Treasure Octorok Monsters
In-game Description
These particular clever monsters bury themselves in deep sand or snow and disguise themselves as treasure chests. Anyone who approaches the chests is attacked. It is said that the treasure chests on their heads are actually parts of these monsters’ bodies.
These will disappear after a short period of time, similar to Blupee’s, so make sure you defeat them before that happens. Try attacking it with a blunt weapon due to the chest on their heads being made of metal.
Detailed Location(s)
- East of Gogobi Shores (SE of the map). Next to a rock, near the Dragon’s Tear.
Interactive Map Locations

1. Hyrule Surface Map
X: 14380 Y: 14904
This sneaky enemy can be found disguised as a chest, next to the rock.

2. Hyrule Surface Map
X: 13724 Y: 15385
Half stuck in the sand. Approach it to spawn it. This will also be guarded by three Stone Pebblits (which look like rocks).
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