051 |
Dugtrio |
Diglett’s Cave. Evolves from Diglett at Level 26 (native and Alolan). |
052 |
Meowth |
Exclusive to Let’s Go Eevee. Route 24 and 25. Can trade for Alolan form at Cinnabar Island. |
053 |
Persian |
Gift from Vermilion City (Let’s Go Pikachu). Evolves from native Meowth at Level 28. Evolves from Alolan Meowth with high Happiness. |
054 |
Psyduck |
Route 4, 5, 6, 17, 24 and 25. |
055 |
Golduck |
Evolves from Psyduck at Level 33. Cerulean Cave (postgame). |
056 |
Mankey |
Exclusive to Let’s Go Pikachu. Route 3 and Route 4. |
057 |
Primeape |
Exclusive to Let’s Go Pikachu. Evolves from Mankey at Level 28. |
058 |
Growlithe |
Exclusive to Let’s Go Pikachu. Route 5 to 8. |
059 |
Arcanine |
Route 7 and 8 (Let’s Go Pikachu). Gift from Vermilion City (Let’s Go Eevee). Use Fire Stone on Growlithe. |
060 |
Poliwag |
Route 22, 23 and 25. |
061 |
Poliwhirl |
Route 22, 23 and 25. Evolves from Poliwag at Level 25. |
062 |
Poliwrath |
Use Water Stone on Poliwhirl. Cerulean Cave (postgame). |
063 |
Abra |
Route 5 to 8. |
064 |
Kadabra |
Route 7 and 8. Evolves from Abra at Level 16. |
065 |
Alakazam |
Trade Kadabra. |
066 |
Machop |
Rock Tunnel and Victory Road. |
067 |
Machoke |
Victory Road. Evolves from Machop at Level 28. |
068 |
Machamp |
Trade Machoke. |
069 |
Bellsprout |
Exclusive to Let’s Go Eevee. Route 1, 2 and Viridian Forest, etc. |
070 |
Weepinbell |
Exclusive to Let’s Go Eevee. Route 12-15 and 21. Evolves from Bellsprout at Level 21. |
071 |
Victreebel |
Exclusive to Let’s Go Eevee. Route 21. Use Leaf Stone on Weepinbell. |
072 |
Tentacool |
In the water at Route 4, 10, 12, 13, 18, 19, 20, 21 and 24. |
073 |
Tentacruel |
In the water at Route 4, 10, 12, 13, 18, 19, 20, 21 and 24. Evolves from Tentacool at Level 30. |
074 |
Geodude |
Mt. Moon, Rock Tunnel and Victory Road. Can trade for Alolan form at Vermilion City. |
075 |
Graveler |
Rock Tunnel and Victory Road. Evolves from Geodude at Level 25 (native and Alolan). |
076 |
Golem |
Trade Golem (native and Alolan) |
077 |
Ponyta |
Route 17. |
078 |
Rapidash |
Route 17. Evolves from Ponyta at Level 40. |
079 |
Slowpoke |
Seafoam Islands. |
080 |
Slowbro |
Seafoam Islands. Evolves from Slowbro at Level 37. |
081 |
Magnemite |
Power Plant. |
082 |
Magneton |
Power Plant. Evolves from Magnemite at Level 30. |
083 |
Farfetch’d |
Route 12 and Route 13. |
084 |
Doduo |
Route 16 to 18. |
085 |
Dodrio |
Route 16 to 18. Evolves from Doduo at Level 31. |
086 |
Seel |
Seafoam Islands. |
087 |
Dewgong |
Seafoam Islands. Evolves from Seel at Level 34. |
088 |
Grimer |
Exclusive to Let’s Go Pikachu. Power Plant and Pokémon Mansion. Can trade for Alolan form at Cinnabar Island. |
089 |
Muk |
Exclusive to Let’s Go Pikachu. Power Plant and Pokémon Mansion. Evolves from Grimer at Level 38 (native and Alolan). |
090 |
Shellder |
In the water at Seafoam Islands. |
091 |
Cloyster |
In the water at Seafoam Islands. Use Water Stone on Shellder. |
092 |
Gastly |
Pokémon Tower. |
093 |
Haunter |
Pokémon Tower. Evolves from Gastly at Level 25. |
094 |
Gengar |
Trade Haunter. |
095 |
Onix |
Mt. Moon, Rock Tunnel and Victory Road. |
096 |
Drowzee |
Route 11. |
097 |
Hypno |
Evolves from Drowzee at Level 26. |
098 |
Krabby |
Route 10, 12 and 13. |
099 |
Kingler |
Route 12 and 13. Evolves from Krabby at Level 28. |
100 |
Voltorb |
Power Plant. |
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