You’ll start this quest by talking to Chief Lucan on the Operations level of the Nexus. There are three such mineral samples on Kadara waiting to be scanned.
- Fast travel to the Haarfel Forward Station and drive uphill to the southeast to reach a mountain clearing with an isolated structure (where the quest “Task - Broken Family” takes place). You’ll find a Titanium sample located along the cliffs to the northwest of this structure.
- This mineral deposit is tucked away in the southwestern corner of the Kadara operational zone. From the Draullir Forward Station drive west and northwest along the nearby road until it forks, at which point follow the west branch, which quickly turns southwest. Eventually it’ll turn north and lead to a structure (marked as a Point of Interest on your map), at which dismount and make your way southwest to the navpoint. The Element Zero Sample you’re looking for is along the eastern end of a boulder, carefully hidden amidst some grass-like fungus. This boulder is in the shadow of another, unmarked structures with several landing pads. You may have to dispatch some Raiders here, but on the plus side, you can loot several containers in the building complex they were guarding.
- Follow a road to the northwestern corner of the map, named “Kurinth’s Valley”. This road will terminate at a toxic lake, southeast of which you’ll find some rocks. Find an Iridium Sample tucked away near these rocks and scan it.
Find an Element Zero sample carefully hidden amidst some fungi-like grass (left), while an Iridium Sample can be found near the lake in the Kurinth’s Valley area (right).
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