reflects light…

Ride the Wind is an improved combat version of Gaseous Form.…

Quest reward for the Save Vanra Questline, which starts near…

"Gust of Wind" iconGust of Wind Evocation
"Ride the Winds" iconRide the Winds Transmutation
Very Rare

Icon for <span>Amulet</span> Amulet

0.05 kg

210 Gold

Item icon
Arcane Circlet

The center jewel hums impatiently, waiting to be put to its true…

Wearing the Arcane Circlet grants the ability to open a shortcut…

Nature +1

Dropped By: Nettie Findal (Underground Passage)



Item icon
Armour of Agility

Layered sheets of smelted, shaped, and smithed steel have been…

Armour Class: 17 + Dexterity Modifier

Exotic Material: Add your Dexterity Modifier to your Armour Class.…

Gloomy Fentonson’s establishment, the Stormshore Armoury, during…

The Armour of Agility’s distinctive feature of retaining Dexterity…

"Medium Armour Proficiency" iconMedium Armour Proficiency Armour Proficiency
Very Rare Medium Armour

Icon for <span>Medium Armour</span> Medium Armour

Icon for <span>+17</span> +17

Icon for <span>Advantage on Stealth checks</span> Advantage on Stealth checks

12.00 kg

2,900 Gold

Item icon
Armour of Devotion

The soft hum of fervent prayer reverberates throughout the armoured…

Eternal Devotion: Regain 1 Paladin Oath Charge per Long Rest.…

Sold by Roah Moonglow in Moonrise Towers. She needs to survive…

Arguably, the BiS Paladin chest piece in the game if you use…

Rare Heavy Armour

Icon for <span>Heavy Armour</span> Heavy Armour

Icon for <span>+18</span> +18

20.00 kg

6,160 Gold

Item icon
Armour of Landfall

Smelling of long-abandoned gardens grown wild with thorny roses,…

High Spellcasting: You gain a +1 bonus to Spell Save DC. Green…

Very Rare Light Armour

Icon for <span>Light Armour</span> Light Armour

Icon for <span>+13</span> +13

9.00 kg

1,800 Gold

Item icon
Armour of Moonbasking

This armour was designed by lunar-obsessed Cuthbertina, a gnomish…

Lunar Beastial Vitality: You gain 22 temporary hit points after…

You can purchase (or pickpocket) this armor from Voiceless Penitent…

"Light Armour Proficiency" iconLight Armour Proficiency Armour Proficiency
Very Rare Light Armour

Icon for <span>Light Armour</span> Light Armour

Icon for <span>+11</span> +11

4.50 kg

1,600 Gold

Item icon
Armour of Persistence

Great sheets of steel were hammered and bashed into something…

The Armour of Persistence, a creation of exceptional rarity,…

Magical Plate: All incoming damage is reduced by 2. Legendary…

Merchant: Dammon Location: Forge of the Nine Act: Three

The armor’s enchantment not only augments its physical durability…

Very Rare Heavy Armour

Icon for <span>Heavy Armour</span> Heavy Armour

Icon for <span>+20</span> +20

Icon for <span>Disadvantage on Stealth checks</span> Disadvantage on Stealth checks

20.00 kg

6,400 Gold

Item icon
Armour of the Sporekeeper

According to one story, this armour was enriched by the cascading…

Malefic Fungi: The wearer gains a +1 bonus to Spell Save DC…

Once you reach Act 3, make your way to Philgrave’s Mansion where…

"Light Armour Proficiency" iconLight Armour Proficiency Armour Proficiency
Very Rare Light Armour

Icon for <span>Light Armour</span> Light Armour

Icon for <span>+13</span> +13

4.50 kg

1,000 Gold

Item icon
Armour of Uninhibited Kushigo

Long ago, Kushigo was a warrior. Bedecked in an enormous set…

Kushigo Counter: While Patient Defence is active: the wearer…

Given as a quest reward choice for delivering the boots to the…

Uncommon Clothing


Icon for <span>+10</span> +10

1.80 kg

250 Gold

Item icon
Assassin of Bhaal Cowl

When he was killed, Bhaal’s blight upon the world was not destroyed.…

Murderous Sight: You can see in the dark up to 3m. In addition,…

Sold by Echo of Abazigal. This vendor is only accessible if you…

Very Rare

Icon for <span>Helmet</span> Helmet

0.50 kg

720 Gold

Item icon
Band of Mystic Scoundrel

What better way to disguise one’s transgressions than a quickly…

Illusion Quickening: After hitting a creature with a weapon attack,…

Contents of a Sleketon and hits backpack located under a tree…

Rare Ring

Icon for <span>Ring</span> Ring

0.05 kg

190 Gold

Item icon
Barbarian Clothes

A rough combination of furs, leathers, and supple fabrics, made…




Icon for <span>+10</span> +10

1.80 kg

20 Gold

Item icon
Barkskin Armour

The bark motifs in this armour are like the boles of oak trees…

The Barkskin Armour is a Rare Medium Armour in Baldur’s Gate…

Forest Aegis: You are invested with the power of the meadows…

Can be purchased for 798 Gold from Quartermaster Talli at the…

Icon for AC bonus from Dexterity limited to +2. AC bonus from Dexterity limited to +2.
Rare Medium Armour

Icon for <span>Medium Armour</span> Medium Armour

Icon for <span>+12</span> +12

5.40 kg

798 Gold

Item icon
Bhaalist Armour

Bhaal, Lord of Murder, was forced to walk the world as a mortal…

Aura of Murder: Enemies within 2m become Vulnerable to Piercing…

Sold by Echo of Abazigal. This vendor is only accessible if you…

Likely the best armor for Rogues and rapier-style builds in the…

Very Rare Light Armour

Icon for <span>Light Armour</span> Light Armour

Icon for <span>+14</span> +14

5.85 kg

3,199 Gold

Item icon
Bhaalist Gloves

When the Lord of Murder, Bhaal, was rendered mortal, he knew…

Attack +1 (Adds 1 to your attack rolls.)

Sold by Echo of Abazigal. This vendor is only accessible if you…

"Garrotte" iconGarrotte Class Actions
Very Rare

Icon for <span>Gloves</span> Gloves

0.50 kg

864 Gold

Item icon
Bided Time

Revenge is best served. Hot or cold makes no difference.

Time Thoroughly Bided: The wearer gains an Arcane Charge whenever…

Inside a chest within the House of Healing Morgue (X: 44, Y:…


Icon for <span>Clothing</span> Clothing

Icon for <span>+10</span> +10

1.80 kg

250 Gold

Item icon

‘The thing that you poor sods simply cannot grasp is how effortless…

Charisma +2 (up to 22)

Inside the Sorcerer’s Sundries store, found in the Lower City…

Very Rare

Icon for <span>Helmet</span> Helmet

1.00 kg

738 Gold

Item icon
Blazer of Benevolence

Even though the embroidered velvet won’t help against a sharp…

Remedial Rhymes: When you inspire an ally using Bardic Inspiration,…

Uncommon Light Armour

Icon for <span>Light Armour</span> Light Armour

Icon for <span>+11</span> +11

Icon for <span>Advantage on Stealth checks</span> Advantage on Stealth checks

4.50 kg

160 Gold

Item icon
Bloodguzzler Garb

No sooner does blood speck the armour than it’s absorbed, as…

Dropped by the Bulette in the Underdark.

Last Stand: During combat, when the wearer starts their turn…

Uncommon Clothing

Icon for <span>Clothing</span> Clothing

Icon for <span>+10</span> +10

1.80 kg

238 Gold

Item icon
Bonespike Garb

Sharp juts and knobbly nodules of bone stud this armour, as if…

Slabjaw Determination: You gain 15 Temporary Hit Points whenever…

Sold by Exxvikyap, located near the blacksmith just above the…

Use this with the Amulet of Greater Health, which increases Con…

Very Rare Clothing

Icon for <span>Clothing</span> Clothing

Icon for <span>+10</span> +10

1.80 kg

2,880 Gold

Item icon
Bonespike Helmet

The tibia of a storm giant was ground and chiselled and reworked…

Fury In The Marrow: When your Rage, hostile creatures in a 3m…

Sold by the Voiceless Penitent Bareki in the Sewers of Lower…

Very Rare

Icon for <span>Helmet</span> Helmet

0.50 kg

720 Gold

Item icon
Boots of Aid and Comfort

Sturdy and well-worn, these boots make a snug fit on any wearer.…

The Boots of Aid and Comfort are an uncommon pair of boots designed…

The Comeback: When the wearer heals a target, it gains an additional…

Location: Goblin CampMerchant: Grat The Trader at the Goblin…




0.55 kg

70 Gold

Item icon
Boots of Arcane Bolstering

Fizzling barbs of enchantment magic crackle from the laces of…

Rapid Caster: Each time they dash, the wearer gains Arcane…

The Boots of Arcane Bolstering can be purchased from Araj Oblodra,…

Rare Boots

Icon for <span>Boots</span> Boots

0.55 kg

190 Gold

Item icon
Boots of Brilliance

Tiny bells are sewn into the boot’s cuffs. They jingle subtly…

The Boots of Brilliance are a rare armour. They can be located…

The boots can also be found concealed within a Mimic chest at…




0.55 kg

190 Gold

Item icon
Boots of Elemental Momentum

Toughened Metal Boots, highly insulated with heavy leather and…

Elemental Momentum: Whenever the wearer deals Acid, Cold, Fire,…

Sold by Lady Esther near the Roswyn Monastery in the Act 1 Mountainpass.…

Solid boots that can last an elementalist caster or fighter all…

Uncommon Boots

Icon for <span>Boots</span> Boots

2.00 kg

170 Gold

Item icon
Boots of Persistence

‘If I had a copper for all the adventuring folk I seen gutted…

Legendary Mobility: You gain Freedom of Movement and Longstrider.Dexterity…

Sold by Dammon in Act 3, found in the Forge of the Nine, to the…

Freedom of Movement is a spell only really known by Druids, so…

"Freedom of Movement" iconFreedom of Movement Abjuration
"Longstrider" iconLongstrider Transmutation
Very Rare

Icon for <span>Boots</span> Boots, Icon for <span>Medium Armour</span> Medium Armour

2.00 kg

1,300 Gold

Item icon
Boots of Psionic Movement

When not atop their dragons, Gith are not particularly air-worthy.…

Flying Strike: When a Githyanki casts Fly, their next melee weapon…

Drops from one of the Githyanki you find inside the Knights of…

"Fly" iconFly Transmutation
Very Rare

Icon for <span>Boots</span> Boots, Icon for <span>Medium Armour</span> Medium Armour

2.00 kg

450 Gold

Item icon
Boots of Speed

Featherlaced and flexible of sole, these boots have been used…

Click Heels Class Actions

Acquire them from a Gnome refugee at the Myconid camp in the…

Rare Boots


Item icon
Boots of Stormy Clamour

Peals of thunder rumble at the back of your skull with every…

Arcane Echomalefaction: When the wearer inflicts a condition…

Can be purchased from Omeluum in the Myconid camp in the Underdark…

Uncommon Boots



0.55 kg

133 Gold

Item icon
Boots of Striding

The metal of these graves is confortably warm against your shins,…

Focused Stride: When you cast a spell that requires concentration,…

Dropped by Minthara.

"Medium Armour Proficiency" iconMedium Armour Proficiency Armour Proficiency



2.00 kg

90 Gold

Item icon
Boots of Uninhibited Kushigo

During a hilltop battle that soaked the slopes in gore, Kushigo’s…

Experienced And Deadly: The wearer deals additional damage equal…

Drops from the Githyanki Monks in the Astral Plain as you enter…

God-tier boots for a Monk.

Rare Boots

Icon for <span>Boots</span> Boots

0.55 kg

190 Gold

Item icon
Bracers of Defence

Delicate twists of magical iron - painstakingly gilded - have…

Become the Bulwark: You gain a +2 bonus to Armour Class as long…

Inside a Gilded Chest in a cellar under the apothecary store…

Icon for Gale can absorb this item's magic, destroying it. Gale can absorb this item's magic, destroying it.



0.50 kg

160 Gold

Item icon
Bracing Band

A common ring, simple and unadorned. Though there is a certain…

Personal Space: After shoving an enemy, the wearer gains a +1…

Given as a quest reward choice for delivering the boots to the…

Uncommon Ring



0.05 kg

40 Gold

Item icon

This standard-sized breastplate is lined with thick padding meant…

AC bonus from Dexterity limited to +2

"Medium Armour Proficiency" iconMedium Armour Proficiency Armour Proficiency
Common Medium Armour

Icon for <span>Medium Armour</span> Medium Armour

Icon for <span>+13</span> +13

9.00 kg

250 Gold

Item icon
Breastplate +1

This standard-sized Breastplate +1 is lined with thick padding…

AC bonus from Dexterity limited to +2

"Medium Armour Proficiency" iconMedium Armour Proficiency Armour Proficiency
Uncommon Medium Armour

Icon for <span>Medium Armour</span> Medium Armour

Icon for <span>+15</span> +15

9.00 kg

1,250 Gold

Item icon
Breastplate +2

This garment’s previous owner left a few minor personal effects…

The Breastplate +2 is a Rare Medium Armour in Baldur’s Gate 3…

Superior Plate: You take 1 less Piercing damage. Balance: Gain…

Sold by the vendor Lann Tarv in Moonrise Towers for 1140 Gold…

Icon for AC bonus from Dexterity limited to +2. AC bonus from Dexterity limited to +2.
Rare Medium Armour

Icon for <span>Medium Armour</span> Medium Armour

Icon for <span>+16</span> +16

9.00 kg

1,140 Gold

Item icon
Broken Padded Armour

A standard gambeson of quilted cloth. Good for catching blows,…

Disadvantage on Stealth Rolls

A set of Broken Padded Armour is discoverable upon a shelf situated…

"Light Armour Proficiency" iconLight Armour Proficiency Armour Proficiency

Icon for <span>+11</span> +11

Icon for <span>Disadvantage on Stealth checks</span> Disadvantage on Stealth checks

3.60 kg

70 Gold

Item icon
Broken Shield



Icon for <span>Shield</span> Shield

Icon for <span>+2</span> +2

Item icon
Broodmother's Revenge

Each of this amulet’s jewels shines like a viper’s eyes.

Venomous Revenge: Whenever the wearer is healed, its weapon drips…

Drops from Kargha, the druid. You can kill her as part of the…

Uncommon Amulet

Icon for <span>Amulet</span> Amulet


Item icon
Browbeaten Circlet

A cornered animal will, on occasion, feel a rush of exhilarating…

Browbeaten: The wearer gains a +1 bonus to spell save DC while…

Inside a chest in the Moonrise Prison wing (X: 570, Y: -652)…

Uncommon Helmet

Icon for <span>Helmet</span> Helmet

0.50 kg

90 Gold

Item icon
Burnished Ring

A paralyzing eyestalk harvested from a beholder was boiled in…

Paralyzing Ray: 2-turn Necromancy Spell that can Paralyze a…

Drops from a Spectator found in Hope’s Prison, a jail cell area…

Very Rare

Icon for <span>Ring</span> Ring

0.05 kg

360 Gold

Item icon
Callous Glow Ring

A Gudging gleam emits from this ring - more an indication of…

Callous Glow: The wearer deals an additional 2 points of damage…

Inside the Gauntlet of Shar in Act 2. (X: -821, Y: -752). Northeast…

A good ring to pair with: Coruscating Ring Fabricated Arbalest…

Uncommon Ring

Icon for <span>Ring</span> Ring

0.05 kg

40 Gold

Item icon
Cap of Curing

Putting on this hat is somehow enough to lift your spirits. …

Soothing Songs: When you inspire an ally using Bardic Inspiration,…

The Cap of Curing is found close to the Sacred Pool in The Hollow.…

Uncommon Helmet



0.50 kg

300 Gold

Item icon
Cap of Wrath

With every blow the skullcap seems to compress, narrowing the…

Last Stand: During combat, when the wearer starts their turn…

Dropped by Thudd in Grymforge.

"Light Armour Proficiency" iconLight Armour Proficiency Armour Proficiency



0.50 kg

640 Gold

Item icon
Cerebral Citadel Armour

The little tentacle engravings are a nice touch.

Frightened Immunity: You can’t be Frightened. Illithid Protection:…

It is found inside the Hidden Room located under the Elfsong…

Icon for No AC bonus from Dexterity No AC bonus from Dexterity
Rare Heavy Armour

Icon for <span>Heavy Armour</span> Heavy Armour

Icon for <span>+18</span> +18

Icon for <span>Disadvantage on Stealth checks</span> Disadvantage on Stealth checks

20.00 kg

2,000 Gold

Item icon
Cerebral Citadel Gloves

The taut violet leather is drier than snakeskin, and puckered…

Illithid Euphoria: Charm or Frighten a creature to gain a 1d4…

Inside the Emperor’s Old Hideout, which you can get as a sudden…

Rare Gloves

Icon for <span>Gloves</span> Gloves

0.50 kg

290 Gold

Item icon
Chain Mail Armour

The tight weave of chains in this armour chimes like wind through…

The Chain Mail Armor is a sturdy protective garment composed…

No AC Bonus from Dexterity

This armor is located within the Shattered Sanctum area of the…

"Heavy Armour Proficiency" iconHeavy Armour Proficiency Armour Proficiency
Common Heavy Armour

Icon for <span>Heavy Armour</span> Heavy Armour

Icon for <span>+16</span> +16

Icon for <span>Disadvantage on Stealth checks</span> Disadvantage on Stealth checks

24.80 kg

400 Gold

Item icon
Chain Mail Armour +1

Fine fabric obscures the bulk of this chain mail, allowing its…

No AC Bonus from Dexterity

"Heavy Armour Proficiency" iconHeavy Armour Proficiency Armour Proficiency
Uncommon Heavy Armour

Icon for <span>Heavy Armour</span> Heavy Armour

Icon for <span>+17</span> +17

Icon for <span>Disadvantage on Stealth checks</span> Disadvantage on Stealth checks

18.00 kg

260 Gold

Item icon
Chain Mail Armour +2

Made from thick, strong chains loosely-fitted, this armour hangs…

No AC Bonus from Dexterity

"Heavy Armour Proficiency" iconHeavy Armour Proficiency Armour Proficiency
Very Rare Heavy Armour

Icon for <span>Heavy Armour</span> Heavy Armour

Icon for <span>+18</span> +18

24.80 kg

4,000 Gold

Item icon
Chain of Liberation

Linked rings crackle with energy just waiting to be released.…

The Chain of Liberation consists of linked rings that emit an…

Sprint: Once per turn, the wearer can reduce the duration of…

The Chain of Liberation’s design, featuring linked rings crackling…

Uncommon Medium Armour

Icon for <span>Medium Armour</span> Medium Armour

Icon for <span>+13</span> +13

Icon for <span>Advantage on Stealth checks</span> Advantage on Stealth checks

9.00 kg

480 Gold

Item icon
Chain Shirt

Tight chains protect the wearer from sharp weapons, while fabric…

Crafted from tightly woven chains, the Chain Shirt is designed…

It serves as the starting armor for clerics, providing them…

One noteworthy feature of the Chain Shirt is that it does not…

"Medium Armour Proficiency" iconMedium Armour Proficiency Armour Proficiency
Common Medium Armour

Icon for <span>Medium Armour</span> Medium Armour

Icon for <span>+13</span> +13

No Disadvantage

9.00 kg

130 Gold

Item icon
Chain Shirt (Shadowheart)

While the stitching on the shirt is rushed and uneven, the chain…

The Chain Shirt (Shadowheart) is a distinctive adaptation of…

13 + Dexterity Modifier (AC bonus from Dexterity limited to…

The Chain Shirt (Shadowheart) serves as Shadowheart’s initial…

This variant provides an alternative appearance for the standard…

"Medium Armour Proficiency" iconMedium Armour Proficiency Armour Proficiency
Common Medium Armour

Icon for <span>Medium Armour</span> Medium Armour

Icon for <span>+13</span> +13

9.00 kg

130 Gold

Item icon
Chain Shirt +1

The intricate embroidery on the linen panel of this armour indicates…

14 Armor Class

Uncommon Medium Armour

Icon for <span>Medium Armour</span> Medium Armour

Icon for <span>+14</span> +14

Icon for <span>Advantage on Stealth checks</span> Advantage on Stealth checks

9.00 kg

650 Gold

Item icon
Chain Shirt +2

This mail’s impossibly fine, close joining indicates the work…

The Chain Shirt +2 is an extraordinary representation of Medium…

Superior Material: You take 1 less Slashing damage. Balance:…

You can purchase this armor from various Traders from Act 2 onwards.…

Icon for AC bonus from Dexterity limited to +2. AC bonus from Dexterity limited to +2.
"Medium Armour Proficiency" iconMedium Armour Proficiency Armour Proficiency
Rare Medium Armour

Icon for <span>Medium Armour</span> Medium Armour

Icon for <span>+15</span> +15

Icon for <span>Disadvantage on Stealth checks</span> Disadvantage on Stealth checks

Icon for <span>+2</span> +2

9.00 kg

210 Gold

Item icon
Cindermoth Cloak

With every rustle of this cloak, small moths like windblown embers…

Flaming Shroud: A creature that damages the wearer within 2m…

Found on the corpse of the wizard guarded by all the grease monsters…


Icon for <span>Cloak</span> Cloak

0.50 kg

70 Gold

Item icon
Cindersnap Gloves

‘What moves faster, a loosed crossbow bolt or a windblown cinder?…

The Cindersnap Gloves are Rare gloves in Baldur’s Gate 3 that…

Protection From MissilesLevel 2 Abjuration Spell

Can be purchased for 456 Gold from Quartermaster Talli at Last…

Rare Gloves

0.50 kg

456 Gold

Item icon
Circle of Bones

A coldness clings to this macabre circlet, like the chill of…

Undead Ward: Allied undead within 6m are Resistant to Bludgeoning,…

Drops from Balthazar in the Gauntlet of Shar.

"Animate Dead" iconAnimate Dead Necromancy
Rare Helmet

Icon for <span>Helmet</span> Helmet

0.50 kg

240 Gold

Item icon

Provides its wearer a touch of elegance but no additional protection.…

Starting headwear for Shadowheart.


Icon for <span>Helmet</span> Helmet


0.50 kg

15 Gold

Item icon
Circlet of Blasting

This delicate circlet grants its wearer the ability to cast the…

Sold by Blurg in the Myconid Colony / Underdark. Ebonlake Grotto…

"Scorching Ray" iconScorching Ray Evocation
Rare Helmet

Icon for <span>Helmet</span> Helmet


0.50 kg

649 Gold

Item icon
Circlet of Fire

Merely holding the circlet makes your skin flush, filling you…

Fiery Return: When you deal Fire damage with a non-cantrip spell,…

This item was previously located in the Necromancer’s basement…

Uncommon Helmet

Icon for <span>Amulet</span> Amulet

Icon for <span>+13</span> +13

0.50 kg

220 Gold

Item icon
Circlet of Hunting

Huntresses prowling in the least hospitable woods of Toril hold…

Hunter’s Eye: You gain a 1d4 bonus to Attack Rolls against creatures…

Sold by Araj Oblodra in Moonrise Towers.

Ideal for Rangers who can get their hands on Hunter’s Mark very…

Very Rare

Icon for <span>Helmet</span> Helmet

0.50 kg

420 Gold

Item icon
Circlet of Psionic Revenge

You get the eerie feeling that the jewelsmith used more than…

Psionic Revenge: When you succeed a Saving Throw, the foe that…

Found on the boss within the Inquisitors Chamber of the Githyanki…

Rare Helmet

Icon for <span>Helmet</span> Helmet

0.50 kg

240 Gold

Item icon
Cloak of Displacement

The fur is so blue as to be almost black. When mantled across…

Displacement: At the beginning of the wearer’s turn, the cloak…

Sold by Entharl Danthelon in Dantleon’s Dancing Blades, located…


Icon for <span>Cloak</span> Cloak

0.50 kg

342 Gold

Item icon
Cloak of Elemental Absorption

A favourite among fleet-footed gish, this cloak allows the wearer…

Elemental Absorption: Absorb elemental damage once per SHort…

Found inside the chest atop of the bed in the main bedroom of…

There are plenty of Absorb Elements cloaks to come in Act 3.…


Icon for <span>Cloak</span> Cloak

0.50 kg

115 Gold

Item icon
Cloak of Protection

Wizards Otiluke and Bigby may be renowned as dignified members…

The Cloak of Protection is an Uncommon Cloak in Baldur’s Gate…

Armour Class +1 Saving Throw +1

Can be purchased for 380 Gold from Quartermaster Talli at the…


0.50 kg

380 Gold

Item icon
Cloak of The Weave

Part of an outfit worn by the Wizard, Tenser when he was inducted…

Arcane Enchantment: You gain a +1 Bonus to Spell Save DC, and…

Sold by Helsik in the Devil’s Fee on the western side of the…

Arcane Enchantment Equipment Features
Very Rare

Icon for <span>Cloak</span> Cloak

0.50 kg

480 Gold

Item icon
Cloth of Authority

One can hardly be called a lord if they aren’t dressed as such.…

Dauntless: You can’t be Frightened, and cannot be afflicted…

Defeat Gortash in Act 3.

Rare Clothing

Icon for <span>Clothing</span> Clothing

Icon for <span>+10</span> +10

1.80 kg

800 Gold

Item icon
Coldbrim Hat

Upturning the hat and gazing into it, you get this slightly vertiginous…

Coldbrim Chill: Once per turn, any condition inflicted on a target…

Found inside a Gilded Chest within the Moonrise Towers First…

Encrusted with Frost Equipment Features
Uncommon Helmet

Icon for <span>Helmet</span> Helmet

0.50 kg

90 Gold

Item icon
Coruscation Ring

Provocative light blooms from the engraved contours of this ring.…

Arcane Radiance: When the wearer deals spell damage while illuminated…

Go into the underground area below the Last Light Inn Beach Area.…

Pair with these items for the best results: Fabricated Arbalest…

Uncommon Ring

Icon for <span>Ring</span> Ring

0.05 kg

40 Gold

Item icon
Covert Cowl

One of the relics of Deep Duerra’s rebellious children. Keeping…

Covert Critical: While Obscured, the number you need to roll…

Drops from one of the creatures inside the secret cave area through…

Combine with the following items or features to get better critical…

Covert Critical Equipment Features
Rare Helmet

Icon for <span>Helmet</span> Helmet

Item icon
Crusher's Ring

Through caked with mud and grime, the ring smells faintly of…

Movement Speed +3m

Drops from a named Goblin by the Goblin Camp waypoint called…

Likely best used as an early-game movement ring.

Uncommon Ring

Icon for <span>Ring</span> Ring

0.05 kg

40 Gold

Item icon
Crypt Lord Ring

Slipping one’s finger through this ring fills the sense with…

Awarded from Thrumbo if you keep him alive during the Mystic…

"Create Undead" iconCreate Undead Necromancy
Very Rare

Icon for <span>Ring</span> Ring

0.05 kg

1,000 Gold

Item icon
Daredevil Gloves

The sting of fear at the encroachment of some hulking brute is…

The Daredevil Gloves are Rare gloves in Baldur’s Gate 3 that…

Doom Lobber: The wearer gains a +1 bonus to Spell Attack Rolls.…

Can be purchased for 456 Gold from A’jak’nir Jeera in the Githyanki…

Rare Gloves

0.50 kg

126 Gold

Item icon
Dark Displacement Gloves

Rudimentary teleportation sigils mark the palms of these gloves,…

Subtle Swap: You gain a +1 bonus to Attack Rolls when throwing,…

Sold by Popper, the Kobold in the Circus near Rivington and the…


Icon for <span>Gloves</span> Gloves

0.50 kg

288 Gold

Item icon
Dark Justiciar Gauntlets

The grip of darkness is a fear felt by many. The grip of a Dark…

Umbral Attack: Your weapon attacks deal an additional 1d4 Necrotic…

You can find them in the Gauntlet of Shar, near where you can…

Uncommon Gloves

Icon for <span>Gloves</span> Gloves

0.50 kg

110 Gold

Item icon
Dark Justiciar Half-Plate

Shar’s aspect winds its way though the patterns and pauldrons…

Shar’s Umbrae: While obscured, the wearer has Advantage on Stealth…

While in the Gauntlet of Shar in Act 2, you’ll eventually reach…

Icon for AC bonus from Dexterity limited to +2. AC bonus from Dexterity limited to +2.
"Medium Armour Proficiency" iconMedium Armour Proficiency Armour Proficiency
Rare Medium Armour

Icon for <span>Medium Armour</span> Medium Armour

Icon for <span>+16</span> +16

Icon for <span>Advantage on Stealth checks</span> Advantage on Stealth checks

12.00 kg

1,450 Gold

Item icon
Dark Justiciar Helm

Stamped with Shar’s own sigil, this helm was worn by the Nightsinger’s…

The Dark Justiciar Helm bears the unmistakable mark of Shar,…

Swathed in Shadow. While Obscured by shadow, the wearer gains…

Location: Obtainable by looting the remains of random Shar’s…

Swathed in Shadow Equipment Features
Uncommon Helmet

Icon for <span>Helmet</span> Helmet


1.00 kg

320 Gold

Item icon
Dark Justiciar Helmet

Adorned in a fanned coronet of speartip points, its mask fixed…

Magical Durability: The wielder has a +1 bonus to Saving Throws…

Found inside a chest within the Treasure Room inside the Gauntlet…

Covert Critical Equipment Features
Very Rare

Icon for <span>Helmet</span> Helmet, Icon for <span>Medium Armour</span> Medium Armour

1.00 kg

1,600 Gold

Item icon
Dark Justiciar Mail

Though well-preserved, the armour’s gleam is somewhat muted -…

Nightsinger’s Reply: While obscured by shadow, the wearer deals…

Location: Obtainable by looting the remains of random Shar’s…

The helm’s connection to Shar’s Dark Justiciars implies its…

"Medium Armour Proficiency" iconMedium Armour Proficiency Armour Proficiency
Nightsinger's Reply Equipment Features
Uncommon Medium Armour

Icon for <span>Medium Armour</span> Medium Armour

Icon for <span>+13</span> +13

Icon for <span>Advantage on Stealth checks</span> Advantage on Stealth checks

9.00 kg

280 Gold

Item icon
Dark Justiciar Mask

Worn by Shar’s most loyal zealots, the mere sight of it strikes…

Intimidation +1

Drops from one of the dead Justiciar skeletons around the Ancient…

Uncommon Helmet

Icon for <span>Light Armour</span> Light Armour


0.50 kg

210 Gold

Item icon
Derivation Cloak

Based on a mad alchemist’s experiments to derive youth from his…

Deadly Derivation: When you Poison a foe, heal yourself for 1d4…

Balthazar’s Room in Moonrise Towers: First Floor (X: -133, Y:…

Works in tandem with Broodmother’s Revenge, allowing you to heal,…

Icon for AC bonus from Dexterity limited to +2. AC bonus from Dexterity limited to +2.

Icon for <span>Cloak</span> Cloak

0.50 kg

190 Gold

Item icon
Devilfoil Mask

A placid smile and cherubic cheecks. Who knows what face once…

Beneath a layer of dust, the Devilfoil Mask retains its gleam,…

Infernal Legion: Wearing this item grants the wearer the “Infernal…

Location: Can be found in Grymforge. One mask can be located…

Upon initial pick-up, a character may attempt an Arcana Skill…


Icon for <span>Helmet</span> Helmet


0.50 kg

50 Gold

Item icon
Diadem of Arcane Synergy

This circlet shimmers with a hundred otherworldly metals.

Synergetic Moments: When you inflict a condition, gain Arcane…

Drops from the Ardent Jhe’rezath in the Githyanki Creche area…

This item is BiS for any battle mage type builds. It’s the sort…

Rare Helmet

Icon for <span>Helmet</span> Helmet

0.50 kg

240 Gold

Item icon
Disintegrating Night Walkers

Darker than a starless night, Night Walker are made for secrecy…

The Wearer of this Item gains: Misty Step: Level 2 Conjuration…

Night Walker Equipment Features
"Misty Step" iconMisty Step Conjuration

Icon for <span>Boots</span> Boots


Item icon
Drow Leather Boots

Shallow, web-like lines have been tooled into these boiled leather…


Icon for <span>Boots</span> Boots

0.55 kg

50 Gold

Item icon
Drow Leather Gloves

Fabricated from lizard hides in the depths of the Underdark,…

Dropped by Minthara.


Icon for <span>Gloves</span> Gloves

0.50 kg

20 Gold

Item icon
Drow Studded Leather Armour

Tracings of glossy black spider-web mark this drown-made armour.…

Stealth +1

"Light Armour Proficiency" iconLight Armour Proficiency Armour Proficiency
Rare Light Armour

Icon for <span>Light Armour</span> Light Armour

Icon for <span>+12</span> +12

Icon for <span>Advantage on Stealth checks</span> Advantage on Stealth checks

5.85 kg

1,000 Gold

Item icon
Druid Leather Armour

Dark, messy stains line the armholes of the well-used leather…

Starting Armour for Druids.

"Light Armour Proficiency" iconLight Armour Proficiency Armour Proficiency
Common Light Armour

Icon for <span>Light Armour</span> Light Armour

Icon for <span>+11</span> +11

4.50 kg

120 Gold

Item icon
Drunken Cloth

Long ago, Kushigo was a warrior. Bedecked in enormous, stag-antlered…

Snowy Liver: While Drunk, you have Advantage on Constitution…

Sold by Severn, the Bugbear found inside the Hag Survivor Group…

Rare Clothing

Icon for <span>Clothing</span> Clothing

Icon for <span>+10</span> +10

1.80 kg

1,360 Gold

Item icon
Elegant Robe

A draped robe made with lightweight fabric. Made for seduction…

Common Clothing

Icon for <span>Clothing</span> Clothing

Icon for <span>+10</span> +10

1.80 kg

20 Gold

Item icon
Elegant Studded Leather

After she returned from her confinement at the hands of the demon…

Ambusher: +2 bonus to Initiative Rolls. Advantage on Stealth…

Once you reach Act 3, you must complete the Return Rakath’s Gold…

You can choose to keep the 10,000 Gold instead of the reward.…

"Light Armour Proficiency" iconLight Armour Proficiency Armour Proficiency
Very Rare Light Armour

Icon for <span>Light Armour</span> Light Armour

Icon for <span>+14</span> +14

Icon for <span>Advantage on Stealth checks</span> Advantage on Stealth checks

5.85 kg

2,000 Gold

Item icon
Elven Chain

The weight of the interwoven steel rings is offset by clever…

Elven Chain: You are considered Proficient with this armour…

Once you reach Act 3, head to Rivington and you’ll find Rivington…

Icon for AC bonus from Dexterity limited to +2. AC bonus from Dexterity limited to +2.
"Medium Armour Proficiency" iconMedium Armour Proficiency Armour Proficiency
Rare Medium Armour

Icon for <span>Medium Armour</span> Medium Armour

Icon for <span>+14</span> +14

9.00 kg

510 Gold

Item icon
Enraging Heart Garb

Created by a designer and an enchanter who were going through…

The Enraging Heart Garb is Rare Clothing in Baldur’s Gate 3 that…

Ruintamer Heart: While Raging, the wearer generates 2 turns of…

Sold by the vendor Lann Tarv in Moonrise Towers for 1520 Gold…

Rare Clothing

Icon for <span>Light Armour</span> Light Armour

Icon for <span>+10</span> +10

1.80 kg

1,520 Gold

Item icon
Envoy's Amulet

A fleshy amulet shaped by Sovereign Spaw’s own hand. Wherever…

Grants the power, Voice of the Circle: Which increases persuasion…

Complete the Myconid Camp questline and deliver Nere’s Head to…

Rare Amulet

Icon for <span>Amulet</span> Amulet

0.05 kg

125 Gold

Item icon
Faded Drow Studded Leather Armour

The sun’s harsh light has dulled this armour’s dark lustre. …

Looted from the Dead Drow Raider in the courtyard of Waukeen’s…

Prior to Patch 3 this armor was called “Drowish Studded Leather…

"Light Armour Proficiency" iconLight Armour Proficiency Armour Proficiency
Common Light Armour

Icon for <span>Light Armour</span> Light Armour

Icon for <span>+12</span> +12

5.85 kg

130 Gold

Item icon
Featherlight Boots

The soft and supple leather glides over your skin. Wearing them…

Burst of Speed: When the wearer has 50% Hits Points or less,…

Location: Can be found in the Underdark, specifically in the…

Burst of Speed Equipment Features

Icon for <span>Boots</span> Boots

0.50 kg

380 Gold

Item icon
Fey Semblance Amulet

Originally the kidney stone of an archfey, this object has been,…

Semblance of Fey: You have Advantage on Intelligence, Wisdom,…

Complete the quest, Avenge the Hag Survivors quest. in Act 3.…

Very Rare

Icon for <span>Amulet</span> Amulet

0.05 kg

210 Gold

Item icon

The ruby’s red reflections look like eerie flames dancing across…

Fervent Flames: Whenever you take Fire damage dealt by another…

Inside a chest in the Reithwin Tollhouse. (X: -124, Y: -75 )…

Uncommon Amulet

Icon for <span>Amulet</span> Amulet

0.05 kg

65 Gold

Item icon
Firzu's Ring of Trading

Belonged to the trader Firzu.

Increases Deception Checks by 1.

A pile of meat and bones in the House of Healing Morgue (X: 83,…

Uncommon Ring

Icon for <span>Ring</span> Ring

0.05 kg

40 Gold

Item icon
Fistbreaker Helm

’If your foe rains down blows upon your head, turn not the other…

The Fistbreaker Helm is a Rare helmet in Baldur’s Gate 3 that…

High Spellcasting: You gain a +1 bonus to spell Save DC.Seldom…

Can be purchased for 67 Gold from Lann Tarv at Moonlight Towers…


Icon for <span>Helmet</span> Helmet

0.50 kg

67 Gold

Item icon
Flame Enamelled Armour

The air around this armor shimmers, oven-hot. From the seams…

Seldom Caught Unawares: You gain +2 bonus to initiative rolls.…

Found inside Wyrm’s Rock Fortress. You need to break into the…

Very Rare Medium Armour

Icon for <span>Medium Armour</span> Medium Armour

Icon for <span>+16</span> +16

12.00 kg

2,900 Gold

Item icon
Flawed Helldusk Armour

‘I learned so much from Guam. All sorts offorgerraft that… S-son.…

Lesser Infernal Retribution: When you are hit by a foe 4iC within…

Icon for No AC bonus from Dexterity No AC bonus from Dexterity
Lesser Infernal Retribution Equipment Features
Superior Plate Equipment Features
Rare Heavy Armour

Icon for <span>Heavy Armour</span> Heavy Armour

Icon for <span>+18</span> +18

Icon for <span>Disadvantage on Stealth checks</span> Disadvantage on Stealth checks

20.00 kg

3,200 Gold

Item icon
Flawed Helldusk Helmet

‘When I found Carixim, he tossed to me, all those poor people’s…

Magical Durability: The wielder has a +2 bonus to Saving Throws…

Magical Durability Equipment Features
Constitution Saving Throws Equipment Features
Rare Helmet

Icon for <span>Medium Armour</span> Medium Armour

1.00 kg

300 Gold

Item icon

Plain leather with a faint but unmistakable buzz - as if eager…

Running Jump: Once per turn, after the wearer Dashes or takes…

Can be found inside a buried, hidden chest in the Forest (X:77,…

Running Jump Equipment Features
Uncommon Gloves

Icon for <span>Gloves</span> Gloves


0.50 kg

330 Gold

Item icon
Fleshmelter Cloak

Droplets of foul acid drip from the tails of this cloak, as if…

Caustic Reprical: Whenever a creature deals melee damage to the…

Inside a chest within the House od Healing Morgue. (X: 30, Y:…


Icon for <span>Cloak</span> Cloak

0.50 kg

70 Gold

Item icon
Fossilized Shell

Sticky, rope-like seaweed is wrapped around this oversized shell,…

Equipped by the Kou-toa in the Underdark within The Festering…

"Shield Proficiency" iconShield Proficiency Shield Proficiency
Common Shield

Icon for <span>Shield</span> Shield

Icon for <span>+2</span> +2

2.70 kg

50 Gold

Item icon
Frayed Drow Hood

A supple leather cowl. Its spiderweb embroidery is stained, and…

Dexterity Saving Throws +1

Location: The Frayed Drow Hood can be found inside a backpack…

"Light Armour Proficiency" iconLight Armour Proficiency Armour Proficiency

Icon for <span>Helmet</span> Helmet


0.50 kg

25 Gold

Item icon
Frost Prince

Each sapphire feels like a tiny shard of sharpened Ice.

Found in chest, which you can easily break by accident while…

"Ice Knife" iconIce Knife Conjuration
Uncommon Amulet

Icon for <span>Amulet</span> Amulet

0.05 kg

65 Gold

Item icon
Garb of The Land and Sky

Long ago, Kushigo was a warrior, bedecked in an enormous set…

Mountainous Poise: While using Patient Defence (Monk Ki Point…

Sold by Entharl Danthelon, a dwarf trader located at Danthelon’s…

Rare Clothing

Icon for <span>Clothing</span> Clothing

Icon for <span>+10</span> +10

1.80 kg

1,440 Gold

Item icon
Gauntlet of the Tyrant

A tyrant’s grip must be one of cool, unforgiving, and intricately…

Enervating Suffusion: Your unarmed attacks deal an additional…

Defeat Gortash in Act 3.

"Command" iconCommand Enchantment
Very Rare

Icon for <span>Gloves</span> Gloves

0.50 kg

300 Gold

Item icon
Gauntlets of Hill Giant Strength

Your basic hill giant is just a landslide with a digestive system.…

Strength Saving Throws +1 Set the wearer’s Strength to 23. The…

Inside the House of Hope in Act 3. You can find them on one of…

Very Rare

Icon for <span>Gloves</span> Gloves

0.50 kg

540 Gold

Item icon
Gauntlets of the Warmaster

Clothing doesn’t tend to have much personality. That comes down…

Heightened Manoeuvre: Targets have Disadvantage on Saving Throws…

Sold by Entharl Danthelon in the Danthelon Dancing Swirds store…

"Medium Armour Proficiency" iconMedium Armour Proficiency Armour Proficiency
Very Rare

Icon for <span>Gloves</span> Gloves, Icon for <span>Medium Armour</span> Medium Armour

0.50 kg

1,600 Gold

Item icon
Gemini Gloves

Designed by an arcane smith with half-vision. He made these gloves…

Adroit Caster: Cantrips targeting foes and allies can target…

Vendor: HelsikLocation: Devil’s Fee, Lower City Description:…

Very Rare

Icon for <span>Gloves</span> Gloves

0.50 kg

450 Gold

Item icon
Gibus of the Worshipful Servant

Corroded by Sceleritas’ insouciant perversion, this little gibus…

Lick spittle’s Alertness: At the start of combat, the wearer…

You can purchase it from Helsik, who is a trader located inside…

Rare Helmet

Icon for <span>Helmet</span> Helmet

0.50 kg

55 Gold

Item icon
Githyanki Boots

Lavishly decorated boots, crafted onfar-away planes from stolen…

Athletics +1


Icon for <span>Boots</span> Boots, Icon for <span>Medium Armour</span> Medium Armour


2.00 kg

30 Gold

Item icon
Githyanki Half Plate

This armour was forged to Vlaakith’s standards under the exacting…

This medium armor, known as the Githyanki Half Plate, is a testament…

Disadvantage on Stealth rolls

Location: The Githyanki Half Plate can be acquired by defeating…

The Githyanki Half Plate is an embodiment of Githyanki culture…

"Medium Armour Proficiency" iconMedium Armour Proficiency Armour Proficiency
"Lae'zel" iconLae'zel Companions (Origin)
Common Medium Armour

Icon for <span>Medium Armour</span> Medium Armour

Icon for <span>+15</span> +15

Icon for <span>Disadvantage on Stealth checks</span> Disadvantage on Stealth checks

12.00 kg

180 Gold

Item icon
Gloomstrand Shield

Supposedly fashioned around a lock of hair stolen from the head…

Stealth +1

Inside a chest by the dock in the Ruined Battlefield. (X: -58,…

It’s on okay item for a Tricket Sleric, or other wizard that…

Uncommon Shield

Icon for <span>Shield</span> Shield

2.70 kg

70 Gold

Item icon
Gloves of Baneful Striking

The slightest movement of leather makes a dark energy seep out…

Baneful Smite: Whenever you deal damage with a weapon attack,…

Sold by Lady Esther near Roswyn Monastery in Act 1 Mountainpass.…

Uncommon Gloves

Icon for <span>Gloves</span> Gloves

0.50 kg

171 Gold

Item icon
Gloves of Battlemage's Power

Bands of blue light snap and contract when the gloved fingertips…

Battlemage’s Power: When a weapon attack roll inflicts a condition,…

Inside the Reithin Tollhouse (X: 84, Y: -90)

Arcane Acuity Equipment Features
Rare Gloves

Icon for <span>Gloves</span> Gloves

0.50 kg

290 Gold

Item icon
Gloves of Cinder and Sizzle

It was through scrying and observing blazing elementals that…

Dragonfire Fists: Your unarmed attacks deal an additional 1d4…

Lady Esther has these gloves. We found them in Act 3 on her person,…

"Scorching Ray" iconScorching Ray Evocation
Rare Gloves

Icon for <span>Gloves</span> Gloves

0.50 kg

240 Gold

Item icon
Gloves of Crushing

Stitched into the fabric of these gloves are the words: Largest…

Crushing Blows: The wearer gains +1 bonus to unarmed Attack…

The Gloves of Crushing can be purchased from Araj Oblodra, an…

Rare Gloves

Icon for <span>Gloves</span> Gloves

0.50 kg

160 Gold

Item icon
Gloves of Dexterity

The point at which the gloves meet the wrist is form-fitting…

The Gloves of Dexterity are sold by a Githyanki merchant named…

Very Rare

Icon for <span>Gloves</span> Gloves

0.50 kg

300 Gold

Item icon
Gloves of Fire Resistance

These gloves are cool to the touch, chilling the tips of the…

These gloves are imbued with a unique enchantment that grants…

Chilling Grace: When the wearer has 50% Hit Points or less, they…

Location: The Gloves of Fire Resistance are part of content…

This item isn’t available in the current version of the game.…

Chilling Grace Equipment Features
Uncommon Gloves

Icon for <span>Gloves</span> Gloves


0.50 kg

260 Gold

Item icon
Gloves of Flint and Steel

The inside of these gloves are roughened from the pull and release…

Hot Little Hands: When the wearer deals Fire Damage, the target…

Location: The Gloves of Flint and Steel are part of content…

The gloves’ enchantment, known as “Hot Little Hands,” capitalizes…

Hot Little Hands Equipment Features
Uncommon Gloves

Icon for <span>Gloves</span> Gloves


0.50 kg

310 Gold

Item icon
Gloves of Hail of Thorns

Whoever previously owned these gloves marked each with a series…

These gloves possess a unique enchantment that enables the wearer…

Location: Gloves of Hail of Thorns can be found in the inventories…

These gloves provide a unique ability, allowing the wearer to…


Icon for <span>Gloves</span> Gloves


0.50 kg

140 Gold

Item icon
Gloves of Missile Snaring

These gloves seem to meld to your skin - supple, snug and dextrous…

Missile Snaring: You can intercept missiles from ranged weapon…

Sold by Arron the trader, located in the Druid Grove for 320…

Icon for Gale can absorb this item's magic, destroying it. Gale can absorb this item's magic, destroying it.
Rare Gloves



0.50 kg

160 Gold

Item icon
Gloves of Power

Blessed by Priestess Gut, these gauntlets aid any who bear the…

Absolute’s Bane: When the wearer hits a creature with a weapon…

Drops from a Goblin called Za’Krug, who you can find at the battle…

Icon for Gale can absorb this item's magic, destroying it. Gale can absorb this item's magic, destroying it.
Uncommon Gloves



0.50 kg

90 Gold

Item icon
Gloves of Soul Catching

Formerly worn by Autumnal Baskin, a professional meditator turned…

The Gloves of Soul Catching are legendary gloves featured in…

Soul Fist: Your unarmed attacks deal an additional 1~10 Force…

The Gloves of Soul Catching can be obtained in the House of Hope…


Icon for <span>Gloves</span> Gloves

0.50 kg

960 Gold

Item icon
Gloves of Succour

Suede covers the palms of these gloves - ensuring a soft, comforting…

Crafted with the intent to provide aid and comfort, the Gloves…

Warding Hands: When you use Lay on Hands on a target with 50%…

Location: The Gloves of Succour can be found within a chest…

The Gloves of Succour exemplify their purpose by enhancing the…

"Medium Armour Proficiency" iconMedium Armour Proficiency Armour Proficiency
Uncommon Gloves

Icon for <span>Gloves</span> Gloves


0.50 kg

350 Gold

Item icon
Gloves of the Balanced Hands

Formerly worn by Doubleway Douglas Fairbanks, who was so ambidextrous…

The Gloves of the Balanced Hands are Rare gloves in Baldur’s…

Two-Weapon Fighting: When you make an attack with your off-hand…

Can be purchased for 304 Gold from Quartermaster Talli at the…

Rare Gloves

0.50 kg

304 Gold

Item icon
Gloves of The Duellist

Ways of beginning a duel have varied over the years. Perhaps…

The Gloves of the Duellist are Rare Gloves in Baldur’s Gate 3…

Duelling Gloves: While only holding one weapon in your main hand…

Sold by the vendor Lann Tarv in Moonrise Towers for 304 Gold…

Rare Gloves

0.50 kg

304 Gold

Item icon
Gloves of Uninhibited Kushigo

Forsaking his infamous armour, Kushigo left Irishi’s body and…

Kushigo’s Might: The wearer deals an additional 1d4 damage with…

Quest reward for finding the Mushroom Picker in the Underdark.…

Rare Gloves



0.50 kg

240 Gold

Item icon
Glowing Shield

Soft, loving whispers emanate from this shield. Though barely…

The Glowing Shield is a unique and uncommon shield that offers…

Loving Protection: Once per Short Rest, if you are below 50%…

Location: The Glowing Shield can be discovered within a locked…

The Glowing Shield’s unique ability reflects its name by providing…

"Shield Proficiency" iconShield Proficiency Shield Proficiency
Loving Protection Equipment Features
Uncommon Shield

Icon for <span>Shield</span> Shield

Icon for <span>+2</span> +2

2.70 kg

70 Gold

Item icon
Graceful Cloth

A garment worn by one of three monks who fought together against…

The Graceful Cloth serves as an emblem of the monks’ unity and…

Special Effects (Version - Esther): Cat’s Grace: The wearer…

Merchant: Lady Esther (Rosymorn Monastery Trail, Act Two) Merchant:…

The Graceful Cloth derives its historical significance from…


Icon for <span>Clothing</span> Clothing

Icon for <span>+10</span> +10

1.80 kg

800 Gold

Item icon
Grymskull Helm

Once home to an inscrutable machine intelligence, Grym’s skull…

Adamantine Backlash: When a melee attack hits you, the attacker…

Drops from the construct boss, Grym, who is the boss that guards…

Rare Helmet

Icon for <span>Heavy Armour</span> Heavy Armour


Item icon
Guiding Light

Used by the previous owner to access both the Underdark’s darkest…

"Light" iconLight Spells
Quest Item



Item icon
Half Plate Armour

This heavy, resilient breastplate is reinforced by a padded gambeson…

Disadvantage on Stealth rolls. AC bonus from Dexterity limited…

"Medium Armour Proficiency" iconMedium Armour Proficiency Armour Proficiency
Common Medium Armour

Icon for <span>Medium Armour</span> Medium Armour

Icon for <span>+15</span> +15

Icon for <span>Disadvantage on Stealth checks</span> Disadvantage on Stealth checks

18.00 kg

349 Gold

Item icon
Half Plate Armour +1

Heraldric runes are sewn into the padding of this armour, affering…

Disadvantage on Stealth rolls. AC bonus from Dexterity limited…

"Medium Armour Proficiency" iconMedium Armour Proficiency Armour Proficiency
Uncommon Medium Armour

Icon for <span>Medium Armour</span> Medium Armour

Icon for <span>+16</span> +16

18.00 kg

1,750 Gold

Item icon
Half Plate Armour +2

This breastplate is far tougher than it appears, taking blows…

Superior Plate: You take 2 less Piercing damage. Disadvantage…

This armor can be found in the wares of various Trader’s during…

Icon for AC bonus from Dexterity limited to +2. AC bonus from Dexterity limited to +2.
"Medium Armour Proficiency" iconMedium Armour Proficiency Armour Proficiency
Rare Medium Armour

Icon for <span>Medium Armour</span> Medium Armour

Icon for <span>+17</span> +17

Icon for <span>Disadvantage on Stealth checks</span> Disadvantage on Stealth checks

Icon for <span>+2</span> +2

12.00 kg

1,100 Gold

Item icon
Hammergrim Mist Amulet

One of the relics of Deep Duerra’s rebellious children. Drugging…

Along the Ruined Battlefield of Act, located inside a chest (X:…

Fog Cloud is very good spell if you can adapt to using it, so…

"Fog Cloud" iconFog Cloud Conjuration
Uncommon Amulet

Icon for <span>Amulet</span> Amulet

0.05 kg

65 Gold

Item icon
Haste Helm

The helm throbs when violence is near, filling the wearer with…

Smooth Start: At the start of combat, the wearer gains Momentum…

Inside a locked chest by a wagon in the Blighted Village. The…

Icon for Gale can absorb this item's magic, destroying it. Gale can absorb this item's magic, destroying it.
Rare Helmet



0.50 kg

240 Gold

Item icon
Hat of Fire Acuity

It is said some wizard hats grant the power to keep your head…

Fire Acuity: Whenever you deal Fire Damage, you gain Arcane Acuity…

Drops from the Strange Ox when you reveal it to be a shapeshifting…

Arcane Acuity Equipment Features

Icon for <span>Helmet</span> Helmet

0.50 kg

90 Gold

Item icon
Hat of Storm Scion's Power

Two sigils glow white where the hat brushes your temples - something…

Thunderous Acuity: When the wearer deals Thunder damage, they…

The Hat of Storm Scion’s Power can be purchased from Araj Oblodra,…


Icon for <span>Helmet</span> Helmet

0.50 kg

90 Gold

Item icon
Hat of Uninhibited Kushigo

Coming upon a wise woman, Kushigo got drunk and grew maudlin,…

The Hat of Uninhibited Kushigo is a Rare headpiece in Baldur’s…

Lay Bare Their Weakness: After dealing damage with an unarmed…

Can be purchased for 456 Gold from Quartermaster Talli at the…


0.50 kg

456 Gold

Item icon
Headband of Intellect

An elegant criclet, best worn by those with an affinity for the…

Increases the wearer’s Intelligence score to 17

Rare Helmet

Icon for <span>Helmet</span> Helmet


0.50 kg

750 Gold

Item icon
Hedge Wanderer Armour

This simple cured goat hide was enchanted by a traveling druid.…

Upon entering the tranquil confines of the Druid Grove, a Halfling…

Balance: Gain a +1 bonus to Dexterity Saving Throw and Checks.…

Location: Druid Grove Traders: Arron and Dammon

Steam Discussion: Act 1 Items

Icon for AC bonus from Dexterity limited to +2. AC bonus from Dexterity limited to +2.
Uncommon Medium Armour

Icon for <span>Medium Armour</span> Medium Armour

Icon for <span>+13</span> +13

Icon for <span>Advantage on Stealth checks</span> Advantage on Stealth checks

5.40 kg

325 Gold

Item icon
Helldusk Armour

Carixim, soul-stuffed forgemaster of hellish Avernus, hammers…

Helldusk Armour stands as a remarkable Legendary Heavy Armor…

Helldusk Armour: You are considered Proficient with this armour…

"Fly" iconFly Transmutation

Icon for <span>Heavy Armour</span> Heavy Armour

Icon for <span>21</span> 21

40.00 kg

8,000 Gold

Item icon
Helldusk Boots

No ore takes better to being forged than the infernal iron of…

Set Items: Helldusk GlovesHelldusk ArmourHelldusk HelmetHelldusk…

Steadfast: You cannot be forcibly moved by a foe’s spells or…

You can find one of these pairs of boots inside a chest within…

Very Rare

Icon for <span>Boots</span> Boots

4.00 kg

450 Gold

Item icon
Helldusk Gloves

What precisely confers eternal punishment, reward, absolution?…

Helldusk Gloves, categorized as Very Rare Handwear, are coveted…

Infernal Acuity: You gain +1 bonus to Spell Attack Rolls and…

Helldusk Gloves can be obtained by looting them from Haarlep…

Free 1d6 Fire damage on melee weapon attacks. A decent pair of…

Very Rare

Icon for <span>Gloves</span> Gloves

1.00 kg

540 Gold

Item icon
Helldusk Helmet

It is said that Carixim, the fiending titan whose flesh squirms…

Set Items: Helldusk GlovesHelldusk ArmourHelldusk HelmetHelldusk…

The wearer of this item gains: Infernal Sight: You can see in…

The Helldusk Helmet can be obtained by looting it from a vault…

Very Rare

Icon for <span>Helmet</span> Helmet

Item icon
Hellrider's Pride

A waft of sulphur emanates from these proudly-kept gauntlets.…

Helm’s Protection: When you heal another creature, it gains resistance…

Found in the Secluded Chamber at X:52 Y:70. Awarded after completing…

Icon for Gale can absorb this item's magic, destroying it. Gale can absorb this item's magic, destroying it.
Uncommon Gloves



0.50 kg

110 Gold

Item icon
Helm of Balduran

This helm, worn atop the pate of Balduran the Brave, still gleams…

The Helm of Balduran is a legendary headwear in Baldur’s Gate…

The wearer of this item gains: Balduran’s Vitality: The helmet…

The Helm of Balduran can be found on an altar (X: 636, Y: -964)…

Balduran's Vitality Equipment Features

Icon for <span>Helmet</span> Helmet

2.00 kg

760 Gold

Item icon

Any padding that once lined this helmet has long since worn away.…

Attackers can’t land critical hits on the wearer.

Merchant: Dammon, at The Hollow (Druid Grove) and Roah Moonglow,…

"Medium Armour Proficiency" iconMedium Armour Proficiency Armour Proficiency

Icon for <span>Helmet</span> Helmet


1.00 kg

300 Gold

Item icon
Helmet of Autonomy

The metal bolted to the helmet’s forehead is engraved with a…

The Helmet of Autonomy is an uncommon helmet, bestowing upon…

Wisdom Saving Throw Proficiency

The Helmet of Autonomy can be located adorning the remains of…

This helmet does not offer additional benefits to individuals…

"Light Armour Proficiency" iconLight Armour Proficiency Armour Proficiency
Uncommon Helmet

Icon for <span>Helmet</span> Helmet

0.50 kg

70 Gold

Item icon
Helmet of Grit

At the barest touch, you feel a surge of exuberance and stamina…

The Helmet of Grit, an uncommon helmet, bestows upon the wearer…

Dexterity Saving Throws +1: Equipping the Helmet of Grit enhances…

During the early access phase, the Helmet of Grit could be…

The Grit part of this helmet makes it really good for builds…

"Light Armour Proficiency" iconLight Armour Proficiency Armour Proficiency
Grit Equipment Features
Very Rare

Icon for <span>Helmet</span> Helmet, Icon for <span>Light Armour</span> Light Armour


0.50 kg

320 Gold

Item icon
Helmet of Smiting

A set of runes has been expertly worked into the helmet’s filigree.…

Bolstering Smite: When you apply a condition with one of your…

Inside a chest that you can lockpick inside the Selunite Temple.…

Uncommon Helmet



Item icon
Herbalist's Gloves

The leather smells faintly of herbs, as if washed in an herbal…

The Herbalist’s Gloves, an uncommon pair of gloves, possess the…

The possessor of these gloves benefits from: Cleansing Touch:…

The Herbalist’s Gloves are available for purchase from Derryth…

Uncommon Gloves

Icon for <span>Gloves</span> Gloves


0.50 kg

90 Gold

Item icon
Hide Armour

Constructed from carefully-chosen animal hides tanned, hardened…

Hide Armour is categorized as a common Medium Armour, made from…

12 + Dexterity Modifier (with the AC bonus from Dexterity capped…

At present, this item is not accessible or attainable within…

Icon for AC bonus from Dexterity limited to +2. AC bonus from Dexterity limited to +2.
"Medium Armour Proficiency" iconMedium Armour Proficiency Armour Proficiency
Common Medium Armour

Icon for <span>Medium Armour</span> Medium Armour

Icon for <span>+12</span> +12

Icon for <span>Advantage on Stealth checks</span> Advantage on Stealth checks

5.40 kg

60 Gold

Item icon
Hide Armour +1

Tight stitches bind panels of hard leather into a formfitting…

AC bonus from Dexterity limited to +2

Icon for AC bonus from Dexterity limited to +2. AC bonus from Dexterity limited to +2.
Uncommon Medium Armour

Icon for <span>Medium Armour</span> Medium Armour

Icon for <span>+13</span> +13

5.40 kg

300 Gold

Item icon
Hide Armour +2

Constructed from carefully-chosen animal hides tanned, hardened…

Hide Armour +2 belongs to the category of common Medium Armour,…

Balance: Gain a +1 bonus to Dexterity Saving Throws and ChecksAmbusher:…

This Hide Armour +2 can be procured from the trader named Grat…

Icon for AC bonus from Dexterity limited to +2. AC bonus from Dexterity limited to +2.
"Medium Armour Proficiency" iconMedium Armour Proficiency Armour Proficiency
Rare Medium Armour

Icon for <span>Medium Armour</span> Medium Armour

Icon for <span>+14</span> +14

Icon for <span>Advantage on Stealth checks</span> Advantage on Stealth checks

5.40 kg

651 Gold

Item icon
Holy Lance Helm

Brief halos of divine light wrap your head when you don and doff…

Smite the Graceless: Creatures who miss their Attack Rolls…

You can find the Holy Lance Helm in a Painted Chest, located…

Uncommon Helmet

Icon for <span>Helmet</span> Helmet

1.00 kg

115 Gold

Item icon
Hood of the Weave

Worn by the wizard Tenser when he was inducted into the Circle…

Sold by Mystic Carrion, the mummy in Philgrave Mansion, who can…

Hood of the Weave vs Birthright Solid caster helmet for general…

Arcane Enchantment Equipment Features
Very Rare

Icon for <span>Helmet</span> Helmet

0.50 kg

70 Gold

Item icon
Horns of the Berserker

This was created by a designer and an enchanter who were going…

Seeking Blood: You gain a +2 bonus to Attack Rolls when attacking…

Sold by Entharl Danthelon in Danthelon store along the Wyrmgate…

Very Rare

Icon for <span>Helmet</span> Helmet

0.50 kg

414 Gold

Item icon
Hr'a'cknir Bracers

The planar silver cladding of these forearm bracers allows the…

Quickened Mage Hand: You can cast Mage Hand as a Bonus Action.…

Drops from one of the ambushing Gityanki parties in Act 2, around…

"Telekinesis" iconTelekinesis Transmutation
Very Rare

Icon for <span>Bracer</span> Bracer

0.50 kg

540 Gold

Item icon
Ichorous Gloves

These gloves smell like beef mince left to rot in a privy pail.…

Ichorous Corrosion: When the wearer deals Acid damage, they also…

Inside a chest in the Waning Moon cave system. (X: -251, Y: -67)…

Uncommon Gloves

Icon for <span>Gloves</span> Gloves

0.50 kg

90 Gold

Item icon
Iron-Banded Shield

Small pockets of rust are starting to eat away at a few of the…

"Shield Proficiency" iconShield Proficiency Shield Proficiency

Icon for <span>Shield</span> Shield

Icon for <span>+2</span> +2

2.70 kg

50 Gold

Item icon
Iron-Banded Shield +1

This thick oak shield is reinforced with a frame of rough-hammered…

An Iron-Banded Shield +1 is classified as a rare Shield, featuring…

The wearer of this item gains no special properties beyond the…

Chapter Two: Leaning against a rack next to the bugbear merchant…

"Shield Proficiency" iconShield Proficiency Shield Proficiency

Icon for <span>Shield</span> Shield

Icon for <span>+3</span> +3

Icon for <span>+1</span> +1

2.70 kg

300 Gold

Item icon
Ironvine Shield

Each whorl and groove and worm-curled twist of this shield evokes…

Ironvine: While the wielder is holding a weapon empowered with…

Inside the Reithwin Tollhouse. (X: 127, Y: -91)

Uncommon Shield

Icon for <span>Shield</span> Shield

Icon for <span>+2</span> +2

2.70 kg

45 Gold

Item icon
Justiciar's Greatshield

It’s never the shield that kills you - but hearing your frantic…

Darkness Cloak: Creates a Cloud of Darkness and immediately…

Drops from the Dark Justiciar who is turned into a rat at the…

Rare Shield

Icon for <span>Shield</span> Shield

Icon for <span>+2</span> +2

2.70 kg

300 Gold

Item icon
Keepsake Ring

Created by a conglomerate of druids one moonlit night when all…

Found on the floor of the Elfsong Tavern Basement around (X:…

"Dominate Beast" iconDominate Beast Enchantment

Icon for <span>Ring</span> Ring

0.05 kg

190 Gold

Item icon
Ketheric's Shield

In the theatre of dreams, Ketheric killed his wife every night.…

Arcane Enchantment: You gain +1 bonus to Spell Save DC and Spell…

Defeat Kethirc Thorm at the end of Act 2.

"Shield Proficiency" iconShield Proficiency Shield Proficiency
Rare Shield

Icon for <span>Shield</span> Shield

Icon for <span>+2</span> +2

Item icon
Key of the Ancient

The branches of this circlet are half fossilised passed down…

Nature +1

Location: Can be found at Underground Passage Drop by: Findal…

Wearing this headband grants the ability to unlock concealed…

Uncommon Helmet

Icon for <span>Helmet</span> Helmet

0.50 kg

150 Gold

Item icon
Key of the Ancients

The branches of this circlet are half- fossilised, passed down…

Nature +1.

Drops from Nettie, the apprentice healer in the Druid Grove.…

Uncommon Helmet



0.50 kg

90 Gold

Item icon
Killer's Sweetheart

Though the ring is highly polished, darkened slivers of blood…

Executioner: When you kill a creature, your next Attack Roll…

Very Rare

Icon for <span>Ring</span> Ring

0.05 kg

140 Gold

Item icon
Komira's Locket

Worked carefully into the locket’s metal back are the words,…

Grants its wearer the ability to cast Dancing Lights. Dancing…

Icon for Gale can absorb this item's magic, destroying it. Gale can absorb this item's magic, destroying it.
Uncommon Amulet

Icon for <span>Amulet</span> Amulet


0.05 kg

65 Gold

Item icon
Leather Armour

Dark, messy stains line the armholes of the well-used leather…

Leather Armour falls within the category of common Light Armour.…

Starting armour for a Ranger (unique appearance) Starting armour…

"Light Armour Proficiency" iconLight Armour Proficiency Armour Proficiency
Common Light Armour

Icon for <span>Light Armour</span> Light Armour

Icon for <span>+11</span> +11

Icon for <span>Advantage on Stealth checks</span> Advantage on Stealth checks

4.50 kg

120 Gold

Item icon
Leather Armour +1

This well-tailored leather tunic is reinforced by geometric quilting.…

The wearer of this item gains: Stealthy: Gain a +1 bonus to…

Sold by the following traders: Arron at The Hollow (Druid Grove)…

"Light Armour Proficiency" iconLight Armour Proficiency Armour Proficiency
Uncommon Light Armour

Icon for <span>Light Armour</span> Light Armour

Icon for <span>+12</span> +12

4.50 kg

130 Gold

Item icon
Leather Armour +2

This armour is stitched together with thick, metal-lined cord,…

Stealthy: Gain a +1 bonus to Stealth Checks. Balance: Gain a…

This armor can be purchased from various Traders during Act 2…

"Light Armour Proficiency" iconLight Armour Proficiency Armour Proficiency
Rare Light Armour

Icon for <span>Light Armour</span> Light Armour

Icon for <span>+13</span> +13

Icon for <span>Advantage on Stealth checks</span> Advantage on Stealth checks

Icon for <span>+2</span> +2

4.50 kg

380 Gold

Item icon
Leather Boots

These boots are well-maintained and clean, though their soles…

Leather Boots fall under the category of common footwear.

tarting boots for the following classes: Bard, Cleric, Fighter,…

"Lae'zel" iconLae'zel Companions (Origin)
"Astarion" iconAstarion Companions (Origin)
Common Boots



0.55 kg

15 Gold

Item icon
Leather Gloves

These supple gloves provide both flexibility and protection.…

Can be found at Goblin Camp on the ground near the vendor. Can…


Icon for <span>Gloves</span> Gloves


0.50 kg

20 Gold

Item icon
Leather Helmet

Layers of leather were boiled and moulded to create this rugged…

A Leather Helmet is a common type of helmet made from layers…

Dexterity Saving Throws +1

Available From Traders: This Leather Helmet can be obtained from…


Icon for <span>Helmet</span> Helmet


0.50 kg

25 Gold

Item icon
Legacy of the Masters

Formerly the property of the royalty of Threskel, these gauntlets…

Arming Enhancement: Gain a +2 Bonus to attack and damage rolls…

Sold by Dammon in Act found in the Forge of the Nine Blacksmith…

Very Rare

Icon for <span>Gloves</span> Gloves, Icon for <span>Medium Armour</span> Medium Armour

0.50 kg

570 Gold

Item icon
Linebreaker Boots

Lightweight fur and leather, designed to speed the wearer’s charge…

Adrenaline Rush: When the wearer Dashes or takes a similar action…

Dropped by Beastmaster Zurk in the Worg Pens.




0.55 kg

190 Gold

Item icon
Luminous Armour

Many an adventurer has found themselves swallowed up by he dark…

Radiating Shockwave: When the wearer deals Radiant damage, they…

Inside a chest in a hidden wall in the Selunite Outpost. You…

While this looks like a poor item, there are plenty of Radiant-themed…

Uncommon Medium Armour

Icon for <span>Medium Armour</span> Medium Armour

Icon for <span>+15</span> +15

9.00 kg

250 Gold

Item icon
Luminous Gloves

The pads of each fingertip shine from the fabric with a garish…

Radiating Orb Gloves: When the wearer deals Radiant damage,…

Inside a chest along the Ruined Battlefield. Head inside a broken…

Combine with the following items for a Radiant Build: Callous…

Uncommon Gloves

Icon for <span>Gloves</span> Gloves

0.50 kg

110 Gold

Item icon
Magic Amulet

Imbued with a little luck after the item was pressed to the pursed…

Innate Fortitude: One per Long Rest, you can use a reaction…

Complete the Sarin’s Skeleton puzzle in BG3 in the sewers. You…

Rare Amulet

Icon for <span>Amulet</span> Amulet

0.05 kg

190 Gold

Item icon
Mantle of the Holy Warrior

This garment accidentally fell into the communal steambaths during…

Sold by Vicar Humbeletoes in the Stormshore Tabernacle, located…

This cape is really good for classes that don’t need to concentrate.…

"Crusader's Mantle" iconCrusader's Mantle Evocation
Very Rare

Icon for <span>Cloak</span> Cloak

0.50 kg

977 Gold

Item icon
Mask of Soul Perception

Formerly worn by Autumnal Baskin, a professional meditator turned…

Soul Perception: Gain a +2 bonus to Attack Rolls, Initiative…

Inside a Gilded Chest in Helsik’s Bedroom, the top floor of the…

Very Rare

Icon for <span>Helmet</span> Helmet

0.50 kg

1,300 Gold

Item icon
Mask of the Shapeshifter

The magic of this mask comes from its gory provenance and makes…

The Mask of the Shapeshifter is a legendary mask featured in…

Disguise Self: Cast the Disguise Self spell unlimitedly.

The Mask of the Shapeshifter is an exclusive item available as…

The Mask of the Shapeshifter in Baldur’s Gate 3 serves as an…


Icon for <span>Helmet</span> Helmet

0.50 kg

1 Gold

Item icon
Metal Shield

Though the metal is only of moderate quality, a proud, flaming…

The Metal Shield is a standard shield featuring the emblem of…

This shield is obtainable by discovering it among the wares offered…

"Shield Proficiency" iconShield Proficiency Shield Proficiency
Common Shield

Icon for <span>Shield</span> Shield

Icon for <span>+2</span> +2

2.70 kg

49 Gold

Item icon
Metallic Boots

Scratched in places, scorched in others, and worn thin at the…

The Metallic Boots are an ordinary pair of boots that exhibit…

Wearing these boots provides the wearer with a bonus: Athletics…

Available for purchase from the following traders: Dammon at…

"Medium Armour Proficiency" iconMedium Armour Proficiency Armour Proficiency
Common Boots

Icon for <span>Boots</span> Boots


2.00 kg

200 Gold

Item icon
Metallic Gloves

Made from steel hammered thin, these gauntlets are a fine investment…

Metallic Gloves are an ordinary pair of gloves crafted from steel…

The wearer of this item gains: Strength Saving Throws +1

Available for purchase from the following traders: Dammon located…

"Medium Armour Proficiency" iconMedium Armour Proficiency Armour Proficiency
Common Medium Armour

Icon for <span>Medium Armour</span> Medium Armour


0.50 kg

50 Gold

Item icon
Moon Devotion Robe

A memory from her childhood: a warm bed. Through the cracked…

Selune’s Protection: While the wearer has Mage Armour, each successful…

You can loot this item after defeating Isobel at the end of Act…

"Produce Flame" iconProduce Flame Conjuration
"Mage Armour" iconMage Armour Abjuration
Very Rare Clothing

Icon for <span>Clothing</span> Clothing

Icon for <span>+10</span> +10

1.80 kg

1,600 Gold

Item icon
Moondrop Pendant

The back bears an inscription under a delicate crescent moon.‘You’re…

Writhing Dance: When the wearer has 500/0 hit points or less,…

Found inside the Selunite Gilded Chest, which is a chest you…

Icon for Gale can absorb this item's magic, destroying it. Gale can absorb this item's magic, destroying it.
Uncommon Amulet

Icon for <span>Amulet</span> Amulet


0.05 kg

65 Gold

Item icon
Mystra's Grace

Wearing these boots is like walking on cotton clouds.

The wearer of this item gains: Feather FallCast the Feather Fall…

The Chest of the Mundane Boots are a pair of footwear found within…

"Feather Fall" iconFeather Fall Transmutation



0.55 kg

70 Gold

Item icon
Nymph Cloak

The charmers, seducers, philanderers, flirts, gallants, beguilers,…

Sold by Ferg Drogher near the refugees in Rivington.

"Dominate Person" iconDominate Person Enchantment
Very Rare

Icon for <span>Cloak</span> Cloak

0.50 kg

648 Gold

Item icon
Obsidian Laced Robe

The inside of this robe is dark and faceted like volcanic glass,…

The Obsidian Laced Robe is a Rare Light armour in Baldur’s Gate…

Flaming Revenge: On a successful Saving Throw against a foe’s…

Can be purchased for 1520 Gold from Quartermaster Talli at the…

Rare Clothing

Icon for <span>Light Armour</span> Light Armour

Icon for <span>+10</span> +10

1.80 kg

1,520 Gold

Item icon
Organic Shield

These three small stumps make for a peculiar but effective shield.…

The Organic Shield falls under the category of common shields.…

This shield can be acquired by defeating a Wood Woad creature…

"Shield Proficiency" iconShield Proficiency Shield Proficiency
Common Shield

Icon for <span>Shield</span> Shield

Icon for <span>+2</span> +2

2.70 kg

50 Gold

Item icon
Padded Armour

A standard gambeson of quilted cloth. Good for catching blows,…

Disadvantage on Stealth checks

You can find Padded Armor in lootable containers in the Wilderness.…

"Light Armour Proficiency" iconLight Armour Proficiency Armour Proficiency
"Astarion" iconAstarion Companions (Origin)
Common Light Armour

Icon for <span>Light Armour</span> Light Armour

Icon for <span>+11</span> +11

Icon for <span>Disadvantage on Stealth checks</span> Disadvantage on Stealth checks

3.60 kg

70 Gold

Item icon
Padded Armour (Astarion)

Despite the careful stitches, the gold embroidery on this padded…

Disadvantage on Stealth checks

This is Astarion’s starting armor when you encounter him in the…

"Light Armour Proficiency" iconLight Armour Proficiency Armour Proficiency
"Astarion" iconAstarion Companions (Origin)
Common Light Armour

Icon for <span>Light Armour</span> Light Armour

Icon for <span>+11</span> +11

Icon for <span>Disadvantage on Stealth checks</span> Disadvantage on Stealth checks

3.60 kg

70 Gold

Item icon
Padded Armour +1

The quilting threads running through this padded vest seem to…

Superior Padding: You take 1 less Bludgeoning damage.

Uncommon Light Armour

Icon for <span>Light Armour</span> Light Armour

Icon for <span>+12</span> +12

3.60 kg

105 Gold

Item icon
Padded Armour +2

A standard gambeson of quilted cloth. Good for catching blows,…

The Padded Armour +2 is Rare Light Armour in Baldur’s Gate 3…

Superior Padding: You take 2 less Bludgeoning damage.

Sold by the vendor Lann Tarv in Moonrise Towers for 589 Gold…

Rare Light Armour

--, Icon for <span>Light Armour</span> Light Armour

Icon for <span>+13</span> +13

3.60 kg

589 Gold

Item icon
Pearl of Power Amulet

There are no molluscs

Pearlescent RestorationClass Actions

Can be purchased from Omeluum in the Myconid camp in the Underdark.…

Uncommon Amulet

Icon for <span>Amulet</span> Amulet


Item icon
Penumbral Armour

One of the Relics of Deep Duerra’s rebellious children. Kitted…

Stealthier: While obscured, the wearer gains +3 bonus to Stealth…

Leave Last Light Inn to the east and you’ll find an abandoned…

"Light Armour Proficiency" iconLight Armour Proficiency Armour Proficiency
Rare Light Armour

Icon for <span>Light Armour</span> Light Armour

Icon for <span>+12</span> +12

5.85 kg

1,000 Gold

Item icon
Plate Armour

For unknown (possibly bug related reasons) Plate Armour has no…

Plate Armour is a type of heavy armor.

No AC Bonus from Dexterity

Plate Armour can be obtained from select traders, including:…

"Heavy Armour Proficiency" iconHeavy Armour Proficiency Armour Proficiency


Icon for <span>+18</span> +18

Icon for <span>Disadvantage on Stealth checks</span> Disadvantage on Stealth checks

20.00 kg

400 Gold

Item icon
Plate Armour +1

For unknown (possibly bug related reasons) Plate Armours have…

Plate Armour +1 is an upgraded version of heavy armor, possessing…

Superior Plate: This property grants the wearer the ability to…

Plate Armour +1 is available for purchase from traders during…

"Heavy Armour Proficiency" iconHeavy Armour Proficiency Armour Proficiency
Superior Plate Equipment Features

Icon for <span>Heavy Armour</span> Heavy Armour

Icon for <span>+19</span> +19

Icon for <span>Disadvantage on Stealth checks</span> Disadvantage on Stealth checks

20.00 kg

800 Gold

Item icon
Plate Armour +2

For unknown (possibly bug related reasons) Plate Armours have…

Plate Armour +2 represents an advanced iteration of heavy armor,…

No AC Bonus from Dexterity Exceptional Plate: You take 2 less…

Plate Armour +2 is attainable through trading establishments…

"Heavy Armour Proficiency" iconHeavy Armour Proficiency Armour Proficiency
Exceptional Plate Equipment Features
Rare Heavy Armour

Icon for <span>Heavy Armour</span> Heavy Armour

Icon for <span>+20</span> +20

Icon for <span>+2</span> +2

20.00 kg

2,400 Gold

Item icon
Poisoner's Gloves

While the leather is clean and wall-maintained, a cold, acrid…

Envenom: Whenever you deal Poison damage, the target needs to…

Inside the House of Healing in one of the doctors’ offices (X:…

Rare Gloves

Icon for <span>Gloves</span> Gloves

0.50 kg

240 Gold

Item icon
Poisoner's Robe

Found in the Spider Queen’s stomach, this robe emanates a sour…

Poison Trails: When the wearer casts a spell that deals Poison…

Drops from the Phase Spider Matriarch found in the Whispering…

Uncommon Clothing


Icon for <span>+10</span> +10

Item icon
Potent Robe

This robe is a difficult look to pull off unless one is blessed…

Gregarious Caster: Your cantrips deal additional damage equal…

Rescue the tieflings in Moonrise towers. Alfira will give it…

Very Rare Clothing

Icon for <span>Clothing</span> Clothing

Icon for <span>+10</span> +10

Icon for <span>+1</span> +1

1.80 kg

1,600 Gold

Item icon
Protective Plate

Grants Resistance to Necrotic Damage

Inside the House of Healing Morgue on a corpse. (X: 52, Y:- 935)…

It can be an okay heavy armor piece to wear while participating…


Icon for <span>Heavy Armour</span> Heavy Armour

Icon for <span>+18</span> +18

20.00 kg

1,000 Gold

Item icon
Psionic Ward Armour

After all that was done to them at the illithids’ caprice, it…

Psionic Ward: If the item detects that the wearer is gith, they…

During Act 2, as you approach the Baldur’s Gate Waypoint to the…

Icon for AC bonus from Dexterity limited to +2. AC bonus from Dexterity limited to +2.
"Medium Armour Proficiency" iconMedium Armour Proficiency Armour Proficiency
Rare Medium Armour

Icon for <span>Medium Armour</span> Medium Armour

Icon for <span>+15</span> +15

Icon for <span>Disadvantage on Stealth checks</span> Disadvantage on Stealth checks

Icon for <span>Psychic</span> Psychic

12.00 kg

1,450 Gold

Item icon
Pyroquickness Hat

Merely holding the circlet makes your skin flush, filling you…

Fiery Return: When you deal Fire damage with a leveled spell,…

Inside the Sorcerer’s Vault below Sorcerer’s Sundries, as you…

This item was originally designed as the Circlet of Fire, a hat…

Very Rare

Icon for <span>Helmet</span> Helmet

0.50 kg

160 Gold

Item icon
Quickspell Gloves

These gloves were worn by the wizard Bucknard, who always maintained…

A Quickspell Flinger: Cantrips that cost 4 an action cost a bonus…

Very Rare

1.00 kg

540 Gold

Item icon
Reaper's Embrace

Heavy steel bones and teeth enclose the armour’s chest and neck…

Magical Plate: All incoming damage is reduced by 2 Reaper’s…

Defeat Kethric Throm at the end of Act 2.

Very Rare Heavy Armour

Icon for <span>Heavy Armour</span> Heavy Armour

Icon for <span>+19</span> +19

Icon for <span>Disadvantage on Stealth checks</span> Disadvantage on Stealth checks

20.00 kg

6,400 Gold

Item icon
Reason's Grasp

The snug fit of these gloves resist a balled fist - as if favouring…

Ever Vigilant: When the wearer chooses to End their Rage, they…

From a chest on the Risen Road at X:39 Y:644.

Icon for Gale can absorb this item's magic, destroying it. Gale can absorb this item's magic, destroying it.
Uncommon Gloves



0.50 kg

90 Gold

Item icon
Ring Mail Armour

Ring Mail Armour is a common form of heavy armor found within…

Ring Mail Armour can be purchased from the following trader:…

Common Heavy Armour

Icon for <span>Heavy Armour</span> Heavy Armour

Icon for <span>+14</span> +14

Icon for <span>Disadvantage on Stealth checks</span> Disadvantage on Stealth checks

17.00 kg

300 Gold

Item icon
Ring Mail Armour +1

Ring Mail Armour +1 is a variant of Heavy Armor found within…

Disadvantage on Stealth rolls. No AC Bonus from Dexterity …

Merchants: This item can be purchased from traders during Act…

"Heavy Armour Proficiency" iconHeavy Armour Proficiency Armour Proficiency
Uncommon Heavy Armour

Icon for <span>Heavy Armour</span> Heavy Armour

Icon for <span>+15</span> +15

18.00 kg

1,500 Gold

Item icon
Ring Mail Armour +2

Ring Mail Armour +2 is a rare variant of Heavy Armor characterized…

Disadvantage on Stealth rolls. No AC Bonus from Dexterity Wearers…

Ring Mail Armour +2 can be acquired from various traders throughout…

Superior Material Equipment Features
Body Aid Equipment Features
Rare Heavy Armour

Icon for <span>Heavy Armour</span> Heavy Armour

Icon for <span>+16</span> +16

17.00 kg

600 Gold

Item icon
Ring of Absolute Force

Darkness seems to blossom from this ring, heightened by the menacing…

Drops from the Duargar Seargent located in the Grymforge. You…

"Thunderwave" iconThunderwave Evocation
Uncommon Ring

Icon for <span>Ring</span> Ring

0.05 kg

40 Gold

Item icon
Ring of Elemental Infusion

The mysterious gem set in this ring seems to change hues whenever…

Elemental Infusion: When you deal Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning…

Drops from a Male Githyanki soldier located inside the Infirmary…

A great ring for a battle mage build you can use for the entire…

Uncommon Ring

Icon for <span>Ring</span> Ring

0.05 kg

40 Gold

Item icon
Ring of Evasion

Decorated with a hummingbird wrought of jade and sapphire, this…

Dextrous Evasion: When you fail a Dexterity Saving Throw, you…

Granted in Act 1 after a few long rest when playing Gale as an…

Very Rare

Icon for <span>Ring</span> Ring

0.05 kg

140 Gold

Item icon
Ring of Exalted Marrow

Gazing through this ring, you find that there is no other side,…

Exhort the Risen: Flavour spell text for Control Undead. Ghoulish…

Found in a chest atop of Moonrise Towers. You visit this location…

Rare Ring

Icon for <span>Ring</span> Ring

0.05 kg

70 Gold

Item icon
Ring of Feywild Sparks

This otherwise unassuming ring ties a spellcaster indelibly to…

Feywild Sparks: While your sorcerous Tides of Chaos feature is…

Defeat The Hag in Act 3.

This is an exclusive ring to any character playing as a Mild…

Very Rare

Icon for <span>Ring</span> Ring

0.05 kg

140 Gold

Item icon
Ring of Free Action

The heart of the gem seems to flow like liquid - yet it contains…

Unwavering: You ignore the effects of Difficult Terrain, and…

The Ring of Free Action can be purchased from Araj Oblodra, an…

Rare Ring

Icon for <span>Ring</span> Ring

0.05 kg

160 Gold

Item icon
Ring of Mental Inhibition

The patterns in the ring’s swirling metal make your head spin…

Mental Inhibition: When a foe sails a Saving Throw against of…

Inside a chest within the House in Deep Shadow. (X: 76, Y: 40)…

Uncommon Ring

Icon for <span>Ring</span> Ring

0.05 kg

40 Gold

Item icon
Ring of Mind-Shielding

This ring is forged from a smooth, alien metal, capped with eyes…

Shelter: You have Advantage on Saving Throws againts Charmed.…

Can be purchased from Omeluum in the Myconid camp in the Underdark…

Rare Ring



0.05 kg

133 Gold

Item icon
Ring of Poison Resistance

The ring’s emerald glows a deep, deadly green.

Resistance to Poison damage.

Rare Ring



Item icon
Ring of Protection

Elegant motifs of warding - shields, targes, bucklers, and buffers…

The wearer of this item gains: Armour Class +1 Saving Throw…

Rare Ring

Icon for <span>Ring</span> Ring

0.05 kg

70 Gold

Item icon
Ring of Regeneration

This ring is, in effect, a tiny field medic that won’t charge…

Combat Regeneration: At the beginning of your turn, the ring…

0.10 kg

648 Gold

Item icon
Ring of Salving

A hymn to Eilistraee is inscribed along the inside of this ring,…

Saviour’s Allure: You restore an additional 2 hit points every…

Can be purchased from Omeluum in the Myconid camp in the Underdark…

Uncommon Ring



0.05 kg

76 Gold

Item icon
Ring of Self Immolation

Every one of the three gems in this ring is searing hot - enough…

Self-Immolation: Set yourself on fire, taking 1d4 Fire Damage…

Inside a chest on a tower above the Blighted enemies that Surprise…

This item is bad on its own, however, it does get better when…

Uncommon Ring

Icon for <span>Ring</span> Ring

0.05 kg

42 Gold

Item icon
Ring of Shadow

For some, darkness is wielded like a black opal stud embedded…

Quest reward for completing Hide and Seek in Act 2.

"Pass Without Trace" iconPass Without Trace Abjuration
Uncommon Ring

Icon for <span>Ring</span> Ring

0.05 kg

70 Gold

Item icon
Ring of Twilight

Dark smoke swirls in the ring’s onyx, protecting something within…

Treader By Twilight: You gain a +1 to AC while Obscured.

Inside a chest within the Ruined Battlefield Circular building…

It is a decent ring for Trickster Clerics using the Dark Justicar…

Rare Ring

Icon for <span>Ring</span> Ring

0.05 kg

70 Gold

Item icon
Risky Ring

Life is just a series of risks taken while blindfolded.

Risky Attack: You again Advantage on Attack Rolls and receive…

The Risky Ring can be purchased from Araj Oblodra, an NPC who…

Rare Ring

Icon for <span>Ring</span> Ring

0.05 kg

190 Gold

Item icon
Robe of Exquisite Focus

This robe once belonged to one of the great wizard Tenser’s lecturers.…

High Spellcasting: You gain a +1 bonus to Spell Save DC. …

The Robe of Exquisite Focus can be purchased from Araj Oblodra,…

Rare Clothing

Icon for <span>Clothing</span> Clothing

Icon for <span>+10</span> +10

1.80 kg

800 Gold

Item icon
Robe of Summer

This robe’s thin fabric is pleasantly warm to the touch.

The Robe of Summer is a distinctive piece of uncommon clothing…

Resistance to Cold Damage: Offers protection against Cold damage,…

The Robe of Summer can be discovered within a crate situated…



Icon for <span>+10</span> +10

Item icon
Robe of Supreme Defences

Long ago, the young wizard Bigby noticed his friend Tenser spending…

Exquisite Focus: While Concentrating, you add your Spellcasting…

Sold by Ferg Drogher, located near the refugees in Rivington.…

Very Rare Clothing

Icon for <span>Clothing</span> Clothing

Icon for <span>+10</span> +10

1.80 kg

2,880 Gold

Item icon
Robe of the Weave

Earnest little Edith Cackle was a small girl when she asked to…

Arcane Enchantment: You gain a +1 bonus to Spell Save DC and…

Found inside the Arcane Barrier’s within the Ramazith’s Tower…

There are two items you can get via the puzzle. One is this item,…

Arcane Enchantment Equipment Features
Very Rare Clothing

Icon for <span>Clothing</span> Clothing

Icon for <span>+10</span> +10

1.80 kg

2,900 Gold

Item icon
Robust Chain Shirt

A multitude of names is embroidered on the inside collar - the…

Piercing Counter: When the wearer has 50% Hit Points or less…

Proceed through Act 1 until you reach the Grymforge in the Underdark.…

The Boots of Speed, which you trade back for this armor, is by…

Icon for AC bonus from Dexterity limited to +2. AC bonus from Dexterity limited to +2.
"Medium Armour Proficiency" iconMedium Armour Proficiency Armour Proficiency
Uncommon Medium Armour

Icon for <span>Medium Armour</span> Medium Armour

Icon for <span>+13</span> +13

9.00 kg

300 Gold

Item icon
Sarevok's Horned Helmet

The last sight Sarevok witnessed as a mortal was his sibling’s…

Deathbringer’s Sight: You gain Darkvision up to a range of 3m,…

You need to defeat Sarevok, located in the Bhaal Temple of the…

Very Rare Medium Armour

Icon for <span>Helmet</span> Helmet

1.00 kg

1,600 Gold

Item icon
Scale Mail

A hefty shirt of scale, offering some protection against the…

Disadvantage against Stealth rolls.AC bonus from Dexterity limited…

This is a common piece of armor throughout Act 1. Fighters will…

Icon for AC bonus from Dexterity limited to +2. AC bonus from Dexterity limited to +2.
"Medium Armour Proficiency" iconMedium Armour Proficiency Armour Proficiency
Common Medium Armour

Icon for <span>Medium Armour</span> Medium Armour

Icon for <span>+14</span> +14

Icon for <span>Disadvantage on Stealth checks</span> Disadvantage on Stealth checks

12.00 kg

65 Gold

Item icon
Scale Mail +1

The work of a skilled craftsman, this scale shirt offers better…

Superior Material: You take 1 less Slashing damage. Disadvantage…

You can purchase this from Dammon at the Druid Grove.

Icon for AC bonus from Dexterity limited to +2. AC bonus from Dexterity limited to +2.
"Medium Armour Proficiency" iconMedium Armour Proficiency Armour Proficiency
Uncommon Medium Armour

Icon for <span>Medium Armour</span> Medium Armour

Icon for <span>+15</span> +15

Icon for <span>Disadvantage on Stealth checks</span> Disadvantage on Stealth checks

Icon for <span>+1</span> +1

12.00 kg

160 Gold

Item icon
Scale Mail Armour +2

Crafted by an artist’s hands, this exquisite scale shirt feels…

Scale Mail Armour +2 is a very rare form of medium armor featured…

Disadvantage on Stealth rolls. AC bonus from Dexterity limited…

Acquire it from the merchant located in the Zhentarim hideout.…

"Medium Armour Proficiency" iconMedium Armour Proficiency Armour Proficiency
Very Rare

Icon for <span>Medium Armour</span> Medium Armour

Icon for <span>+15</span> +15

19.00 kg

1,500 Gold

Item icon
Scale Mail of Devotion

Embroidered on the tabard are the tenets of devotion: Honesty,…

Disadvantage against Stealth rolls. AC bonus from Dexterity…

When creating a custom character as an Oath of Devotion Paladin,…

This appears to be Scale Mail with a different appearance.

Icon for AC bonus from Dexterity limited to +2. AC bonus from Dexterity limited to +2.
"Medium Armour Proficiency" iconMedium Armour Proficiency Armour Proficiency
Common Medium Armour

Icon for <span>Medium Armour</span> Medium Armour

Icon for <span>+14</span> +14

Icon for <span>Disadvantage on Stealth checks</span> Disadvantage on Stealth checks

12.00 kg

65 Gold

Item icon
Scale Mail of the Ancients

Four embroidered sentences decorate the tabard - the tenets of…

Disadvantage against Stealth rolls. AC bonus from Dexterity…

When creating an Oath of the Ancients Paladin, you will begin…

Appears to be the same as Scale Mail with a different appearance.…

Icon for AC bonus from Dexterity limited to +2. AC bonus from Dexterity limited to +2.
"Medium Armour Proficiency" iconMedium Armour Proficiency Armour Proficiency
Common Medium Armour

Icon for <span>Medium Armour</span> Medium Armour

Icon for <span>+14</span> +14

Icon for <span>Disadvantage on Stealth checks</span> Disadvantage on Stealth checks

12.00 kg

65 Gold

Item icon
Scale Mail of Vengeance

Gold embroidery covers the inside of the tabard, right over the…

Disadvantage against Stealth rolls. AC bonus from Dexterity…

When creating a Custom Oath of Vengeance Paladin, you will begin…

Appears to be the same as the Scale Mail, just with a different…

Icon for AC bonus from Dexterity limited to +2. AC bonus from Dexterity limited to +2.
"Medium Armour Proficiency" iconMedium Armour Proficiency Armour Proficiency
Common Medium Armour

Icon for <span>Medium Armour</span> Medium Armour

Icon for <span>+14</span> +14

Icon for <span>Disadvantage on Stealth checks</span> Disadvantage on Stealth checks

12.00 kg

63 Gold

Item icon
Scarlet Leather Armour

This well-tailored leather tunic is reinforced by geometric quilting.…

Stealthy: Gain a +1 bonus to Stealth Checks.

Drops from Dolor, who is the assassin found in the Facemaker…

Uncommon Light Armour

Icon for <span>Light Armour</span> Light Armour

Icon for <span>+12</span> +12

4.50 kg

160 Gold

Item icon
Scrapwood Shield

A hand-like symbol is artlessly painted on the front of this…

A Scrapwood Shield is a common form of shield commonly employed…


Scrapwood Shields can be discovered in the possession of various…

"Shield Proficiency" iconShield Proficiency Shield Proficiency
Common Shield

Icon for <span>Shield</span> Shield

Icon for <span>+2</span> +2

2.70 kg

15 Gold

Item icon
Selunite Robe

Crafted with care, this robe will protect you from the elements.…

Found inside Isobel’s room in the Last Light Inn, found in the…

"Light Armour Proficiency" iconLight Armour Proficiency Armour Proficiency
Common Light Armour

Icon for <span>Light Armour</span> Light Armour

Icon for <span>+11</span> +11

4.50 kg

40 Gold

Item icon
Sentient Amulet

Sun-graced warmth radiates from both the pendant and its chain.…

ShatterLevel 2 Evocation Spell Talk to the Sentient AmuletClass…

Inside a gilded chest near the Adamantine Forge at X:-626 Y:223.…

"Shatter" iconShatter Evocation
Rare Amulet

Icon for <span>Amulet</span> Amulet


0.05 kg

125 Gold

Item icon
Sentinel Shield

Clever enchantments dance between the grooves of this shield,…

The Sentinel Shield is a Rare Shield in Baldur’s Gate 3. The…

Heightened Awareness: Gain a +3 bonus to initiative rolls and…

Can be purchased for 1083 !gold from Lann Tarv at Moonrise Towers…

Rare Shield

Icon for <span>Shield</span> Shield

Icon for <span>+2</span> +2

2.70 kg

300 Gold

Item icon
Servitor of the Black Hand Gloves

Covetous of Mystra’s command of the Weave, Bane the Black Hand…

Enervating Suffursion: Your unarmed attacks deal an additional…

Found inside a Gilded Chest location in the boss room of Gortash…

"Fear" iconFear Illusion
Rare Gloves

Icon for <span>Gloves</span> Gloves

0.50 kg

240 Gold

Item icon
Shade-Slayer Cloak

Rough and course, the cloak’s materials soften to silk when immersed…

Stealthy Critical: While hiding, the number you need to roll…

Stealthy Critical Equipment Features
Very Rare

Icon for <span>Cloak</span> Cloak

0.50 kg

360 Gold

Item icon
Shadeclinger Armour

Glutted with lone wolves and well-meaning scallywags, the Harpers…

The Shadeclinger Armour is a Rare Light Armour in Baldur’s Gate…

Shadeclinger : While obscured, the wearer has Advantage on Saving…

Can be purchased for 969 Gold from Quartermaster Talli at the…

Rare Light Armour

Icon for <span>Light Armour</span> Light Armour

Icon for <span>+12</span> +12

4.50 kg

969 Gold

Item icon
Shadow of Menzoberranzan

You sense the shadows that envelop this drowcraft cowl, eagerly…

Crafted with finesse, The Shadow of Menzoberranzan represents…

Shrouded in Shadow: Become Invisible for 2 turns. The spell…

Underdark, Myconid Colony, Treasure room (Coordinates: X:50,…

"Light Armour Proficiency" iconLight Armour Proficiency Armour Proficiency
Rare Helmet

Icon for <span>Helmet</span> Helmet


0.50 kg

190 Gold

Item icon
Shapeshifter Hat

“Trust is the most fundamental part of wild-shaping. Not trusting…

Nature’s Embrace: Increase your Wild Shape Charges by 1. Nature…

Sold by Helsik in the Devil’s Fee on the western side of the…

Very Rare

Icon for <span>Helmet</span> Helmet

0.50 kg

112 Gold

Item icon
Shapeshifter's Boon Ring

“I’m a talented shapeshifter, too. I can shapeshift a thin body…

Shapeshifter’s Boon: While Shapeshifting or disguising yourself,…

Defeat the Strange Ox in Act 3, located around X: 39, Y: -150…

Uncommon Ring

Icon for <span>Ring</span> Ring

0.05 kg

70 Gold

Item icon
Shield +1

Though dented in many places, this shield shines like new.

The Shield +1 stands as a rare piece of equipment, designed to…

No Special Properties: Beyond the augmented Armor Class enchantment,…

Location 1: The shield can be discovered on a shelf behind Exxvikyap…

"Shield Proficiency" iconShield Proficiency Shield Proficiency
Rare Shield

Icon for <span>Shield</span> Shield

Icon for <span>+3</span> +3

Icon for <span>+1</span> +1

2.70 kg

300 Gold

Item icon
Shield of Devotion

Any tales about the Paladins of Velen are so ancient as to be…

The Shield of Devotion is a Very Rare Shield in Baldur’s Gate…

Additional Spell Slot: You gain 1 Level 1 spell slots. Shield…

Can be purchased for 1083 Gold from Quartermaster Talli at Last…

Very Rare

Icon for <span>Shield</span> Shield

Icon for <span>+2</span> +2

2.70 kg

1,083 Gold

Item icon
Shield of Scorching Reprisal

Local rumour claims a devil’s tear gives these city militia shields…

Shield Bash: When a foe hits you with a melee attack, you can…

You can loot this shield from a Dead Flaming Fist corpse, which…

"Shield Proficiency" iconShield Proficiency Shield Proficiency
"Blazing Retaliation" iconBlazing Retaliation Class Actions
Rare Shield

Icon for <span>Shield</span> Shield

Icon for <span>+2</span> +2

Icon for <span>Fire</span> Fire

2.70 kg

190 Gold

Item icon
Shield of Shielding

Named in the style of Extremely Unimaginative Jimmy, the geographer…

Shield Bash: When a foe hits you with a melee attack, you can…

Found inside Helm’s offerings chest, located in the underground…

"Shield" iconShield Abjuration
Rare Shield

Icon for <span>Shield</span> Shield

Icon for <span>+2</span> +2

2.70 kg

190 Gold

Item icon
Shifting Corpus Ring

An shiny, deceptively simple band, designed to look like those…

InvisibilityLevel 2 Illusion SPell BlurLevel 2 Illusion Spell…

Drops From Flaming FIat Marcus, located in Last Lights Inn. …

"Invisibility" iconInvisibility Illusion
"Blur" iconBlur Illusion

Icon for <span>Ring</span> Ring

0.05 kg

70 Gold

Item icon
Simple Boots

Made of tough, well-worn leather, these boots have survived years…

Crafted from resilient, well-worn leather, the Simple Boots are…


Starting Gear: Sorcerers, warlocks, and wizards begin their…

Common Boots

Icon for <span>Boots</span> Boots


0.55 kg

5 Gold

Item icon
Simple Jerkin

Dark, messy stains line the armholes of the well-used leather…

This is the clothing a Bard will wear from the start of the adventure.…

"Light Armour Proficiency" iconLight Armour Proficiency Armour Proficiency
Common Light Armour

Icon for <span>Light Armour</span> Light Armour

Icon for <span>+11</span> +11

Icon for <span>Advantage on Stealth checks</span> Advantage on Stealth checks

4.50 kg

40 Gold

Item icon
Simple Robe

Crafted with care, this robe will protect you from the elements.…

Meticulously crafted, the Simple Robe offers protection from…

Starting Garment: Wizards embark on their journey clad in a…

Common Clothing


Icon for <span>+10</span> +10

1.80 kg

11 Gold

Item icon
Simple Robe Armour

Crafted with care, this robe will protect you from the elements.…

Simple Robe Armour is a common form of light armor featured in…


"Light Armour Proficiency" iconLight Armour Proficiency Armour Proficiency
Common Light Armour

Icon for <span>Light Armour</span> Light Armour

Icon for <span>+11</span> +11

4.50 kg

120 Gold

Item icon
Slippery Chain Shirt

Scored with slime and blood, it seems this chain mail shirt couldn’t…

Cautious Healer: When the wearer heals a creature, it automatically…

In the Underdark during Act 1, you can find a hidden area named…

Icon for AC bonus from Dexterity limited to +2. AC bonus from Dexterity limited to +2.
"Medium Armour Proficiency" iconMedium Armour Proficiency Armour Proficiency
Uncommon Medium Armour

Icon for <span>Medium Armour</span> Medium Armour

Icon for <span>+13</span> +13

Icon for <span>Disadvantage on Stealth checks</span> Disadvantage on Stealth checks

9.00 kg

130 Gold

Item icon
Small Mail Armour

A hefty shirt of scale, offering some protection against the…

Small Mail Armour is a common form of light armor featured in…

Grymforge Dropped by Duergar (X: -663 Y: 443

"Light Armour Proficiency" iconLight Armour Proficiency Armour Proficiency
Common Light Armour

Icon for <span>Light Armour</span> Light Armour

Icon for <span>+14</span> +14

19.00 kg

200 Gold

Item icon
Snow-Dusted Monastery Gloves

Crackling your knuckles in these gloves dislodges puffy drifts…

Chilling Strike: Your unarmed attacks deal an additional 1-4…

Sold by Entharl Danthelon along the bridge to the Wyrm Gate.…

Decent gloves for Four Elements Monk, as it saves using Ki Points…

"Ice Knife" iconIce Knife Conjuration
Rare Gloves

Icon for <span>Gloves</span> Gloves

0.50 kg

810 Gold

Item icon
Snowburst Ring

A series of names have been scratched out, one after the other,…

Snowburst: When the wearer deals Cold damage, they also create…

It was found in a perception check floorboard hole located in…

Synergizes fairly well with the Coldbrim Hat. Can be a great…

Uncommon Ring

Icon for <span>Ring</span> Ring

0.05 kg

41 Gold

Item icon
Sorcerer Robe

Neat leather bands keep the trailing cloth secure. Singed sleeves…

Adorned with orderly leather bands, the Sorcerer Robe exudes…


Starting Garment: As a designated starting attire, sorcerers…

Common Clothing

Icon for <span>Clothing</span> Clothing

Icon for <span>+10</span> +10

1.80 kg

11 Gold

Item icon
Spacehunt Boots

These boots are well-maintained and clean, though their soles…

Drops from Dolor during the Investigate the Murders questline…

"Dimension Door" iconDimension Door Conjuration

Icon for <span>Boots</span> Boots

0.55 kg

190 Gold

Item icon
Spellmight Gloves

Designed for the jobbing spellcaster, these gloves are well-insulated…

Spellmight: When casting a spell that requires an Attack Roll,…

Start NPC: Circus of the Last Day (X: -83, Y: -36)Quest: Reward…

Very Rare

Icon for <span>Gloves</span> Gloves

0.50 kg

500 Gold

Item icon
Spellseeking Gloves

Sorcerers operate on a first-come, first-blasted basis.

Seeking Spells: When you make a spell Attack Roll, you can spend…

Sold by Helsik in the Devil’s Fee, which is on the west side…

Rare Gloves

Icon for <span>Gloves</span> Gloves

0.50 kg

256 Gold

Item icon
Spidersilk Armour

Tracings of glossy black spider-web mark this drow-made armour.…

Stealthy: Gain +1 bonus to Stealth ChecksAdvantage on Constitution…

Once you make your way to the Goblin Camp in Act 1, you will…

"Light Armour Proficiency" iconLight Armour Proficiency Armour Proficiency
Rare Light Armour

Icon for <span>Light Armour</span> Light Armour

Icon for <span>+12</span> +12

Icon for <span>Advantage on Stealth checks</span> Advantage on Stealth checks

5.80 kg

420 Gold

Item icon
Spiderstep Boots

Slightly sticky to the touch, these boots have excellent grip.…

Boots play a pivotal role in a character’s equipment arsenal,…

Spider Step: Immune to being Enwebbed. Your Movement Speed is…

Location: Spiderstep Boots can be discovered within the Whispering…

Spider Step Equipment Features
Uncommon Boots

Icon for <span>Boots</span> Boots


0.55 kg

70 Gold

Item icon
Spiked Shield



Icon for <span>Shield</span> Shield

Icon for <span>+2</span> +2

Item icon
Splint Armour

Combining sturdy metal plates with flexible cloth, this armour…

No AC Bonus from Dexterity


Icon for <span>Heavy Armour</span> Heavy Armour

Icon for <span>+17</span> +17

Icon for <span>Disadvantage on Stealth checks</span> Disadvantage on Stealth checks

19.00 kg

240 Gold

Item icon
Splint Armour +1

Skilled hands crafted this armour reinforcing the metal plates…

Splint Armour +1 stands as an uncommon variation of heavy armor,…

No AC Bonus from Dexterity: This armor does not provide an Armor…

Splint Armour +1 can be acquired from the following source:…

"Heavy Armour Proficiency" iconHeavy Armour Proficiency Armour Proficiency
Uncommon Heavy Armour

Icon for <span>Heavy Armour</span> Heavy Armour

Icon for <span>+18</span> +18

27.00 kg

1,250 Gold

Item icon
Splint Armour +2

Wrought of an artisan’s skill and passion, this armour will turn…

Splint Armour +2 stands as a rare and enhanced variant of heavy…

The wearer of this item gains: Superior Plate: You take 1 less…

Sold by traders in Act II and Act III.

"Heavy Armour Proficiency" iconHeavy Armour Proficiency Armour Proficiency
Superior Plate Equipment Features
Body Aid Equipment Features
Rare Heavy Armour

Icon for <span>Heavy Armour</span> Heavy Armour

Icon for <span>+19</span> +19

Icon for <span>+2</span> +2

19.00 kg

1,450 Gold

Item icon
Springstep Boots

Swift Strides: When the wearer Dashes or takes a similar action…




Item icon
Spurred Band

Tiny barbs prick the wearer when injured as if urging flight…

Frantic Urgency: During combat, when the wearer starts there…

On a skeleton in the Whispering Depths. (X: -493 Y: -364)

Uncommon Ring

Icon for <span>Ring</span> Ring

0.05 kg

40 Gold

Item icon
Stalker Gloves

It’s a difficult life being a modern rogue - everyone expects…

Seldom Caught Unawares: You gain +1 bonus to Initiative Rolls.…

Sold by Exxvikyap, a Brass Dragon found near one of the Blacksmiths…

Rare Gloves

Icon for <span>Gloves</span> Gloves

0.50 kg

288 Gold

Item icon
Strange Conduit Ring

In his speculative writing on arcane displacement, the wizard…

Strange Conduit: While concentrating on a spell, the wearer’s…

Inside the Inquisitor’s Chamber inside the Vlakkith room as part…

Pretty good spare ring for a Paladin or Cleric who uses plenty…

Uncommon Ring

Icon for <span>Ring</span> Ring

0.05 kg

40 Gold

Item icon
Strange Tendril Amulet

Eldritch sigils seem to coarse through the metalwork on this…

inside a box within the House of Healing Morgue (X: 83, Y: -1004)…

Rare Amulet

Icon for <span>Amulet</span> Amulet

0.05 kg

190 Gold

Item icon
Studded Leather Armour

Shaped, hardened, and reinforced with metal studs, leather is…

You can purchase this armor from Roah Moonglow at the Shattered…

If you decide to kill the Masked enemies in the Overgrown Tunnel,…

"Light Armour Proficiency" iconLight Armour Proficiency Armour Proficiency
Common Light Armour

Icon for <span>Light Armour</span> Light Armour

Icon for <span>+12</span> +12

Icon for <span>Advantage on Stealth checks</span> Advantage on Stealth checks

5.90 kg

500 Gold

Item icon
Studded Leather Armour +1

This armour is strong enough to stop a dagger and light enough…

Superior Padding: You take 1 less Bludgeoning damage.

If you’ve helped Brem during the Find the Missing Shipment Quest…

"Light Armour Proficiency" iconLight Armour Proficiency Armour Proficiency
Uncommon Light Armour

Icon for <span>Light Armour</span> Light Armour

Icon for <span>+13</span> +13

Icon for <span>Advantage on Stealth checks</span> Advantage on Stealth checks

Icon for <span>+1</span> +1

5.85 kg

260 Gold

Item icon
Studded Leather Armour +2

Superbly shaped, elegantly designed, and tough as ring mail with…

Superior Padding: You take 1 less Bludgeoning damage.Ambusher:…

You can purchase this from Traders in Act 2 (provided your Level…

"Light Armour Proficiency" iconLight Armour Proficiency Armour Proficiency
Rare Light Armour

--, Icon for <span>Light Armour</span> Light Armour

Icon for <span>+14</span> +14

Icon for <span>+2</span> +2

5.85 kg

770 Gold

Item icon
Studded Shield



Icon for <span>Shield</span> Shield

Icon for <span>+2</span> +2

Item icon
Studded Shield +1



Icon for <span>Shield</span> Shield

Icon for <span>+3</span> +3

Item icon
Surgeon's Subjugation Amulet

A surgeon is only as reliable as her tools. And, indeed, as depraved.…

Paralysing Critical: Once per Long Rest, when scoring a Critical…

Found on the corpse of the Surgeon Boss in the House of Healing…

Pairs well with the Killer’s Sweetheart Ring for guaranteed crit…

Rare Amulet

Icon for <span>Amulet</span> Amulet

0.05 kg

125 Gold

Item icon
Swire's Sledboard

A gnomish adventurer once used this to outpace his enemies down…

Shield Conduit: The Shield Shrouds the wearer with Force Conduit…

Sold by Exxvikyap near the Rivington General Store.

Very Rare

Icon for <span>Shield</span> Shield

Icon for <span>+2</span> +2

2.70 kg

648 Gold

Item icon
Tarnished Charm

A menacing cackle emanates from this twisted charm. It whispers…

Fey Life: Makes it easier for the wearer to succeed Death Saving…

Drops from the Hag (Auntie Ethel) at the Ancient Abode.

Icon for Gale can absorb this item's magic, destroying it. Gale can absorb this item's magic, destroying it.

Icon for <span>Amulet</span> Amulet


0.05 kg

65 Gold

Item icon
The Amulet of Lost Voices

The dead hold no secrets from Jergal’s Scriveners of Doom.

Speak with DeadLevel 3 Necromancy Spell

Rare Amulet

Icon for <span>Amulet</span> Amulet


0.05 kg

40 Gold

Item icon
The Blast Pendant

Though they only worked together for a short time, it is hard…

Lightning Blast Class Actions

Drops from a Drow, which is petrified. You need to defeat the…

"Lightning Blast" iconLightning Blast Actions
Uncommon Amulet

Icon for <span>Amulet</span> Amulet


0.05 kg

290 Gold

Item icon
The Deathstalker Mantle

Let hill and hollow be doorTo screams that last forevermore.…

The Shadow Itself: Once per turn when you kill an enemy, shroud…

Acquired from the Dark Urge storyline. The named goblin called…




0.50 kg

190 Gold

Item icon
The Graceful Cloth

A garment worn by one of the three monks who fought together…

Martial Arts Lethality: Gain a +1 bonus to Unarmed Attack Rolls…

The Graceful Cloth can be purchased from Araj Oblodra, an NPC…

Rare Clothing

Icon for <span>Clothing</span> Clothing

Icon for <span>+10</span> +10

1.80 kg

800 Gold

Item icon
The Jolty Vest

Yrre the Sparkstruck got their nickname for both their obsession…

The Jolty Vest is an uncommon form of medium armor renowned for…

The wearer of this item gains: Superior Material: You take 1…

Jolty Vest is available for purchase from Brem within the Zhentarim…

"Medium Armour Proficiency" iconMedium Armour Proficiency Armour Proficiency
Superior Material Equipment Features
Countershock Equipment Features
Rare Medium Armour

Icon for <span>Medium Armour</span> Medium Armour

Icon for <span>+13</span> +13

Icon for <span>Advantage on Stealth checks</span> Advantage on Stealth checks

9.00 kg

510 Gold

Item icon
The Lifebringer

‘Lightning is like magic,’ Yrre the Sparkstruck once said. ‘And…

The Lifebringer is an uncommon circlet celebrated for its capacity…

Lifecharger: When the wearer gains LIghtning Charges, they also…

Sold by: Blurg in the Myconid Colony

Life Charger Equipment Features

Icon for <span>Helmet</span> Helmet


0.50 kg

90 Gold

Item icon
The Mighty Cloth

A garment worn by one of three monks who fought together against…

The Mighty Cloth is a Rare armour piece in Baldur’s Gate 3 and…

Bull’s Strength: You gain Bull’s Strength and increase your Strength…

Can be purchased for 1520 Gold from Quartermaster Talli at the…

Rare Clothing

Icon for <span>Light Armour</span> Light Armour

Icon for <span>+10</span> +10

1.80 kg

1,520 Gold

Item icon
The Oak Father's Embrace

Embroidered with a simple maxim - ‘Nature is the True State of…

Order of Nature: Undead creatures that hit the wearer recieve…

During Act 1, head to the Wilderness and make for the Owlbear…

Icon for AC bonus from Dexterity limited to +2. AC bonus from Dexterity limited to +2.
"Medium Armour Proficiency" iconMedium Armour Proficiency Armour Proficiency
Uncommon Medium Armour

Icon for <span>Medium Armour</span> Medium Armour

Icon for <span>+13</span> +13

Icon for <span>Disadvantage on Stealth checks</span> Disadvantage on Stealth checks

5.40 kg

130 Gold

Item icon
The Protecty Sparkswall

Yrre the Sparkstruck was raised in the Underdark, so they weren’t…

High Spellcasting: You gain a +1 bonus to Spell Save DC. Sparkswall…

Found in a Gilded Chest at the end of the trap corridor in Grymforge.…

Rare Clothing


Icon for <span>+10</span> +10

1.80 kg

260 Gold

Item icon
The Real Sparky Sparkswall

Is there anything as beautiful as lightning striking all around…

The Real Sparky Sparkswall is classified as an uncommon shield…

Wearing this item provides the wearer with the ability: Lightning…

This shield can be obtained from a securely locked and trapped…

"Shield Proficiency" iconShield Proficiency Shield Proficiency
Lightning Charges Equipment Features
"Lightning Aura" iconLightning Aura Actions
Uncommon Shield

Icon for <span>Shield</span> Shield

Icon for <span>+2</span> +2

2.70 kg

70 Gold

Item icon
The Reviving Hands

Stitched into the lining is this phrase: ‘Yes all right, all…

Aegis Palms: When you heal a creature, it gains the effect of…

Sold by Vicar Humbletoes, found inside the Stormshore Tabernacle…

Great gloves for a dedicated healer, such as a Life Healer. …

"Revivify" iconRevivify Necromancy
Very Rare

Icon for <span>Gloves</span> Gloves, Icon for <span>Medium Armour</span> Medium Armour

0.50 kg

884 Gold

Item icon
The Shadespell Circlet

One of the relics of Deep Duerra’s rebellious chiidren. Flanked…

Shadespell : While the wearer is obscured in shadow, their spells…

Can be purchased from Omeluum in the Myconid camp in the Underdark…

Uncommon Helmet



0.50 kg

171 Gold

Item icon
The Sparkle Hands

’Sometimes I just want to feel that spark, Yrre the Sparkstruck…

Conductive Strikes: On a hit with an unarmed attack, the wearer…

Inside a chest in the Decrepit Sanctuary at X:93 Y:210.

Icon for Gale can absorb this item's magic, destroying it. Gale can absorb this item's magic, destroying it.
Rare Gloves



0.50 kg

110 Gold

Item icon
The Sparkswall

When the inventor Yrre met the cleric Lenore, sparks flew. Apart,…

The Sparkswall is an Uncommon Ring in Baldur’s Gate 3 that is…

The wearer of this item gains: Spark Blocker: The wearer can’t…

Found inside a Gilded Chest in the basement of the Arcane Tower…

Uncommon Ring

Icon for <span>Lightning</span> Lightning

0.05 kg

40 Gold

Item icon
The Spectator Eyes

Spectators are hideous aberrations that float above the ground,…

Ray of FearLevel 3 Necromancy Spell Wounding RayLevel 3 Necromancy…

Found on the corpse of the Spectator in the Underdark at X:113…

Very Rare

Icon for <span>Amulet</span> Amulet


0.05 kg

360 Gold

Item icon
The Speedy Lightfeet

It is said the Speedy Lightfeet were the first of many lightning…

Speedy Sparks: When the wearer Dashes or takes a similar action…

Inside the Heavy Chest in the cellar of the windmill found in…

Icon for Gale can absorb this item's magic, destroying it. Gale can absorb this item's magic, destroying it.
Rare Boots

Icon for <span>Medium Armour</span> Medium Armour

2.00 kg

240 Gold

Item icon
The Watersparkers

An enormous storm was raging the first time Yrre the Sparkstruck…

Electrify Water: When the wearer stands in water during combat,…

Rare Boots


Item icon
Thunderskin Cloak

Through a gap in the long snarls of thread, you are sure you…

Dazing Echo: When a creature with Reverberation deals damage…

The Thunderskin Cloak can be purchased from Araj Oblodra, an…


Icon for <span>Cloak</span> Cloak

0.50 kg

70 Gold

Item icon
Training Shield



Icon for <span>Shield</span> Shield

Icon for <span>+2</span> +2

Item icon
Tressym Collar

The gem in this collars centre is placed as a common courtesy:…

TelekinesisLevel 5 Transmutation Spell

"Telekinesis" iconTelekinesis Transmutation
Very Rare

Icon for <span>Amulet</span> Amulet

0.05 kg

360 Gold

Item icon
True Love's Caress

The most pragmatic and courageous lover ever known was, of course,…

Fond Caress: One of the magical pair of rings, this allows the…

On a skeleton along the graveyard near the House of Healing.…

Pairs with the True Love’s Embrace item, located inside a hospital…

Rare Ring

Icon for <span>Ring</span> Ring

0.05 kg

70 Gold

Item icon
True Love's Embrace

The scholar of love, Joel Firris Baldidims, writes that the nest…

Intimate Embrace: One of the magical pairs of rings, this allows…

Found on a skeleton within the House of Healing’s hospital wards.…

The other needed item for the pair is the True Love’s Caress,…

"Warding Bond" iconWarding Bond Abjuration
Rare Ring

Icon for <span>Ring</span> Ring

0.05 kg

70 Gold

Item icon
Tyrannical Jackboots

Each step taken in Gortash’s shoes is a reflection of the man…

Scintillating: You gain a +1 bonus to Charisma checks and Saving…

Defeat Gortash.

Uncommon Boots

Icon for <span>Boots</span> Boots

0.55 kg

100 Gold

Item icon
Uncovered Mysteries

Beneath the layers of dust covering this necklace, its inlaid…

Rare Amulet

Icon for <span>Amulet</span> Amulet


Item icon
Unwanted Masterwork Gauntlets

These gauntlets spark with unfinished, yet still potent, devilish…

Attack +1Strength Saving Throws +1

Inside a Gilded Chest in the basement of the Forge of the Nine…

Rare Gloves

Icon for <span>Gloves</span> Gloves, Icon for <span>Medium Armour</span> Medium Armour

0.50 kg

300 Gold

Item icon
Unwanted Masterwork Greaves

These boots are stamped with the marks of a cancelled commission.…

Athetics +1

in the basement of the Forge of the Nine, to the west of Elfsong…

Rare Boots

Icon for <span>Boots</span> Boots, Icon for <span>Medium Armour</span> Medium Armour

2.00 kg

239 Gold

Item icon
Unwanted Masterwork Scalemail

Nothing stings the master blacksmith more than a cancelled commission…

Exotic Material: Add your Dexterity Modifier to your Armour Class.…

Sold by Dammon in Act 3, located in the Forge of the Nine, west…

Rare Medium Armour

Icon for <span>Medium Armour</span> Medium Armour

Icon for <span>+16</span> +16

12.00 kg

640 Gold

Item icon
Varsh Ko'kuu's Boots

Though the leather is slick with acid, the corrosive liquid doesn’t…

Acquired in the Hatchery (within the Githyanki Creche)

Caretakers Care Equipment Features

Icon for <span>Acid</span> Acid

0.55 kg

70 Gold

Item icon
Veil of the Morning

Crafted from celestial feathers, bottled sunlight, and ink from…

Let The Undead Blanch With Fear!: Undead have Disadvantage on…

Defea the Mummy in the Philgrave’s Mansion basement located in…

While this chest piece is largely niche, it cn serve as a really…

"Turn Undead" iconTurn Undead Actions
Very Rare Clothing

Icon for <span>Clothing</span> Clothing

Icon for <span>+10</span> +10

1.80 kg

1,600 Gold

Item icon
Vest of Soul Rejuvenation

A garment worn by one of three monks who fought together against…

Defier’s Rejuvenation: Whenever the wearer succeeds on a Saving…

Very Rare Clothing

Icon for <span>+2</span> +2

3.60 kg

2,880 Gold

Item icon
Viconia's Priestess Robe

Listening to the magical hum this robe emits dulls your senses,…

Shar’s Umbrae: While obscured, the wearer has an Advantage on…

Found on the corpse of the leader of the Cloister of Sombre Embrace,…

Rare Clothing

Icon for <span>Clothing</span> Clothing

Icon for <span>+10</span> +10

1.80 kg

1,600 Gold

Item icon
Viconia's Walking Fortress

‘Walking Fortress’ is a defensive technique reliant on a shield…

Viconia’s Walking Fortress is an esteemed legendary shield that…

Rebuke of the Mighty: When a foe hits you with a melee attack,…

Viconia’s Walking Fortress is acquired by looting from Viconia…

"Shield Proficiency" iconShield Proficiency Shield Proficiency

Icon for <span>Shield</span> Shield

2.70 kg

700 Gold

Item icon
Vital Conduit Boots

Tenser’s notes on arcane displacement were not only read by wizards…

When the wearer cast a spell that requires Concentration, they…

Vital Conduit Equipment Features

Icon for <span>Boots</span> Boots, Icon for <span>Medium Armour</span> Medium Armour


2.00 kg

240 Gold

Item icon
Vivacious Cloak

The sheer mortal terror of the low-vitality spellcaster (who…

Arcane Vivaciousness: You gain 7 temporary hit points after…

Players can find it in a chest inside the Grand Mausoleum (X-260,…

Amazing Cloak for an Eldritch Knight, or a Paladin. We used it…


Icon for <span>Cloak</span> Cloak

0.50 kg

70 Gold

Item icon
Wapira's Crown

Crowning Glory: When healing another, the wearer regains 1d6…




Item icon
Warped Headband of Intellect

This particular circlet is covered in yellow slime and has pieces…

Increases the wearer’s Intelligence to 17.

Drops from the Lump the Enlightened, the ogre leader inside the…

Icon for Gale can absorb this item's magic, destroying it. Gale can absorb this item's magic, destroying it.
Uncommon Helmet



0.50 kg

270 Gold

Item icon
Wavemother's Cloak

Little jellyfish-shaped pockets line the inside of this cloak…

Damp Aegis: During Combat, once per turn, the clock grants…

Inside the chest within the restricted room of the Water Queen’s…


Icon for <span>Cloak</span> Cloak

0.50 kg

190 Gold

Item icon
Whispering Mask

Part of the Flock: Auntie Ethel welcomes you, dearie




Item icon
Winter's Clutches

Likely these originated in Icewind Dale,where tempers run hot…

Winter’s Clutches: When the wearer deals cold damage, inflict…

Sold by Lady Esther along the Ropswyn Monastery path in the Act…

Encrusted with Frost Equipment Features
Uncommon Gloves

Icon for <span>Gloves</span> Gloves

0.50 kg

171 Gold

Item icon
Wood Woad Shield

And with her arm, the dryad linked a man who had once been her…

+2 AC green quality shield.

Ensnaring Strike

Dropped from a Wood Woad creature, found in the bog lands near…

"Ensnaring Strike" iconEnsnaring Strike Conjuration
Uncommon Shield

Icon for <span>Shield</span> Shield

Icon for <span>+2</span> +2

2.70 kg

115 Gold

Item icon
Wooden Shield



Icon for <span>Shield</span> Shield

Icon for <span>+2</span> +2

Item icon
Yuan-ti Scale Mail

The snakefolk of Chult are not known for waste, so often forge…

The Yuan-ti Scale Mail is a Rare Medium Armour in Baldur’s Gate…

Exotic Material: Add your Dexterity Modifier to your Armour Class.…

Can be purchased for 1216 Gold from Quartermaster Talli at the…

Rare Medium Armour

Icon for <span>Medium Armour</span> Medium Armour

Icon for <span>+15</span> +15

Icon for <span>Advantage on Stealth checks</span> Advantage on Stealth checks

12.00 kg

1,216 Gold

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