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The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero

Chapter 3 Day 4 - Schwarze Auction Investigation

Ben Chard
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This page covers the Schwarze Auction Investigation main Request on the final day of Chapter 3 in The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero. Details on how to find and complete the hidden Request in Mishelam.

Schwarze Auction Investigation is the final request for Chapter 3.

Key Information


Quest Availability DP
Where’s My Engagement Ring? (Hidden) Speak to Toma at Hotel Delphinia 5


Item Location
Dumplings (5) Speak with the fisherman at the dock
Back Alley Doctor Glenn - Ch.10 (Book) Speak to the maid on stage at the auction before it starts

Exploring Mishelam

As you arrive in Mishelam, you’ll get a bit of background on the resort as Lloyd decides to scout out the area first. Before you continue to the north, step down to the pier to find two fisherman, speak with Peter on the right to obtain some Dumplings (5) (handy if you’ve yet to complete the Fishing Log). Head north across the bridge and up the stairs to enter the mall section of Mishelam.

(1 of 2) Speak to the fisherman to get some Dumplings

Speak to the fisherman to get some Dumplings (left), then head to the hotel to undertake the hidden request. (right)

Before you explore any further, head into the nearby Hotel Delphinia and go east into the next hallway. Enter the room to the north here and you’ll find Toma, speak to him and you’ll be able to begin the hidden Request, Where’s My Engagement Ring?, be sure to complete this right now so you don’t accidently advance the story and miss out on it.

With that short Request out of the way (the final one of the chapter), it’s time to turn your attention to scoping out Mishelam. You should have already had the scene for entering the Wonderland entrance, so return to the lobby and go east past the boutique to find the way blocked off. Take the western exit out of the lobby now and follow the path around to the north to reach Hartmann’s Mansion, the venue for the Schwarze Auction. After spotting the presence and walking away, Lloyd will hear a mysterious voice call out to him.

You’ll need to scope out all sides of Mishelam to begin with.

Once you return to the lobby, Lloyd decides the group needs to find a quiet place to discuss their finding and come up with a way of entering the auction. Head to Hotel Delphinia and speak to the receptionist to learn the last room was snapped up, thankfully we learn that Wazy is the occupant and offers to lend you his room, follow him to trigger some scenes.

How to get all Bond Achievements at Mishelam

Once you’ve laid out the plan, two of you will sneak into the auction, you’ll soon have to make a decision on who to bring into the auction with you. As you’ll expect, your choice will gain Bond points towards to Bond endings, but if you’re going for unlocking all three Bond endings on one playthrough (as this walkthrough has been directing you to) you’ll want to choose a different character to the one you chose in the Prologue.

More importantly, there’s an Achievement/Trophy and Record entry for each of the three characters that you choose here too. Normally, you’d have to do three playthroughs for that, but there is a way to do it. Head downstairs to the boutique but before you enter, be sure to save your game.

Now, when you wish to continue the game, you’ll want your choice to be different from the character you chose in the Prologue, so save this character for last. Instead, choose one of the other two characters and follow the scenes until you get the Achievement/Trophy and record. At this point, save your game on a different save slot and reload your first save outside the boutique. Repeat the same steps for the other character and then the third and final time should be for a different character from the Prologue.

(1 of 4) Make a hard save outside the boutique

Character Bond Event
Chosen Character The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero Screenshotx6 Choose a character to attend the auction with

Another important matter to think about when making your decision (other than being different from your choice in the Prologue) is how you’ll find the battles within the auction. Randy will make life easier with his Crash Bomb Craft, Elie has some exclusive scenes with a character in there and feels more canon in general, and Tio has the most useful S-Break. Regardless of your choice, once you regain control, make your way over to the residential area and head to Hartmann’s Mansion to enter the auction.

The Schwarze Auction

You’ll need to begin by scoping out the mansion.

So far so good, the attempt to infiltrate the auction has started off without any issues. Guide Berkeley will inform you that there is time to have a look around and mingle before the auction starts, giving you the perfect opportunity to take a peek around.

Begin by heading to the east hallway and entering the door at the far end to trigger a rather amusing scene with Wazy. Leave here once you regain control and take the stairs up to the top and approach the door at the end to learn that this is the room where the auction items are being stored. As you go to leave, Lloyd will once again hear someone calling out to him.

Head down to the second floor and head through the door, following the path to trigger a scene with the eccentric Lechter. Once you regain control, continue to the left through the next hallway to find another set of stairs. Take these up to the top and you’ll once again be stopped outside the door, which appears to be Speaker Hartmann’s room.

(1 of 2) You’ll find Lechter as you pass between the east and west wings

You’ll find Lechter as you pass between the east and west wings (left), Kilika is in the guest room on the west wing. (right)

Return downstairs to the ground floor and head through the door to the west to find the other guests. Go ahead and speak with them and after you speak with Kilika, attempt to leave and both Don Maconi and Speaker Hartmann will enter the room to greet everyone. Thankfully, once you regain control, some of the guests have their attention and you can freely exit.

Return to the lobby and head north to find the auction room, which is still setting up. With everything scoped out, head back to the lobby, through one of the side hallways and return to the lobby again to trigger another scene. It appears that Lloyd and his partner has attracted the attention of Garcia Rossi, fortunately before things can get out of hand, Mariabell arrives to save the duo. After a chat with her in a private room, you’ll regain control once more as it’s soon time for the auction to start.

Make your way back down to the lobby and head through the northern door as you’ll be urged to take your seats for the upcoming auction. Wazy will appear and interrupt you, asking to speak with Lloyd and his partner in the lobby. You’ll be asked by Wazy as to why you think the guard dogs have been put to sleep, answer There’s an intruder to gain some bonus DP.

(1 of 2) Choose the first option for some bonus DP

Choose the first option for some bonus DP (left), then return to the auction and speak to this maid to get the next chapter of Back Alley Doctor Glenn. (right)

At this point, Lloyd will suggest taking a look around the mansion again as Wazy now accompanies you and your partner. Before you do anything, return to the auction room and head on over to the stage, you’ll find a maid with purple hair, Brenda, who will hand over Back Alley Doctor Glenn - Ch.10.

Return to the lobby once again, take the eastern hallway and take the stairs up to the top to discover the presence of a mafioso out cold. As you enter the room, you’ll notice Yin has infiltrated the auction and takes out three more mafioso guards. Before taking off, Yin suggests Lloyd and his group find the bomb that sits in the other room.

When you enter the room, the party splits up to investigate the room. Speak to them if you wish, but when you’re ready to get the ball rolling, examine the large case in the center of the room to discover a small child inside! You quickly learn that the girl has no memories, save for her name, KeA. Unfortunately, the chat is cut short as the Mafioso bust into the room who are quickly dispatched by Wazy.

Escaping the Schwarze Auction

Enemy Lv Elemental Effectiveness Drops
Mafioso - Machete 27 Earth_Elemental.png 100 Water_Elemental.png 100 Fire_Elemental.png 100 Wind_Elemental.png 100 Battle Scope, Teara Balm
Mafioso - Pistol 27 Earth_Elemental.png 100 Water_Elemental.png 100 Fire_Elemental.png 100 Wind_Elemental.png 100 Smoke Ball, S-Tablet
Mafioso - Machine Gun 27 Earth_Elemental.png 100 Water_Elemental.png 100 Fire_Elemental.png 100 Wind_Elemental.png 100 Teara Balm, EP Charge
Armored Doven Kaiser 27 Earth_Elemental.png 50 Water_Elemental.png 50 Fire_Elemental.png 50 Wind_Elemental.png 50 Beast Flesh, Reviving Balm

You’ll change into your normal clothes at this point as Lloyd will set his sights on escaping the auction with KeA. Wazy will decide to help out here and join the party, he has powerful Crafts which will be welcome in the battles to come. Beware, that KeA will be an NPC in the next set of battles and should she die, the game will be over so be sure to head into the Tactics screen and push all three of your party members to the front.

Leave this room and the next and when you return to the hallway, you’ll be attacked by a Mafioso - Machete and two Mafioso - Pistols. These are all enemies you’ve fought before, so you should know what to expect, but remember to scan both enemies as they’re new entries. Ultimately, these battles will be a lot easier with Randy, as Crash Bomb will just mean that they’ll miss an awful lot. Still, Wazy is no slouch and will help massively if you have Elie or Tio with you.

(1 of 4) Set up your Tactics so your party is further to the front

Remember that you can use the sofas in the previous room to heal your HP and EP should you need it. When you’re ready to continue, leave the hallway and take the stairs down to the ground floor. As you attempt to go to the lobby, you’ll notice that it’s swarming with enemies. Go up to the second floor and head through the door to reach the room where you saw Lechter earlier.

You’ll be attacked by three Armored Doven Kaisers, another enemy that you fought at the end of Chapter 1. Be sure to scan them, and then focus on using Lloyd’s Brave Smash to hopefully Seal them. If you have a Blind Quartz on Elie, her Cross Mirage Craft will give you a chance to Blind them all.

With the guard dogs down, continue your escape by heading west to the next set of stairs and checking in on the lobby again. This time, you’ll spot the presence of both Garcia Rossi and the don. Turn your attention the stairs instead and take them up to the top and head for Speaker Hartmann’s room where you’ll trigger a scene. Thanks to Lechter’s words, he’ll clear the way from the lobby for you so head back down and enter the lobby.

You’ll still have to take out some Mafioso, another Machete and two Pistols, but the odds are in your favor this time. The Don will enter, and you’re forced to flee via the front door. You’ll be reunited with your other two party members at this point and just when it seems all hope is lost, the group is saved by an unknown person.

Once you regain control, you’ll have to settle on who you want for your Support member. Tio is a good shout as her Support Craft will come in handy for the boss as is Wazy’s which will give you a Speed Up buff. Whatever you do, don’t leave Randy in Support, his Crash Bomb Craft is invaluable. Once you’re ready, continue south and you’ll be forced into another battle, this time against another four Armored Doven Kaisers. This is a much easier battle with a full party.

Before you head east into the lobby, save your game, as there’s a battle with bonus DP coming up. Visit the Tactics screen and make sure all of your party members are starting near the top. As you head to the lobby, the Mafioso will attack again, only this time, two guests will be caught in the crossfire.

(1 of 3) Make sure you have your entire party (with Randy) at the front of the grid before heading into the mall

In this next battle, you must avoid either guest taking any damage at all if you wish to obtain the bonus DP. You’ll be up against a Machete, two Pistols and two Armored Doven Kaisers, but if you applied your tactics correctly, you should be shielding the two guests perfectly. Be sure to have Randy use Crash Bomb from the start, then focus on the Kaisers as they have the ability to dash through to your back line. Should either guest take any damage at all, reload your game and try again.

Once the battle is over, you’ll urge the guests to take refuge in Hotel Delphinia and then look to enact the final part of your escape by leaving through the southern door. Before you head through there, save your game and use any items you have to make sure you have maxed out CP. Once you’re ready, head through the doors and scenes will take over, culminating in a battle against Garcia Rossi!

Boss Battle - Garcia Rossi

You will have a showdown with Garcia Rossi at the end of the chapter.

Enemy Lv Elemental Effectiveness Drops
Garcia Rossi 30 Earth_Elemental.png 100 Water_Elemental.png 100 Fire_Elemental.png 100 Wind_Elemental.png 100
Mafioso - Machine Gun 27 Earth_Elemental.png 100 Water_Elemental.png 100 Fire_Elemental.png 100 Wind_Elemental.png 100 Teara Balm, EP Charge
Armored Doven Kaiser 27 Earth_Elemental.png 50 Water_Elemental.png 50 Fire_Elemental.png 50 Wind_Elemental.png 50 Beast Flesh, Reviving Balm

You knew that a showdown with Garcia Rossi was inevitable at some point, and now is that time. Garcia Rossi has plenty of HP, hits hard and has an S-Break that will most likely kill whoever it hits. With that in mind, your first course of action (after scanning both Garcia and the Machine Gun Mafiosos of course) should be to take care of the Mafioso and Armored Doven Kaisers. Once again, Randy’s Crash Bomb is invaluable as you Blind them.

Once you’re left with just Garcia, the real battle can begin. You may have noticed in the previous battle, but KeA is now a support member alongside whoever else you chose, her ability will grant Strength and Speed Up for three turns, invaluable against Garcia who has 12850 HP on the Normal Difficulty so you’re in for a lengthy battle.

Garcia has plenty of tricks up his sleeve, and you can learn more about them below:

  • Bear Tackle: Garcia will charge in a line, dealing around 450 HP to anyone in his way.

  • Matchless Power: Garcia will gather his strength, granting him both Strength and Speed Up.

  • Whirlwind Kick: Garcia will run between a few party members and perform a whirlwind kick, dealing around 550+ HP in a large AoE and cause knockback.

  • Burst Kick: Garcia will put all his strength behind a single kick, dealing around 650+ HP to a single character.

  • Killing Driver: Garcia’s S-Break, this will see him unleash a barrage of punches followed by a Supplex on a single character. Outside of Randy, this will most likely kill the character, especially if he has Strength Up.

There are two main threats here, the first is Matchless Power, which will make all of his attacks deadlier. If you have Wazy in the battle, you can use Phantom Rush to give him Speed Down instead which at least helps alleviate this a little. Alternatively, if you have 8 Time Sepith, you’ll have the Calamity Claw Art which can inflict both Move and Speed Down.

(1 of 8) Bear Tackle will see Garcia charge forward and deal damage to anyone in his path

The second main concern is Killing Driver, his S-Break. This is damaging enough on without the strength buff, dealing around 1800 HP+ to a single character, but with it, it’ll almost certainly kill anyone. Make sure you have methods to revive and do so instantly whenever anyone is killed by this. His other Crafts are damaging, but nothing you can’t manage with Teara Arts and Elie’s healing Crafts.

As mentioned though, Garcia has a lot of HP, so this is going to last a while. You can make things a little easier on yourself by using Tio’s Analyze to inflict Defense and Arts Defense Down on him, then follow that up with S-Breaks on a Critical bonus and using high-level Arts. Tio with Genesis Flood can do well over 1800 HP to Garcia.

Once the battle is over, you’ll learn a bit more about Randy’s background and the SSS make a thrilling escape from Mishelam, bringing Chapter 3 to a close.

Chapter DP Total Cumulative DP Total
98 252
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    NIS America
  • Platforms,
    PS4, Steam, Steam Deck, Switch
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    26 September 2022
  • Last Updated
    11 March 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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