Gloves of Hail of Thorns Gloves
Whoever previously owned these gloves marked each with a series of thirty superficial scrapes, six per finger. What they indicate is unclear.
Effects/Special Abilities
These gloves possess a unique enchantment that enables the wearer to cast the spell Hail of Thorns.
Location / Where to Find
- Location:
Gloves of Hail of Thorns can be found in the inventories of specific traders within the game.
- Traders: These gloves may appear in the inventory of the following traders:
- Brem in the Zhentarim Hideout, obtainable after completing the “
Find the Missing Shipment” quest.
- Derryth Bonecloak in the
Ebonlake Grotto.
- Brem in the Zhentarim Hideout, obtainable after completing the “
Notes / Other Information
- These gloves provide a unique ability, allowing the wearer to cast the
Hail of Thorns spell, which unleashes a powerful burst of thorns upon a targeted area.
Gale, a companion character, has the capability to absorb the magical essence of these gloves, rendering them destroyed.
- It’s worth noting that the casting stat for the Hail of Thorns spell is Charisma, which contributes to the effectiveness of the spell when used by the wearer.

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