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The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero

Finale - Crossbell

Ben Chard
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This page covers the Drug Incident Investigation during the Finale of The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero. Details on how to get the ultimate armor, the final recipes and complete the one outstanding request.

The Finale takes place over one long day.

There are no multiple days for the Finale (as the name implies), but there is still a lot to tackle. You’ll be limited in the areas you can visit, but there is still an opportunity to visit a few places should you need to grind U-Materials or some ingredients and Sepith. This is also the time to complete the last request you should have outstanding, which you accepted all the way back at the start of Chapter 4.

Key Information


Quest Availability DP
Creative Cooks Wanted! At the start of Chapter 4 (can only get maximum DP for it now) 9


Item Location
Crossbell Times - Issue 8 (Book) Central Square: Times Department Store
Zemurian Ore Back Alley: Trade full Back Alley Doctor Glenn series to Imelda
Shiny Blue (Recipe) Back Alley: Head into Garante and speak with Sandra
Medicinal Mapo Tofu (Recipe) East Street: Speak with Roose outside the Long Lao Tavern
Ripe Onion Soup (Recipe) Central Square: Hand over the Reflect Liquid during the Creative Cooks Wanted! request

Once you regain control after the scenes, you’ll find yourself in the SSS building. There’s no new requests but there is one final one to complete, the Creative Cooks Wanted! request you accepted back in Chapter 4. Before that, there’s some important matters to take care of as you collect the final missables in Trails from Zero.

Begin by handing over what should be the final fish to Coppe, found on the roof of the SSS building. If you’ve given Coppe a fish on every chapter, you’ll now obtain a Gemini Gem. This impressive Quartz will cut the time to cast Arts by 50%, and you can pair it with a Cast Quartz to cut it even further. Be sure to stick this on Tio who should be your most potent Arts user.

(1 of 3) Hand over the final fish to Coppe to obtain the powerful Gemini Gem

Head into the Times Department Store next and pay a visit to the General Store, you’ll find Crossbell Times - Issue 8, this should be your final book and you’ll obtain the A Novel Pastime Achievement/Trophy for holding all books. Now that you’ve earned this Achievement, you can head to the Back Alley and into Imelda’s shop, speak with her and she’ll offer to trade you for the full set of Back Alley Doctor Glenn, take her up on it and she’ll hand over the Zemurian Ore. This is required to forge an ultimate weapon for a character of your choice soon.

While you’re still in the Back Alley, head on over to Garante and speak to Sandra inside to obtain the Shiny Blue Recipe. Go to East Street now and you’ll find Roose standing outside the Long Lao Tavern, speak with him and he’ll teach you the Medicinal Mapo Tofu Recipe. This is the final Recipe you can learn outside of the one you can obtain as part of the Creative Cooks Wanted! request.

(1 of 4) Grab the Shiny Blue recipe from Garante

In fact, this is the perfect time to go ahead and complete this request. As part of it, you’ll need to create 23 peculiar dishes for maximum DP, remember to equip the Prankster Quartz to make this easier. As thanks for handing over the Reflect Liquid, you’ll also obtain the Ripe Onion Soup Recipe, which is the final one in the game, unlocking the Hail to the Chef Achievement/Trophy.

You can get another two Achievements by cooking the final peculiar and superb dishes at this point too. Speaking of superb dishes, if you’ve not already done so, go ahead and cook every single one of them so you have them in your inventory (remember to equip the Effort Quartz to make life easier).

Once you have them all, head to Jizo statue on East Street, (near the eastern exit) and present every single superb dish to it (you’ll need to come in and out of the nearby house to put another one down so use Turbo). Once you hand over the final dish and come back, you’ll be awarded with the fantastic Solar Gem, which will allow the user to absorb earth, water, fire, and wind magic attacks!

Ultimate Equipment

With all of that out of the way, it’s time to purchase and procure some equipment. You’ll notice that Gironde has a new set of equipment on offer, but all of it is expensive. The only required pieces here are three Dual Guarders, as you should have found one in the Revache & Co. dungeon.

You can safely ignore all of the armor and if you have the mira to spare (which you should at this stage of the game), you can go ahead and purchase the weapons. The only weapons better than these are the ones in the final dungeon and of course the ultimate weapon, of which you can only craft one.

Once you’re done with Gironde, head to Neinvalli in the Downtown District and trade your T-Material for another Divine Cloth. Go to Guillaume in the Downtown District now and you’ll find that there is new armor and boots available to craft. These are the ultimate armor in the game, but you should only have three Divine Cloths available to you.

The boots only have a requirement of Sepith, which you should have prepared for before the Point of No Return. You’ll want to buy two pairs of Cloud Nine which requires 1000 Space Sepith and the Dual Guarders you just purchased. The Seventh Heaven are the same but require Mirage Sepith and they’re Men/Women exclusive so be sure to only buy two of each.

(1 of 4) Only buy the weapons if you have the mira to spare

Each character has a unique version of the Haute Couture ultimate armor, donated by the letter at the end of the armor and you’ll also need 10 U-Materials alongside the Divine Cloth. If you don’t have these on hand, Stargazer’s Tower is still accessible where you can easily farm these (as most monsters here drop these).

As for your choice, Elie and Tio are easy choices, as their armor grants them an increase in ATS which will increase their damage output with Arts. That leaves you with a choice for the final piece of armor, either Randy or Lloyd. You can’t go wrong here, as you’ll find a piece of armor in the final dungeon which is only slightly worse.

And with that, you’re done with everything you can do in Crossbell for now. Before you set off, however, return to the SSS HQ and report the Creative Cooks Wanted! request, if this was the last one you had, you’ll obtain the Your Friendly Neighborhood SSS Achievement/Trophy.

To continue with the story, head out the south gate and you’ll learn that the bus is not running. Looks like the SSS is going to have to hike it there. Avoid the enemies and along the way to St. Ursula Medical College, you’ll come across the bus that you’ll find is empty. Continue your journey to St. Ursula Medical College, where everything is not as it seems.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    NIS America
  • Platforms,
    PS4, Steam, Steam Deck, Switch
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    26 September 2022
  • Last Updated
    11 March 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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