The Corridor Between Two Dragons Side Adventures
In-game Description
The Zonai Survey Team member Kazul found a monolith inscribed with the following: “Display the power of the Sage of Fire to blaze through the space between two dragons, from head to tail.”
Try investigating Thyphlo Ruins to find the place described on the monolith.
You will receive this side adventure upon investigating the second from left monolith after initiating Investigate The Thyphlo Ruins.
Head west from the skyview tower. Near the edge of this island, halfway up, you should use the heads of two dragons parallel to each other. Use Yunobo’s Charge ability between the heads.
Do so and a chest will rise up behind you. Open the chest and claim the contents to complete this side adventure.
Interactive Map Locations

1. Hyrule Surface Map
Examine the second from left monolith after initiating Investigate The Thyphlo Ruins.
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