Item List |
Enchanter’s Arming Cap |
Warden’s Oath |
Stop by the Quartermaster again to get another Backpack for cheap. After more dialogue you receive the treaties and Morrigan escorts you back to camp. Now is the only time for you to turn in several quests, starting with “The Mabari Hound” which you can bargain for a reward of 20 silver . Open the gate and check the note for Codex 120: Dogs in Ferelden . The other quest is “The Hungry Deserter” where you open the chest near where the Tranquil was standing during the day time. The chest contains many helpful items for mages. Return to Duncan around the campfire to complete “Tainted Blood” and “The Grey Wardens’ Cache”. A cutscene and dialogue ensues and when you awake you receive all the gear Daveth and Ser Jory were wearing. You also receive a new quest “ After the Joining “. Your Mabari also rejoins your party if you are a Human Noble.
Remember to complete this quest and get some amazing items out of this chest. On your way to the Tower, raid the wooden crates.
Move down towards Duncan, Loghain, and the King to initiate a cutscene and more dialogue. Afterwards you receive a new quest “ The Tower of Ishal “. Make your way back towards the bridge to start a cutscene. Cross the bridge to find out that the tower has been taken. Guards will fill out the remainder of your party. Head up the stairs and take out the Darkspawn. Two wooden crates sit to the left and against the tower is a Deathroot . Two more wooden crates and two barrels sit on the south-eastern part of the upper layer. Continue past the camp fires to find more Darkspawn. Up the ramp defeat the Hurlock Alpha and loot the Deathroot in the corner. A locked chest sits to the right of the ramp before entering the Tower of Ishal.
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