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The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero

Chapter 3 Day 3 - Fishing After the Ancient Battlefield

Nathan Garvin
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This page contains information about fishing with the Bamboo Rod, Horizon Rod and Aqua Wizard in Chapter 3, Day 3 in The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero, including details on how to acquire the Horizon Rod and Aqua Wizard and how to use those rods to catch all the rare fish in the game.

You’ll score the Bamboo Rod during the urgent request “Missing Doctor”.

At the start of Day 3 in Chapter 3 you can pick up the urgent request Missing Tourists. As with all urgent requests you’ll need to complete it to advance the main questline, but Missing Tourists also opens up the Ancient Battlefield field dungeon, which is crawling with new monsters to fight and treasures to plunder. One of the items you’ll find in this field dungeon is the Horizon Rod, which allows you to use Carp and Kasagin as bait, which, together with the Bamboo Rod obtained during the request Missing Doctor, you should be able to catch 23 of the 24 fish in the game.

This of course assumes you’ve been keeping up with fishing during the walkthrough. With the Novice Rod you could have caught some Armorica Carp, Raineaters, Rockeasters and Tiger Rockfish (Armorica Village, Chapter 1) as well as Snow Crabs, Carp, Eel, Gluttonous Bass (Ursula Road, Chapter 1) and Pearlglass (St. Ursula Medical College, Chapter 1). In Chapter 2, Day 2 you’ll get the request West Crossbell highway Monster Extermination during which you can acquire the Feather Tackle. This allows you to use Roe and Red Flies as bait, consequently making it possible to fish for Azelfish, Kasagin, Rainbow Trout, Salmon and Trout, and once you’ve caught some Kasagin you can use those as bait (with the Novice Rod) to catch Catfish, Pythonheads and Viperheads. This should bring you up to 17 out of 24 fish, which the rest of this page will assume you’re at.

If you need to catch some of the aforementioned fish, every fish you can catch with the Novice Rod can be found in various fishing spots in Armorica Village and Ursula Road. A walkthrough for fishing with the Feather Tackle can be found on the Feather Tackle Fishing Rod. Once you’re up to speed and have 17 out of the 23 fish caught, continue reading to finish off this minigame.

Fishing with the Bamboo Rod

As mentioned earlier, you’ll acquire the Bamboo Rod on Chapter 3, Day 1 during the request Missing Doctor. This rod allows you to use Deluxe Dumplings, Dumplings, and Snow Crab as bait. Dumplings are redundant (the Novice Rod is able to use Dumplings), which will allow you to catch the following fish:

Fish Bait Required Location
Arch Crab Snow Crab Ancient Battlefield - Pond
Gold Salmon Deluxe Dumplings Mainz Abandoned Mine
Noble Carp Deluxe Dumplings Old Armorica Road - Rest Area

Catch the Arch Crab at the Ancient Battlefield - Pond fishing spot.

Catching the Arch Crab

Snow Crabs are common “fish” you can snag in numerous spots by using the humble Earthworm as bait. Earthworms can be obtained by farming Berga Bugs, Deathcargot and Ocean Dromes, among others. If you seek them out at the Ursula Road - Lakeshore, the St. Ursula Medical College, and Geofront - B Sector fishing spots they’ll only have one spoiler fish (Gluttonous Bass, Carp and Eel, respectively). You shouldn’t need too many of these, as only the Arch Crab preys on them exclusively, and the Arch Crab isn’t hard to catch.

Once you have some Snow Crabs to use, just make your way to the first screen of the Ancient Battlefield, follow the road until you reach a fork, then head right until you find some stairs off the road, leading to a depression. This fishing spot can be found in the pond just to the left of the stairs leading to this depression.

(1 of 2) You can snag the Gold Salmon at the Mainz Abandoned Mine fishing spot,

You can snag the Gold Salmon at the Mainz Abandoned Mine fishing spot, (left), earning a Taurus Gem in the process. (right)

Catching the Gold Salmon

The easiest source of Deluxe Dumplings is to simply buy them from the fishing guild at 100 Mira a pop. Sounds expensive, but they’ll allow you to catch the Gold Salmon at the Mainz Abandoned Mine (unlocked during the request Mine Monster Cleanup at a fishing spot that is otherwise only home to Rainbow Trout. Snagging the Gold Salmon will also earn you a Taurus Gem.

(1 of 2) You can also find Rainbow Trout at the Mainz Abandoned Mine,

You can also find Rainbow Trout at the Mainz Abandoned Mine, (left), which can cough up a significant amount of Sepith when caught. (right)

Catching the Gold Salmon is, obviously, your main objective, but even after that rare fish is caught (you can only catch one per playthrough) you might want to consider plucking Rainbow Trout out of the water here, as you’ll always obtain All Sepith x5, x10, x20 or x50 from them. Even at the low end that Sepith will sell for 900 Mira at the IBC, which is a 9-to-1 return on investment for each Deluxe Dumpling, and at the high end you’re hauling in 9,000 Mira worth of Sepith per fish!

To reach this fishing spot, follow these directions from the entrance to the Mainz Mine - Abandoned:

  • Go up a ramp to the north.
  • Go uphill to the east, then up some stairs to the north.
  • Head southeast, then exit via a tunnel to the northeast.
  • Make your way northeast and east up a ramp.
  • Turn left and cross a bridge behind a waterfall.
  • Head up a ramp to the north and continue along the linear path until you descend some stairs to reach the next area.
  • Head west down a ramp, then south down some stairs and another ramp.
  • Make your way southwest to reach a metal platform sticking out over the water - you can’t see the ripples in the water, but you can interact with the fishing spot at the end of this platform.

(1 of 2) Wrestle the Noble Carp from the depths of the Old Armorica Road - Rest Area fishing spot,

Wrestle the Noble Carp from the depths of the Old Armorica Road - Rest Area fishing spot, (left), and it’ll surrender a Pisces Gem. (right)

Catching the Noble Carp

The Noble Carp is less glamorous - the only other fish that exclusively bites Deluxe Dumplings - being found at the Old Armorica Road - Rest Area fishing spot. There’s a good bit of RNG involved with catching this fish, and it has nothing at all to do with the Noble Carp being hard to catch once landed. This fishing hole is infested with Armorica Carp, Carp, and Pearlglass, all of whom will gladly snap up your Deluxe Dumplings. Suffice to say, carrying around some extra bait will prove useful here, and snagging a couple of Rainbow Trout can certainly help you raise the funds. Persevere and bag the Noble Carp and you’ll also obtain a Pisces Gem.

The Old Armorica Road - Rest Stop fishing spot can be found near the rest stop on the second screen of the Old Armorica Road. Just search the river near a fountain, you can access the fishing spot from between two trees.

(1 of 3) To gain access to the Ancient Battlefield, you’ll first need to accept the “Missing Tourists”,

Fishing With the Horizon Rod

To obtain the Horizon Rod, you must start the urgent request Missing Tourists, during which you’ll explore the Ancient Battlefield. During or after the quest, as you’re going through the sewer portion of the Underground Passage, loot the northernmost chest to score the Horizon Rod.

This rod will allow you to use Carp and Kasagin as bait, which in turn will allow you to catch the following fish:

Fish Bait Required Location
Queen Crab Carp Ancient Battlefield - Pond, Geofront - B Sector
Electric Eel Carp Geofront - B Sector
Demon Catfish Carp East Crossbell Highway - River

It’s all about them Carp with these fish. Fortunately, Carp is a common enough fish. Unfortunately it has competition for the baits it likes at every fishing spot where it’s located. It’ll eat Deluxe Dumplings, Dumplings, Earthworms and Snow Crabs and can be found in the Old Armorica Road - Rest Area, Ursula Road - Estuary and the St. Ursula Medical College. Since you can just buy Deluxe Dumplings, you may want to fish for them at the Ursula Road - Estuary fishing spot, as the only spoiler fish there is Trout. Land a couple of these so you have spares, then it’ll be time to hunt down these next three fish.

Pull the Queen Crab out of the Ancient Battlefield - Pond fishing spot.

Catching the Queen Crab

This girl is easy-peasy, as she’s the only “fish” that hungers for Carp in the Ancient Battlefield - Pond fishing spot, and she’s not that hard to reel in when she bites. Make your way to the first screen of the Ancient Battlefield, follow the road until you reach a fork, then head right until you find some stairs off the road, leading to a depression. This fishing spot can be found in the pond just to the left of the stairs leading to this depression.

Alternatively you can fish for the Queen Crab at the Geofront - B Sector fishing spot, where she’ll compete with the Electric Eel for your Carp. Since you also want to catch the Electric Eel… it’s kind of a win-win. The fishing spot in Geofront - B Sector is just off the southwestern end of the boss platform where you fought the [Torso Deluxe].

The Electric Eel dwells in the Geofront - B Sector fishing spot.

Catching the Electric Eel

Another easy catch, the Electric Eel is found in the Geofront - B Sector fishing spot, and only one other native “fish” - the Queen Crab - has a taste for Carp. You want to catch them both, so just keep fishing until you catch them. The fishing spot in Geofront - B Sector is just off the southwestern end of the boss platform where you fought the [Torso Deluxe].

The Demon Catfish joins mundane Catfish at the East Crossbell Highway - River fishing spot.

Catching the Demon Catfish

The Demon Catfish can be fished out of the East Crossbell Highway - River fishing spot by providing it with Carp as bait. Normal Catfish also dwell here, and will snipe your Carp, but they’re the only other fish here that are interested in Carp. To reach this fishing spot, head to the second screen of the East Crossbell Highway, which is split by a river. Cross a bridge to reach the eastern end of the river then turn south and head downhill to get near the river. The fishing spot can be found near the bridge.

(1 of 3) Catch 23 of 24 fish to attain the rank of Master Fisher,

Catching the Serpenthead

Once you have 23 of the 24 fish, return to the Fishing Guild and you’ll be promoted to the rank of Master Fisher. As a perk of reaching this rank, you can now peruse an expanded selection of bait, including Roe, Dumplings, Red flies and Earthworms, all for 100 Mira each. The real reward, however, is the Aqua Wizard fishing rod, which can use any bait, including the Pythonhead and Viperhead.

This is the key to catching the 24th fish, the “mythical guardian of this land”.

The fish you seek is the Serpenthead, which can be found at the Ursula Road - Estuary fishing spot, but before you head there you may want to stock up on bait. To lure the Serpenthead you’ll need Pythonheads and Viperheads, and to catch those you’ll need Kasagin.

The best spot to fish for Kasagin is the St. Ursula Medical College, as the Kasagin is the only fish there that feeds on Red Flies (you can now buy these from the fishing guild, so they shouldn’t be too hard to obtain). Once you[‘ve stocked up on Kasagin, make your way to the adjacent Ursula Road - Pond fishing spot, which only has three fish species: the Pythonhead, Viperhead and Gluttonous Bass. Sadly they all are hungry for Kasagin, but at least here two out of the three potential catches are something you need. Catching Pythonheads and Viperheads was more difficult than the Serpenthead itself, so maybe you don’t need to go too crazy fishing for them.

When you have a sufficient number of Pythonheads and Viperhead (this amount varies depending on your skill, patience, and willingness to save scum), head to the Ursula Road - Estuary fishing spot, which is located off some ruins on the first screen of the Ursula Road area. Again, you can’t see the ripples for this fishing spot, so just pace along the edge of the ruins until you see the prompt.

(1 of 4) Catch the legendary Serpenthead,

Using the Aqua Wizard baited with Pythonheads and Viperheads until you reel in the Serpenthead. When you snag this fish you’ll obtain a Grail Locket, which nullifies all status effects save Deathblow, as well as the achievement/trophy [You Won’t Like Me When I’m Angler-y].

Return to the Fishing Guild and you’ll obtain the rank of Divine Angler, and will be given the Divine Angler Emblem accessory, which gives its wearer a massive ACC +50% buff.

And with that, you’re done with fishing in The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero… you know, save for landing Rainbow Trout for Sepith to sale.

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  • Publisher
    NIS America
  • Platforms,
    PS4, Steam, Steam Deck, Switch
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    26 September 2022
  • Last Updated
    11 March 2023
    Version History
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