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Turn the corner and speak with the Elf to get some information on what’s happening here. Enter the room in the middle to find a wooden crate and a chest. The room above it has a chest with the Free Sailor Sextant . Enter the western room and kill the Tevinter Soldiers. Check the two chests and the pile of books for Codex 110: The City Elves . Make your way out the south exit and defeat more Soldiers. Check the barrel and enter the Warehouse.

You can fight Devera or Intimidate/Persuade her to take you to Caladrius, just know that she drops the Bow of the Golden Sun , a decent bow and codex update. Check the weapon stand and disarm the traps to the right, check the barrel. Head north and open the left door first to find a chest, the right door has more Soldiers. Check the wooden crate and continue north. Battle through the hall and kill the Soldiers in the large room; check the chest. In the next room you meet Caladrius. You may present a counter offer where you have various levels of Persuasion and Intimidation choices. You can make it so that he leaves and gives you everything or you fight him. Upon his defeat you can bargain to get a health increase via his Blood Magic.

Afterwards Valendrian is released and returns to his home. Loot Caladrius for the Robes of the Magister Lords and Slaver Documents . Check the vase, the cabinet, wooden crate, and the chest then exit. Enter Valendrian’s Home and check out the two chests and armoire. Speak with him about Duncan and he will give you Gift of the Grey . Alarith’s Store is now open for business and he has a few decent items for sale. Return to Arl Eamon at this time who will tell you to meet him at the Royal Palace.

Find the Free Sailor Sextant in this chest. Devera’s bow is a unique bow and a good weapon if you need a good bow.


Item Price
Choking Powder Cloud Trap Plans 7g 97s 50c
Sleeping Gas Cloud Trap Plans 7g 97s 50c
Greater Injury Kit Recipe 7g 92s 00c
Flaming Coating Recipe 4g 88s 40c
Freezing Coating Recipe 4g 88s 40c
Lesser Warmth Balm Recipe 2g 68s 40c
Lesser Nature Salve Recipe 2g 68s 40c
Rock Salve Recipe 0g 72s 60c
Tome of Skill and Sundry 11g 00s 00c
Staff of the Ephemeral Order 18g 70s 00c
Senior Enchanter’s Robes 3g 30s 00c
Warpaint of the Waking Sea 2g 49s 70c
Swordsman’s Girdle 0g 55s 00c
Current Map of Ferelden 0g 12s 10c

Head out and turn in the quests you finished to the Chantry and the Mages’ Collective. Pick up the quests “ Defying the Collective “ and “ Defending the Collective “ from the bag after you turn that quest in. You should also enter the Gnawed Noble Tavern to turn in the quests from the Blackstone Irregulars. Pick up “ A Change in Leadership“ after turning those two in. Head to the west side of the Market District to find Raelnor Hawkwind. You can either kill him or his son Taoran, who you will find out in a random encounter on the world map.

When you reach the Royal Palace you will run into Cauthrien if you didn’t kill her earlier. You can Persuade/Intimidate her to go away peacefully but it is suggested that you fight her and her six guards. Loot her for The Summer Sword which is also added to your codex. Head through the doors to join the Landsmeet. You now have several ways that the game can end and almost all of them rely on your decision here.

Gaining Support at the Landsmeet

  • Tell Anora you support her, even if it’s a lie.
  • Get Vaughan’s vote by rescuing him from Howe’s dungeon.
  • Rescue Oswyn from Arl Howe’s estate during the “Rescue the Queen” quest and mention Howe’s crimes.
  • Rescue Irminric in Arl Howe’s dungeon, give his signet ring to Alfstanna in the Gnawed Noble Tavern in Denerim, and say that Loghain hired a blood mage to poison Eamon.
  • When you confront Loghain in the Landsmeet, mention the Blight and pass a Persuasion check to get Arl Wulff on your side. You can also use Persuasion to choose the “I’m not the one who betrayed Ferelden” dialogue choice, which gets you a little support.
  • Mention the slave trade in the Alienage.

Losing Support at the Landsmeet

  • Before the Landsmeet, don’t tell Anora that Loghain should die for his crimes or just don’t talk to her at all.
  • Mention leaving Cailin to die.
  • Mention Alistair in the first dialogue round.
  • Rescue Irminric from Howe’s dungeon, don’t give his ring to his sister in the Gnawed Noble Tavern, and mention Loghain allowing Howe to torture innocents.
  • Rescue Irminric and don’t give his ring to his sister, then mention Arl Eamon at any point.

There are numerous chances to increase or decrease your support in the Landsmeet.

Possible Ending Scenarios

  • Alistair rules with Anora
  • Anora won’t marry the murderer of her father, so if you want Loghain dead, you’ll have to do it yourself. If you let Loghain live, Alistair will only take the throne if he has been changed by his sister.
  • Alistair rules with you as a noble Human female.
  • You’ll need to have at least a neutral approval rating with Alistair for him to marry you, and of course you must be female. You must pass a Persuasion check to seal the deal.
  • Alistair rules alone
  • Pretty easy to get if he’s been changed by his sister and Loghain’s dead.
  • Anora rules alone
  • Even easier to get than Alistair ruling alone, as he doesn’t want to be king anyways. Doesn’t matter if Loghain lives or dies.
  • Anora rules with you
  • Only available if you’re a Male Human Noble. You must let Loghain live, or let Alistair kill or execute him, not you.
    Either way you will be in a battle. Focus on Loghain and the battle will be halted prematurely. Accept the challenge of the duel and fight with whomever you see fit. You can choose to kill Loghain but who does the deed determines your endings, or you can make him undergo the Joining and join the team. You gain the quest “ The Final Battle “. Leave the estate to find Slim Couldry has returned. Accept the update for The Tears of Andraste . You can go to Redcliffe but once you enter the castle you can no longer explore the world map so do some side questing if you want.
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Electronic Arts
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS3, XB 360
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    23 July 2014
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Greg Boccia

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You are a Grey Warden, last of a group of highly-skilled warriors tasked to defeat the Archdemon and stop the Blight from spreading across the land. The Grey Wardens are the only ones capable of defeating the Archdemon and sending the Darkspawn back to the pits whence they came. Accrue a squad of highly memorable characters, each with their own personalities and skills, to help you in your task and save Fereldan before it is too late.

This guide charts the adventures of the main walkthrough and all Downloadable Content and covers:

  • A complete walkthrough from start to finish.
  • Every item and codex uncovered.
  • A complete trophy/achievement guide.
  • Full coverage of all Downloadable Content including the massive DLC “Awakening”.

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