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The Kuttenberg region region is full of all different types of…

Knights Sir Jan ‘Posy’ and Sir Miroslav ‘Tugbone’ of Zimburg…

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A Good Scrub

Head to the Kingfisher Bathhouse and speak with the Owner Betty…

Betty, the owner of the baths in Kuttenberg, asked me to help…

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Miri Fajta

The Voivode’s daughter is missing! Henry is apparently their…

The nomads’ Voivode wants to find his lost daughter Marika. …

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Combat Training I

After his near-death experience during the prologue, Henry finds…

Bara the Beggar told me that in the gypsies’ camp by Rocktower…

"Combat Training II" iconCombat Training II Side Quests
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Dragon's Lair

Henry is no stranger to getting himself entangled in strange…

Rumours have started spreading about a mythical creature in the…

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While there are many things you can do after the dramatic events…

I should find out what happened to my loyal friend Mutt and take…

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Feast for the Poor

Feast for the Poor is a side quest in the Kuttenberg region in…

When I was looking for John of Liechtenstein, I needed to speak…

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The Thunderstone

Given by Kona in Grund, who desperately wants a Thunderstone…

Kona, who lives over in Grund, needs a thunderstone so she can…

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A couple of would-be bards are sat boozing away at the Zhelejov…

Two lads from Zhelejov dream of being bards extolled throughout…

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In Vino Veritas

In Vino Veritas is a Side Quest that can be found within the…

Kuttenberg burgher Casper Rudolf decided on a risky undertaking.…

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Battle of the Frogs and Mice

After Henry gets involved in the prank-war between the villages…

Every year, disputes over the pasture between Tachov and Zhelejov…

"Frogs" iconFrogs Side Quests
"Mice" iconMice Side Quests
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Bad Blood

After completing the prologue and making your way to Troskowitz,…

Pavlena, the daughter of Bozhena the herb woman, did not return…

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The Blacksmith's Son

The first side quest on the Blacksmith’s side, required to obtain…

The Tachov blacksmith could use the help of an experienced hand.…

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The Fifth Commandment

Kuttenberg is a large city with a huge population, and as any…

Katherine needs help with a murder investigation. She’s afraid…

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Invaders is a side quest in the Trosky region in Kingdom Come…

The people of Troskowitz have a clear opinion on the Cumans.…

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The Magic Arrow

The Magic Arrow is a side quest in the Kuttenberg region region…

I met some bandits at the Devil’s Den tavern. They need some…

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Combat Training II

Training with Tomcat earlier helped remind Henry about the importance…

Dry Devil offered to teach me the ultimate swordsmanship technique,…

"Combat Training I" iconCombat Training I Side Quests
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Zhelejov and Tachov, two villages in the Trosky region, have…

The disputes between Tachov and Zhelejov have been going on for…

"Frogs" iconFrogs Side Quests
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The Hermit

As you continue to complete quests for the Blacksmith in Tachov,…

The Tachov blacksmith, Radovan, has one bad character trait……

"The Jaunt" iconThe Jaunt Side Quests
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Opus Magnum

After lowering himself to thievery and subsequently playing a…

I stole a document from the Rathaus for Kreyzl and after tasting…

"Forbidden Fruit" iconForbidden Fruit Side Quests
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Forbidden Fruit

The second side quest of the Miller’s quest line. For a full…

Life is anything but boring with Kreyzl. As soon as I finished…

"Materia Prima" iconMateria Prima Side Quests
"Opus Magnum" iconOpus Magnum Side Quests
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Ill Repute

Ill Repute is a side quest that can be found within the Kuttenberg…

The city council is going to vote soon to choose which baths…

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Ars Dimicatoria

Ars Dimicatoria is a side quest that can be found within the…

In Kuttenberg, I met a master swordsman and engaged in a friendly…

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Striped Tonies

Striped Tonies is a side quest that can be found within the Kuttenberg…

The Striped Tonies invited me to a traditional procession with…

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Spoils of War

Spoils of War is a side quest that can be found within the Kuttenberg…

Once I managed to get inside Sigismund’s camp, I had to make…

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All's fair...

A heist that will put your Thievery and Stealth skills to the…

To have a chance with his beloved, Pavel needs help with a local…

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Materia Prima

The first side quest on the Miller’s side, required to obtain…

I got a tip at the Troskowitz tavern the Lower Semine miller,…

"Forbidden Fruit" iconForbidden Fruit Side Quests
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Thou art but dust...

A blind Monk is looking for help with a rather odd task at Sedletz…

Morticius, an old and blind caretaker of the Sedletz ossuary,…

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The Thieves' Code

The Thieves Code is a task that can be found within the Kuttenberg…

There are some thieves’ symbols on the houses in Kuttenberg.…

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Yackers 'n' Fash

Yackers n Fash is a side quest that can be found within the Kuttenberg…

A few days before the renowned shooting competition, the miners…

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The Mouth of Hell

All is not as it seems in Old Kutna, a small village in Kuttenberg,…

Something very strange is afoot in the abandoned mines near Old…

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The Spark

This quest can only be obtained from the Messenger of the Gods…

The Guild is planning its greatest diversion mission yet, I can’t…

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Hush, My Darling...

What starts as a simple task for the Blacksmith’s wife in Miskowitz,…

The wife of the Miskowitz blacksmith, Martha, is looking for…

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Zhelejov and Tachov, two villages in the Trosky region, have…

As the Tachov gang is constantly playing tricks on the Zhelejov…

"Mice" iconMice Side Quests
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The Heirloom

Out in the wilderness of Kuttenberg is a family trying to make…

In a forest near Bylany, there’s a family of refugees who escaped…

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The Jaunt

The second side quest of the Blacksmith’s quest line. For a full…

Blacksmith Radovan’s cart, that was headed to Semine with a load…

"The Blacksmith's Son" iconThe Blacksmith's Son Side Quests
"The Hermit" iconThe Hermit Side Quests
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Over the course of your adventure you may overhear folk talk…

The Troskowitz huntsman, Vostatek, has got all sorts of problems.…

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Lost Honour

This quest can be obtained from Jezhek of Holohlavy, who can…

I met an old knight, Jezhek of Holohlavy, who had lost his horse…

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Post Scriptum

Knowing how to read and write is the privilege of priests and…

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Jan of Suchotlesky has sent me in his name to negotiate the release…

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The Recipe Book
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I met a vagrant named Margaret, who had it in for some bastard…

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