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Abduction of Wenceslas IV.

Wenceslas IV was not a very capable ruler. During his reign,…

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Albich of Uniczow

Czech physician, lawyer, provost of Vyšehrad and archbishop of…

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Alchemy was a discipline combining mysticism, hermeticism, chemistry,…

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Animal Husbandry

In the Middle Ages, a significant portion of people’s wealth…

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A local legend says that Apollonia was the daughter of a wealthy…

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The apothecary prepared medicines according to carefully studied…

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Arma Diabolica

Druhý lateránský koncil (r. 1139) zakázal kněžím oblékat se do…

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In the 14th century, manufacturing capabilities expanded, leading…

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The medieval armourer made armour from metal plates or sheets…

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The armament of the military garrison or the state armoury of…

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European medieval armies were based on the feudal obligation…

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In the Middle Ages, alchemy and apothecary were naturally linked…

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Bailiff and City Council

At the head of the town stood a bailiff appointed by the monarch…

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Although everyone in the village would know how to make bread…

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According to Christian doctrine, baptism is the ritual removal…

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Baths and Bathmaids

Wherever hygiene, and thus baths were lacking, public baths became…

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During the Middle Ages, beekeeping was distinguished by how the…

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Although beggars were on the fringes of society, they held an…

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There were shortages of clean drinking water (due to pollution…

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The word bezoar originates from Persian and means protection…

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Black Chronicle

Black books, also called pitch-books or blood-books, held information…

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Blacksmithing has been one of the most important professions…

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Books and Libraries

Collecting and preserving written records goes back to ancient…

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Brotherhood of Corpus Christi

In 1384, thanks to the financial support from the bequest of…

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In medieval times, the relationships between town and village…

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Burglars and Robbers

Thievery and banditry were ‘dishonourable professions’, whose…

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Evidence of burials is as old as mankind itself, but Christianity…

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The profession of butcher appeared only in the 13th century,…

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A settlement 1.5 km southwest of Kuttenberg built along Bylanka…

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In the Middle Ages, various groups of soldiers, bandits, guards,…

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Carpenters and Joiners

Carpenters were involved in the construction of castles, courts,…

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Carts and Wagons

In the Middle Ages, carts served for travel, agricultural work,…

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With growing demand for processed iron, there grew a corresponding…

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The term charity was understood as benevolence to one’s brethren.…

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Charles IV

14 May 1316 - 29 November 1378Charles IV of Luxembourg, son of…

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Childbirth and Obstetrics

In our time, unfortunately, obstetrics and child care was a very…

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Chivalric Orders

The first knightly orders emerged at the end of the 11th century,…

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Since ancient times, educated members of the court or clergy…

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The church was not just a place of worship, but also an important…

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Clothing and Fashion

Clothing for villagers and common folk had to be comfortable,…

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Coin Minting

Manual coin minting was a complex process in the Middle Ages.After…

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Combat Technique

In the High Middle Ages, new elements of combat techniques and…

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Conciliation Crosses

Conciliation crosses, or simply stones with a cross carved into…

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Construction works

Workshops sprang up around every major construction site and…

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At the turn of the 14th century, when the quality of Czech currency…

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Courtliness or courtesy stand for courtly etiquette. The cradle…

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Crime and Punishment

In the Middle Ages, the most serious crimes were considered to…

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Crisis of the Late Middle Ages

In the late middle ages, the world was shaken to its foundations,…

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The Cumans (also known as Kunok in Hungary) were a nomadic people…

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Damascus steel

Damascus steel, also known as damask, damascene, or damask steel,…

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Danemark Mill

The Danemark Mill was built above the Vrchlitz river during the…

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Demons (Chorts) are mythical and fairy-tale inhabitants of hell…

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Diseases spread due to poor hygiene, natural disasters, crop…

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Dogs and Cats

Throughout the Middle Ages, animals were viewed purely for their…

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In today’s language, a sponsor. It referred to a wealthy nobleman…

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Dragon Bones

Knowledge of paleontology and the early periods of life on our…

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Drinking Water

An adequate supply of drinking water was a crucial issue for…

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Dry Devil

Originally named Hynek Jevišovský of Kunstadt, he was a fierce…

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Duchy of Brabant

The Duchy of Brabant was a geopolitical county, located in the…

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Dugout Shelters

A dugout shelter is a form of smaller and more makeshift housing,…

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Ecumenical Council

Ecuminical councils were gatherings of church representatives…

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Educated Women

Medieval education unfortunately favoured men, as women were…

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Entertainment and Games

A medieval nobleman spent his leisure time hunting, playing games,…

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Execution Place

Execution sites were located on hills, crossroads, and outside…

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The profession of executioner dates back to ancient Egypt and…

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Both plant and animal fibres were used to make textiles. In the…

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Faith and Devotion

Christianity was adopted in the Czech lands in the 10th century,…

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In medieval times, about 90% of the population lived in villages,…

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Unlike today, when the land has long been given over to agriculture,…

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Feudalism is a political system based on land ownership that…

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Palné zbraně se poprvé objevují v Evropě ve 14. století a hojně…

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Fishing was one of the oldest methods of making a living. Fishing…

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Folk Songs

While medieval church chants solemnly celebrated God and the…

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In the Middle Ages, both in villages and at royal courts, primarily…

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In ancient times, a foreigner was not only someone who did not…

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In the medieval period, forging various documents was quite common.…

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By the end of the 15th century, Bohemian furniture was made from…

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Garbage and Waste in Cities

It’s well known that medieval Europe was not particularly hygienic.…

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Medical remedies in the Middle Ages and Antiquity were the product…

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Golden Horde

Also known as the Great State or the Ulus of Jochi, it was a…

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Gords or hillforts, sometimes called Burgwalls, were fortified…

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Gothic Architecture

Early Gothic buildings in Bohemia were inspired by France and…

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The gravedigger profession took care of graves and their surroundings…

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The basic form of greeting was a bow and varied according to…

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The village was founded by miners sometime in the mid-13th century,…

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Guilds and Crafts

The society of the medieval town was primarily composed of craftsmen…

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Black powder is the oldest known explosive, discovered around…

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Healing Herbs

Herbs played an important role not only in medieval cuisine but…

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Heraldry is the doctrine of characters and symbols depicted on…

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Heykal / Wild Man

The Leshy, also known as Heykal or simply the Wild Man of the…

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Highborn Prisoners

War… war does not change. At least not for the rank-and-file…

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Holy Roman Empire

Not only a geographical area of countries following the glory…

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The settlement on the border of the Kolin and Kuttenberg regions…

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In the Middle Ages, horses were distinguished more by their use…

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Hospitals and Almshouses

Since ancient times, people have been educated in medicine and…

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Houses and Dwellings

The core of a late medieval house in both village and town consisted…

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Hunting always provided sustenance and furs, mainly for the lower…

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Hunting in the Middle Ages was not only a pastime but also brought…

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From the 13th century on, waste was dumped behind dwellings or…

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The Inquisition (from Latin inquisitio - to search, to inquire)…

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Although the more educated or higher-born tried to keep invective…

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The origins of Islam are linked to the prophet Muhammad and the…

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Italian Court

Originally, it was a fortified castle from the 13th century overseeing…

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Italians at Sigismund's Court

The presence of Italians played an enormous role at the court…

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In our historical epoch, Italy as we know it today did not yet…

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Ius Regale Montanorum

The Ius Regale Montanorum is regarded as the oldest Czech mining…

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Medieval prisons were mainly castle dungeons. Later, different…

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Jan Hus

c. 1370 - 6 July 1415Jan Hus was a priest, thinker and one of…

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Jan Ptáček (Hans Capon)

1388(?) - 1419young Lord CaponSon of Ješek Capon and Hedvika…

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Jan Zizka

One of the most famous and controversial figures in Czech history.…

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Jewish Quarter in Kuttenberg

At the time of our game, Jews were not allowed to settle permanently…

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Jews settled in Moravia and Bohemia probably before the 10th…

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Jitka of Kunstadt

Future wife of our Hans Capon, the daughter of Erhart the Elder…

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Jobst of Moravia

1354 - 18 January 1411Jobst was the Margrave of Moravia from…

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Johannes von Gelnhausen

Johannes von Gelnhausen was a lawyer, mining scribe and archivist…

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John II of Liechtenstein

1386 - 1412A member of the Council of the Moravian Margrave,…

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John Sokol of Lamberg

cca. 1355 – 28 September 1410Jan Sokol of Lamberg was a military…

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Journeymen and Apprentices

A journeyman was a craftsman’s assistant. If he went out into…

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The brave and determined helper of Jan Zizka of Trotznov is mostly…

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Medieval kitchens differed in the countryside, the city and at…

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Knighthood Training

Physical training for a boy to become a knight began before his…

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Konrad of Vechta

Konrad of Vechta had a rather illustrious career: he started…

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Kunzlin Ruthard

In this case, Kunzlin Ruthard is a fictional character inspired…

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Kuttenberg (Kutná Hora) is located 70 km east of Prague. The…

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Kuttenberg Councillors

We reconstructed The Kuttenberg City Council primarily from names…

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Kuttenberg Families

In Kuttenberg, as in other towns of the time, it was not the…

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Land Army

The provincial treasury consisted of the nobility (nobles, lords,…

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Language and Literature

At the turn of the 14th and 15th centuries, both Czech and German…

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It originated around Rome approximately in the 7th century BC…

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Life in a Military Camp

A military camp near Kuttenberg remained in place for several…

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Liturgical Items

The church inventory consisted of liturgical vessels used during…

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Religious services in the Middle Ages were held quietly and in…

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Locks and keys have been made from wood since ancient times,…

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Even though we know of locking systems dating back to ancient…

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Whether Loretz was already standing at the time of our game is…

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The name of the village is derived from the legend of a wealthy…

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Malters and Brewers

For a long time, anyone who wished could brew beer. It was only…

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Erecting maypoles is an old pagan custom that has been preserved…

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Medieval Literature

Since we are in the period before the invention of the printing…

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Merchants were of two types – settled (permanent) and travelling…

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A village 5 km southwest of Kuttenberg.The first written mention…

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Metallurgy is the process of working metal or its alloys, known…

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Milling is one of the oldest crafts in the Czech lands, with…

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Mine Leaseholders

While in the medieval quarries the hard work was done by rock…

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Mine leaseholders were usually wealthy burghers who leased the…

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Mining Officials

For the proper organization, administration, and control of Kuttenberg…

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Minstrels and Musicians

Theatre as we know it today was not widespread in the Middle…

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Mint Masters

Two officials in a medieval mint whose job it was to check the…

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The first mention of the village can be found in 1309, when it…

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In the Middle Ages, money took the form of minted coins, with…

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Monks and Monastic Life

Every monastery, especially those of the Benedictine order, adhered…

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A mortuary was a small, simple structure made of wood or stone,…

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Municipal Finances

Towns and cities always had to look after their budgets, so they…

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A large part of the population was illiterate during the Middle…

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Musa of Mali

The travelling scholar Musa, who often has more respect for a…

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Until the 11th century, music and singing were primarily liturgical,…

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Names and Surnames

The period up to the 13th century was characterized by Slavonic…

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The castle was likely built at the end of the 13th century on…

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The nobility (nobilitas) formed the highest stratum of feudal…

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Noble Marriages

Marriages of the Middle Ages between members of the nobility…

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Noble Officials

HetmanOriginally a commander in certain armed forces, with a…

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A collective term for individuals who did not settle in one place…

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Old Kutna

Old Kutna was a mining settlement and likely one of the original…

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Old silver mining

Minerály těžené v kutnohorských pásmech, převážně galenit, sfalerit…

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As the name suggests, the village probably owes its foundation…

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Ore Merchants

Merchants played an important role in the developed mining process…

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Ore tax

The word urbura comes from the German Urbuhr and means yield…

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Otto III von Bergow

before 1377 – circa 1414Otto III von Bergow was a notable Czech…

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Otto IV von Bergow

1399 - 1452 Otto IV, called Young Bergow of Trosky, was a member…

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Pagan traditions persisted in the Czech lands even after the…

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The work of painters until the late Middle Ages primarily involved…

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Papal Legate

Also known as an Apostolic Nuncio, he is a representative and…

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Pennants and Banners

In the heat of battle in the Middle Ages, where most of the combatants…

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Religious pilgrimages were an important part of the Christian…

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The pillory was located in the middle of the square and was used…

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In Poland at the turn of the 14th and 15th centuries, similar…

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Ponds of the Trosky Region

Today, there is a system of several ponds around the Trosky Castle.…

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Popinjay Shoot

It was a shooting competition to celebrate Pentecost (Whitsun),…

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Capital of the Kingdom of Bohemia. For many centuries it was…

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The oldest prayers were dedicated to the Virgin Mary – e.g. Ave…

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Priests in medieval society were part of the elite and among…

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Prokop of Luxembourg

1354/5 - 24 September 1405Prokop of Luxembourg, son of John Henry…

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In Bohemia, brothels were called “hampejz”, ‘whorehouse’ or ‘house…

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The first written mention of the village Pschitoky dates back…

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A high religious authority in Judaism. The term translates as…

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Raborsch Fortress

The first written mention of Raborsch appears in 1362. At that…

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Rabstein Castle (from German: ‘Rabe’ - raven, and ‘Stein’ - stone,…

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Radzig Kobyla

? - 1416Radzig Kobyla was a Bohemian yeoman, the Royal Hetman…

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Rathouse and Town Hall

The Town Hall is the seat of the Bailiff and the Council.Originally…

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A type of unarmed combat known as Ringen (from the German Ring…

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Roman Catholic Church

In the pre-Hussite period, the church owned extensive property,…

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Romani people

Based on linguistic analysis of the Romani language, we know…

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Rosa Ruthard

Rosa Ruthard is not a documented historical figure. She is inspired…

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Safe Conduct

A safe-conduct pass was a document issued by a member of the…

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Saint John's Eve

St. John’s Eve is one of the European folk traditions that takes…

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Schooling did not develop until the end of the 11th century,…

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Their main activity was keeping records from the regional court…

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Sedletz Monastery

The Sedletz Monastery used to be the oldest Cistercian abbey…

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Sedletz Ossuary

The ossuary is an underground chapel of the All Saints cemetery…

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The village is first documented in sources from the year 1339,…

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A herder’s job depended on the weather, most commonly starting…

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Sigismund of Luxembourg

February 14 1368 - December 9 1437Sigismund of Luxembourg, son…

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Silver mining

Silver mining in Kuttenberg (Kutná Hora) began in the late 13th…

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Sir Hanush of Leipa

? - 1415Following the death of Heinrich III of Pirkstein in 1402,…

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Sir Markvart von Aulitz

1360/70 - 27 December 1402He was the Hetman or Governor of Prague,…

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The area where Skalitz (Skalice), the birthplace of our hero…

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Skeleton in the Tavern

Anyone who has ever visited the tavern frequented by Kuttenberg’s…

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Slaughterhouses, known as shambles, were fenced areas located…

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In the Middle Ages, smuggling was regarded as taking any goods…

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Sources of Light

The main source of light after sunset in households was fireplaces…

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St. Barbara's Cathedral

Construction of the church dedicated to St. Barbara began in…

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St. Wenceslas' Crown

For the coronation of Charles IV as King of Bohemia, a new unique…

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Stone masons were engaged in the quarrying and dressing of stone.…

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The Gothic fortress probably originated in the 13th century,…

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Swordsmiths and Armourers

Swordsmiths were originally blacksmith-cutlers specializing in…

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The Jewish prayer hall, used for religious services as well as…

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Tailors and Drapers

Until the 13th century, tanners sold their goods to be processed…

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A tanner was a craftsman who tanned and processed animal hides.…

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Taverns, Inns and Innkeepers

The Czech word for tavern, ‘hospoda’, may originate from the…

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The Abduction of Margrave Prokop

At the turn of the 14th and 15th centuries Moravia was plagued…

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The Battle of Nicopolis

The Battle of Nicopolis took place on 25 September 1396 between…

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The Burning of Skalitz

Silver Skalitz is the town which Henry comes from, and which…

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The Concept of Honour

The meaning of the word honour in the Middle Ages encompassed…

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The Conquest of Kuttenberg

While Wenceslas was imprisoned in Vienna, Sigismund attacked…

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The Devil's Den

The Devil’s Den is still today one of the smallest settlements…

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The Golden Age of Charles IV

When Charles, the young son of John of Luxembourg, inherited…

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The Lords of Kunstadt

Botschek of Kunstadt, whom the player meets at a council of lords…

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The Popes

The Pope is the supreme head of the Catholic Church, the representative…

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The Three States of Man

Serving as a figurative description of the ideal medieval society,…

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The Western Schism

A schism represents a split within the Catholic Church where…

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Numerous folk tales mention the “thunderstone” – an object that…

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A ‘tithe’ was a compulsory tax levied since ancient times. It…

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In the countryside or during wars, people would relieve themselves…

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Basic agricultural tools in a Czech medieval village included…

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The first tournaments took place in France in the 10th century…

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Town Garrison

In medieval towns, law and order were maintained by the bailiff.…

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Town Gates

City gates (there were always at least two) controlled the comings…

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Towns and Cities

In the Middle Ages, the merchant settlements and villages on…

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Travel and Trade Abroad

Travel in the Middle Ages was dangerous but essential, especially…

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Trial by Ordeal

Besides being judged by municipal or regional courts, in the…

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Trosky Castle

Trosky Castle was built around 1380 by Čeněk of Vartenberk between…

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Trosky Region

An area, also known as Bohemian Paradise, about 90 km north-east…

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Ulrich Vavak of Neuhaus

Twice during his life, he was appointed royal mint master, and…

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One of the oldest universities in Europe was Charles University,…

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Venoms and Poisons

…were a relatively common way of solving socio-political problems.…

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Bohemian villages underwent a significant transformation at the…

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Villages of the Trosky Region

TroskowitzThe first mention is found in 1388 in connection with…

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Vineyards and Wine Production

Vineyards have had a tradition in Europe since ancient Greece,…

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Water Mills

By the end of the 14th century, most rural towns had an average…

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Water-Driven Sawmills

Water powered sawmills have existed in Europe since the 4th century…

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Humans have been using weapons made of wood, stone, bone, and…

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Wenceslas IV

26 February 1361 - 16 August 1419Wenceslas IV, son of Charles…

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Windmills became prevalent in Europe between the 11th and 14th…

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In Bohemia, viticulture began spreading from the 10th century…

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In the Czech lands, any practices connected with magic that were…

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Women in the Middle Ages

In the medieval patriarchal society, the male was the head of…

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In the early Middle Ages, agriculture and the rapid growth of…

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Forests belonging to the monarch, especially near borders, played…

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It is the hill where in 1142, a memorable battle took place between…

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Zavish the Black of Garbow

The Invincible Knight, exemplar of all knightly virtues, undefeated…

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Settlement in the area dates back to the late Stone Age (about…

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Zimburg Family

The first mention of the Cimburk (Zimburg) family dates back…

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