001 |
Bulbasaur |
Gift from Cerulean City. Rare spawn at Viridian Forest. |
002 |
Ivysaur |
Evolves from Bulbasaur at Level 16. |
003 |
Venusaur |
Evolves from Ivysaur at Level 32. |
004 |
Charmander |
Gift from Route 24. Rare spawn at Route 3, Route 4 and Rock Tunnel. |
005 |
Charmeleon |
Evolves from Charmander at Level 16. |
006 |
Charizard |
Evolves from Charmeleon at Level 36. Rare spawn at Routes 1-4 and 6-25 (postgame). |
007 |
Squirtle |
Gift from Vermilion City. Rare spawn at Route 24, Route 25 and Seafoam Islands. |
008 |
Wartortle |
Evolves from Squirtle at Level 16. |
009 |
Blastoise |
Evolves from Wartortle at Level 36. |
010 |
Caterpie |
Route 2 and Viridian Forest. |
011 |
Metapod |
Viridian Forest. Evolves from Caterpie at Level 7. |
012 |
Butterfree |
Viridian Forest (Let’s Go Pikachu). Evolves from Metapod at Level 10. |
013 |
Weedle |
Route 2 and Viridian Forest. |
014 |
Kakuna |
Viridian Forest. Evolves from Weedle at Level 7. |
015 |
Beedrill |
Viridian Forest (Let’s Go Eevee). Evolves from Kakuna at Level 10. |
016 |
Pidgey |
Route 1, Route 2 and Viridian Forest, etc. |
017 |
Pidgeotto |
Routes 5 to 8, etc. Evolves from Pidgey at Level 18. |
018 |
Pidgeot |
Evolves from Pidgeotto at Level 36. In the sky at every Route except 3, 4, 9, 10, 13, 22 and 23 (postgame). |
019 |
Rattata |
Route 1 to 11, etc. Can trade for Alolan form at Cerulean City. |
020 |
Raticate |
Route 7 to 11, etc. Evolves from Rattata at Level 20 (and must be Night for Alolan form). |
021 |
Spearow |
Route 3, 4, 9, 10, 22 and 23. |
022 |
Fearow |
Route 9, 10 and 23. Evolves from Spearow at Level 20. |
023 |
Ekans |
Exclusive to Let’s Go Eevee. Route 3 and Route 4. |
024 |
Arbok |
Exclusive to Let’s Go Eevee. Evolves from Ekans at Level 22. |
025 |
Pikachu |
Viridian Forest. |
026 |
Raichu |
Use Thunder Stone on Pikachu (not partner). Can trade for Alolan form at Saffron City. |
027 |
Sandshrew |
Exclusive to Let’s Go Pikachu. Route 3 and Route 4. Can trade for Alolan form at Celadon City. |
028 |
Sandslash |
Exclusive to Let’s Go Pikachu. Evolves from native Sandshrew at Level 22. Use Ice Stone on Alolan Sandshrew. |
029 |
Nidoran (F) |
Route 9, 10, 22 and 23. |
030 |
Nidorina |
Route 9, 10 and 23. Evolves from Nidoran (F) at Level 16. |
031 |
Nidoqueen |
Route 23. Use Moon Stone on Nidorina. |
032 |
Nidoran (M) |
Route 9, 10, 22 and 23. |
033 |
Nidorino |
Route 9, 10 and 23. Evolves from Nidoran (M) at Level 16. |
034 |
Nidoking |
Route 23. Use Moon Stone on Nidorino. |
035 |
Clefairy |
Mt. Moon. |
036 |
Clefable |
Mt. Moon. Use Moon Stone on Clefairy. |
037 |
Vulpix |
Exclusive to Let’s Go Eevee. Route 5 to 8. Can trade for Alolan form at Celadon City. |
038 |
Ninetales |
Exclusive to Let’s Go Eevee. Route 7 and 8. Use Fire Stone on native Vulpix or use Ice Stone on Alolan Vulpix. |
039 |
Jigglypuff |
Route 5 to 8. |
040 |
Wigglytuff |
Use Moon Stone on Jigglypuff. |
041 |
Zubat |
Mt. Moon, Rock Tunnel, Diglett’s Cave, Pokémon Tower, Seafoam Islands and Victory Road |
042 |
Golbat |
Rock Tunnel, Pokémon Tower, Seafoam Islands and Victory Road. Evolves from Zubat at Level 22. |
043 |
Oddish |
Exclusive to Let’s Go Pikachu. Route 1, 2 and Viridian Forest, etc. |
044 |
Gloom |
Exclusive to Let’s Go Pikachu. Route 12-15 and 21. Evolves from Oddish at Level 21. |
045 |
Vileplume |
Exclusive to Let’s Go Pikachu. Route 21. Use Leaf Stone on Gloom. |
046 |
Paras |
Mt. Moon. |
047 |
Parasect |
Evolves from Paras at Level 24. |
048 |
Venonat |
Route 14, 15, 24 and 25. |
049 |
Venomoth |
Route 14 and 15. Evolves from Venonat at Level 31. |
050 |
Diglett |
Diglett’s Cave. Can trade for Alolan form at Lavender Town. |
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