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Pokémon: Ultra Sun & Moon

After the Feast

Vincent Lau
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(1 of 2) Grab yourself a rare Pokémon or two!

Grab yourself a rare Pokémon or two! (left), (right)

From here, you’re encouraged to return to Heahea City and visit the Dimensional Research Lab. To get there, simply fly with "Charizard" IconCharizard to the Heahea City Pokémon Center, then travel east along the road. It’s the building with the antenna just before the entrance to Route 6 and Hano Grand Resort. But first, you may wish to revisit the jungle.

Pokemon Encounters - Lush Jungle

Name Type(s) Location (Rate)
"Trumbeak" IconTrumbeak Normal/Flying [Day] All grass patches (21%), [Night] (1%)
"Hoothoot" IconHoothoot Normal/Flying [Night] All grass patches (20%)
"Noctowl" IconNoctowl Normal/Flying [Night] SOS from "Hoothoot" IconHoothoot
"Fomantis" IconFomantis Grass All grass patches (20%)
"Comfey" IconComfey Fairy All grass patches (10%)
"Paras" IconParas Bug/Grass [Day] All grass patches (10%)
"Morelull" IconMorelull Grass/Fairy [Night] All grass patches (10%)
"Steenee" IconSteenee Grass All grass patches (10%), shaking grass (70%)
"Metapod" IconMetapod Bug All grass patches (10%)
"Butterfree" IconButterfree Bug/Flying SOS from "Metapod" IconMetapod
"Bonsly" IconBonsly Rock All grass patches (10%)
"Sudowoodo" IconSudowoodo Rock SOS from "Bonsly" IconBonsly
"Happiny" IconHappiny Normal SOS from "Bonsly" IconBonsly
"Passimian" IconPassimian Fighting [Ultra Sun] All grass patches (5%), shaking grass (30%)
"Oranguru" IconOranguru Normal/Psychic [Ultra Moon] All grass patches (5%), shaking grass (30%)
"Pinsir" IconPinsir Bug All grass patches (4%)
"Castform" IconCastform Normal SOS when raining, hailing, or sandstorm (1%)
"Goomy" IconGoomy Dragon SOS wen raining (10%)

During your trial, you’ll have explored most of the jungle already, but there are a few places you haven’t properly been to. Besides, you can now encounter and catch wild Pokémon in the jungle. For your information, you’ll be facing the Rock-type kahuna soon, so if you don’t have a good Grass-type, you can catch one here.

(1 of 2) Mushrooms of all sizes can be sold to Poké Marts.

Mushrooms of all sizes can be sold to Poké Marts. (left), (right)

At the jungle entrance, follow the path all the way west. After going past the path leading north, you’ll come to a dead end with light shining down from the west. Search along the north for a Tiny Mushroom. Next, go up the nearby path, until you reach the tall grass on the right. Following the path north-west leads to the Mago Berry area.

If you want to catch some Pokémon there, feel free. Unlike in Sun and Moon, you’ll find the same Pokémon in all of the outdoor areas. In any case, go east through the tall grass in the entrance area. Be careful of the Pokémon circling around the edges of the tall grass. On the other side, there’s a path stretching vertically.

To the north-east is another patch of tall grass. Step into it and search the corner on the other side that’s devoid of grass for a Big Mushroom. Return west to the vertical path. Going north along the path will take you to the Honey area, while following the path south, then east, sends you towards the Big Root area.

To finish off, enter the Big Root area towards the east. Now that the trial is over, the "Sudowoodo" IconSudowoodo from earlier have disappeared. Nevermind that; continue east, then around to the west. Exit via the west, south from where you came in. Back in the entrance area, jump off the nearby ledge, then collect the Big Root before the next ledge.

After jumping over the next ledge, you’ll be back above the entrance of the jungle. Once you’ve done everything you need to here, leave and set a course for the Dimensional Research Lab.

Dimensional Research Lab

(1 of 2) As for what’s on the second floor, your guess is good as ours.

As for what’s on the second floor, your guess is good as ours. (left), (right)

You may have visited this lab after the trial at Brooklet Hill, or at least the front entrance. Just outside, you’ll bump into Lillie, who you haven’t seen for ages. Follow her inside, then use the buttons by the elevator to ride the elevator to the 3rd floor. Upstairs, you’ll be introduced to Professor Burnet.

For those unfamiliar, Burnet first appeared in Pokémon Dream Radar on the 3DS. After learning about the lab’s research subject, you’ll be allowed to explore. Head to the west side, where Burnet is, then sneak around to the back of her study. On the wall in the top-left corner, below the bookshelf, is Totem Sticker #041.

To proceed, speak to Lillie to learn her backstory. Afterwards, you can head towards Kukui standing by the elevator to leave the lab. You’ll be taken outside the lab building, where you can start making your way to Akala Island’s Grand Trial. To get there, you’ll need to first travel through "Diglett" IconDiglett’s Tunnel.

From the Dimensional Research Lab, follow the road west. Just before the Surf Association, head south past the directional signpost to reach the tunnel entrance.

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  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    22 December 2017
  • Last Updated
    30 January 2025
    Version History
  • Guide Author
    Vincent Lau, Cassie Sun

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