Stone Pebblit Monsters
In-game Description
A very young Stone Talus. Their bodies toughen as they mature, becoming as tough as boulders by adulthood. As a child, however, their bodies are light enough to be lifted and fragile enough to break when thrown.
- They can be picked up with the
(A) button and tossed for an immediate explosion or turned upside down and dropped for a delayed explosion.
- If you use a blunt weapon, you can effectively mine them as you would ore.
Interactive Map Locations

1. Hyrule Surface Map
Stone Pebblits can spawn here, they have a chance to drop gemstones.

4. Hyrule Depths Map
Lifting a rock here can trigger an ambush by Stalkoblins and
Stone Pebblits.

5. Hyrule Surface Map
A group of Stone Pebblits can spawn here. Pick them up and throw them to defeat them.

7. Hyrule Surface Map
On the floor in the middle of the canyon disguised as a rock.

9. Hyrule Surface Map
Inside Hebra South Summit Cave.
You’ll find some Stone Pebblit’s at the top of the cave after using a pine cone on the fire to reach it.

15. Hyrule Surface Map
Stone Pebblits can spawn around here. Pick them up and toss them to destroy them.

17. Hyrule Surface Map
One of three Stone Pebblits are here guarding the chest (
Treasure Octorok.

18. Hyrule Surface Map
One of three Stone Pebblits are here guarding the chest (
Treasure Octorok.

19. Hyrule Surface Map
One of three Stone Pebblits are here guarding the chest (
Treasure Octorok.

29. Hyrule Surface Map
There is another Stone Pebblit in the
Oasis Source cave here.

42. Hyrule Surface Map
Inside the West Passage.
Three of these buggers will try and jump you.
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