In the Techiix Station, south of the Forward Station, you’ll find an Angara named Rjoek lurking behind a canvas-covered vehicle. Talk to him and he’ll tell you a sob story about a destroyed Angaran… daar? Whatever unit of civilization that is, some “priceless Angaran artifacts” were left behind, and his two assistants sent to retrieve said artifacts are now in dire peril.
Kill the Kett that are harassing some Turians (left) after which the Turians will tell you the truth about Rjoek’s little errand (right).
Along the far eastern end of the map are a line of three Forward Stations. From the middle of these three head south to reach the navpoint, presumably indicating the sacked Angaran daar. Enter the cavern housing the ruins and make your way in a southerly direction until you find a chamber where some Turians are busy fending off some Kett Chosen. Kill the fodder foes, then dispatch a second, larger wave of Kett Chosen attacking from the west. When all the Kett are destroyed, talk to Astra - one of the Turians - to learn that Rjoek hasn’t exactly been on the up-and-up. In response (and against Astra’s recommendations) you can decide to confront Rjoek about his duplicity or let it go.
Regardless of what you said to Astra, you now have the optional objective to confront Rjoek about it, but ultimately your goal is to return to the Resistance Base at the western edge of the Voeld map and give the map to Intelligence Officer Kaas. First, however, consider doing what Astra’s conscience wouldn’t allow her to do and loot the ruined houses here and consider replenishing the second Medical Cache if you have the quest “Medical Caches” active.
Confront Rjoek about his duplicity (left) then deliver the map to Intelligence Officer Kaas back at the Resistance Base (right).
If you can’t ignore Rjoek’s duplicity, return to confront him at the Techiix Station, where he’ll try to deflect his guilt by downplaying his intentions. Either respond by saying “Just get out of here” or say “Jaal?” to prompt your Angaran companion (if he’s with you) to help put Rjoek’s talents to more… constructive use.
Rjoek or no, when you’re ready to end this quest return to the Resistance Base along the western edge of Voeld, enter the command center and present the map to Intelligence Officer Kaas, which finally ends this quest.
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