Number |
Name |
Type |
How to Obtain |
251 |
Trevenant |
Evolve Phantump by trading. Trade Phantump at Tapu Village Pokemon Center. |
252 |
Natu |
[Day] Akala Outskirts |
253 |
Xatu |
Evolves from Natu at Lv 25 |
254 |
Nosepass |
Akala Outskirts |
255 |
Probopass |
Evolves from Nosepass at Blush Mountain or Vast Poni Canyon |
256 |
Pyukumuku |
[Water] Route 7, Hano Beach |
257 |
Chinchou |
[Fishing] Route 8, Akala Outskirts |
258 |
Lanturn |
Evolves from Chinchou at Lv 27 |
259 |
Type: Null |
Gift from Wicke in Ancient Poni Path after becoming Champion |
260 |
Silvally |
Evolves from Type: Null with high happiness |
261 |
Poipole |
Gift from Ultra Recon Squad in Ultra Megalopolis |
262 |
Nagnadel |
Evolves from Poipole when knowing Dragon Pulse |
263 |
Zygarde |
Resolution Cave, gift from Dexio & Sina, can disassemble and reassemble at Aether Foundation trailer in Route 16 |
264 |
Trubbish |
Outer Cape |
265 |
Garbodor |
Evolves from Trubbish at Lv 36 |
266 |
Minccino |
Outer Cape |
267 |
Cinccino |
Evolves from Minccino using Shiny Stone |
268 |
Pineco |
Route 10 (shaking trees) |
269 |
Forretress |
Evolves from Pineco at Lv 31 |
270 |
Skarmory |
Route 10, Route 17 (cliffside), Mount Hokulani, Vast Poni Canyon |
271 |
Ditto |
Mount Hokulani, Ditto Five Sidequest |
272 |
Cleffa |
[Night] Mount Hokulani |
273 |
Clefairy |
Evolves from Cleffa with high happiness |
274 |
Clefable |
Evolves from Clefairy with Moon Stone |
275 |
Elgyem |
Mount Hokulani |
276 |
Beeheyem |
Evolves from Elgyem at Lv 42 |
277 |
Minior |
Mount Hokulani |
278 |
Beldum |
Mount Hokulani |
279 |
Metang |
Evolves from Beldum at Lv 20 |
280 |
Metagross |
Evolves from Metang at Lv 45 |
281 |
Porygon |
Gift from Aether Employee at the Aether House |
282 |
Porygon2 |
Evolves from Porygon when traded holding Up-Grade |
283 |
Porygon-Z |
Evolves from Porygon2 when traded holding Dubious Disc |
284 |
Pancham |
Route 10, Route 11 |
285 |
Pangoro |
Evolves from Pancham at Lv 32 with a Dark-type Pokemon in your party |
286 |
Komala |
Route 11 |
287 |
Torkoal |
Route 12, Blush Mountain |
288 |
Turtonator |
[Ultra Sun] Blush Mountain |
289 |
Houndour |
[Ultra Sun] Breed Houndoom |
290 |
Houndoom |
[Ultra Sun] Evolves from Houndour at Lv 24. Route 12 |
291 |
Dedenne |
Blush Mountain |
292 |
Togedemaru |
Blush Mountain |
293 |
Electrike |
[Ultra Moon] Breed Manectric |
294 |
Manectric |
[Ultra Moon] Evolves from Electrike at Lv 26. Route 12 |
295 |
Elekid |
Blush Mountain, Mount Hokulani (near bus stop) |
296 |
Electabuzz |
Evolves from Elekid at Lv 30 |
297 |
Electivire |
Evolves from Electabuzz when traded holding Electirizer |
298 |
Geodude* |
Breed Graveler* |
299 |
Graveler* |
Evolves from Geodude* at Level 25. Route 12, Route 17 (cliffside), Blush Mountain. |
300 |
Golem* |
Evolve Graveler* by trading |
Guide Information
- Guide Release
22 December 2017
- Last Updated
30 January 2025
Version History
- Guide Author
Vincent Lau, Cassie Sun
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