Destroying Kett Devices¶
Much like the Eos quest “Task: The Ghost of Promise” this quest tasks you with finding randomly-spawning objects at unmarked Remnant sites. On Voeld these usually account for no more than a few bizarre Remnant pillars sticking out of the ice, usually attended by some weaker Remnant bots. At these sites you may find Kett Devices, which SAM will usually call out. Kill the Remnant and destroy several such devices to advance this quest, ideally while you’re in pursuit of other, less random quests. When you finally destroy enough you’ll earn 270 XP and discover a Kett navpoint worth checking out.
Destroy the Kett Devices randomly found near unmarked Remnant ruins (left) until you get a navpoint that leads you to a large, underground Remnant structure (right).
Retooling the Remnant¶
Return to the Forward Station outside Hjara Station and drive the Nomad North towards the navpoint, disposing of some Kett at a crash site along the way. From the crash site head northwest, then west to reach a Remnant bunker, which is where the real substance of this quest takes place. You know the drill, open the door, ride down a Gravity Well, then kill a few Kett that await you in the bowels of the Remnant structure. Once done, turn east and activate a console, which will open up the rest of the Remnant structure and update your objectives.
Apparently the Kett were trying to weaponize the Remnant. Those monsters! You’d have to be the most hideous creature in the Heleus cluster to pervert those machines like that! Ahem. Anyways, you need to stop them by destroying several output devices that lie scattered throughout the structure. Make your way west down a tunnel and kill some more Kett, then turn south and go through a door, beyond which more Kett await. Kill the Kett, which include Anointed and Chosen, then continue south into a large chamber.
Kill any Kett you find in the Remnant ruins (left) and destroy their Output Devices (right).
To the west you’ll find an Output Device - the first of four - which you should destroy, after which you should note that there are three corridors that branch off from this chamber. Head through a door to the northeast and fight through more Kett in the corridor beyond. At first resistance will be light, but as you turn southeast expect to face Wraiths, Anointed and Destined in addition to the standard Chosen. Destroy two more Output Devices in and along the way to a chamber to the southeast, where you’ll find much of interest.
First, grab a Remnant Data Core (this should be your third, if you’re following this guide sequentially) along the northeastern wall. Next loot two nearby containers, then scan an Adaptive Remnant Core Device lying on a shelf. Finally, scan two glyphs on the wall to the north, northeast and to the south, southwest and use them to open a large Remnant container on a square pillar in the center of the room.
Grab the Remnant Data Core (left) and scan some glyphs to solve the Remnant puzzle (right).
After pillaging this lucrative room, head down a hallway to the west, southwest and kill some more Kett - Wraiths and a Chosen, to be precise. Destroy the final Output Device in the elbow of the hallway and turn north, northwest to return to a previous chamber where you destroy the first Output Device. Now that you’ve destroyed all four Output Devices this quest is over, earning you 29 AVP, +2% Voeld viability and 270 XP… the standard quest reward, really. Just backtrack to the Gravity Well room and use the aforementioned device to exit the Remnant structure.
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