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Groschen Usable


"Groschen" iconGroschen, Groschen, Groschen
My silver cushion
It’s a merchant’s world
Groschen, Groschen, Groschen
It’s my passion,
Now my goods are sold.

Interactive Map Locations

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1. Trosky Region Map

X: 11930 Y: 9742

22 are inside a sack at the camp.

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2. Trosky Region Map

X: 10995 Y: 8457

5.8 are held by a lady’s corpse, slumped against a pile of earth near the grave.

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3. Trosky Region Map

X: 10846 Y: 8398

Two are held by the buried corpse. You’ll need a "Spade" iconSpade to dig him up.

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4. Trosky Region Map

X: 10645 Y: 10739

157 are inside the hidden treasure chest, found by searching a crevice filled with leaves on top of the hill.

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5. Trosky Region Map

X: 10844 Y: 10498

97 are inside a chest with a medium-difficulty lock. One of the bandits holds the key.

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6. Trosky Region Map

X: 14294 Y: 9699

13 are inside a chest with an easy-to-pick lock at the base of a tree.

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7. Trosky Region Map

X: 6579 Y: 10959

2.7 are inside a small basket next to one of the beds, with an extra 30.4 in the chest with a medium-difficulty lock near the beds.

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8. Trosky Region Map

X: 6642 Y: 11381

In the grave at the top of The Devil’s Finger. Follow the narrow paths (and jump over the gaps in them) to reach it.

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9. Trosky Region Map

X: 8088 Y: 12292

13 are inside a chest with an easy-to-pick lock inside the shack.

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10. Trosky Region Map

X: 5124 Y: 13401

38 are inside a sack in the hideout.

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11. Trosky Region Map

X: 6241 Y: 13918

138 are in a small sack at the end of the dock.

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12. Trosky Region Map

X: 5701 Y: 14139

27 are inside a sack near the bandits’ campfire.

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13. Trosky Region Map

X: 5591 Y: 15043

23.9 coins are held by the wild woman’s corpse, with another 31 in the pot above her bed.

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14. Trosky Region Map

X: 6155 Y: 14711

34 are inside the poachers’ chest with an easy-to-pick lock. A bandit in the area holds the key.

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15. Trosky Region Map

X: 10412 Y: 17906

2 are inside a pot that’s buried in one of the graves. Bring a "Spade" iconSpade to dig it up.

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16. Trosky Region Map

X: 10249 Y: 17900

2 are inside a pot that’s buried in one of the graves. Bring a "Spade" iconSpade to dig it up.

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17. Trosky Region Map

X: 10314 Y: 17962

2 are inside a pot that’s buried in one of the graves. Bring a "Spade" iconSpade to dig it up.

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18. Trosky Region Map

X: 10850 Y: 17847

242 are inside a chest with a hard-to-pick lock at the edge of the camp. One of the "Cumans" iconCumans holds the key.

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19. Trosky Region Map

X: 12500 Y: 6818

51.6 are inside a chest with a medium-difficulty lock. Can be unlocked with a key held by an well-armoured bandit.

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20. Trosky Region Map

X: 12739 Y: 6745

65.1 are split between a large sack and the two chests in the cave. The chests can be unlocked with a key held by a well-armoured bandit.

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21. Trosky Region Map

X: 16135 Y: 6396

281 are inside a chest with a very-hard-to-pick lock. One of the nearby bandits has a "Deserting soldier's key" iconDeserting soldier’s key that will unlock it.

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22. Trosky Region Map

X: 16365 Y: 6251

17 are beneath a shrine that’s tucked between the rocks. Push the rock aside, then use a "Spade" iconSpade to unearth the chest that holds them.

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23. Trosky Region Map

X: 19560 Y: 10267

181 are inside a chest with a hard-to-pick lock; can be opened with the "Apollonia skeleton's key" iconApollonia skeleton’s key.

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24. Trosky Region Map

X: 18888 Y: 11412

22.8 are inside a chest with a medium-difficulty lock. One of the "Cumans" iconCumans in the camp holds the key.

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25. Trosky Region Map

X: 15785 Y: 11426

78 are in the inventory of the murdered flautist.

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26. Trosky Region Map

X: 14927 Y: 11077

51 are inside a chest with a medium-difficulty lock. The key can be found in a tiny jug next to the stairs.

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27. Trosky Region Map

X: 14348 Y: 11766

24 are inside a basket that’s on an altar among the idols.

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28. Trosky Region Map

X: 18768 Y: 13245

43 are inside a chest with a hard-to-pick lock in the unfinished cottage. Can be opened with the "Key from half-built cottage" iconKey from half-built cottage.

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29. Trosky Region Map

X: 16190 Y: 18769

300 are given by Benesh of Kolin if you save his life with a "Digestive Potion" iconDigestive Potion and accept a reward.

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30. Trosky Region Map

X: 14870 Y: 15426

32 are inside a chest with a hard-to-pick lock. The key is held by one of the bandits.

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31. Trosky Region Map

X: 14710 Y: 15522

25.8 are inside a chest with a medium-difficulty lock near the bandits’ beds. The key to unlock it is held by one of the bandits.

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32. Trosky Region Map

X: 13200 Y: 14210

212 are inside the thieves’ chest, held shut with a medium-difficulty lock. The key can be found on one of their corpses.

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33. Trosky Region Map

X: 10522 Y: 14083

14 are inside a satchel hanging from one of the beams. An extra 2.7 are held by the beggar.

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34. Trosky Region Map

X: 8692 Y: 12304

125 are in the "Water goblin's treasure" iconWater goblin’s treasure, a tiny pot at the edge of the water.

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35. Trosky Region Map

X: 7023 Y: 11943

183 are in the skeleton’s sack of treasure, found on top of a difficult-to-reach rock. To reach it, you’ll need to walk across a few tree trunks and make a daring leap.

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36. Trosky Region Map

X: 11275 Y: 13377

21 are inside a chest with a medium-difficulty lock. The thief in the camp has the key.

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37. Trosky Region Map

X: 12121 Y: 11637

15 are inside a sack near the "Zhelejov spring" iconZhelejov spring.

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38. Trosky Region Map

X: 9268 Y: 10899

38 are inside a basket that’s floating at the edge of the lake.

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39. Trosky Region Map

X: 9064 Y: 10719

12 are inside a basket near the dock.

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40. Kuttenberg Region Map

X: 15116 Y: 9759

13 are inside a chest with a medium-difficulty lock in the enemy camp.

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41. Kuttenberg Region Map

X: 19635 Y: 11867

241 are inside the chest with a hard-to-pick lock; it can be opened with the "Key from nest" iconKey from nest found nearby.

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42. Trosky Region Map

X: 17516 Y: 8598

18 are inside a sack that’s tucked against the wall in the depths of a cave with an entrance to the east.

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43. Trosky Region Map

X: 11023 Y: 12134

84 are in a tiny pouch near the sword.

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44. Trosky Region Map

X: 16172 Y: 9538

549 are in a stash hidden below some rocks on top of the cliff. Climb the ladders to reach it, then look for some wooden planks with a watermelon on top - the stash is nearby.

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45. Trosky Region Map

X: 16269 Y: 9688

210 are inside a chest with a very-hard-to-pick lock in the building. Bohumir holds the key.

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46. Trosky Region Map

X: 6751 Y: 16686

381 are inside a chest with a very-hard-to-pick lock at the bottom of the rocky slope. Use the "Nest key" iconNest key to get it open.

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47. Kuttenberg Region Map

X: 19470 Y: 10703

78 are inside a chest with a medium-difficulty lock near the "Hidden ladder" iconHidden ladder.

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48. Kuttenberg Region Map

X: 7877 Y: 11650

3 are held by the corpse near a dead boar.

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49. Kuttenberg Region Map

X: 13488 Y: 16227

32 are inside a basket that’s on top of the rock. Climb the ladder to reach it.

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50. Kuttenberg Region Map

X: 15273 Y: 16359

378 are inside a chest with an easy-to-pick lock in the camp.

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51. Kuttenberg Region Map

X: 18506 Y: 9273

57.1 are inside a chest with a medium-difficulty lock in the camp.

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52. Kuttenberg Region Map

X: 16663 Y: 8666

199 are inside the "Burnt-down hideout" iconBurnt-down hideout.

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53. Kuttenberg Region Map

X: 16730 Y: 8806

11 are held by the corpse in the "Burnt down trap" iconBurnt down trap.

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54. Kuttenberg Region Map

X: 14212 Y: 7083

20.4 are inside a chest with a medium-difficulty lock in the camp.

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55. Trosky Region Map

X: 16430 Y: 8987

314 are inside a chest with a very-hard-to-pick lock in a room near the kitchen.

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56. Kuttenberg Region Map

X: 15134 Y: 9491

78 are inside a sack in the bandit’s tent.

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57. Kuttenberg Region Map

X: 15026 Y: 9703

1240 are inside a chest with a very-hard-to-pick lock.

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58. Kuttenberg Region Map

X: 16423 Y: 10281

5 are inside a sack on the upper floor, accessed via ladder on the building’s northern side. Taking it is theft.

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59. Kuttenberg Region Map

X: 15297 Y: 11289

5 are in the inventory of a skeleton at the edge of the pit.

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60. Kuttenberg Region Map

X: 13106 Y: 11045

121 are inside a chest with a hard-to-pick lock in the hut.

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61. Kuttenberg Region Map

X: 16713 Y: 13501

500 "Groschen" iconGroschen can be found in a chest at the site of the "Sharpshooter duel" iconSharpshooter duel. The key to the chest can be found on the table next to it.

Credit to GG user Zoaran for the find.

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62. Trosky Region Map

X: 16470 Y: 16652

3 are inside a chest with a hard-to-pick lock in the attic, accessed via ladder behind the house.

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63. Kuttenberg Region Map

X: 10282 Y: 10530

291 are inside a half-buried jug near the broken wooden pillars.

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64. Kuttenberg Region Map

X: 13394 Y: 14192

76 "Groschen" iconGroschen found in a small urn at the "Clogged well" iconClogged well.

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65. Kuttenberg Region Map

X: 14019 Y: 13750

84 "Groschen" iconGroschen found in a medium-difficulty locked chest in a private area on the ground floor of the tavern.

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66. Kuttenberg Region Map

X: 13893 Y: 13768

150 "Groschen" iconGroschen inside a hard-to-pick locked chest, on the ground floor of the butchers, behind an easy-to-pick door.

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67. Kuttenberg Region Map

X: 14011 Y: 11839

149 "Groschen" iconGroschen inside a hard-to-pick locked chest on the top floor of the inn.

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68. Kuttenberg Region Map

X: 10045 Y: 7820

188 are inside the buried sack. Bring a "Spade" iconSpade to access it.

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69. Kuttenberg Region Map

X: 7887 Y: 8600

348 are inside a clay jug beneath the tree.

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70. Kuttenberg Region Map

X: 6632 Y: 8678

78 are inside a jug at the edge of the spring.

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71. Kuttenberg Region Map

X: 7059 Y: 10392

23 are inside a sack found in the tent.

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72. Kuttenberg Region Map

X: 8255 Y: 7493

187 are inside a chest with a hard-to-pick lock in the ruined building. To reach it, you’ll need to climb the walls outside and jump down through the roof.

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73. Kuttenberg Region Map

X: 8167 Y: 7953

89 are in the pouch of a skeleton floating near the edge of the lake.

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74. Kuttenberg Region Map

X: 18713 Y: 12192

1155.4 "Groschen" iconGroschen in a hard-to pick chest by the bed in the private area of "Master Wenceslas" iconMaster Wenceslas’s shop.

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75. Kuttenberg Region Map

X: 18735 Y: 12176

325 "Groschen" iconGroschen found in the upstairs private area of "Master Wenceslas" iconMaster Wenceslas’s shop in a very-hard-to-pick chest.

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76. Kuttenberg Region Map

X: 18561 Y: 12246

666 "Groschen" iconGroschen in a hard-to-pick chest in the upstairs area of "Gunmaker Prokop Eldris" iconGunmaker Prokop Eldris’s shop.

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77. Kuttenberg Region Map

X: 18138 Y: 11744

420 "Groschen" iconGroschen found in a large, unlocked standing cabinet.

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78. Kuttenberg Region Map

X: 18142 Y: 11784

54 found in a very-hard-to-pick chest on the ground floor of the "Italian Court" iconItalian Court.

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79. Kuttenberg Region Map

X: 17386 Y: 11329

779.2 "Groschen" iconGroschen can be found in the very-hard-to-pick chest in the bedroom above the armoury with the green bed.

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80. Kuttenberg Region Map

X: 17654 Y: 11394

645 "Groschen" iconGroschen found inside a very-hard-to-pick locked chest in the bedroom above the weaponsmith.

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81. Kuttenberg Region Map

X: 17971 Y: 11592

919.6 "Groschen" iconGroschen found in a very-hard-to-pick chest in the bedroom with the red bedding above the armourer’s shop.

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82. Kuttenberg Region Map

X: 18066 Y: 11167

830.7 "Groschen" iconGroschen in a very-hard-to-pick chest in the bedroom above the armoury that has a sword laying on the bed.

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83. Kuttenberg Region Map

X: 9991 Y: 9178

231 "Groschen" iconGroschen inside a very-hard-to-pick chest, upstairs in the barn.

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84. Kuttenberg Region Map

X: 9923 Y: 9307

49 "Groschen" iconGroschen inside the hard-to-pick chest.

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85. Kuttenberg Region Map

X: 19691 Y: 9235

328.8 found in the mass grave referenced in the lore book, "Feast of the Dead" iconFeast of the Dead.

Credit to GG user Antonio 4NT for the discovery.

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86. Kuttenberg Region Map

X: 19692 Y: 9251

In the mass grave referenced in the lore book, "Feast of the Dead" iconFeast of the Dead.

Credit to GG user Antonio 4NT for the discovery.

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87. Kuttenberg Region Map

X: 8161 Y: 9319

192 "Groschen" iconGroschen found on a skeleton partially submerged. Follow the trail of small blue flowers from the "Flooded cottage" iconFlooded cottage through the shallow water to find it.

Credit to GG User four2nothin for the discovery.

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88. Kuttenberg Region Map

X: 6367 Y: 9588

492 "Groschen" iconGroschen hidden in a small pot underneath one of the wooden platforms as you scale the quarry.

Credit to GG user four2nothin for being more eagle-eyed than us.

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89. Kuttenberg Region Map

X: 19241 Y: 11985

33 in a barrel under the stairs.

Credit to GG user Antonio 4NT for the find.

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