The Owl Protected by Dragons Side Adventures
In-game Description
The Zonai researcher Kazul found a monolith inscribed with the following: “Display the power of the Sage of Wind to the owl protected by many dragons.”
Try investigating Thyphlo Ruins to find the place described on the monolith.
You will receive this side adventure upon investigating the left-most monolith after initiating Investigate The Thyphlo Ruins.
Head a short distance south from this monolith. There should be a giant owl statue. Stand in front of this statue and use Tulin’s Gust ability where the large square tile is.
This will cause the square tile to rise up, revealing a chest inside. Open it to complete this side adventure.
Chest Rewards

Interactive Map Locations

1. Hyrule Surface Map
X: 10527 Y: 6048
Examine the left-most monolith after initiating Investigate The Thyphlo Ruins.
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