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Pokémon: Ultra Sun & Moon

Heahea City

Vincent Lau
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(1 of 2) Heahea City is smaller than Hau’oli City, but there’s plenty to see.

Heahea City is smaller than Hau’oli City, but there’s plenty to see. (left), (right)

Welcome to the first of Akala Island’s wondrous cities! You’ll barely be able to take two steps before the gang comes together by the harbor. Your task is made abundantly clear: There are 3 island trials in Akala Island, and a Grand Trial waiting afterwards. Right, so this is where things start to get serious!

Once you resume control, head west towards the harbor, down the steps. Hidden on the wall to the north is Totem Sticker #018. Next, enter the ferry terminal building you passed by to the right. Inside, chat to the folks in the top-left corner to receive a very rare ball! A GS–oh, a Premier Ball.

Return outside and head east back towards the entrance to Heahea Beach. Instead of entering the beach, carry on and enter the first building on the right, which happens to be the tourist bureau.

East from the tourist bureau is Heahea City’s apparel shop. Just outside, you’ll bump into Lillie and her little friend. Afterwards, pop inside the apparel shop to have a look. It’s a brand new island, so perhaps a new look would suit you?

Outside on the street again, cross the road south from the apparel shop. Talk to the lady by the fence to receive a delectable Rare Candy. Chat to her again if you want to know how they work. After that lucky find, carry on east from the apparel shop.

Soon, the road will branch off towards the north and the east. The road going north leads to Tide Song Hotel, as well as Route 4. Meanwhile the road going east leads to the Pokémon Center and a zealous "Stoutland" IconStoutland blocking the rock. First things first, you should visit the Pokémon Center to get your bearings and stock up on items.

Of note, the right Poké Mart clerk has a range of defensive TMs, although your wallet may be feeling defensive right now. When you feel like you’ve made adequate preparations, exit the Pokémon Center and follow the road north towards the hotel. Just before the exit to Route 4, to the east, you’ll bump into a colorful duo.

Why, it’s Professor Sycamore’s assistants all the way from the Kalos region! Unsurprisingly, the best way to introduce yourself is with a Pokémon battle.

Pokémon Trainer Dexio (Ultra Sun)

Pokémon Level Type
"Mime Jr." IconMime Jr. 15 Psychic/Fairy
"Espeon" IconEspeon 15 Psychic

Dexio is a fan of Psychic-types, so Dark-types are ideal since they’re immune. Ghost-types are also recommended for their super-effective damage, and Steel-types to resist. "Mime Jr." IconMime Jr. should be a piece of cake, but "Espeon" IconEspeon has incredible Speed and hits hard with Psybeam–don’t make the mistake of toying with it!

Pokémon Trainer Sina (Ultra Moon)

Pokémon Level Type
"Smoochum" IconSmoochum 15 Ice/Psychic
"Glaceon" IconGlaceon 15 Ice

Sina, meanwhile, seems to prefer her Ice-types. Defensively, Ice-types have the short end of the stick, as they’re weak to Fire, Fighting, Rock and Steel. Surely, you must have one of those. "Smoochum" IconSmoochum is also weak to Dark, Ghost and Bug, and generally an easy foe. "Glaceon" IconGlaceon is slow, but can quickly catch up with Icy Wind.

Give the Kalos trainers a battle worth remembering and you’ll receive the "Zygarde" IconZygarde Cu… Oh, wait a second, you just get a Full Restore? Does that mean… you don’t need to collect 100 Zygarde Cells like in Sun and Moon? Why, we do believe it’s party time! Of, but of course, you still have to find 100 Totem Stickers. Party cancelled.

After that delightful encounter, you can leave for Route 4 with nobody to stop you. But since we’re here, it would be remiss of us not to continue along towards Tide Song Hotel. Follow the road north-west, towards the fountain. Soon, the luxurious Tide Song Hotel will come into full view. Moving on, head west from the fountain.

(1 of 2) No public place is safe from these stickers!

No public place is safe from these stickers! (left), (right)

On the wall of the small gatehouse along the south side of the hotel, you can find Totem Sticker #019. Continuing west from here will lead you back to Heahea Beach. Instead, go over to the hotel’s front entrance. Chat to the bellhop to listen to his woes. Before entering, head east towards the east side of the hotel. Peel off Totem Sticker #020, then enter the hotel.

Tide Song Hotel

Inside, you’ll find Lillie standing by the top-right corner of the lobby. You actually don’t need to come speak to her, but it’s nice to know she’s safe.

Regardless, walk a few paces south-east from the dancer. Around here are a bunch of cozy sofas, two tables and a large flower pot. On the left table, there’s Totem Sticker #021 stuck on top.

You may think that’s everything, but you couldn’t be more wrong! From the tables, head directly north towards the elevator. Press the button by the side to activate the elevator, then ride it to the 3rd floor. Upstairs, go east along the fancy corridor, then enter the first door you find. Approach the lass and her Pokémon to get kicked out.

You’ll mysteriously receive an Oran Berry. Afterwards, go back in to discover the room’s empty. Grab the Fresh Water lying towards the west. Next, enter the balcony and go right past the window. Press the A button when prompted to pick up an obscured Swift Wing. Return to the corridor and check out the room on the right.

The old man inside is here for a long-awaited reunion, except he has no idea where his 3 friends are. All he knows is that they’re somewhere in Heahea City. Smells like the start of another sidequest! For now, go back towards the elevator, then head south-west to reach another long corridor. Again, enter the first room you find.

(1 of 2) It’s really easy to miss, but there’s another floor of the hotel to explore!

It’s really easy to miss, but there’s another floor of the hotel to explore! (left), (right)

After checking you haven’t received hearing damage, go towards the balcony and check the back of the deckchair for Totem Sticker #022. Finally, go back out and visit the last room to the left.

Within, inspect the area just under the bed for a Revive. Standing by the balcony is a rather eccentric fella; best you just leave him alone for now… Being sure not to catch his attention, enter the balcony and again go right to find another obscured item, this time a Health Wing.

Reuniting the Old Friends

Now you can say you’ve been everywhere you can go, but there’s still one tiny, little detail–or three. Exit the hotel and head west towards Heahea Beach. Go north along the wall, towards the BP shops. Just by the corner is an old lady, who’s here for the old geezer’s reunion. Next, leave Heahea Beach via the south.

Make your way to the harbor where you found the Totem Sticker, west from the ferry terminal building. Standing near where the sticker was is a Beauty, who’s also here for the reunion. Finally, dash east and enter the apparel shop to the west of the Pokémon Center. Standing to the right of the changing room is the final target.

Having located all 3 old friends, return to the east-most room on the 3rd floor of Tide Song Hotel. Once things start settling down, chat to the old man who gave you the request to receive a Revival Herb. That was a detour and a half. When ready, head on over to Route 4, via the road south-east from the hotel.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    22 December 2017
  • Last Updated
    30 January 2025
    Version History
  • Guide Author
    Vincent Lau, Cassie Sun

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