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A Good Scrub

Head to the Kingfisher Bathhouse and speak with the Owner Betty…

Betty, the owner of the baths in Kuttenberg, asked me to help…

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A Moment of Fame
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A Sinful Soul

As you’re working on The Hermit side quest for the Blacksmith…

An old hermit has a strange wish: to pass on a message of forgiveness…

"The Hermit" iconThe Hermit Side Quests
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Sigismund’s soldiers are not exactly loving each other. One of…

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All's fair...

A heist that will put your Thievery and Stealth skills to the…

To have a chance with his beloved, Pavel needs help with a local…

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Speak to Karel Arrowhead, who you’ll find along the path between…

I met a man on a forest path with an arrow stuck in his head.…

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Ars Dimicatoria

Ars Dimicatoria is a side quest that can be found within the…

In Kuttenberg, I met a master swordsman and engaged in a friendly…

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At the blacksmith's

A group of Mesoles bandits has threatened to kill me if I don’t…

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Attila is a task that can be found in the Kuttenberg Region,…

Some gang stole a horse from Hashtal’s stables. Now I have to…

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Back in the Saddle

Back in the Saddle is the seventh Main Quest in Kingdom Come…

We finally met with Lord von Bergow, but unfortunately this is…

"Necessary Evil" iconNecessary Evil Main Quests
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Bad Blood

After completing the prologue and making your way to Troskowitz,…

Pavlena, the daughter of Bozhena the herb woman, did not return…

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Battle of the Frogs and Mice

After Henry gets involved in the prank-war between the villages…

Every year, disputes over the pasture between Tachov and Zhelejov…

"Frogs" iconFrogs Side Quests
"Mice" iconMice Side Quests
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The Kuttenberg region region is full of all different types of…

Knights Sir Jan ‘Posy’ and Sir Miroslav ‘Tugbone’ of Zimburg…

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Suchdol is besieged by the Prague army. If we want to survive,…

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Beyond the Grave

Beyond The Grave is a task that can be found within the Kuttenberg…

Rat needs to get the seal of a dead mine owner from his grave…

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Bird of Prey

After locating and rescuing Huntsman Vostatek during Lackey,…

Exterminate the local vermin who are killing poor animals.

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Given by Gules after The Jaunt. For a full walkthrough, visit…

Lord Semine might have had mercy on Gules, but he won’t be so…

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Carrot on a Stick

Given by Shepherd Stanislav, found south of Apollonia, after…

Stanislav the shepherd bought a new ram, but the ram ran away…

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Given by Gules after The Jaunt, Canker, Handsome Charlie and…

The last thing that needs to be dealt with is Casper, whom even…

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Civic Duty

To follow the law, or break it?

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Civitas Pragensis

Sigismund has pulled out of the country and is heading back to…

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Combat Training I

After his near-death experience during the prologue, Henry finds…

Bara the Beggar told me that in the gypsies’ camp by Rocktower…

"Combat Training II" iconCombat Training II Side Quests
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Combat Training II

Training with Tomcat earlier helped remind Henry about the importance…

Dry Devil offered to teach me the ultimate swordsmanship technique,…

"Combat Training I" iconCombat Training I Side Quests
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Damsel in Distress

The old miller locked his wife in a shed and apparently went…

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Dancing with the Devil

After lengthy preparations, the time has come to show Otto von…

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Demons of Trosky

Given to you by Chamberlain Ulrich after the events of For Whom…

Trosky chamberlain, the right hand of Otto von Bergow, claims…

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Divine Messenger

Divine Messenger is the tenth main quest in the Trosky region…

It’s been quite some time since Radzig and Hanush last heard…

"For Victory!" iconFor Victory! Main Quests
"The Finger of God" iconThe Finger of God Main Quests
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Dragon's Lair

Henry is no stranger to getting himself entangled in strange…

Rumours have started spreading about a mythical creature in the…

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Easy Riders

Easy Riders is the second main quest within the Trosky Region…

Me, Sir Hans Capon and our armed escort are on our way to Trosky…

"Last Rites" iconLast Rites Main Quests
"Fortuna" iconFortuna Main Quests
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The lads from Miskowitz are training in fistfights after the…

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Sigismund has decided to finish the Jews of Kuttenberg for helping…

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Feast for the Poor

Feast for the Poor is a side quest in the Kuttenberg region in…

When I was looking for John of Liechtenstein, I needed to speak…

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Fight Dirty

Fight Dirty is a Task side quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance…

Thomlin Bruthans founded a fight club in Horschan. If I manage…

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For Victory!

For Victory is the ninth main quest within the Trosky region…

The time has finally come to deal with the bastards that ambushed…

"Necessary Evil" iconNecessary Evil Main Quests
"Divine Messenger" iconDivine Messenger Main Quests
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For Whom the Bells Tolls

For Whom The Bell Tolls is the sixth Main Quest in Kingdom Come…

Me and Sir Hans finally got to Trosky, but it certainly didn’t…

"Wedding Crashers" iconWedding Crashers Main Quests
"Back in the Saddle" iconBack in the Saddle Main Quests
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Forbidden Fruit

The second side quest of the Miller’s quest line. For a full…

Life is anything but boring with Kreyzl. As soon as I finished…

"Materia Prima" iconMateria Prima Side Quests
"Opus Magnum" iconOpus Magnum Side Quests
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Fortuna is the third main quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance…

Me and Hans Capon managed to flee from the raiders who attacked…

"Easy Riders" iconEasy Riders Main Quests
"Laboratores" iconLaboratores Main Quests
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Zhelejov and Tachov, two villages in the Trosky region, have…

As the Tachov gang is constantly playing tricks on the Zhelejov…

"Mice" iconMice Side Quests
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Hammer and Tongs

If you ask me, Zdimir the blacksmith boasts about the skills…

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Handsome Charlie

Given by Gules after The Jaunt and Canker quests are completed.…

After Canker, Handsome Charlie is up next.

"Canker" iconCanker Tasks
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High Toll

High Toll is a task that can be found within the Kuttenberg Region,…

Kuttenberg innkeeper Geldstück is having problems with a group…

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Hunger and Despair

Losses and a lack of food are taking their toll on the defenders…

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Hunting the Werewolf

The shepherd boy Natan thinks a werewolf is stealing his sheep.…

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Hush, My Darling...

What starts as a simple task for the Blacksmith’s wife in Miskowitz,…

The wife of the Miskowitz blacksmith, Martha, is looking for…

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Ill Repute

Ill Repute is a side quest that can be found within the Kuttenberg…

The city council is going to vote soon to choose which baths…

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In Vino Veritas

In Vino Veritas is a Side Quest that can be found within the…

Kuttenberg burgher Casper Rudolf decided on a risky undertaking.…

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Into the Underworld

After meeting Katherine in Kuttenberg, you set off to find out…

It was obvious it wouldn’t be easy to find Sir Hans. There was…

"Speak of the Devil" iconSpeak of the Devil Main Quests
"The Devil's Pack" iconThe Devil's Pack Main Quests
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Invaders is a side quest in the Trosky region in Kingdom Come…

The people of Troskowitz have a clear opinion on the Cumans.…

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Johnny the Gob

Given by Gules after The Jaunt, Canker, and Handsome Charlie…

Handsome Charlie won’t rob anyone ever again. Next in line is…

"Casper" iconCasper Tasks
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Judgement Day

I’m going back to Suchdol at the head of Jobst’s army, by the…

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Karel on the road
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Kuttenberg Tournament

The Kuttenberg swordsman’s brotherhood decided to hold a tournament,…

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Laboratores is the fourth main quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance…

Me and Capon finally reached Trosky, but since we look like beggars,…

"Fortuna" iconFortuna Main Quests
"Wedding Crashers" iconWedding Crashers Main Quests
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Over the course of your adventure you may overhear folk talk…

The Troskowitz huntsman, Vostatek, has got all sorts of problems.…

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Last Rites

Last Rites is the very first main quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance…

Suchdol is besieged by the Praguers.

"Easy Riders" iconEasy Riders Main Quests
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Last Rites - Kuttenberg

The Praguers destroyed our bridge with a trebuchet shot, but…

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Last Will

Last Will is a task that can be found within the Kuttenberg Region,…

An old widow is looking for someone to stand for her in a duel.…

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Like Old Times

Quests and Tasks come in all shapes and sizes in Kingdom Come:…

Lord Capon wants to go hunting.

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Lost Honour

This quest can be obtained from Jezhek of Holohlavy, who can…

I met an old knight, Jezhek of Holohlavy, who had lost his horse…

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Magic horseshoes

Janek, the Semine blacksmith’s hired hand, is preparing for a…

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Mark of the Brotherhood

Mark of the Brotherhood is a task that can be found within the…

Menhard would finally like to lead the Kuttenberg swordfighting…

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Master Schindel's toys

A scholar named Johann Schindel was apparently robbed by Goatskin.…

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Materia Prima

The first side quest on the Miller’s side, required to obtain…

I got a tip at the Troskowitz tavern the Lower Semine miller,…

"Forbidden Fruit" iconForbidden Fruit Side Quests
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Melee at the Mill

In Lower Semine Mill, the hired hands pass the time with fistfights.…

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Zhelejov and Tachov, two villages in the Trosky region, have…

The disputes between Tachov and Zhelejov have been going on for…

"Frogs" iconFrogs Side Quests
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Miri Fajta

The Voivode’s daughter is missing! Henry is apparently their…

The nomads’ Voivode wants to find his lost daughter Marika. …

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More Melee at the Mill

A follow-on task to Melee at the Mill.

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While there are many things you can do after the dramatic events…

I should find out what happened to my loyal friend Mutt and take…

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Nail in the Coffin

At the cemetery in Kuttenberg, I could meet the strongest fighter…

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Necessary Evil

Necessary Evil is the eighth Main Quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance…

Who are all the people involved in the ambush of von Bergow and…

"Back in the Saddle" iconBack in the Saddle Main Quests
"For Victory!" iconFor Victory! Main Quests
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Opus Magnum

After lowering himself to thievery and subsequently playing a…

I stole a document from the Rathaus for Kreyzl and after tasting…

"Forbidden Fruit" iconForbidden Fruit Side Quests
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Zizka’s men took the captive Otto von Bergow from the conquered…

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Henry seeks salvation in the Kuttenberg region and the priests…

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Popinjay Shoot

This task unlocks automatically after completing the Striped…

Every mine shaft in Kuttenberg has been getting ready for the…

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Post Scriptum

Knowing how to read and write is the privilege of priests and…

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Primum Nil Nocere

This task can only be obtained from Mlada in Suchdol during the…

I offered to try to help Peter, the husband of the farmer Mlada…

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Quarrel of the horse dealers

In the nomad camp, I met two riders whose disagreement about…

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Jan of Suchotlesky has sent me in his name to negotiate the release…

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The situation at the fortress is unbearable, so Sam and I have…

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Rosa's Book

While Kingdom Come: Deliverance II has a fantastic, detailed…

During my trip to Maleshov, Rosa Ruthard also asked me to get…

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Seeking Justice

There are certain quests that, when completed in specific manners,…

Captain Frenzl is looking for the thief from Wysoka. And since…

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Sheep among Wolves

Given by Herdsboy Siegfried, found to the north of Tachov. Local…

Herdsboy Siegfried is having trouble with wolves.

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Skeleton in the Closet

Following your victory at the Cuman camp in the Bellatores quest,…

Jan Posy and Miroslav Tugbone need help with the Cumans, who…

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So it begins…

The Prague army has marched on Suchdol to retreive the silver…

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Something rotten...

Innkeeper Grosch from Grund has trouble with a gang that comes…

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Speak of the Devil

The second Main Quest that takes place within the Kuttenberg…

Zizka and I set out to find the Dry Devil, who is hiding somewhere…

"Into the Underworld" iconInto the Underworld Main Quests
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Spoils of War

Spoils of War is a side quest that can be found within the Kuttenberg…

Once I managed to get inside Sigismund’s camp, I had to make…

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The final main quest in the Trosky region, beginning immediately…

I’m back at Trosky and back in the dungeon. But this time without…

"The Finger of God" iconThe Finger of God Main Quests
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Striped Tonies

Striped Tonies is a side quest that can be found within the Kuttenberg…

The Striped Tonies invited me to a traditional procession with…

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Taking French Leave

I’ve managed to uncover the crimes of Mint Master Vavak, fulfilling…

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Teeth in the Bag

In the worst dive in Kuttenberg, they host fighting matches.…

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The Axe from the Lake

Given by Zdenyek in Tachov. For a full walkthrough, visit our…

Zdenyek the Mouth, a farmhand from Tachov, told me a story of…

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The Best for Last

There’s supposedly a grandmaster fighter living in Kopanina.…

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The Blacksmith's Son

The first side quest on the Blacksmith’s side, required to obtain…

The Tachov blacksmith could use the help of an experienced hand.…

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The Collector

While searching Miskowitz for someone named Matthew, you’ll learn…

A hefty reward has been offered for Matthew the “Collector”……

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The Devil's Pack

To find out where Janosh, Matthew, Adder, Bohuta and Ranyek have…

We freed the Dry Devil. Now he needs me to get his old band back…

"Speak of the Devil" iconSpeak of the Devil Main Quests
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The Executioner's Pride

Heinz, Kuttenberg’s executioner, has been down on his luck lately,…

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The Feast

After difficult but successful negotiations, Jobst and the Rattay…

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The Fifth Commandment

Kuttenberg is a large city with a huge population, and as any…

Katherine needs help with a murder investigation. She’s afraid…

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The Finger of God

The Finger of God is the penultimate quest of the Trosky region…

Following an exhausting day full of twists and new alliances,…

"Divine Messenger" iconDivine Messenger Main Quests
"Storm" iconStorm Main Quests
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The German's Treasure

The German’s Treasure is a task that can be found within the…

The Guild wants to show it has long arms, long enough to reach…

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The Heirloom

Out in the wilderness of Kuttenberg is a family trying to make…

In a forest near Bylany, there’s a family of refugees who escaped…

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The Hermit

As you continue to complete quests for the Blacksmith in Tachov,…

The Tachov blacksmith, Radovan, has one bad character trait……

"The Jaunt" iconThe Jaunt Side Quests
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The Italian Job

We are going to steal royal silver from the Italian Court.

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The Jaunt

The second side quest of the Blacksmith’s quest line. For a full…

Blacksmith Radovan’s cart, that was headed to Semine with a load…

"The Blacksmith's Son" iconThe Blacksmith's Son Side Quests
"The Hermit" iconThe Hermit Side Quests
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The King's Gambit

No sooner had I reunited with Capon than another friendly encounter…

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The Lion's Crest

It is said that somewhere in Trosky is hidden, the armour of…

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The Lion's Den

Sigismund and his henchmen have thwarted our plans. We have to…

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The Lost Sheep

Given by Shepherd Smoliek, found northeast of the Zhelejov Wagoners’…

The wolves scattered the shepherd Smoliek’s sheep and one ran…

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The Magic Arrow

The Magic Arrow is a side quest in the Kuttenberg region region…

I met some bandits at the Devil’s Den tavern. They need some…

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The Mouth of Hell

All is not as it seems in Old Kutna, a small village in Kuttenberg,…

Something very strange is afoot in the abandoned mines near Old…

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The Peasants' Revolt

The peasants from around Miskowitz are resisting the oppression…

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The Recipe Book
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The Reliquary

One of the more difficult to find Tasks in the Kuttenberg region…

Not far from the Sedletz graveyard I met a knight who told me…

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The Spark

This quest can only be obtained from the Messenger of the Gods…

The Guild is planning its greatest diversion mission yet, I can’t…

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The Stalker

If you’re looking to fully complete Kingdom Come: Deliverance…

It seems Katherine has caught the eye of one of the Cumans in…

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The Sword and the Quill

The Sword and the Quill is the first Main Quest that takes place…

When fleeing from Trosky we managed to discover that Bergow was…

"Storm" iconStorm Main Quests
"Speak of the Devil" iconSpeak of the Devil Main Quests
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The Thieves' Code

The Thieves Code is a task that can be found within the Kuttenberg…

There are some thieves’ symbols on the houses in Kuttenberg.…

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The Thunderstone

Given by Kona in Grund, who desperately wants a Thunderstone…

Kona, who lives over in Grund, needs a thunderstone so she can…

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The Voivode's Curse

Given by Aranka in the Nomads’ camp after completing Miri Fatja…

Aranka found out that someone had cursed her husband. With my…

"Miri Fajta" iconMiri Fajta Side Quests
"The Hermit" iconThe Hermit Side Quests
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The White Roebuck

It won’t be long in the Kuttenberg region until you’re taking…

A rare white roebuck was felled by a poacher. Such a thing cannot…

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Thou art but dust...

A blind Monk is looking for help with a rather odd task at Sedletz…

Morticius, an old and blind caretaker of the Sedletz ossuary,…

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Tragedy in Danemark

Tragedy in Danemark is a task that can be found in the Kuttenberg…

The Danemark Mill was occupied by a band of cutthroats. They…

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Trosky quarry
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A couple of would-be bards are sat boozing away at the Zhelejov…

Two lads from Zhelejov dream of being bards extolled throughout…

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Under the Straw Hat

Work in the vineyard is hard and grueling, mostly taking place…

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Via Argentum

Who better to help free Capon than the former owner of the fortress…

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I met a vagrant named Margaret, who had it in for some bastard…

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Warding Off Evil

Warding Off Evil is a task that can be found within the Kuttenberg…

Builder Johann Parler is working on the Church of Saint Barbara,…

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Wedding Crashers

Wedding Crashers is a main quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance…

A grand wedding between Olda, son of Lord Semine, and Agnes,…

"Laboratores" iconLaboratores Main Quests
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Wine, Women and Blood

There’s a fighting competition in a Zhelejov inn. I could join…

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X Marks the Spot

In Pschitoky I was able to get a treasure map from a hired hand…

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Yackers 'n' Fash

Yackers n Fash is a side quest that can be found within the Kuttenberg…

A few days before the renowned shooting competition, the miners…

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