Beyond The Grave is a task that can be found within the Kuttenberg Region, and can be accessed once you’ve completed the
Feast for the Poor Side Quest. Read on to find out where you need to go and what you get for completing the quest.
Henry has a surprise waiting in the crypt.
Table of Contents¶
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Quickjump |
Starting Beyond The Grave Task |
Find the Seal in the Tomb |
Rob the Gravedigger |
Beyond The Grave Task Rewards |
Starting Beyond The Grave Task¶
Head back to The Hole in the Wall Tavern and speak with
Rat who can be found doing some jobs (if you’ve already completed Feast for the Poor) and she’ll inform you that she looking to acquire a seal from a recently passed away mine owner.
Find the Seal in the Tomb¶
You’ll now need to make your way over to the Sedletz Monastery (northeast of Kuttenberg), but before you set off we recommend visiting the
Apothecary and purchasing some Strong Quickfinger Potions as this will allow you to bypass some hard locks. Upon arrival, speak with Brother Morticius who can be found sitting beside a grave and agree to help him to begin the Thou Art But Dust which allow you access into the crypt.
(1 of 2) Interact with the trapdoor to reach the crypt
Interact with the trapdoor to reach the crypt (left), and then remove the exposed bricks to find the tomb. (right)
Head into the nearby building and interact with the trapdoor in the center of the room to fall into the crypt and then go through the southern doorway and interact with the exposed bricks in the wall to reveal the miners tomb. Interact with it to discover the seal is no longer inside which means Gravedigger Lenek may have it on his person.
Rob the Gravedigger¶
If you want to acquire the seal with little fuss, then you’re going to want to pickpocket him while he is sleeping, so travel to his house which is located to the northwest of the Monastery and change your attire into something less noisy before passing the time until nightfall.
(1 of 2) Approach the Gravedigger while he is sleeping
Approach the Gravedigger while he is sleeping (left), and pickpocket the seal. (right)
Create a save and use a Quickfinger Potion before attempting to unlock the doors and then slowly approach the bed to begin the pickpocketing process. You have limited time and he doesn’t have the most amazing items so we recommend grabbing the seal (found in the bottom right) and leaving
Beyond The Grave Task Rewards¶
Head back to The Hole in the Wall Tavern with the Seal in your possession and hand it over to Rat to bring the quest to a close and earning yourself 250 Groschen!
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