Check the Landmark Skull as you arrive then fight off the Cultists and the Dragonling. In the next area is a large group of Cultists and a Drake. There are a total of four chests to be looted, one is locked, one holds the Dragon Bone Cleaver , another has a barrel nearby. Continue moving south, defeating more Cultists as you proceed. Eventually you will reach an open area where you must fight a Varterral.
BOSS - Varterral¶
Drops: N/A
The Varterral is slow and uses a Corrosive Spit when it’s main attacker is at range. Take advantage of it’s slow movement to run to it’s backside and force it to change direction mid-attack. After 25% of it’s health is gone, it will spawn two Dragons . The Varterral will use a Paralyze attack, usually on Finn, so be sure to use the Potions and Draughts you have during this down time. When the Varterral reaches 25% health it will spawn two more Dragons. Keep the pressure on and your health high to avoid taking an unnecessary knockout.
Kill the Dragons as they spawn or they can cause havoc. Varterral can cause a nasty amount of damage with its jump and attacks.

Varterrals Fall
Defeated the varterral on Hard or Nightmare difficulty ('Witch Hunt' downloadable content).

Proceed through the door to enter the Nest and find Morrigan with the Eluvian. Speak with her to finish the DLC.
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