Number |
Name |
Type |
How to Obtain |
201 |
Magmar |
Evolves from Magby at Lv 30 |
202 |
Magmortar |
Evolves from Magmar when traded holding Magmarizer |
203 |
Larvesta |
Lush Jungle (cavern) |
204 |
Volcarona |
Evolves from Larvesta at Lv 59 |
205 |
Stufful |
Route 8, Akala Outskirts |
206 |
Bewear |
Evolves from Stufful at Lv 27. Poni Gauntlet |
207 |
Bounsweet |
Breed Steenee |
208 |
Steenee |
Evolves from Bounsweet at Lv 18. Lush Jungle |
209 |
Tsareena |
Evolves from Steenee when knowing the move Stomp |
210 |
Comfey |
Lush Jungle |
211 |
Pinsir |
Exeggutor Island, Lush Jungle, Poni Grove |
212 |
Hoothoot |
[Night] Lush Jungle |
213 |
Noctowl |
Evolves from Hoothoot at Lv 20 |
214 |
Kecleon |
Dividing Peak Tunnel (shadows) |
215 |
Oranguru |
[Ultra Moon] Lush Jungle |
216 |
Passimian |
[Ultra Sun] Lush Jungle |
217 |
Goomy |
[SOS Only] Route 17 (roadside) and Lush Jungle when raining |
218 |
Sliggoo |
Evolves from Goomy at Lv 40 |
219 |
Goodra |
Evolves from Sliggoo at Lv 50 in the rain |
220 |
Castform |
[SOS Only] Route 17 (roadside), Exeggutor Island, Haina Desert, Lush Jungle, Malie Garden, Mount Lanakila (middle), Tapu Village in rain, sun, hail, or sandstorm |
221 |
Wimpod |
[Give chase] Route 8, Poni Breaker Coast, Dividing Peak Tunnel |
222 |
Golisopod |
Evolves from Wimpod at Lv 30 |
223 |
Staryu |
Route 7 (fishing), Hano Beach (burrows) |
224 |
Starmie |
Evolves from Staryu with Water Stone |
225 |
Sandygast |
Hano Beach (burrows) |
226 |
Palossand |
Evolves from Sandygast at Lv 42 |
227 |
Omanyte |
Revive from Helix Fossil at Fossil Restoration Center |
228 |
Omastar |
Evolves from Omanyte at Lv 40 |
229 |
Kabuto |
Revive from Dome Fossil at Fossil Restoration Center |
230 |
Kabutops |
Evolves from Kabuto at Lv 40 |
231 |
Lileep |
Revive from Root Fossil at Fossil Restoration Center |
232 |
Cradily |
Evolves from Lileep at Lv 40 |
233 |
Anorith |
Revive from Claw Fossil at Fossil Restoration Center |
234 |
Armaldo |
Evolves from Anorith at Lv 40 |
235 |
Cranidos |
Revive from Skull Fossil at Fossil Restoration Center |
236 |
Rampardos |
Evolves from Cranidos at Lv 30 |
237 |
Shieldon |
Revive from Armor Fossil at Fossil Restoration Center |
238 |
Bastiodon |
Evolves from Shieldon at Lv 30 |
239 |
Archen |
Revive from Plume Fossil at Fossil Restoration Center |
240 |
Archeops |
Evolves from Archen at Lv 37 |
241 |
Tirtouga |
Revive from Cover Fossil at Fossil Restoration Center |
242 |
Carracosta |
Evolves from Tirtouga at Lv 37 |
243 |
Tyrunt |
Revive from Jaw Fossil at Fossil Restoration Center |
244 |
Tyrantrum |
Evolves from Tyrunt at Lv 39 during the day |
245 |
Amaura |
Revive from Sail Fossil at Fossil Restoration Center |
246 |
Aurorus |
Evolves from Amaura at Lv 39 during the night |
247 |
Larvitar |
Diglett’s Tunnel |
248 |
Pupitar |
Evolves from Larvitar at Lv 30 |
249 |
Tyranitar |
Evolves from Pupitar at Lv 55 |
250 |
Phantump |
Memorial Hill |
Guide Information
- Guide Release
22 December 2017
- Last Updated
30 January 2025
Version History
- Guide Author
Vincent Lau, Cassie Sun
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