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Table of Contents
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Item List Items Cont
Ancient Note Empty Poison Bottle
Armor of the Sentinel Firestompers
Blood Lotus Gauntlets of the Sentinel
Boots of the Sentinel Gladiator’s Belt
Catgut Grandmaster Slow Rune Tracing
Corin’s Proposal Helm of the Sentinel
Dispel Grenade Recipe Kristoff’s Locket
Dispel Poison Recipe Letter of Proposal
Dock Storage Key Madcap
Dragon Bone Mark of the Divine
Earthbound Misdirection Trap Plans
Elfroot Momentum Rune Tracing
Items Cont Codex
Ornate Silver Bowl 037 Tears in the Veil
Paragon Slow Rune Tracing 166 The Blackmarsh
Rashvine 235 Records of the Blackmarsh
Ring of Severity 251 The Baroness’s Secret
Rough-Hewn Pendant 328 Karsten Wilde’s Last Testament
Ser Alvard’s Sword 332 Bonnie’s Angry Letter
Tattered Letter
The Mother’s Chosen
Toque of the Oblivious
Toy Horse

Proceed forward to the Alpha Marsh Wolf who in turn calls more allies. Loot the Rashvine and check The Blackmarsh for a conversation with Nathaniel. Head into the middle area and defeat more wolves then grab the Blood Lotus . Loot the chest and check the skeleton for a tattered letter and Empty Poison Bottle to start the quest “ The Trail of Love “ and add Codex 332: Bonnie’s Angry Letter . Grab the Rashvine and head north to the Dragon Bone to start the quest “ The Lost Dragon Bones “. Use the nearby Bone Slot and check the Veil Tear; you can’t pass it yet so head back down and go east.

Observe the darkspawn corpse for a quest update, Blighted Werewolves then attack. Check the Hidden Clue and then the mabari corpse for a Catgut . Open the Ancient Letter and grab the Ancient Note for the quest “ The Burden of Guilt “ and Codex 328: Karsten Wilde’s Last Testament . Kill the enemies and open the chest in the corner. Head east and check the town records for Codex 235: Records of the Blackmarsh and grab the Toy Horse . Run around the wall and grab the Madcap then head north.

You can pick up yet more quests in the beginning here.

Grab the Rashvine and approach the Veil Tear to get the quest “ Tears in the Veil “ and Codex 037: Tears in the Veil . Head up to the camp area and examine the hidden clue, the rocks for Kristoff’s Locket , and the cot for a quest update. Defeat the Blighted Shadow Wolves that attack and loot the corpse for Mark of the Divine . Head east and fend off the attackers, loot the chest and turn the corner to find a Dragon Bone and Elfroot . Head back to the campsite and go northwest behind it to a Ripped Page for Codex 251: The Baronness’s Secret.

Run up the hill and grab the Deathroot and Dragon Bone . Go east of the camp and check the chest for the Greater Elixir of Grounding Recipe and Skullcrusher . Kill the werewolves and check Karsten’s Hidden Cache for a few gems, then head east. Kill the Childer Grubs and run past Kristoff, taking the Madcap, Dragon Bone , and checking the chest. Speak with Kristoff to trigger a scene and be thrust into the next area, part of the Fade.

The Blackmarsh Undying

Defeat the Darkspawn then exit at the north towards a lyrium vein. As you turn the corner a few Lesser Shades will strike followed by a Greater Shade. Go up the ramp and defeat the Desire Demons then use the Veil Tear Apparatus . Turn around and grab the Essence of Constitution for a permanent +1 boost to Constitution. Follow the path west into the corner where more Desire Demons guard the Veil Tear Apparatus. Kill them and use it. Move down between some Runestones and a lyrium vein then follow the steps to complete the puzzle.

6 LV 1

5 2

4 3

The numbers correspond to the Runestones, LV is the Lyrium vein that is between the two so you understand how everything is numbered.

Use the Runestones in the following order: 5, 2, 3, 6, 1, and 4. This will summon Lesser Rage Demons and then Greater Rage Demons. Touch the Runic Pedestal to solve the puzzle. Move up the ramp on the west to an Essence of Willpower . Return to the Runestones and go south, turning left at the fork towards the Essence of Strength then run north to the Essence of Dexterity . Defeat the Greater Rage Demons and turn right towards the Veil Tear Apparatus. Kill the demons and use it along with the nearby Essence of Magic.

The Runestones need to be touched in a certain order. Demons will be summoned once you complete it.

Head south past the Villager and fight off the Lesser Shades. Further south is an Essence of Cunning then turn the corner to find a Lonely Soul who gives the quest “ A Maiden in Distress “. Defeat the skeletons and enter the Shadowy Crypt.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Electronic Arts
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS3, XB 360
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    23 July 2014
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Greg Boccia

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You are a Grey Warden, last of a group of highly-skilled warriors tasked to defeat the Archdemon and stop the Blight from spreading across the land. The Grey Wardens are the only ones capable of defeating the Archdemon and sending the Darkspawn back to the pits whence they came. Accrue a squad of highly memorable characters, each with their own personalities and skills, to help you in your task and save Fereldan before it is too late.

This guide charts the adventures of the main walkthrough and all Downloadable Content and covers:

  • A complete walkthrough from start to finish.
  • Every item and codex uncovered.
  • A complete trophy/achievement guide.
  • Full coverage of all Downloadable Content including the massive DLC “Awakening”.

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