“ Protect the Archdemon “ is initiated. Loot Riordan for a Warden’s Longsword and chase the good guys. Alistair, Morrigan, Leliana, and Barkspawn (the Mabari Warhound) are up top fighting the Archdemon. Not to mention the Werewolves that are there nipping away. Start off with Morrigan because she can heal then go for Leliana and the dog. Take out Alistair last and enjoy a new ending to the game had the Darkspawn conquered.
You will gain access to the Blightblood upon completing this DLC for use in Origins/Awakening.
You will have to fight Morrigan, Alistair and Leliana here as well as numerous Werewolves and other creatures.

Ogres Keeper
Keep the initial ogre alive as your thrall throughout the entire module. (Darkspawn Chronicles).


Bane of Thedas
Handed victory to the archdemon by killing Fereldan's last Grey Warden. ('Darkspawn Chronicles' downloadable content).

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