Investigate The Thyphlo Ruins Side Adventures
In-game Description
Kazul of the Zonai Survey Team is looking into monoliths at the
Thyphlo Ruins.
You should see what is written there.
This quest can be started by speaking to Kazul a short distance south-east from
Thyphlo Ruins Skyview Tower.
Note: You must have completed Regional Phenomena.
Kazul will showcase 4 monoliths. Examine each monolith to receive a riddle and a related side adventure:
Each of these requires visiting a specific location within the Thyphlo Ruins and utilizing the power of the first four Sages:
Sidon and
Upon completing all four side adventures, an entrance will open up east from the skyview tower. Inside, there’s a chest with a Dusk Claymore. Plus a final monolith that once examined ends this quest.
Chest Rewards

Interactive Map Locations

1. Hyrule Surface Map
Short distance south-east from Thyphlo Ruins Skyview Tower.
Can only be started after completing Regional Phenomena.
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