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Mass Effect: Andromeda

The Lost Song

Nathan Garvin
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Northeast of the Forward Station outside of Techiix Station you’ll find a platform upon which two Biologists are arguing. Chat with them and they’ll be all too eager to tell you their problems. Seem some animals the Angara are fond of - the Yevara - are being poached by Nexus exiles, and unless somebody intervenes, they may be hunted to extinction. Only seems fitting that you right the wrongs of your fellow Milky Way transients.

Now it’s time to hunt down the poacher’s camp. With luck you’ll find the poachers, or failing that you might find where they went. The first one is northwest of Techiix Station, south of some Remnant ruins. The poachers are, sadly, nowhere to be found, but you can a Shipping Container for some Research Data points.

Talk to some Angarans near the Techiix Station to hear them complain about the over-hunting of Voeld wildlife (left) then search the camps of the poachers (right).

The second poacher camp is further east, northeast of Techiix Station and south of a Forward Station, in clear sight of a massive, shielded Kett structure (marked as a “Cave” on your map). Follow the search area to find the poacher camp, where you’ll find another Shipping Container. More importantly you’ll find a Datapad inside this container, which will allow you to track the poachers down.

The next navpoint points you southeast from Techiix Station, near a Kett camp (where you may find quest-related spawns for quests like “Task: Gone Dark” or “Task: Catch and Release”). Head down into a ravine and continue east under a large Kett construct until you encounter new foes; exiles. Kill the Saboteur and Outlaw Raider (scanning them will get you progress towards the quest “Aid APEX”) then carry on into a cave.

Eradicate a welcoming party of Raiders, then continue northeast into the cave, following the linear path up a ledge and into a narrower system of tunnels until you reach a fork. At this point turn northwest and you’ll reach a more open chamber. If you turn east down a dead end you’ll find an Iridium node you can exploit, after which continue northwest to reach another chamber, where the mastermind of this poaching operation awaits.

Fight through the Milky Way poachers (left) to confront the mastermind of the operation (left) who reveals the nature of her research and leaves you with a moral quandary (right).

Talk to Dr. Lekaaret and she’ll quickly come to grips with the martial realities at play here and instead focus on appealing to your rationality. Seems the Yevara have some medicinal properties, and you’re left with a choice; shut down the operation and close a potentially promising avenue of research, which may help the Angara to have a future at the cost of destroying part of their past, or shut Dr. Lekaaret down and preserve the Yevara… possibly at the cost of Angaran lives. Whichever choice you make, you’ll earn the standard 29 AVP, +2% Voeld viability and 270 XP.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Electronic Arts
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, XB One
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    15 February 2017
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Nathan Garvin

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Sent on a 600 year voyage to the next galaxy, you are the Pathfinder, the one selected to lead your race as you discover and colonize new worlds. To survive in this harsh new reality, you must quickly learn to co-exist with other races in Andromeda, and unlock the mysteries of the galaxy itself, in order to ultimately decide the fate of humanity. Inside the guide you will find:

  • A detailed explanation of the main missions.
  • Complete coverage of every side quest and area you can discover.
  • Planetary guide coverage.

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