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The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero

Chapter 2 Day 2 - Feather Tackle Fishing Rod

Nathan Garvin
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Information about fishing with the Feather Tackle in Chapter 2 Day 2 in The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero, including the new fish you can catch with the Feather Tackle fishing rod.

You can obtain the Feather Tackle fishing rod from a chest during the request “Old Road Property Monster Extermination”.

How to Find the Feather Tackle

During Chapter 2 Day 1 you’ll have to complete the request Old Road Property Monster Extermination to advance the main questline. During this request you’ll be given the Private Property Key and tasked with exterminating several groups of [Fartacus] enemies that lurk beyond a sealed gate in the Old Armorica Road area. Along the southeastern end of the area beyond the gate, in a small shelter, you’ll find the chest containing the Feather Tackle. If you don’t obtain it during the request, head back there and grab it at your earliest convenience.

Fishing With the Feather Tackle

The Feather Tackle is a companion to - not a replacement for - the Novice Road. The Novice Rod can use Earthworms and Dumplings as bait, and the Feather Tackle can use Roe and Red Flies. Different bait attracts different fish, so acquiring the Feather Tackle effectively expands the types of fish you can catch, and the more types of fish you catch, the higher your rank in the fishing guild. Getting new rods allows you to move the chains, and it may be worth your time returning to old fishing spots to catch new fish.

First, you should acquire the bait you’ll need, which in this case means farming enemies for Red Tails and Roe:

Monster Bait Dropped Location
Backlash Roe Ursula Road
Black Berga Bug Red Flies West Crossbell Highway
Kesalan Red Flies Ursula Road
Tropical Archer Roe Ursula Road

(1 of 5) With the Feather Tackle fishing rod you can catch the Azelfish,

Once you’ve got the bait, it’s time to go catch some fish! The new fish you can catch with the Feather Tackle includes the Azelfish, Kasagin, Rainbow Trout, Salmon and Trout. Below you’ll find a list of all the locations where these fish can be caught.

Fish Bait Required Location
Azelfish Red Flies Crossbell City - Harbor District, Ursula Road - Lakeshore
Kasagin Red Flies Ursula Road - Estuary, Ursula Road - Lakeshore
Rainbow Trout Roe Mainz Mountain Path - Stream, Mainz Mountain Path - Waterfall
Salmon Roe Crossbell City - Harbor District, East Crossbell Highway - River, Mainz Mountain Path - Waterfall, Ursula Road - Lakeshore
Trout Roe Crossbell City - Harbor District, Ursula Road - Estuary, Ursula Road - Lakeshore

(1 of 2) Catch a dozen different types of fish and you’ll be promoted to 2nd Class Fisher,

Catch a dozen different types of fish and you’ll be promoted to 2nd Class Fisher, (left), earning the “Luck” Quartz as a reward. (right)

Catch all five of these new fish and it should bring your total up to fourteen (you can catch nine fish with just the Earthworms and Dumplings you can use with the Novice Rod). Catch over a dozen different types of fish and return to the Fishing Guild and talk to Branch Manager Cerdan to achieve the rank of 2nd Class Fisher! You’ll obtain the Luck Quartz for reaching this rank.

(1 of 4) Use the Feather Rod and Red Flies to stock up on Kasagin,

Catching Fish With Kasagin

After you’ve caught all the possible fish with the Feather Tackle, it’s time to switch things up and put into practice a bit of synergy with our two fishing rods. With the Feather Tackle you can use Red Flies to catch Kasagin, and Kasagin can be used as bait with the Novice Rod to catch Catfish, Pythonheads and Viperheads. Catching these three fish will put you at seventeen total, enough to rank up again, and a Catfish is required for a request in Chapter 3, so… there’s some incentive to get this done now.

First you’ll need to stock up on Kasagin, which may mean farming some Red Flies. Black Berga Bugs (West Crossbell Highway) and Kesalans (Ursula Road) both drop Red Flies when defeated, and if you fish at the Ursula Road - Estuary or St. Ursula Medical College fishing spots, you can safely use Red Flies to catch Kasagin. There are no other fish that eat Red Flies there, so you don’t need to worry about spoilers biting your bait, and with a 100% Kasagin catch rate it shouldn’t be hard to get enough Kasagin to burn.

Once you have a stock of Kasagin (we managed to catch all three fish with five pieces of bait, but this is probably only the lucky side - you may want a dozen or so Kasagin) you’ll need to head to various fishing holes to catch the three fish you’re looking for. No fishing hole you currently have access to is home to all three, so some traveling is in order:

Fish Location
Catfish Crossbell City - Harbor District, East Crossbell Highway - River, Ursula Road - Lakeshore
Pythonhead East Crossbell Highway - River, Ursula Road - Pond, West Crossbell Highway - Pond
Viperhead Crossbell City - Harbor District, Ursula Road - Lakeshore, Ursula Road - Pond

A great spot to land Pythonheads and Viperheads is the Ursula Road - Pond fishing spot. You’ll have to worry about Gluttonous Bass playing spoiler, but two of the three fish there are ones you need. An ideal fishing spot to land Catfish is less clear, but if you’re already at Ursula Road you might as well just fish for them at the Ursula Road - Lakeshore to save yourself the travel. It should go without saying that save-scumming your fishing attempts comes recommended. No use burning bait on spoiler fish or inattentiveness.

(1 of 2) Catching sixteen different types of fish will see you promoted to the rank of “1st Class Fisher”,

Catching sixteen different types of fish will see you promoted to the rank of “1st Class Fisher”, (left), which entitles you to buy Deluxe Dumplings from the Fishing Guild. (right)

Once you have sixteen or more types of fish caught and recorded in your fishing journal, return to the fishing guild and talk to Branch Manager Cerdan, who will promote you to 1st Class Fisher. Your reward for achieving this rank? You can now talk to Branch Manager Cerdan and purchase Deluxe Dumpling from him, a premium bait that’ll allow you to land the Gold Salmon and Noble Carp. It’s also favored by many fish you can already catch, but that’s less exciting. Alas, you don’t have a rod that can use this bait, and until you get a new rod, you won’t be catching any new fish.

Coppe the Cat and Quartz

There is one more fishing-related task you can complete, however. If you haven’t made the trip to the roof of SSS HQ and fed Coppe yet, you can do so now, and if you feed him some of the fish you’ve caught he’ll reward you with Quartz. Different fish, different quartz, as follows:

Fish Quartz
Snow Crab Mind 1
Armorican Carp Evade 1
Tiger Rockfish Attack 1
Rockeater Defense 1
Carp Shield 1
Raineater EP 1
Azelfish Mute
Kasagin EP Cut 1
Rainbow Trout Strike
Trout Impede 1
Salmon Ingenuity
Eel Action 1
Pearlglass Hit 1
Gluttonous Bass Move 1
Viperhead Freeze
Pythonhead Burn
Catfish Blind

At this point in the game, the most attractive Quartz can be narrowed down to Freeze (Viperhead), Burn (Pythonhead) and Ingenuity (Salmon)… mostly due to their elemental value, rather than the abilities granted by the Quartz itself.

Continue on with any requests you may need to finish, and when those are done continue on with Threat Letter Investigation (Part 2).

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    NIS America
  • Platforms,
    PS4, Steam, Steam Deck, Switch
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    26 September 2022
  • Last Updated
    11 March 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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