If you can’t beat ‘em… then you’re not unlocking the Henry the Bruiser achievement! Driving your knuckles into the face of another man for sport and profit is a time-honored test of masculinity, and Henry, too, can partake in this tradition in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2. Prove you’re the most potent pugilist in Trosky by defeating all seven quest brawlers to earn this achievement - this guide will divulge the details!
Page Breakdown¶
Henry the Brawler Achievement Questline¶
To unlock the Henry the Brawler achievement you must complete three related tasks: Melee at the Mill, Wine, Women and Blood and The Best for Last. Any other fist fights you get involved in have no influence on this achievement whatsoever. As far as we know this achievement isn’t technically missable, but depending on your choices during the Lower Semine Mill questline - especially during Opus Magnum - Miller Kreyzl may end up unavailable. We assume you can still complete
Melee at the Mill without him, albeit costing yourself some groschen in the process, but if you want to be safe, complete Melee at the Mill before
Opus Magnum, or just don’t tell Bailiff Thrush what Miller Kreyzl is doing.
(1 of 4) Defeat the three opponents at the Lower Semine Mill during “Melee at the Mill”,
You can start these quest at any time - once you’re off the pillory you’ll have two side quests available, The Blacksmith’s Son and Materia Prima. Both of these lead to questlines that ultimately allow you to advance the main quest Wedding Crashers and both are worth pursuing for the tutorials they introduce you to and beds they unlock, but heading to the Lower Semine Mill for
Materia Prima will ultimately put you into contact with Hired Hand Hensel, who will tell you about the fist fights being held here, starting the quest Melee at the Mill. Alternatively you can talk to Innkeeper Lawrence at the
Zhelejov Wagoners’ Inn and he’ll try to entice you to join the fights being held there, starting
Wine, Women and Blood, but there’s an entry fee of 100 groschen, which will be paid for you if you complete Melee at the Mill first, plus the fighters at the Lower Semine Mill are weaker - you’re better off leveling Unarmed a bit and earning some groschen by pursuing Melee at the Mill, first.
In either case, both quests will pit you against three local pugilists - Hensel, Malik and Vira at the Lower Semine Mill and Hannes the Musician, Bohunek and Barber Fiala at the Zhelejov Wagoners’ Inn. The fights at the Zhelejov Wagoners’ Inn are typically a bit more involved, with some chatter happening before you can fight anybody and a bit of vengeance you can seek on behalf of Bathmaid Anna, who was wronged by Bohunek, but the core goals are the same for either quest - beat all three fighters and you’ll complete the quest. Complete both quests and you’ll be told about the local boxing champion, starting
The Best for Last.
Henry the Brawler Strategies¶
You can generally defeat all your foes during these quests the same way - perfect block and counter all their attacks and if your fist makes contact with their face, just keep swinging until the block or dodge, at which point back off and go back to fighting defensively again. As long as you manage your stamina well (get some distance and let your stamina recover when you’re, say, under 50% stamina) you’ll be fine.
The real problem occurs during the final fight of the questline, during The Best for Last. This foe is much more challenging than the others and you’ve precious few ways to level up Unarmed. Bandits aren’t keen on disarming and having a sporting boxing match with you and kicking wolves is tedious. If you wait a few days after completing Melee at the Mill you’ll be able to talk to the fighters at the Old Semine Mill and challenge them to one-off exhibitions (each of these are called More Melee at the Mill), and it’s not a bad way to earn extra Unarmed EXP, but aside from that, skill books and the odd trainer, you’ll likely find your progression limited. All this is to say you probably won’t beat the final fighter by just having superior stats (although leveling Strength and Vitality both help).
(1 of 5) Hone your Unarmed skill by thrashing the fighters at the Lower Semine Mill again - each rematch starts a repeatable “More Melee at the Mill” quest.
Not only that, but the last opponent you face is a fundamentally superior fighter, being more willing to clinch, more likely to block, dodge and counter and less likely to let you land a succession of punches. Your best bet is to fight defensively the entire match, perfect blocking and countering, being content with the odd punch that does land, keeping your distance to avoid grappling and being very mindful of your stamina. Using a Saviour Schnapps before the fight won’t hurt, either.
Defeat this final foe and you’ll complete The Best for Last and unlock the Henry the Bruiser achievement.
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